60 research outputs found


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    Being harmony in social and religious life has not perfectly built in lndoensia. The social relationship between religions or even etnics haven't shape yet in very proper form, the conflict potencially appear betwen them that become a basic reason and an interesting motive to study about Dusun Susuru as an exception; Dusun Susuru is a remote village and well known as multi religious, people can live hand in hand and harmony there. Some religious social activities are also carried out together. This study prefer to use qualitative method and from that kind of method we found that the religious groups there such as Islam, Katolik, Kritsten, and Penghayat lived in one village, one worship place, and they live also closely as neighbour. Some social and religious activities done togetherly, for example: establishing house of worship, tahlilan, accepting equal rights inheritance and so on. All things that has been mentioned above is a portrait of the social interaction that have described as a mutual pattern between each religions and each etnic which is beyond the tolerance concept in common. This religious harmony in portrait could be a best practice for managing inter religious harmony in another places. Keywords: Dusun Susuru, multireligious, Penghayat


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    Salafi merupakan paham dan gerakan yang bersifat transnasional, yaitu terkoneksi dengan dinamika paham keagamaan di Timur Tengah. Melalui penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif, artikel ini mendeskripsikan eksistensi kelompok tiga jenis Salafi yang berkembang di Solo yaitu, pertama, Salafi Puritanis yaitu Ma’had Imam Bukhari. Kedua, Salafi Haraki yaitu Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngeruki dan Ma’had ‘Isy Karima. Ketiga, Salafi Jihadis yaitu Jamaah Anshoru Tauhid (JAT) dan beberapa jaringan radikal di Solo. Dakwah eksklusif yang dikembangkan kelompok Salafi Puritanis, menimbulkan konflik horizontal karena meresahkan masyarakat. Sementara Salafi Haraki dan Jihadis yang mengusung gagasan pendirian negara Islam dan penerapat syariat Islam secara formal, menimbulkan konflik vertikal dengan penguasa. Kajian ini berhasil menemukan fenomena baru, bahwa dakwah Salafi Puritanis dapat terus berkembang di beberapa tempat, ini menunjukkan Salafi Puritanis dapat berkoeksistensi dengan paham keagamaan lainnya di masyarakat. Selain itu, Salafi Puritanis juga ternyata mulai membuka diri terhadap beberapa program pemerintah. Sedangkan Salafi Haraki dan Jihadis masih menunjukkan sikap penolakannya terhadap dasar negara dan konstitusi, sehingga terus berhadapan dengan penegak hukum atau pemerintah. Kelompok Salafi Haraki dan Jihadis belum mengalami perubahan orientasi, bahkan berhasil melakukan regenerasi, fakta ini sekaligus menunjukkan penanggulangan radikalisme yang selama ini dilakukan pemerintah kurang efektif

    TEORI TAFSIR DENGAN PENDEKATAN GENDER : (Studi Kedudukan Perempuan Dalam Rumah Tangga)

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    Kajian ini membahas tentang kedudukan perempuan dalam rumah tangga melalui teori tafsir dengan pendekatan gender. Hasil kajian ini menyimpulkan bahwa meski secara normatif Islam memandang perempuan sebagai makhluk yang mulia dan terhormat, terdapat penafsiran-penafsiran terhadap beberapa ayat Alquran tentang kepemimpinan rumah tangga yang bias partihiarkhi dan tidak memberikan porsi keadilan terhadap hak-hak perempuan dalam rumah tangga. Sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, muncul penafsiran-penafsiran yang lebih memiliki semangat kesetaraan terkait relasi gender. Beberapa teori tafsir dikembangkan dengan pendekatan perspektif gender antara lain oleh Muhammad Abduh, Asghar Ali Engineer, Amina Wadud, dan Quraish Shihab

    Investigation of linearity between mechanical properties of wood using graphical method

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    Some basic requirements are set for small clear specimen data to incorporate Malaysian timbers into equivalent European timber strength classes. In general, the correlation between structural and small clear specimen test results must be established for every timber group regardless of origin. This paper introduces a sort-plot technique for analysing the correlation of some mechanical properties of timber in selecting appropriate parametric model. Bending test was conducted on mixed species hardwoods for the determination of strength and stiffness values of both structural and small size specimens. The results showed that the sort-plot diagrams demonstrate an obvious linearity pattern between timber properties despite having poor regression values. The technique verified that properties of timber in structural and small size specimens correlated linearly

    Elderly care monitoring system with IoT application

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    Falls among elderly can pose serious consequences such as injury or even fatal ones. Therefore, it is essential that fall are detected early and away to that is by using IoT platform. The authors have been developing a wearable device for elderly monitoring system utilizing accelerometer. The data from accelerometer is connected to an Internet-of-Things (IoT) platform called ThingSpeakTM. Based on IoT platform, elderly patients can be remotely monitored as long as the care providers have good internet access. The paper presents the experimental results of determining the sensitivity and specificity of the accelerometer used in the proposed system. This is the first step for developing an accurate data acquisition for monitoring purposes. Based on the experimental results, the average percentage for sensitivity obtained for this device is 73.3%, while the average for specificity obtained is 89.3%. Both sensitivity and specificity tests shows promising results which indicates that the device only has a fail rate of 26.7% and error rate of 10.7%


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    This study demonstrates Quran-based Interfaith Conflict Resolution as a conflict management model that introduces and promotes the theory of nonviolence and peace-building and the principle of coexistence among religious believers. Although some verses in Quran may mention and justifies the use of limited force as in Quranic verses QS. al-Baqarah/2:190 and QS. al-Hajj/9:39, some others also present a lot of principles and the implementation of nonviolence including patience, forgiveness, tolerance, dispute prevention and management, the prohibition of seeking revenge, clarification (tabayun), dialogue, negotiation, mediation, mutual curse (mubahalah), acceptance of agreement, persuasive preaching, reconciliation, and amnesty. This study introduces the Ethical-Technical Conflict Resolution or Management model as it contains ethical and technical foundation formulas. The ethical foundation formula as the basic principles, for example, includes justice, maslahah (public interest), tolerance, and nonviolence. In the meantime, the technical foundation which is operational in nature includes dialogue, social interaction and cooperation, negotiation, mediation, peace agreement, law enforcement, reconciliation and amnest

    Influence of artocarpus altilis fruit extract on cancer cell

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    Conventional chemopreventive agents causes adverse side effects in cancer patients. Thus, this study focuses on the effects of natural plant extract against cancer cell as a way to reduce or detrimental effects of orthodox drugs. The present study emphasizes on anti-cancer potentiality of Artocarpus altilis fruit extract against cervical cancer cell. Cervical cancer cell treated with methanol extract of artocarpus altilis fruit with the concentration varied from 10μg/ml, 20μg/ml, 30μg/ml, 40μg/ml and 50μg/ml. Treated and untreated (cells without treatment) cell proliferation and half maximal inhibitory concentration IC50 measured after 72 hours of incubation. Cells without treatment, 10μg/ml, 20μg/ml, 30μg/ml, 40μg/ml and 50 μg/ml of extract concentration showed 1.3, 0.98, 0.72, 0.65, 0.51, and 0.3 of cell proliferation factor accordingly with 40μg/ml of IC50 value. The result shows that artocarpus altilis is capable in opposing cervical cancer cell proliferation or growth as the proliferation factor decreases with the increasing dose of extract concentration which can be attributed to the presence of bioactive compound in Artocarpus altilis

    Artocarpus altilis extract effect on cervical cancer cells

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    This paper elucidate on the effects of Artocarpus Altilis Pulp part on cervix HeLa cancer cell. IC50 values of pulp extract were determined on HeLa cell with different concentration (12.5µg/ml, 25µg/ml, 50µg/ml, 100µg/ml). Cell viability and cell growth were observed up to 72 hours with comparative to control cells. The results obtained in this research quantitatively revealed the dependence of cell proliferation on extract concentration. Control, 12.5µg/ml, 25µg/ml, 50µg/ml, 100µg/ml of concentration showed 100%, 90%, 80%, 50%, 44% cell viability after 72 hours in culture respectively. This study result demonstrates that Artocarpus Altilis has the ability to inhibit cervical cancer cell proliferation


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    The present study described the process and the problems of marriage registration for Indonesian citizens who live in the Netherlands. Through qualitative approach, the study found that the marriage for Indonesian brides and grooms who are Muslim in Den Haag had been recorded by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the country. The process of delivering marriage service in the Embassy had been simple and easy if the bride and grooms were able to provide the marriage requirements. On the other hand, mixed-marriages were unable to be recorded in the Embassy; however, these mixed-marriages might be recorded in Gemeente or the office of local authority on the country. In addition, the present study also found that several Indonesian citizens in the Netherlands had decided to opt for sirri marriage or religion-based marriage and thus they did not record their marriage in either the Embassy or the Gemeente. The sirri marriage had been selected because the brides and the grooms did not have valid administrative requirements. These brides and grooms usually registered themselves as life partners. Socially, sirri marriage did not have negative impacts because the partners still had social security provided by the government; as a result, civil, social, and economic rights had not been limited. Furthermore, the present study found that the spouses of mixed-marriages in the Netherlands encountered conflict of laws in which the Marriage Law admitted the law of the state in which the marriage had been held but also urged the single-faith marriage. On that basis, the present study would like to recommend reconstruction of marriage law in Indonesia, by recognizing the marriage record that has been legally carried out in other country


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    The beauty of nature in Cisarua Puncak sub-district of Bogor Regency has been recognized by the Arab travellers for a long. Many of them were coming to this sub-district for a tour. It has both positive and negarive effects. Their presence leads to the growth of local economy, but on the other hand, it also leads to the emergence of marriages contract. Even, a changing trends is founds there, a trend what is known as a hidden prostitution and this practice has become disturbing. This qualitative research was conducted to elaborate the phenomenon of contract marriages practice and prostitution in Cisarua Puncak sub-district of Bogor Regency, stratted from the history, the process, the actors, and the community and local authorities response. This research also analyzed the violations of law and indications of crimilan acts. The research result succeded to describe a detail information of the phenomen of marriages contract and “dawar” protitution. The research also concluded that the marriage contract and its derivates, namely “dawar” prostitution, is a violation of religion norm and law. But admittedly, its really no easy to directly eradicated, but it could be disciplined gradualy. The recommendation of the research are: legal and religious aproach are strongly necessary; economic approach also needed by doing skill trainings for those who involved in contract marriage and “dawar” prostitution. So they will have any competences and opportunities to work in legal fields