200 research outputs found

    Metode Kooperatif CIRC untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Kembali Teks Nonfiksi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas VI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis kembali teks nonfiksi pada siswa kelas VI SDN Kutorejo Mojokerto dengan Model Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Setiap siklus masing-masing terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VI SDN Kutorejo Mojokerto berjumlah 26 orang yang mengikuti pembelajaran menulis kembali teks nonfiksi Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes dan observasi. Analisis data juga menggunakan analisis data interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode Kooperatif CIRC terbukti mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis kembali teks nonfiksi pada siswa kelas VI SDN Kutorejo Mojokerto Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Terbukti dengan nilai rata-rata pada siklus I dan siklus II selalu meningkat. Siklus I hanya 11 (42,31%) dari 26 siswa yang lulus minimal 70. Nilai tertinggi 88, nilai terendah 40, dan rata-rata kelas 70 pada siklus I. Pada siklus kedua, nilai meningkat. Sebanyak 21 siswa (80,77%) dapat lulus tes dan mendapatkan nilai 70. Nilai tertinggi 90, nilai terendah 60, dan rata-rata kelas 73,21 pada siklus II. Simpulan bahwa penerapan metode Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis kembali cerita nonfiksi pada siswa kelas VI SDN Kutorejo Mojokerto Tahun Pelajaran 2020/202

    Transformasi Dokumen XML

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    Dokumen Extensible Markup Language (XML) merupakan dokumen standar yang memiliki sifat menstrukturkan informasi, portable dan tidak tergantung pada satu platform tertentu, sehingga memberikan efisiensi dalam melakukan proses manipulasi informasi pada suatu dokumen. Pada makalah ini dibahas mengenai transformasi dokumen XML ke format dokumen lainnya dengan memanfaatkan Cocoon Framework, Parser dan sejumlah Prosesor XML Stylesheets Language (XSL) yang merupakan hasil open source project. Dokumen XML dibangkitkan melalui Generator, kemudian dokumen XML ditransformasikan ke dokumen lainnya melalui Transformer dengan menggunakan stylesheet untuk masing-masing format dokumen hasil transformasi. Dokumen XML dikumpulkan pada Aggregator dan selanjutnya dilakukan rendering terhadap dokumen XML melalui serializer untuk menghasilkan format dokumen lainnya, untuk dapat ditampilkan ke berbagai persentasi yang bervarias

    Aplikasi Basis Data

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    When no specific materials are available particularly on EFL writing courses, the selection and use of a textbook are of great priority. For this reason, this article analyzes a textbook on college academic writing in an EFL context-Indonesia. In this analysis, I employed the in-depth method using the three phases of the textbook analysis, concerning the three main features of the textbook: (1) goal and organization, (2) contents-inputs, models, and exercises, and (3) the suitability of the textbook viewed from aims, beliefs about writing, the roles of the teacher, the role of the students, and the roles of the textbook as a whole. The extent to which the selected textbook reflected the recent views of the teaching and learning of writing skill was also investigated. The results show that the author echoed his clear goal and organization. The contents of the textbook regarding the inputs, models, exercises, and writing assignments reflected the features of academic writing required for college students

    Developing an Informed Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education (ITE): Building Student Teachers' Theoretical and Practical Knowledge and Shaping Teacher Identity

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    Initial teacher education (ITE) programs play a pivotal role not only in helping student teachers build and enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge but also in assisting them to construct their teacher identity. At present, the ITE program also aims to prepare student teachers for the 21st century profession of teaching. Therefore, it is important to develop an informed curriculum for ITE, which caters to needs of student teachers and those of changing educational needs in tandem. In this plenary paper, I wish to flesh out such four key issues as a need for developing an informed ITE curriculum, domains of theoretical and practical knowledge student teachers need to learn, and role of teacher identity in the ITE program. I conclude by addressing a need for reframing an ITE curriculum in order to meet changing needs for educating and training more qualified teachers in the 21st century education and beyond


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    Abstrak Kontroversi keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pelaksana Tugas Gubernur (Plt. Gubernur) DKI Jakarta yaitu Sumarsono bermula ketika beliau menandatangani APBD. Sumarsono menandatangani APBD atas dasar Pasal 9 ayat (1) huruf d Permendagri No. 74/2016 tentang Cuti di Luar Tanggungan Negara Bagi Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur, Bupati dan Wakil Bupati, Serta Walikota dan Wakil Walikota. Menurutnya, pasal tersebut memberikan kewenangan untuk mengubah APBD. Pelaksana tugas mendapatkan kewenangan melalui mandat. Menurut Pasal 14 ayat (7) Undang-Undang No. 30 tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan menyatakan bahwa “Badan dan/atau Pejabat Pemerintahan yang memperoleh Wewenang melalui Mandat tidak berwenang mengambil Keputusan dan/atau Tindakan yang bersifat strategis yang berdampak pada perubahan status hukum pada aspek organisasi, kepegawaian, dan alokasi anggaran.”. APBD merupakan tindakan strategis mengenai alokasi anggaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kewenangan Plt. Gubernur menurut peraturan perundang-undangan dan implikasi dari keputusan dan/atau tindakan yang diambil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum serta teknik analisis bahan hukum dengan cara melakukan telaah atas isu hukum yang diajukan. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa APBD yang ditandatangani oleh Sumarsono tetap sah karena Plt. Gubernur berwenang menandatangani APBD setelah mendapat persetujuan tertulis dari Mendagri. Perluasan kewenangan yang dicantumkan dalam Permendagri No. 74/2016 merupakan langkah diskresi Mendagri. Langkah diskresi Mendagri bertujuan agar roda pemerintahan berjalan dengan lancar, karena terjadi kekosongan jabatan pada saat APBD harus disahkan. Diskresi yang diambil oleh Mendagri berpotensi menimbulkan tindakan penyalahgunaan wewenang. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah apabila APBD disahkan oleh Pejabat yang tidak berwenang, maka APBD tersebut tidak sah setelah resmi dibatalkan. Ada dua mekanisme pembatalan perda, yakni Judicial Review dan Executive Review. a) Judicial Review dilakukan oleh Mahkamah Agung. Pembatalan ini dilakukan dengan cara uji materiil, yang merupakan salah satu cakupan judicial review. Hak uji materiil merupakan hak Mahkamah Agung untuk menilai materi muatan peraturan perundang-undangan di bawah undang-undang terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang lebih tinggi. b) Executive Review dilakukan oleh menteri atau gubernur. Untuk perda kabupaten/kota yang bertentangan dengan perda provinsi, Gubernur berwenang membatalkan perda kabupaten/kota tersebut dengan keputusan Gubernur. Kata Kunci: pelaksana tugas gubernur, kewenangan, diskresi Abstract Decision controversy issued by the Action Governor of DKI Jakarta (Act. Governor) Sumarsono started when he signed the annual budgets. Sumarsono signed the annual budgets on the basis of Article 9 Paragraph (1) Sub-Paragraph d of Permendagri number 74/2016 about Leave Out of State Dependence For Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents, and Mayors and Deputy Mayors. According to him, the article gives the authority to change the annual budgets. Executing tasks get authority through mandate. Based on article 14 paragraph (7) of Law number 30/2014 about Administration of Governments states that "The Agency and / or Government Officials who have the Authority through the Mandate are not authorized to take any strategic Decisions and/or Measures that affect the change of legal status on the organizational, personnel, and budgetary aspects". Annual bidgets is a strategic action on budget allocation. The purpose of this research is to know the authority of Act. Governor according to legislation and to know the implications of the decisions and / or actions taken. This study uses legal research methods. Technique of analyzing legal substance by conducting a review on legal issue. The research approach uses legislation approach, conceptual approach and case approach. The results of this study indicate that the annual budgets signed by Sumarsono remains valid because Act. The Governor is authorized to sign the annaul budgets after obtaining written approval from the Minister of Home Affairs. The extension of the authority set out in Permendagri No. 74/2016 is a discretionary measure of the Minister of Home Affairs. The discretionary step of the Minister of Home Affairs aims to make the wheels of government run smoothly, because vacancy occurs when the annual budgets has to be ratified. The discretion taken by the Minister of Home Affairs has the potential to cause misuse of authority. The implication of this study is that if annual budgets is approved by an unauthorized official, then the annual budgets is not valid after it is officially canceled. There are two mechanisms for cancellation of local regulations, namely Judicial Review and Executive Review. a) Judicial Review conducted by the Supreme Court. This cancellation is done by material test, which is one of the scope of judicial review. The right to judicial review is the right of the Supreme Court to assess the content of statutory content under the law against higher laws and regulations. b) Executive Review conducted by the minister or governor. For the district/city regulation that is contrary to the provincial regulation, the Governor has the authority to cancel the district/city regulation with the Governors decision. Keywords: action governor, authority, discretio

    Developing an Informed Curriculum for Initial Teacher Education (ITE): Building Student Teachers’ Theoretical and Practical Knowledge and Shaping Teacher Identity

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    Initial teacher education (ITE) programs play a pivotal role not only in helping student teachers build and enhance their theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge but also in assisting them to construct their teacher identity. At present, the ITE program also aims to prepare student teachers for the 21st century profession of teaching. Therefore, it is important to develop an informed curriculum for ITE, which caters to needs of student teachers and those of changing educational needs in tandem. In this plenary paper, I wish to flesh out such four key issues as a need for developing an informed ITE curriculum, domains of theoretical and practical knowledge student teachers need to learn, and role of teacher identity in the ITE program. I conclude by addressing a need for reframing an ITE curriculum in order to meet changing needs for educating and training more qualified teachers in the 21st century education and beyond


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    Augmented reality merupakan kecerdasan buatan yang dapat dikendalikan secara langsung oleh pengguna dengan visual 3 dimensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk bisnis. Dalam hal ini, Toko Segoro Antique dijadikan sebagai tempat penelitian karena semakin banyak macam barang yang dijual sehingga pemilik toko sering kali kewalahan melayani pembeli. Diperlukan asisten pembelanjaan yang dapat membantu melayani semua pembeli sekaligus dengan augmented reality konsumen dapat mengetahui informasi rinci tentang barang secara cepat. Aplikasi yang dikembangkan berfungsi mengenali barang dan diberi nama Shopping Asisstant. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan aplikasi ini adalah Rational Unified Process yang biasa digunakan untuk mengembangkan sistem berbasis objek. Shopping Assistant dapat mengenali secara langsung barang-barang yang ada didalam toko cukup dengan scan barang menggunakan smartphone. Aplikasi ini menggunakan Vuforia sebagai software library yang berguna sebagai database sekaligus sistem tracking yang digunakan saat proses pengenalan barang. Hasilnya dengan augmented reality pengunjung dapat mengenali barang akan tetapi pada proses pengenalan barang, lingkungan pengenalan harus sesuai dengan lingkungan pencahayaan saat barang di scan

    Pengaruh Modal Usaha, Lama Usaha, dan Jam Kerja Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang Pasar Tradisional Manukan Kulon Surabaya

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    Merchant income can be influenced by many factors. This research is to find out what factors influence the income of Manukan Kulon Surabaya traditional market traders. This study uses descriptive research with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at the Manukan Kulon Traditional Market in Surabaya with a population of 300 traders. By determining the sample using the slovin formula so that the sample in this study amounted to 120 respondents in the traditional market Manukan Kulon Surabaya. While the data collection method uses interviews, questionnaires, and observations. The variables used include business capital (X1), length of business (X2), working hours (X3), and income (Y). The data analysis used is multiple linear regression (OLS) with a significance level of 5%. The results of the study show that partially the variables that significantly influence the income of traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders are venture capital (X1). While the old business variable (X2) and working hours (X3) did not significantly influence the income of the traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders. Furthermore, the variables of business capital, duration of business, and working hours on the income of the traditional market traders in Manukan Kulon have a significant effect on the income of the traditional Manukan Kulon Surabaya market traders


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    Information Technology (IT) implementation has been applied in various areas of life, including education. The field of education of any IT application is toorganize a computer-based school exam model. Computer-based school examsprincipally refer to all paper-based test processes, such as questioning, testexecution, and promising results. This paper discusses the relationship offactors that affect the acceptance of the use of computer-based school examapplications using Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT). Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Model (SEM,) todetermine the relationship of UTAUT factors that affect the acceptance ofcomputer-based school exam applications.The number of respondents used asmuch as 132 taken from users of computer-based school exam applications. Theresult of descriptive analysis shows that Performance Expectancy (PE), SocialInfluence (SI) and Facilitating Condition (FC) have significant influence onBehavioral Intention variable, while Effort Expectancy (EE) variable hasinsignificant influence. Keywords: UTAUT, SEM, Acceptance, Exam, and School
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