21 research outputs found

    The Effect of Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Accounting Expertise of The Board of Commissioners on Earnings Management

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    Purpose: This study examines the impact of profitability, financial leverage, and accounting expertise of the board of commissioners on earnings management practices. Earnings management is a serious problem for some companies with unstable financial conditions. Therefore, it is important to know the factors that can encourage earnings management Methodology: This research is quantitative research. The sample in this study were 92 manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2015 – 2019. Data analysis used panel data regression through E-views. Findings: The results of this study indicate that profitability and financial leverage are determinants of earnings management. Other results show that the accounting expertise of the board of commissioners has no effect on earnings management practices. Novelty: Most of the previous research focused on the aspect of the number of the board of commissioners in mitigating earnings management, this study tries to analyze a more specific factor, namely the accounting expertise of the board of commissioners because board members who understand accounting will more easily find errors in financial statement disclosures. Keywords: Leverage, Earnings Management, Profitability, Financial leverage, Accounting Expertis


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    This study aims to analyze the potential and challenges of taxation in the digital era and  understanding the readiness of business actors conducting business activities through E-commerce (PMSE) to the new taxation rules. In addition, this study also provides an overview of taxation policies that are appropriate to the digital era. There are still many potential taxation that has not been touched. One of the biggest potential is in digital companies. Tax regulations for digital companies are still under discussion by the government. But for business operators who carry out PMSE, there is a regulation which requires them to pay taxes. Observations indicate that the majority of business operators conducting PMSEs are not yet aware of the latest tax regulations. Literacy is needed so that more tax objects are aware on tax. Nevertheless, the results show that business operators are ready to be confirmed as taxpayers in accordance with applicable regulations. This is a big opportunity in the taxation sector

    Manfaat Program Tabungan Sampah Dalam Meningkatkan Sumber Penghasilan Keluarga

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    Limited information and the ability to manage long-term finances make many households experience financial difficulties. In fact, there are many ways and media that can be used as a tool to earn additional income that can be saved as savings and can be used for the future while protecting the environment from waste that is very disturbing. Therefore, the introduction and practice of saving waste is carried out to increase public literacy as an activity that provides many benefits. The results of the implementation of this program show a positive impact, especially for the people of the Sembego area, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Plastic and paper waste can be deposited and exchanged for savings whose amount will be accumulated at the time of depositing the waste. This program makes people creative and disciplined in sorting out which waste can be used to increase savings

    Program TAMAPAN Untuk Meningkatkan Literasi Keuangan di Indonesia

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    Peran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) semakin besar di Indonesia. Berbagai strategi diterapkan untuk meningkatkan perbaikan dalam pengelolaan keuangan baik di sektor perbankan maupun non perbankan. Salah satu yang belum tersentuh adalah keterlibatan mahasiswa dalam menguatkan Strategi Nasional Literasi Keuangan dari OJK. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa banyak lulusan sarjana yang masih menganggur. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan dan ketiadaan modal untuk merintis bisnis (star-up) sebagai solusi memperoleh penghasilan. Hal ini banyak terjadi terutama di masyarakat pedesaan. Dampak jangka panjangnya adalah mereka melakukan pembiayaan melalui rentenir. Melalui program TAMAPAN maka masalah tersebut dapat diatasi. Program TAMAPAN merupakan program yang memberikan fasilitas kepada mahasiswa untuk menyimpan dana yang mereka punya untuk tujuan masa depan dan untuk melakukan pembiayaan selama kuliah. Melalui beberapa produk TAMAPAN berupa tabungan tempat tinggal, tabungan biaya kuliah, tabungan modal usaha, tabungan investasi, dan pembiayaan usaha maka mahasiswa dimudahkan dalam merintis usaha sejak bangku kuliah dan mudah dalam mencukupi kebutuhan di masa yang akan datang setelah menjadi sarjana. Produk tersebut mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar berinvestasi dan merencanakan dana-dana yang akan dibutuhkan setelah menjadi sarjana. Selain itu, mahasiswa yang memiliki ide usaha maka dapat memulai bisnisnya dengan produk pembiayaan yang disediakan oleh TAMAPAN.  Kesulitan keuangan dapat diatasi dengan program ini

    Islamic Fintech: A Solution for Financial Problem

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    This research aims to examine the role of Islamic fintech in solving users’ financial problem. Furthermore, technology acceptance model (TAM) construct is used to explain individual acceptance on Islamic fintech. This research use self-administered survey including 185 Islamic fintech users spread all over Indonesia. This research provides empirical insights about user satisfaction on Islamic fintech product. It show that almost predictors have significant positive effect on user satisfaction. The TAM’s construct can predict and assess user perceptions on the use of new technologies or products. Furthermore, Islamic fintech makes it easy for users to solve their financial problems. This research proves that Islamic fintech product can be an option in solving financial problem without worrying about halal status

    The Triangle of Sensory Marketing Model: Does it Stimulate Brand Experience and Loyalty?

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the framework of brand experience associating with customer loyalty. Sensory marketing effectiveness is recognized in business contexts but only little research has been conducted on sensory marketing. This study contribute to filling this gap by proposing a model that explains how sensory stimulation influences loyalty. Brand experience is expected to mediate this relationship. This study applies exploratory and explanatory approaches to investigate the sensory marketing concept and examine the framework brand experience in association with customer loyalty. Data is collected using online survey. Respondents are individual who had experience in consuming product at restaurant or cafe that has been using the five senses stimulus. Conceptually, this study found interesting relationship between sensory marketing, brand experience, and customer loyalty then called as triangle sensory marketing. The findings offer an additional insight to managers on sensory marketing strategy to stimulate brand experience that can establish customer loyalty.DOI: 10.15408/ess.v8i1.6058

    The Role of Incentives, Emotional Connection, and Organizational Justice in Establishing an Effective Whistleblowing System: An Experimental Study

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    This study examines the role of incentives, emotional connection, and organizational justice in supporting whistleblowing system. This study used 3x2x2 between-subjects experimental design. The participants are 171 accounting and banking students from universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, who have an adequate understanding on the duties of a management accountant. The experimental data is processed using ANOVA to compare the mean between the experimental groups. The results indicate that the incentives can encourage individuals to report a fraud on conditions of high emotional relations and low organizational justice. Furthermore, when individuals have low emotional relations and high organizational justice, there is no difference between whistleblowing intention on non-anonymous reporting channels (without incentive) as well as anonymous reporting channel

    The Influence of Ownership Structure, Debt Structure, and Independent Commissioner on Earning Management

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    This study aims to examine the effect of independent commissioners, blockholder ownership, long-term debt, short-term debt, institutional ownership, family ownership, and managerial ownership on earnings management. This study is a quantitative study with a sample of 71 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. The data is processed by multiple regression using E-views. The results show that long-term debt has a negative effect on earnings management and short-term debt has a positive effect on earnings management. Other results show that independent board of commissioners, blockholder ownership, institutional ownership, family ownership, and managerial ownership do not cause earnings management. The limitation of this study is that it does not use a sample in the financial sector. Nevertheless, this research contributes practically and theoretically. This study also facilitates the weaknesses of previous research by adding variables of debt structure and ownership structure

    Linking Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility, Sharia Governance Practices, and Earnings Management in the Islamic Banks

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    This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility, sharia governance, and earning management in the Islamic bank industry sector. This study uses secondary data, which is analyzed using a regression panel with a fixed-effect model. Samples were obtained from 48 Islamic banks in 16 countries from 2009 to 2018. The sample criteria in this study are the banks that disclose their zakat payments in their annual reports. The empirical results prove that CSR and SSB expertise contributes significantly to reducing earnings management practices, while SSB size is not significantly influencing earnings management practices. The contribution to policymakers in developing CSR instruments following Sharia principles; Islamic bank manager aligns CSR intentions based on the concept of monotheism to enrich the literature review on CSR, sharia governance, and earning quality

    Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil dari Kelapa Hibrida Menggunakan Metode Penggaraman dengan NaCl dan Garam Dapur

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    Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) adalah tanaman yang sangat banyak ditemukan di daerah tropis. VCO merupakanminyak kelapa murni yang terbuat dari daging kelapa segar yang diolah dalam suhu rendah atau tanpa pemanasan, sehingga kandungan yang penting seperti Asam Laurat dalam minyak tetap dapat dipertahankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan garam dapur dan NaCl terhadap rendemen VCO. Krim santan 400 gram ditambahkan garam dapur dan NaCl masing-masing sebanyak 0 gram, 2 gram, 4 gram dan 6 gram lalu didiamkan selama 3 hari dan 6 hari. VCO yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisa dengan metode titrasi menggunakan KOH 0,1N untuk mendapatkan bilangan asam yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kualitas VCO yang dihasilkan.Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi NaCl dan Garam Dapur yang dapat menghasilkan rendemen optimum yaitu sebanyak 6 gram dengan hasil 49%. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi garam dan semakin lama waktu pendiaman, maka semakin banyak rendemen VCO yang dihasilkan akan tetapi, semakin tinggi juga bilangan asamnya yang menyebabakan rendahnya kualitas dari VCO yang dihasilkan.Kata Kunci: Garam Dapur, NaCl, Penggaraman, VCO