174 research outputs found


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    Kota Lama’s retention basin in Semarang is one of flood controller building which has many potentions to be developed as a public space and its already done by government. But the way of its development use as a public space, it still has several problems and need to be solved in order to make it used optimally. In another word, it requires development efforts with an involvement of its stakeholders. That will create a Kota Lama’s retention basin as a recreatif public space for the users, especially the local community as the potential one, which also as the purpose of this study. The developments efforts adapt to the public space and recreation concepts, the real conditions of Kota Lama’s retention basin, community perception as the users which analyzed with frequentive distribution and deliver alternative developments efforts. The government as managers will make a priority for the alternative based on their perception which is influenced by their competence and responsibility with analytical hierarchy process as the tools. The results are 89% community need an comfortable. Their need appear because 98% of them feel that there are only few trees and plants so the air surroundings the basin is hot. So do the government, which are tourism official, Bappeda and PT. KAI, as the manager have the same perception with the community, except public works official. They have different priority for the development of Kota Lama’s retention basin as public space, which is need a cleanliness quality improvement. And also, requires a good managements with all stakeholders involvements in a corporate framework, good coordination with transparent job and obligation for each of the stakeholders

    Street Vendors Hypergrowth: Consequence of Uncontrolled Urbanization In Semarang City

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    This paper aims to understand the role of urbanization to street vendors emerging. In the case of Semarang, more than 54% Semarang’s street vendors come from its hinterlands. These sectors turn to development dichotomy that have a positive and negative impact. Positively, this area becomes resilience economy people. In the negative side, more than 60% vendors make their stall in the public space. This research used a mix-method approach taking 271 samples, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in deep interviews. From this study, it can be concluded that urbanization had led to the outbreak of street vendors through (1) rural-urban migration, and (2) the social change as a result of gentrification. Working as street vendors turned out to be an alternative way of life to adapt to global economic uncertainty. Also, there are 71.6% of street vendors open their stalls in 2003-2009, or about 6-7 years after the monetary crisis (1997). It shows that the financial crisis is not the primary trigger for the outbreak of street vendors. Another interesting finding is that there is a new phenomenon in the form of the intervention of the middle class who took part in this business


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    Setiap harinya intensitas pergerakan pengguna jalan di koridor Jalan Ngesrep ini bertambah tinggi dikarenakan aktivitas yang terdapat di sepanjang koridor jalan ini beragam seperti pemukiman penduduk dan perdaganggan jasa. Berkurangnya luas lahan ruang terbuka hijau untuk ketersediaan vegetasi di sepanjang koridor Jalan Ngesrep menjadi nilai estetika koridor tersebut berkurang. Ketersediaan vegetasi yang berperan penting dalam efektivitas fungsi ruang terbuka hijau selain berfungsi sebagai nilai estetika juga bermanfaat menyerap polusi udara. Kurangnya jumlah ketersediaan vegetasi pada koridor JalanNgesrep terkait dengan kurangnya proporsi kawasan yang dialokasikan untuk ruang terbuka dan menyebabkan menjadi rendah, menurunnya tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat dan secara langsung menyebabkan menurunnya nilai estetika hijau lingkungan serta sarana cadangan air tanah ikut serta menurun. Untuk memenuhi ketersediaan vegetasi pada koridor Jalan Ngesrep yang fungsional dan ekologis pada suatu sistem perkotaan diperlukan adanya pengelolaan yang komprehensif dari bebagai pihak yaitu pemerintah, swsata, dan masyarakat

    Strengthening Community-Based Capacity through Ecosettlement Concept in Kelurahan

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    A Semarang City Plan 2021 was prepared to ensure that the planning for Semarang will strike a balance between physical, economic, social and environmental development. There is crucial significance in meeting needs of the people that are vital for the development of Semarang city because it reflects upon an inclusive society for the Semarang city. Therefore, understanding the environmental, economic and social aspects of Kelurahan or district is considered a practical perspective to build the collaborative partnership among the stakeholders. This paper aims to identify strengths environmentally friendly based on the role of institutions and community character. Green techniques implemented in these communities will be analyzed while using eco-settlement as illustrative examples. After that, interviews that conducted in the visited communities will be analyzed while making use of communities of practice approach. There are some environmental issues in many kelurahan in Semarang. In the factual issues, garbage is one of the fundamental problems of the area, followed by the landscape. In the case of perception of environmental problems, people have different thinking on the problem. The policy tools can divide into two components: community-based eco-settlement and strengthen the capacity for institutional development. Community-based eco-settlement incorporates promotion of environmental conservation and strengthening the sense of community among the residents. On the other hand, increasing the capacity for institutional includes enhancing the capacity of the local community and collaboration between the local communities


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    Pendidikan merupakan salah satu pilar terpenting dalam meningkatkan kualitas manusia. Di Indonesia, pelayanan pendidikan menjadi program utama pemerintah yang merupakan salah satu urusan wajib pemerintah daerah. Namun, pada kenyataannya pelayanan pendidikan tidak hanya berlaku bagi siswa yang berasal dari dalam wilayahnya saja, sehingga menimbulkan pelayanan pendidikan lintas batas daerah. Kondisi tersebut juga terjadi di SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga, yang melayani pendidikan bagi siswa dari dalam dan luar Kota Salatiga, terutama Kabupaten Semarang. Kondisi aksesibilitas yang baik, didukung dengan transpotasi yang memadai serta kualitas sekolah yang baik, menyebabkan pelayanan lintas batas tidak dapat dihindari. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kajian mengenai pelayanan lintas batas daerah Pendidikan SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang, dengan pertanyaan penelitian “Bagaimana pelayanan lintas batas daerah SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga yang terjadi di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang dan mengapa demikian?”

    Application of Bio-pore Infiltration Hole as an Urban Runoff Management

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    The application of bio-pore infiltration holes (BIH) can be one solution for urban runoff management by reducing surface runoff to the ground. But, the difference in soil types and characteristics could affect the runoff reduction that can be achieved by BIH. This research aims to determine the runoff reduction can be achieved by bio-pore infiltration hole (BIH) from different soil types and conditions. The methods in this study mainly focus on hydraulic conductivity calculations using Porchet method and the implementation of Minister of Environment Regulation Numb. 12/2009 for the BIH installations. Based on the implementation of Minister of Environment Regulation Numb. 12/2009, the required BIHs for the area of 500 m2 are 1,000, both for silt and clay soils. The runoff reductions that can be achieved with the application of BIHs are 38.98 - 95.73% for silt soils and 20.67 - 54.28% for clay soils, depends on the soil condition


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    Keunikan dan keragaman pariwisata di suatu daerah mempengaruhi perkembangan pariwisata daerah tersebut. Salah satu strategi pengembangan pariwisata yang sesuai untuk daerah yang memiliki daya tarik wisata yang banyak dan beragam adalah dengan perwilayahan pariwisata. Perwilayahan pariwisata adalah pembagian wilayah-wilayah pariwisata yang dapat dipandang memiliki potensi, selanjutnya dapat dijadikan tujuan yang pasti. Daya tarik wisata di Kabupaten Semarang dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi 8 jenis yaitu alam, budaya, sejarah, buatan, pilgrim, industri, olahraga, dan kuliner

    Optimalisasi Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Dengan Menerapkan District Meter Area Pada Perusahaan Umum Daerah Air Minum Tirta Kencana Kabupaten Jombang

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    Air minum menjadi kebutuhan dasar dan hak masyarakat yang wajib dipenuhi oleh pemerintah. Penyediaan air minum yang layak sesuai dengan standar baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah tertuang dalam PERMENKES No. 492 Tahun 2019 tentang persyaratan kualitas air minum. Tulisan ini membahas sebagian hasil  studi  yang  dilakukan  untuk   mengkaji tekanan sistem jaringan perpipaan distribusi air minum di PERUMDAM Tirta Kencana Kabupaten Jombang serta pelayanan distribusi air yang belum merata sesuai dengan kondisi eksisting jaringan perpipaan yang masih interkoneksi sehingga masih belum bisa memetakan arah aliran air dan jumlah debit pada daerah tertentu serta menerapkan DMA.Metode yang digunakan untuk mengatur tekanan air pada pelanggan dapat disimulasikan menggunakan analisis software EPANET 2.2 dengan perhitungan berkala  selama kurun waktu 24 jam. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan mangambil studi kasus di 3 sumber air yang dimiliki PERUMDAM Tirta Kencana Kabupaten Jombang dengan kondisi eksisting sistem jaringan perpipaan yang masih interkoneksi dengan menerapkan Distric Meter Area (DMA).Setelah permodelan dengan epanet 2.2 disimulasikan akan mendapatkan hasil simulasi yang optimal umtuk digunakan sebagai acuan dalam membentuk DMA sebagai uapaya mengoptimalkan sistem jaringan perpipaan eksisting


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    This study discusses the measurement of egg hatching machine productivity at PT. Malindo Feedmill.Tbk, in Peninjauan, Bumiagung Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine how much productivity from the hatching results of broiler chicken eggs with Petersime and Chickmaster hatching machines. The method used in this study is to use the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method. Besed on the best results obtained on the Petersime type hatching machine than the Chickmaster in percentage calculation Availability Rate (91,13%), Performance Rate (11,37%), and Rate of Quality (99,53%). So that the average value of overall equipment effectiveness or effectiveness of the use of manufactured machines of (OEE=97,53%). The conclusion of this study is the OEE value achieved by the Petersime type hatching machine has met the set standards for the effectiveness of an equipment of 85% (JIPM) whereas on the Chickmaster type hatching machine does not meet the OEE standard value because it is still below 85%, in the analysis of Six Big Losses it is known that the engine breakdown factor (Break Down Losses) is the dominant factor as the cause of production equipment not operating normally either on the Petersime type hatching machine and Chickmaster.    Keywords: Productivity, OEE, Hatching Machine, Petersime, Chickmaste

    Evaluasi Kinerja Forum Bina Lingkungan (Bilik) Dalam Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Pencemaran Air Sungai di Kecamatan Cikarang Barat Kabupaten Bekasi

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    Forum Bina Lingkungan (Forum Bilik) sebagai manifestasi partisipasi stakeholder dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup merupakan salah satu strategi pengawasan dan pengendalian pencemaran air dalam pengelolaan sungai. Forum Bilik dibentuk di sekitar sub daerah aliran sungai dengan keanggotaan terdiri dari masyarakat (tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, pemerhati lingkungan) dan pengusaha/ industriawan. Melalui penelitian studi kasus terhadap partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup akan dikaji kinerja forum bina lingkungan (bilik) dalam pengawasan pencemaran air sungai. Fokus penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikan realita yang terjadi di wilayah studi atas kinerja forum bilik dalam pengawasan dan pengendalian pencemaran air sungai. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui observasi langsung, wawancara, dan diskusi kelompok kecil