2,346 research outputs found

    A converse to the Grace--Walsh--Szeg\H{o} theorem

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    We prove that the symmetrizer of a permutation group preserves stability of a polynomial if and only if the group is orbit homogeneous. A consequence is that the hypothesis of permutation invariance in the Grace-Walsh-Szeg\H{o} Coincidence Theorem cannot be relaxed. In the process we obtain a new characterization of the \emph{Grace-like polynomials} introduced by D. Ruelle, and prove that the class of such polynomials can be endowed with a natural multiplication.Comment: 7 page

    Various Layers in Social Psychology

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    Understanding humans through social influence is always needed. Through an analysis of specific topics of social psychology, a bridge between issues can be created. This research aims to understand the various layers in social psychology using secondary data. The methodology used in this study is qualitative research, particularly literature review. The subject of this study is some literatures in databases, and other scholarly articles to use as supporting evidence for this work about the study of social psychology. The results provide understanding of layers on social psychology including how individuals interact and function in the day-to-day lives. Human can learn how to better recognize the information process happening in their brains and how to manipulate it in different social situations. The depth of how human relate to each other, and their surroundings is seen through social psychology's "social" aspect. Individuals thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are unique and influenced by social norms' real or imagined presence. This study has theoretical implication on how social psychology has layers to explain how human interact in social context.   Pemahaman tentang manusia melalui pengaruh sosial selalu dibutuhkan. Melalui analisis topik-topik tertentu psikologi sosial, jembatan antar permasalahan dapat diciptakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami berbagai lapisan dalam psikologi sosial dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif khususnya tinjauan pustaka. Subyek penelitian ini adalah beberapa literatur dalam database, dan artikel ilmiah lainnya yang digunakan sebagai bukti pendukung karya tentang studi psikologi sosial ini. Hasilnya memberikan pemahaman tentang lapisan psikologi sosial termasuk bagaimana individu berinteraksi dan berfungsi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Manusia dapat belajar bagaimana mengenali dengan lebih baik proses informasi yang terjadi di otaknya dan bagaimana memanipulasinya dalam berbagai situasi sosial. Kedalaman hubungan manusia satu sama lain, dan lingkungannya dilihat melalui aspek “sosial” psikologi sosial. Pikiran, perasaan, dan perilaku individu bersifat unik dan dipengaruhi oleh kehadiran norma-norma sosial yang nyata atau yang dibayangkan. Kajian ini mempunyai implikasi teoritis mengenai bagaimana psikologi sosial mempunyai lapisan-lapisan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana manusia berinteraksi dalam konteks sosial

    2017 Making Literature Conference

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    Keynote Speakers: Tom Noyes, Shari Wagner, Grace Tiffany, Jessica Mesman Griffith, David Griffit

    Electric Vehicle Art Car

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    The goal of this project is to design and create a prototype for an electric vehicle platform that can be used as the base of an art car for the Burning Man event. In accordance with the environmental principles of Burning Man and our sponsor organizations, we will pursue sustainability in design and construction of this platform. This platform will serve as a way for event participants to interact with art and function as a way to transport people. As an additional bonus, this platform will set the standard for sustainability for the future of art cars. During this past semester, we conducted thorough research into the feasibility of electric vehicle platforms and explored many possible options. We concluded that the most realistic way to achieve this electric vehicle platform was to build the system entirely from scratch. After this decision, we examined various subsystems necessary for the functionality of the vehicle. At the conclusion of this semester, we were able to test and create a critical function prototype of the steering system. During the next semester, we hope to test and build more prototype subsystems of the drivetrain, the frame, and power storage. By the end of the semester, we hope to deliver a fully-functional model of the art car platform. After completion of these goals, the designs and model will be saved so the project can be expanded upon by another party, most likely ArtBuilds or another senior capstone engineering team

    Fluoroquinolone versus nonfluoroquinolone treatment of bloodstream infections caused by chromosomally mediated ampc‐producing enterobacteriaceae

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    Objectives: Chromosomally mediated AmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CAE) display high susceptibility to fluoroquinolones; minimal clinical data exist supporting comparative clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to compare treatment outcomes between fluoroquinolone and nonfluoroquinolone definitive therapy of bloodstream infections caused by CAE. Methods: This retrospective cohort assessed adult patients with positive blood cultures for CAE that received inpatient treatment for 48 hours. The primary outcome was difference in clinical failure between patients who received fluoroquinolone (FQ) versus non‐FQ treatment. Secondary endpoints included microbiological cure, infection‐related length of stay, 90‐day readmission, and all‐cause inpatient mortality. Results: 56 patients were included in the study (31 (55%) received a FQ as definitive therapy; 25 (45%) received non‐FQ). All non‐FQ patients received a beta‐lactam (BL). Clinical failure occurred in 10 (18%) patients, with 4 (13%) in the FQ group and 6 (24%) in the BL group (p = 0.315). Microbiological cure occurred in 55 (98%) patients. Median infection‐related length of stay was 10 (6–20) days, with a significantly longer stay occurring in the BL group (p = 0.002). There was no statistical difference in 90‐day readmissions between groups (7% FQ vs. 17% BL; p = 0.387); one patient expired. Conclusion: These results suggest that fluoroquinolones do not adversely impact clinical outcomes in patients with CAE. When alternatives to beta‐lactam therapy are needed, fluoroquinolones may provide an effective option

    Usabilidade do processo de enfermagem informatizado a partir da CIPE® em unidades de terapia intensiva*

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a usabilidade do Processo de Enfermagem Informatizado (PEI) a partir da CIPE® 1.0 em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos pelos padrões da International Organization for Standartization e Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas de sistemas. MÉTODO Trata-se de estudo quantitativo, semiexperimental do tipo antes e depois, com uma amostra de 34 participantes (enfermeiros, professores e programadores de sistemas), realizado em três Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. RESULTADOS Os critérios avaliados (uso, conteúdo e interface) evidenciaram que o PEI possui critérios de usabilidade, pois integra uma estrutura lógica de dados, avaliação clínica, diagnósticos e intervenções de Enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO O PEI é uma fonte de informações e conhecimentos que disponibiliza aos enfermeiros novas modalidades de aprendizagem em terapia intensiva, por ser um espaço que fornece um conteúdo amplo, completo e detalhado, alicerçado por dados e informações de pesquisas científicas atuais e relevantes para prática de Enfermagem.OBJECTIVE To analyze the usability of Computerized Nursing Process (CNP) from the ICNP® 1.0 in Intensive Care Units in accordance with the criteria established by the standards of the International Organization for Standardization and the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards of systems. METHOD This is a before-and-after semi-experimental quantitative study, with a sample of 34 participants (nurses, professors and systems programmers), carried out in three Intensive Care Units. RESULTS The evaluated criteria (use, content and interface) showed that CNP has usability criteria, as it integrates a logical data structure, clinical assessment, diagnostics and nursing interventions. CONCLUSION The CNP is a source of information and knowledge that provide nurses with new ways of learning in intensive care, for it is a place that provides complete, comprehensive, and detailed content, supported by current and relevant data and scientific research information for Nursing practices.OBJETIVO Analizar la usabilidad del Proceso de Enfermería Informatizado (PEI) desde la CIPE® 1.0 en Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos por los estándares de la International Organization for Standartization y Asociación Brasileña de Normas Técnicas de sistemas. MÉTODO Se trata de estudio cuantitativo, semiexperimental del tipo antes y después, con una muestra de 34 participantes (enfermeros, profesores y programadores de sistemas), realizado en tres Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos. RESULTADOS Los criterios evaluados (uso, contenido e interfaz) evidenciaron que el PEI tiene criterios de usabilidad, pues integra una estructura lógica de datos, evaluación clínica, diagnósticos e intervenciones de Enfermería. CONCLUSIÓN El PEI es una fuente de informaciones y conocimientos que facilita a los enfermeros nuevas modalidades de aprendizaje en terapia intensiva, al ser un espacio que proporciona un contenido amplio, completo y detallado, cimentado por datos e informaciones de investigaciones científicas actuales y relevantes para la práctica de Enfermería

    Polynomials with the half-plane property and matroid theory

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    A polynomial f is said to have the half-plane property if there is an open half-plane H, whose boundary contains the origin, such that f is non-zero whenever all the variables are in H. This paper answers several open questions regarding multivariate polynomials with the half-plane property and matroid theory. * We prove that the support of a multivariate polynomial with the half-plane property is a jump system. This answers an open question posed by Choe, Oxley, Sokal and Wagner and generalizes their recent result claiming that the same is true whenever the polynomial is also homogeneous. * We characterize multivariate multi-affine polynomial with real coefficients that have the half-plane property (with respect to the upper half-plane) in terms of inequalities. This is used to answer two open questions posed by Choe and Wagner regarding strongly Rayleigh matroids. * We prove that the Fano matroid is not the support of a polynomial with the half-plane property. This is the first instance of a matroid which does not appear as the support of a polynomial with the half-plane property and answers a question posed by Choe et al. We also discuss further directions and open problems.Comment: 17 pages. To appear in Adv. Mat

    The Peterborough Exemplar: a protocol to evaluate the impact and implementation of a new patient-centred, system-wide community mental healthcare model in England.

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    BACKGROUND: Community mental healthcare has significantly grown since de-institutionalization. Despite progress, service fragmentation and gaps in service provision remain key barriers to effective community care in England. Recent mental healthcare policies highlighted the need to transform service provision by developing patient-centred, joined-up community mental healthcare. In response to policy guidance, a system-wide community mental healthcare model was developed in Peterborough (England). The "Peterborough Exemplar" is based on two main pillars: (1) the creation of knowledge exchange pathways to strengthen interorganizational relationships, and (2) the development of new, accessible community services addressing existing service gaps. This paper presents the protocol developed to evaluate the Peterborough Exemplar. METHODS: A quasi-experimental design with an intervention group and a nonequivalent comparator group has been developed to compare service provision provided in Peterborough pre- and post-intervention with services provided in Fenland, a neighbouring area where service users access usual care. Two evaluation methods will be employed to compare service provision between the two groups: (1) outcome measures completed by service users and carers will be analysed to assess quality of life and service satisfaction, and (2) service activity data will be analysed to assess service usage. In addition, qualitative interviews will be conducted with staff members of participating organizations to explore the implementation of the Exemplar in Peterborough and evaluate knowledge exchange processes among local service providers. A matched control approach will be used to compare outcome measures between the two areas. Descriptive and inferential statistics, including chi-square tests, will be used to analyse service activity data and examine differences between the two areas. A thematic analysis will be adopted to analyse qualitative data. DISCUSSION: Outcomes of the evaluation will contribute to understanding the contribution of the Peterborough Exemplar on mental health service provision locally. Evaluation findings and intermediate reporting will be shared with organizations involved in the implementation of the Peterborough Exemplar and with local decision-makers to inform the Exemplar delivery. As the Peterborough Exemplar is an Early Implementer (EI) site funded by NHS England, findings will be shared with policy-makers to inform national policy on community mental healthcare and integrated care