937 research outputs found

    Pressure Treated Wood

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    Discusses chemical treatments to increase wood's fire resistance and protect it from rot and termites

    Anthropogenic Electromagnetic Fields and Cancer: A Perspective

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    The authors review findings of a recent National Research Council report and conclude that, e.g., until a cancer promotion model can be identified for effective testing, the EMF issue will remain open to debate

    The literary career of Thomas Lodge, 1579-1596: studies of the plays, prose fiction and verse

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    This thesis consists of studies of Lodge's writings in the major genres during his literary career, from 1579 to 1596. The first chapter is a biographical sketch, with particular attention to that period. The literary career is seen as a diversion and a postponement of his real vocations, medicine and Catholicism. The sixth chapter comments briefly on the pamphlets and the later works. The four main chapters treat, respectively, plays, prose fiction, lyric poems and sonnets, narrative and satirical verse. The studies include description of little-known works, structural and prosodic analysis, critical assessment, some textual criticism, source study and consideration of Elizabethan literary history as it impinges upon Lodge's writings. The bibliography is part of the thesis and is intended as a research, tool in its own right. It consists of classified lists of essential materials for scholarly and critical work on Lodge. The thesis is thus partly exploratory and preparatory. The main critical contention is that Lodge's literary reputation has suffered from its subsidiary relationship with Shakespeare's. Lodge excelled as a poet, particularly as a lyrist, and ought to be regarded primarily as such, rather than primarily as a prose romancer (i.e., author of Rosalynde). It is urged that editions of Lodge's works, beginning with the verse, are needed

    Journey Beyond the Fair

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    Journey Beyond the Fair will combine a vast virtual world environment and hand-held devices to develop a tightly coupled home-school-museum paradigm that enhances traditional exhibits. This paradigm is designed to work as a national model where informal humanities education institutions can add depth of learning and heighten the level of interactivity and personalization of an onsite experience by strengthening the connections to a home/school-based virtual world experience. While in this instance we are addressing the 1964/65 New York World's Fair, institutions can adapt the concept based on subjects pertinent to their facility, culture and demographic visitation needs

    Geology and Ground-Water Resources of Clay County, Kansas

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    This report describing the geography, geology, and ground-water resources of Clay County, in north-central Kansas, is based on hydrologic and geologic information obtained in the field during the fall of 1953 and the summer of 1954. The field data are given in tables; they include records of 143 wells, chemical analyses of water from 35 representative wells, logs of 28 test holes, and results of pumping (aquifer) tests. In addition, 110 holes were augered to determine the depth to water. Clay County has an area of about 660 square miles and lies in the Great Plains and Central Lowlands physiographic provinces. Most of it is drained by Republican River; small areas are drained by Fancy Creek and Chapman Creek, which are not tributaries of Republican River. The normal annual precipitation at Clay Center is 27.92 inches, and the mean annual temperature is 55.1° F. Agriculture is the principal occupation in the county. The rocks that crop out at the surface in Clay County are sedimentary and range in age from Permian to Recent. The oldest formation exposed in the county is the Barneston Limestone. The Dakota Formation, the youngest Cretaceous rock in the county, crops out over a large part of western and northern Clay County. The Permian and Cretaceous rocks are mantled in many places by unconsolidated continental deposits of fluviatile and eolian origin representing four stages of the Pleistocene Epoch. The unconsolidated sand and gravel deposits of Pleistocene age form the principal aquifer in the county. These deposits are thickest and most extensive in the valley of Republican River. The Dakota Formation yields moderate quantities of water to wells in western and northern Clay County. The Barneston Limestone yields small to moderate quantities of water to wells in eastern Clay County. Ground water in the area is recharged principally from local precipitation; underflow from adjacent areas contributes significantly, however. Ground water is discharged mainly by seepage into streams and by transpiration by plants. All municipal and industrial water supplies and most domestic and stock supplies are obtained from wells. Irrigation from wells is practiced extensively in the valley of Republican River

    Talent management as a strategy to promote succession of junior managers at Edgars

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    Talent Management has become one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today. With the skill shortage and the influx of clothing retailers into South Africa in the past two years, the war on talent has intensified. With this in mind the objective of the study was to investigate if Edgars had a successful talent management strategy to promote junior managers through succession. Talent management has different parts including recruitment, learning and development, performance management, reward, leadership, employee value proposition, retention and succession. This study unpacks the literature on talent management and its components and takes a deeper look at the strategy adopted by Edgars. The study highlights the importance of talent management and that there should be clear strategies for every part that makes up the talent management framework. Empirical studies are done on the different sub sections of talent management, findings and recommendations are reported in the final chapters. The target population for this study consisted of junior managers at Edgars, where the majority of key value roles critical for development and store manager succession are. A sample of forty respondents was randomly selected from the total junior management population at Edgars. The findings suggested that when an organisation has effective talent management strategy, it is more likely to create a compelling employee value proposition that is conducive to sustain succession of great talent. Furthermore, the findings revealed that Edgars is effective in applying certain talent strategies while other areas required more attention and focus

    The Presence of Pressure Ulcer Documentation On Admission

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