9 research outputs found

    Leaf Morphometric and Chlorophyll Content Study of Bisbul (Diospyros discolor Willd.) at the Bogor Botanical Garden

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    Bisbul (Diospyros discolor Willd.) is one of the collections from the Bogor Botanical (BBG). The wide distribution of this plant in Southeast Asia's tropical forests creates many morphometric variations of this species. The diversity of leaf morphometric variations of a plant species can be the basis for grouping various species. This study aimed to determine the morphometric diversity of Bisbul leaves from various locations of origin. The study took samples of bisbul leaves from Bogor Botanical Gardens from three accessions, namely the Philippines, West Java, and Papua. All the trees are over 30 years old. The leaves are taken based on a horizontal position, vertical crown, and leafage. The results showed that the origin of the location gave different multiplier values to calculate the area, namely the Philippines y = 0.733x + 0.034; West Java y = 0.765x-2,949; and Papua y = 0.758x-1.389. The length to leaf width ratio also has differences, namely, the Philippines, which is 2.64, West Java 2.65, and Papua 2.81. The chlorophyll content in young leaves increases in old leaves. The samples from Papua also have the highest chlorophyll content compared to the Philippines and West Java. This difference indicates morphometric variations between the three, even within one species. Some environmental conditions may affect shade areas and tree age. In addition, DNA research from accession D. discolor is also needed to determine the cause of the morphometric variation.


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    Establishment of The Sriwijaya Botanical Garden (Kebun Raya Sriwijaya or KRS) is one of an answer to address the declining rate of plant diversity in Sumatra. Occupied an area of 100 ha in Ogan Ilir Regency, conservation of Sumatran peatland flora was designated as the garden’s theme. The Sriwijaya Botanical Garden was launched on July 27, 2018 and to date has conserved 76 tribes, 191 genera, and 366 species. Supported with public facilities and infrastructures, it is expected that the Botanical Gardens will be ready to played its role as one of the leading plant  conservation institution in Indonesia

    The Diversity and Diameter Growth Rate of Sprouting-Type Tree in Bukit Pinang-Pinang Forest Permanent Plots

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    The process of forest regeneration can take place within a certain period of time. Sprouting is a form of strategy for in adapting to its environment for success in regenerating. The Research on  the diversity and diameter growth rate of sprouting-type tree in Bukit Pinang-pinang forest permanent plots, West Sumatra was carried out from October 2012 to December 2016 in the forest of Bukit Pinang-Pinang, West Sumatra and Herbarium Department of Biology, Universitas Andalas, Padang. This research was conducted using a survey method by census. The parameters analyzed were plant species composition, Morishita Index, Mann-Whitney test, Regression and Correlation test as well as RDGR (Relative Diameter of Growth Rate). The result of experiment was found 40 species of trees sprouting type in forest permanent plot Bukit Pinang-Pinang. The pattern of sprouting type trees distribution in the study locations was found to have a clustered, random and uniform pattern. Relative Diameter Growth Rate (RDGR) of 40 sprouting types of trees in the Bukit Pinang-Pinang forest permanent plots ranged from 0.003 cm/cm/year to 0.0288 cm/cm/year. Altitude did not affect  RDGR of an individual tree sprouting type for 31 year

    Allelopathy of Invasive Species Dioscorea bulbifera L. and Its Effect on Seed Germination of Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume

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    AbstrakDioscorea bulbifera L. (Dioscoreaceae) merupakan salah satu tanaman invasif yang menciptakan masalah lingkungan. D bulbifera mengandung alelopati yang memengaruhi proses fisiologis pada spesies lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh alelopati berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak daun dan umbi D. bulbifera L. terhadap perkecambahan biji Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan sepuluh perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah perbedaan konsentrasi ekstrak D. bulbifera 25, 50, 75, 100%, dan kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil uji skrining fitokimia, semua metabolit sekunder dalam ekstrak daun menunjukkan hasil yang positif. Senyawa golongan saponin, tanin, flavonoid, dan steroid/terpenoid terdeteksi dengan kuat sedangkan senyawa alkaloid kurang kuat. Senyawa fenol tersebut adalah fenol, 1,2-benzenediol (dalam ekstrak daun) dan fenol, 1,2-benzendiol, 1,4-benzendiol, dan 2-metoksifenol (dalam ekstrak umbi). Berdasarkan uji perkecambahan, ekstrak metanol umbi dan daun D. bulbifera berpengaruh nyata terhadap daya kecambah, koefisien kecepatan berkecambah, dan koefisien keserempakan berkecambah S. selanica. Konsentrasi yang menurunkan viabilitas biji terendah adalah pada konsentrasi 75% dan 100% dengan rata-rata daya kecambah 10,00 ± 6,32 % (pada ektrak umbi) dan 0,00 ± 6,32 % (pada ektrak daun). AbstractDioscorea bulbifera L. (Dioscoreaceae) is one of the most unutilized invasive plants. This plant contains allelopathy that affects the physiological process of native species. This study aimed to discover the type of allelochemical in D. bulbifera and its effect on seed germination of Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design with ten treatments and three replications. The treatment given was the different concentration of D. bulbifera extract of 25, 50, 75, 100%, and control. Based on phytochemical screening tests, saponin, tannin, flavonoid, and steroid/terpenoid compounds were detected in leaf and tuber extract. The total phenolic in leaf extract was more significant than that in the tuber extract of D. bulbifera but the type of phenolic compounds was lower. The phenolic compounds were phenol, 1,2-benzenediol (in leaf extracts) and phenol, 1,2-benzendiol, 1,4-benzendiol, and 2-methoxyphenol (in tuber extracts). Based on the germination test, it was found that the methanol extract from the tubers and leaf of D. bulbifera significantly affected the germination capacity, coefficient rate of germination, and simultaneity coefficient of germination of S. selanica. It was found that treatment of concentration of 75% and 100% resulted in the lowest seed viability reduction with an average germination rate of 10.00 ± 6.32% (in tuber extracts) and 0.00 ± 6.32% (in leaf extracts)

    Eksplorasi biji di Kawasan Cagar Alam dan Taman Wisata Alam Pananjung Pangandaran Jawa Barat

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    Eksplorasi biji merupakan bagian dari kegiatan konservasi secara ex situ yang hasilnya dapat disimpan pada bank biji. Bank biji memiliki beberapa keunggulan sebagai salah satu metode konservasi yang efektif. Kegiatan eksplorasi flora dan pengayaan koleksi bank biji dilakukan di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) dan Cagar Alam (CA) Pananjung Pangandaran pada tanggal 2 April 2019 sampai dengan 15 April 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari dan mengumpulkan biji tumbuhan serta mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dari tumbuhan yang berbuah. Metode yang digunakan pada ekplorasi flora ini yaitu metode jelajah. Metode pemanenan buah dilakukan dengan cara memanen langsung dari pohon yang berbuah. Setiap spesimen buah dan biji dilakukan karakterisasi, pengukuran kadar air dan pemeriksaan viabilitasnya untuk mengetahui karakter simpan biji tumbuhan tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan 34 nomor koleksi selama 14 hari di dua lokasi dalam kawasan TWA dan CA Pananjung Pangandaran. Biji-biji yang didapatkan di kawasan TWA dan CA Penanjung Pangandaran adalah biji-biji orthodok 85,29%, intermediate 2,94 %, dan sebanyak 11,76 % adalah biji-biji rekalsitran

    Jenis-Jenis Anura (Amphibia) Di Hutan Harapan, Jambi

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    An inventarisation of the Anuran species (Amphibia) at Harapan Rainforest, Jambi has been done from October 2011 to July 2012. We collected 127 samples from the field and made identification based on morphological characteristics. We identified 19 sepcies in which belong to five families i.e. Bufonidae (Phrynoidis asper Gravenhorst., Ingerophrynus parvus Boulenger., I. divergens Peters. and Pelophryne signata Boulenger.), Microhylidae (Kalophrynus pleurostigma Tschudi.), Dicroglossidae (Occidozyga sumatrana Peters., Fejervarya cancrivora Gravenhorst., F. limnocharis Boie., Limnonectes paramacrodon Boulenger., L. malesianus Kiew.), Ranidae (Hylarana erythraea Schlegel., H. parvaccola Peters., H. glandulosa Boulenger., H. nicobariensis Stolizka., H. baramica Boettger., H. siberu Mc.Cathy and Whitten., Odorana hosii Boulenger., Rana sp), Rhacoporidae (Polypedates leucomystac Boulenger.).Keywords: Amphibia, Anura, Identification key, Harapan Rainfores


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    Bogor Botanic Gardens (BBG), which one of the oldest Botanic Garden in Southeast Asia has more than 12.000 specimen of plants collections. The state soil fertility management is essential for collection in BBG, but currently the soil fertility in BBG unknown. This study aims to evaluate soil fertility condition with analysis of soil chemical and physical properties. Expected to a consideration in the collection management fertility herbs optimal expected to grow. The study conducted in March–October 2019. Methods used is land survey detail (1:5,000–1:10,000 of scales) to a special purpose fertility land the chemistry and physics properties. The sampling location determined by overlaying map of the garden, land cover (grass, litter, and without litter) and contour. The soil samples are collected using the sample ring and disturbed soil method. Variables were observed consisting of texture, pH, cation exchange capacity, total nitrogen, P2O5 available, K2O available, and C organic. The results showed soil fertility class in BBG had low until medium fertility (94,07 %) at various type of land cover. Covers litter having soil fertility higher compared to others (45,32%) (low–medium category). Advice that can be recommended is the litter zoning management, litter so that the process of decomposing organic cycle runs covered.Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB) merupakan salah satu kebun raya tertua di Asia Tenggara yang memiliki jumlah koleksi tumbuhan mencapai lebih dari 12.000 spesimen. Kondisi kesuburan tanah sangat penting untuk pengelolaan koleksi di KRB, namun saat ini kondisi kesuburan tanah di KRB belum diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi kesuburan tanah, meliputi sifat kimia dan fisika tanah. Diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam manajemen kesuburan tanah sehingga tumbuhan koleksi dapat tumbuh dengan optimal. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret–Oktober 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei tanah detail (skala 1:5.000–1:10.000) dengan tujuan khusus yaitu kesuburan kimia dan fisika tanah. Pengambilan sampel berdasarkan overlay dari peta kebun, tutupan lahan (rumput; serasah, dan tanpa serasah) dan kontur. Sampel yang diambil dengan metode ring sampel dan tanah terganggu. Variabel pengamatannya mencakup tekstur, pH, kapasitas tukar kation, nitrogen total, P2O5 tersedia, K2O tersedia, dan C organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kesuburan tanah di KRB cenderung rendah hingga sedang (94,07%) pada berbagai tipe tutupan lahan. Tutupan serasah memiliki kesuburan tanah lebih tinggi dibandingkan lainnya (45,32%) (kategori rendah–sedang). Saran yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah pengelolaan zonasi serasah, sehingga proses dekomposisi berjalan dengan siklus hara tertutup

    The Selection of Ornamental Plant for Landscape Design of Pollination Garden at Bogor Botanic Gardens

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       Bogor Botanic Gardens is one of the outstanding green areas in Bogor City. Thousands of plant species are growing and providing suitable habitats and feed for various pollinators, such as butterflies, bees, and wasps. A well-designed pollination garden will benefit the pollinators and also create an educational facility for the community. This study aimed to select and characterize species of flowering plants that effectively attract pollinators, particularly Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera, in the pollination garden candidate area. The observa-tion had been carried out on 12 ornamental plant species: Pennisetum purpureum, Cosmos sp., Pachystachys lutea, Cuphea hyssopifolia, Orthosiphon aristatus, Lantana camara, Citrus aurantifolia, Buddleja davidii, Ixora javanica, Nerium oleander, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, and Aglaia odorata. The method for observing pollinators was a standard walking method. Pollinator photos, its number, its visit time, and the plants it visited were recorded. A total of 23 species of Lepidoptera (20 species from 4 families and 3 species were unidentified) and 9 species of Hymenoptera (4 families) were found in the area with the best obser-vation time at 08.30-09.30 (GMT+7). The most visited plants by pollinators were Cuphea hyssopifolia, Lantana camara and Orthosiphon aristatus. Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera preferred blue-purple and bright-orange-yellow flowers. In addition, the flower characters that might influence pollinator visits are also described. The result would be an essential recommendation for plant selection, landscape design, and construction of the pollination garden in Bogor Botanic Gardens.