212 research outputs found


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    Abstract The findings of this study may contribute to the government’s efforts to tackle the terrorist movement in Indonesia. Education, until today, is believed to be one of the methods to conduct knowledge transformation. However, in the implementation of education, accessibility sometimes becomes one of the obstacles. Hence, this paper described several matters concerning the extension of access to education. This matter required a political policy concerning the availability of educational facilities. Set in West Papua Province, this study described higher education strengthening individual capacity. When an individual is capable and being empowered, it means that not only his/her family who enjoy that ability, but also the society and the nation will enjoy the advance and competitiveness of human resource excellence. This qualitative study also showed through data collection in descriptive way from observation during how limitations can be sources of strength. So the limitations need not be regarded as obstacles, but should even be opportunities to do innovations. The study also concluded how an unorganized higher education can have an impact on the economy that will hamper the journey to seize the opportunity to know. Finally, with the reconstruction of various resources, universities can remain the best means of providing energy to serve civilization. Keywords: Higher Education, Access, and Resources Abstrak Temuan penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap upaya pemerintah dalam menanggulangi gerakan teroris di Indonesia. Pendidikan hingga hari ini diyakini sebagai sebuah metode untuk melakukan transformasi pengetahuan. Namun demikian, pada tataran implementasi, aksestabilitas pendidikan merupakan sebuah permasalahan tersendiri. Untuk itu, tulisan ini memberikan beberapa hal terkait dengan perluasan aksestabilitas pendidikan. Upaya perluasan harus ditopang oleh kebijakan politis terkait dengan ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan. Studi yang dilakukan di Provinsi Papua Barat mendeskripsikan perguruan tinggi yang tengah memperkuat kapasitas individu civitas akademikanya. Manakala individu terberdayakan, tidak hanya keluarganya, tetapi masyarakat dan negaranya akan merasakan dampak positifnya. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan data deskriptif dan observasi, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keterbatasan aksestabilitas pendidikan adalah sumber kekuatan. Keterbatasan tersebut tidak pantas dipandang penghalang, melainkan sebagai tantangan untuk melakukan inovasi. Studi ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa sebuah perguruan tinggi yang kurang terorganisir memberikan dampak ekonomi yang menghalangi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan. Akhirnya, melalui rekonstruksi terhadap ragam sumber daya yang tersedia, perguruan tinggi diyakini tetap merupakan wahana penyedia energi positif bagi perkembangan peradaban. Kata kunci: perguruan tinggi, akses, dan sumber dayaAbstract The findings of this study may contribute to the government’s efforts to tackle the terrorist movement in Indonesia. Education, until today, is believed to be one of the methods to conduct knowledge transformation. However, in the implementation of education, accessibility sometimes becomes one of the obstacles. Hence, this paper described several matters concerning the extension of access to education. This matter required a political policy concerning the availability of educational facilities. Set in West Papua Province, this study described higher education strengthening individual capacity. When an individual is capable and being empowered, it means that not only his/her family who enjoy that ability, but also the society and the nation will enjoy the advance and competitiveness of human resource excellence. This qualitative study also showed through data collection in descriptive way from observation during how limitations can be sources of strength. So the limitations need not be regarded as obstacles, but should even be opportunities to do innovations. The study also concluded how an unorganized higher education can have an impact on the economy that will hamper the journey to seize the opportunity to know. Finally, with the reconstruction of various resources, universities can remain the best means of providing energy to serve civilization.   Keywords: Higher Education, Access, and Resources Abstrak Temuan penelitian ini berkontribusi terhadap upaya pemerintah dalam menanggulangi gerakan teroris di Indonesia. Pendidikan hingga hari ini diyakini sebagai sebuah metode untuk melakukan transformasi pengetahuan. Namun demikian, pada tataran implementasi, aksestabilitas pendidikan merupakan sebuah permasalahan tersendiri. Untuk itu, tulisan ini memberikan beberapa hal terkait dengan perluasan aksestabilitas pendidikan. Upaya perluasan harus ditopang oleh kebijakan politis terkait dengan ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan. Studi yang dilakukan di Provinsi Papua Barat mendeskripsikan perguruan tinggi yang tengah memperkuat kapasitas individu civitas akademikanya. Manakala individu terberdayakan, tidak hanya keluarganya, tetapi masyarakat dan negaranya akan merasakan dampak positifnya. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan data deskriptif dan observasi, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa keterbatasan aksestabilitas pendidikan adalah sumber kekuatan. Keterbatasan tersebut tidak pantas dipandang penghalang, melainkan sebagai tantangan untuk melakukan inovasi. Studi ini juga menyimpulkan bahwa sebuah perguruan tinggi yang kurang terorganisir memberikan dampak ekonomi yang menghalangi kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan. Akhirnya, melalui rekonstruksi terhadap ragam sumber daya yang tersedia, perguruan tinggi diyakini tetap merupakan wahana penyedia energi positif bagi perkembangan peradaban. Kata kunci: perguruan tinggi, akses, dan sumber day


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    Muslim minority educational development was left behind to explore. The existing researches on the publication are only about Muslim majority. Therefore, it is a need to discover the existence of Muslim minority in the eastern part of Indonesia. This research was conducted in West Papua Province. In-dept interview and non-participant observation were conducted to collect data. Focus group discussion was circulated to ensure data triangulation. This study shows that environment neighborhood is one of the factors to consider in curriculum formation. Educational establishment is the breakthrough to fulfill the need of religious education. In addition, the standard to achieve is not only the national average but also there is vision to inaugurate social harmony and cultural situation. Finally, this article concludes that educational management board and teacher panel tried to perceive and hear the sound of milieu. This practice shows a progress of improvement and enhancement in improving relevant curriculum


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    Pesantren menjadi pilar tradisi. Pada saat yang sama, pesantren jugaberkontribusi terhadap masyarakat dalam pengembangan komunitas. Untuk itu,sebuah keperluan untuk mengkaji bagaimana pesantren memperkaya programmereka untuk membantu santri dalam belajar bahasa Arab. Penelitian inidilaksanakan di wilayah minoritas muslim yaitu Papua Barat. Salah satuintsruksional utama untuk menjalankan pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalahkurikulum. Artikel ini akan mengkaji bagaimana minoritas muslimmengkonstruksi program bahasa Arab dan memperkaya kurikulum tersebutdalam mencapai tujuan kelembagaan. Ada beberapa langkah yang dilaksanakanuntuk memberikan kesempatan bagi santri untuk menguasai bahasa. pertamakali, santri harus terampil dalam membaca. Akhirnya, penelitian inimenyimpukan bahwa kurikulum bahasa Arab dikonstruksi dan dintegrasikandengan materi pembelajaran Islam yang lain

    Tinjauan Mohammad Arkoun tentang Bahasa Arab, Teks dan Semiotika Al-Qur'an

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    Deeply rooted traditions have accumulated the understanding of Islamic thought which, to some extent, brings about some misconduct in contemporary Islamic practices. To this regard, Arkoun, among other Muslim scholars, offers technical suggestions in reading the Qur’an.  This research explores Arkoun’s ideas related to the study of the Qur'an by looking at the aspect of Arabic as the language of the book with a semiotic perspective.   This article shows that Arkoun proposes a method of comprehending the value of the Qur’an through deconstruction techniques. Moreover, Arabic literature has solidly developed a biblical strength on the basis of the language itself, and this potential will be enhanced when combined with semiotics. Reading through the framework of the signified and signifiers in a semiotic study will encourage appreciation of text reading. In this light, Arkoun argues on the significance of assessment tools within the border of Islamic studies. Consequently, along the composition of his ideas, modern knowledge such as philosophy, anthropology, and other applied linguistics are implemented as an integrated part of Islamic studies. At the end, a comprehensive reinforcement of knowledge will open up the possibility to obtain a new horizon or a broad view in Islamic intellectuality

    Integrasi Pendidikan Islam dan Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan di Pesantren Minoritas Muslim

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    Pesantren (boarding school) in Indonesia educational system proofs a significant contribution. They participate in enhancing teaching and learning and extending the processes of acquiring knowledge with the spirit of Islam. These activities spread out through the nation-wide, include some part of Papua island. Therefore, it is a need to explore the practice of Islamic education, expecially muslim minority. In addition, the religious based institution will have less culture support and different environment from other majority. A qualitative approach was employed to conduct this research. In-depth inteview and non-participant observation were implemented during data collection. There are four pesantrens were observed, they are Pesantren Nurul Yaqin, Pesantren Roudhotul Khuffadz, Pesantren Minhajut Tholibin, and Pesantren Hidayatullah. All the site are located in Sorong regency. Research findings shows that in elaborating learning process in pesantren to accelerate students’ skill is impelementation of entrepeneurship. After school duration, extracurriculer is running to maintain the learning outside classroom. The students still have opportunity to learn not only in the classroom but also they will participate in the real space. The extension of classroom to the field is an effort to relate theoretical attainment to skills development. Those institutions executed this kind of program due to limited time in practice for subject matter on time allocation. Finally, pesantren is not solely the place to learn religion. Management board tried to encourage students in participating the entrpreneurship based various activities to complement students’ skills after graduating from the Islamic school

    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND EMPOWERMENT: Study on Pesantren in Muslim Minority West Papua

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    Abstrak: Pendidikan Islam dan Pemberdayaan: Studi Kasus Pesantren pada Muslim Minoritas Papua Barat. Pendidikan Islam Indonesia merupakan salah satu pilar pendidikan nasional yang memiliki sejarah panjang. Dalam dinamika pembangunan, pesantren kembali membuktikan diri sebagai elemen penting bangsa. Tulisan ini membahas aktivitas dan gerakan madrasah di daerah minoritas Muslim dalam upaya membangun kapasitas umat melalui pembelajaran kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan ragam studi kasus. Observasi dan wawancara diterapkan untuk mengumpulkan data. Penulis menemukan adanya pelatihan dan pembelajaran berbasis kebutuhan mendorong siswa untuk menekuni keterampilan untuk aktivitas sehari-hari. Pesantren Roudhotul Khuffadz mengembangkan pola pembelajaran dengan mengacu kepada lingkungan peserta didik. Disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan Islam dengan tumpuan pada kebutuhan dan kepedulian akan lingkungan dapat memberdayakan santri untuk penguasaan keterampilan, walaupun itu dilaksanakan dengan keterbatasan komunitas di wilayah minoritas Muslim.Abstract: Islamic education in Indonesia is one pilar in national education whis has a long history. In the course of time with development dynamics, pesantren (Islamic boarding school) proves as a nation-wide important element. Therefore, this paper will explore dicsuccion on activity and madrasah movement in Muslim minority in term capacity building through enterprenurship learning. This study was employed qualitative approach with miscellaneous case study. Observation and in-depth interview were conducted on collecting data. This research shows that daily-need based training and learning encourages students to enhance their skills during day after day activities. Pesantren Roudhatul Khuffadz enlarges learning cycle according to students’ environment. Finally, it can be concluded that Islamic education can develop students’ skill acquicition, although it is practiced with community limitation in Muslim minority area.Keywords: pesantren, religious education, Muslim minority, West Papu

    Pendidikan bahasa Arab dan konstruksi pembelajaran moderen di pesantren minoritas muslim Indonesia

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    Pesantren tidak saja membawa semangat keagamaan tetapi sekaligus memaknai Indonesia dengan semangat kebangsaan. Maka, tidaklah mengherankan kalau kemudian pesantren hadir dalam nuansa untuk memberikan pengabdian kepada bangsa dan konteks kenegaraan Indonesia disamping tentunya untuk kepentingan Islam. Tidak dalam peran pendidikan semata, lembaga pendidikan seperti pesantren juga memiliki fungsi dan tugas sosio secara kultural, sehingga gerakan spiritual secara bermakna perlu dilakukan untuk memberikan penguatan pada pemberdayaan dengan tujuan pendidikan secara holistik. Salah satu alat dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran adalah penguasaan bahasa Arab. Makalah ini akan menggambarkan praktik pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Arab di minoritas muslim dengan pendekatan pada prinsip kemoderenan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Papua Barat yang meliputi lima kabupaten dan satu kota. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran dilakukan di pesantren yang tersebar di Mayamuk, Aimas, Waisai, Teminabuan, Kaimana, Waigom, dan Misol, dilaksanakan secara terstruktur. Di tujuh lokasi itu, pendidikan Islam dalam kerangka proses pembelajaran yang bertumpu pada kemampuan berbahasa dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan komunikatif santri. Keterampilan santri yang dilatihkan berupa kemampuan ekspresi kebahasaan tanpa penekanan khusus pada penguasaan tata bahasa. Lingkungan pesantren yang menyediakan asrama sebagai tempat tinggal menjadi sarana interaksi antar sesama santri dalam melatih keterampilan berbahasa. Kemampuan berbahasa santri semata-mata disesuaikan dengan konteks belajar beserta dengan lingkungan yang menyertainya. Aspek sosial yang ada kemudian dijadikan sebagai dukungan dalam proses pembelajaran. Akhirnya, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa perbedaan tujuan pembelajaran kemudian menentukan aspek pendekatan dan metodologis akan mempengaruhi pembelajaran bahasa Arab

    Arabic Education and Modern Learning Construction in Muslim Minority Islamic Boarding School in Indonesia

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    Abstract Islamic boarding schools not only can bring up the religious enthusiasm, but also interpret Indonesia with a spirit of nationalism. Hence, it is not surprising that pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is present to give a dedication to this nation aside from Islamic interest. Not only in the role of education,an educational institution like pesantren also had socio-cultural functions and role, a significant spiritual movement needs to be done to provide reinforcement towards empowerment within the goal of education holistically. A means that supports the learning process is the mastery of Arabic. This paper will describe the practice of Arabic teaching and learning in Muslim minority area with an approach to the principle of moderation. The research was carried out in West Papua which included five districts and one city. The results of the study showed that the application of learning that was carried out in Islamic boarding schools in Mayamuk, Aimas, Waisai, Teminabuan, Kaimana, Waigom, and Misol, was done in a well-structured. In the seven locations, Islamic education within the framework of the learning process that is based on language skills is carried out with the santri (Students) communicative approach. The skill of the students that is trained is linguistic expression without special emphasis on grammar mastery. The environment of boarding schools that provide dormitories as a place to live becomes a tool of interaction among santri (students) in practicing language skills. The language ability of the students is adapted to the learning context along with the environment. The existing social aspects are used to support the learning process. Finally, this research concludes that differences in learning objectives and determining approach and methodological aspects will affect learning Arabic. Keywords: Modern, Learning, Islamic Boarding Schoo
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