4 research outputs found

    OMEGA – OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2: II. Environmental influence on integrated star formation properties and AGN activity

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    We present a study of the star formation and AGN activity for galaxies in CP 15051 the Abell 901/2 multicluster system at z ∼ 0.167 as part of the OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2 (OMEGA) survey. Using Tuneable Filter data obtained with the OSIRIS instrument at the Gran Telescopio Canarias, we produce spectra covering the Hα and [NII] spectral lines for more than 400 galaxies. Using optical emission-line diagnostics, we identify a significant number of galaxies hosting AGN, which tend to have high masses and a broad range of morphologies. Moreover, within the environmental densities probed by our study, we find no environmental dependence on the fraction of galaxies hosting AGN. The analysis of the integrated Hα emission shows that the specific star formation rates of a majority of the cluster galaxies are below the field values for a given stellar mass. We interpret this result as evidence for a slow decrease in the star formation activity of star-forming galaxies as they fall into higher density regions, contrary to some previous studies that suggested a rapid truncation of star formation. We find that most of the intermediate- and high-mass spiral galaxies go through a phase in which their star formation is suppressed but still retain significant star formation activity. During this phase, these galaxies tend to retain their spiral morphology while their colours become redder. The presence of this type of galaxies in high-density regions indicates that the physical mechanism responsible for suppressing star formation affects mainly the gas component of the galaxies, suggesting that ram-pressure stripping or starvation is potentially responsible

    OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2 - II. Environmental influence on integrated star formation properties and AGN activity

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    We present a study of the star formation and AGN activity for galaxies in CP 15051 the Abell 901/2 multicluster system at z ∼ 0.167 as part of the OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2 (OMEGA) survey. Using Tuneable Filter data obtained with the OSIRIS instrument at the Gran Telescopio Canarias, we produce spectra covering the Hα and [N II] spectral lines for more than 400 galaxies. Using optical emission-line diagnostics, we identify a significant number of galaxies hosting AGN, which tend to have high masses and a broad range of morphologies.Moreover, within the environmental densities probed by our study, we find no environmental dependence on the fraction of galaxies hosting AGN. The analysis of the integrated Hα emission shows that the specific star formation rates of a majority of the cluster galaxies are below the field values for a given stellar mass.We interpret this result as evidence for a slow decrease in the star formation activity of star-forming galaxies as they fall into higher density regions, contrary to some previous studies that suggested a rapid truncation of star formation.We find that most of the intermediate- and high-mass spiral galaxies go through a phase in which their star formation is suppressed but still retain significant star formation activity. During this phase, these galaxies tend to retain their spiral morphology while their colours become redder. The presence of this type of galaxies in high-density regions indicates that the physical mechanism responsible for suppressing star formation affects mainly the gas component of the galaxies, suggesting that ram-pressure stripping or starvation is potentially responsible.We acknowledge financial support from STFC. This work has made use of The University of Nottingham HPC facility, ‘Minerva’. BRP acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Plan Nacional de Astronom´ıa y Astrof´ısica grant AYA2012-032295. ACS acknowledges funding from a CNPq, BJT-A fellowship (400857/2014-6). SPB and MEG gratefully acknowledge the receipt of an STFC Advanced Fellowship. AB is funded by the Austrian Science Foundation FWF (grant P23946-N16)

    OMEGA - OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2: I. Survey description, data analysis, and star formation and AGN activity in the highest density regions

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    We present an overview of and first results from the OMEGA (OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in the multicluster system A901/2) survey. The ultimate goal of this project is to study star formation and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity across a broad range of environments at a single redshift. Using the tuneable-filter mode of the Optical System for Imaging and low-Intermediate-Resolution Integrated Spectroscopy (OSIRIS) instrument on Gran Telescopio Canarias, we target Hα and [NII] emission lines over an ∼0.5×0.5 deg2 region containing the z∼0.167 multicluster system A901/2. In this paper, we describe the design of the survey, the observations and the data analysis techniques developed. We then present early results from two OSIRIS pointings centred on the cores of the A901a and A902 clusters. AGN and star-forming (SF) objects are identified using the [NII]/Hα versus WHα diagnostic diagram. The AGN hosts are brighter, more massive, and possess earlier type morphologies than SF galaxies. Both populations tend to be located towards the outskirts of the high-density regions we study. The typical Hα luminosity of these sources is significantly lower than that of field galaxies at similar redshifts, but greater than that found for A1689, a rich cluster at z∼0.2. The Hα luminosities of our objects translate into star formation rates (SFRs) between ∼0.02 and 6 Myr−1. Comparing the relationship between stellar mass and Hα-derived SFR with that found in the field indicates a suppression of star formation in the cores of the clusters. These findings agree with previous investigations of this multicluster structure, based on other star formation indicators, and demonstrate the power of tuneable filters for this kind of study