212 research outputs found

    Thon rings from amorphous ice and implications of beam-induced Brownian motion in single particle electron cryo-microscopy

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    We have recorded dose-fractionated electron cryo-microscope images of thin films of pure flash-frozen amorphous ice and pre-irradiated amorphous carbon on a Falcon~II direct electron detector using 300 keV electrons. We observe Thon rings \cite{Thon1966} in both the power spectrum of the summed frames and the sum of power spectra from the individual frames. The Thon rings from amorphous carbon images are always more visible in the power spectrum of the summed frames whereas those of amorphous ice are more visible in the sum of power spectra from the individual frames. This difference indicates that while pre-irradiated carbon behaves like a solid during the exposure, amorphous ice behaves like a fluid with the individual water molecules undergoing beam-induced motion. Using the measured variation in the power spectra amplitude with number of electrons per image we deduce that water molecules are randomly displaced by mean squared distance of \sim 1.1 \AA2^{2} for every incident 300 keV e^{-}/\AA2^2. The induced motion leads to an optimal exposure with 300 keV electrons of 4.0 e^{-}/\AA2^2 per image with which to see Thon rings centred around the strong 3.7{\AA} scattering peak from amorphous ice. The beam-induced movement of the water molecules generates pseudo-Brownian motion of embedded macromolecules. The resulting blurring of single particle images contributes an additional term, on top of that from radiation damage, to the minimum achievable B-factor for macromolecular structure determination.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, Supplementary information 6 pages with 5 figure

    Efficacy of caudal dexmedetomidine on stress response and post operative pain in paediatric cardiac surgery: A prospective, randomized, double blinded study

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    BACKGROUND: The stress response during cardiac surgery may have deleterious effect during perioperative period. This study evaluates the efficacy of caudal dexmedetomidine on stress response and post operative pain in paediatric cardio thoracic surgery under general anaesthesia. AIM OF THE STUDY: To compare the stress response and post operative analgesia using bupivacaine (0.25%)with dexmedetomidine and bupivacaine (0.25%) with fentanyl after general anaesthesia in paediatric cardiac surgery. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the intra operative and post operative hemodynamic stability. 2. Post operative FACES pain score. 3. Extubation time. 4. Time taken to initiate post operative rescue analgesia. 5. To know the complications rate. METHODS: A prospective randamoized controlled study was conducted in 50 ASA PS I patients posted for ASD repair were randomly divided into two groups. Group A received caudal bupivacaine [0.25%] and dexmedetomidine 1mcg/kg with volume of 1.5ml/kg.Group B received caudal bupivacaine [0.25%] and fentanyl 1mcg/kg with volume of 1.5ml/kg. Serum cortisol and serum glucose were measured.Intra operative and post operative hemodynamics were recorded. RESULTS: Serum cortisol and serum glucose levels were lower in dexmedetomidine group when compared to fentanyl group. Intra operative and post operative analgesic requirements were decreased in dexmedetomidine group when compared to fentanyl group. FACES pain score comparatively low in dexmedetomidine group. CONCLUSION: Dexmedetomidine attenuates the stress response and provides better intra operative and post operative hemodynamics and pronged post operative analgesia and shorter time to extubation.so caudal dexmedetomidine proves to be superior than fentanyl

    Structure of the deactive state of mammalian respiratory complex I

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    Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is central to energy metabolism in mammalian mitochondria. It couples NADH oxidation by ubiquinone to proton transport across the energy-conserving inner membrane, catalyzing respiration and driving ATP synthesis. In the absence of substrates, ‘active’ complex I gradually enters a pronounced resting or ‘deactive’ state. The active-deactive transition occurs during ischemia and is crucial for controlling how respiration recovers upon reperfusion. Here, we set a highly-active preparation of Bos taurus complex I into the biochemically-defined deactive state, and used single-particle electron cryomicroscopy to determine its structure to 4.1 Å resolution. We show that the deactive state arises when critical structural elements that form the ubiquinone-binding site become disordered, and we propose reactivation is induced when substrate binding to the NADH-reduced enzyme templates their reordering. Our structure both rationalizes biochemical data on the deactive state, and offers new insights into its physiological and cellular roles.Data were recorded at the UK National Electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC) at Diamond (proposal EM13581, funded by the Wellcome Trust, MRC and BBSRC) with help from Dan Clare and Alistair Siebert. This work was supported by The Medical Research Council, grant numbers U105663141 (to J.H.) and U105184322 (K.R.V. in R. Henderson's group)

    Neoplasia in oil sardine from Palk Bay

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    During a routine fishery survey programme at Irumeni fishing village, Palk Bay on 03rd December 2016, a single specimen of oil sardine Sardinella longiceps with neoplasia, measuring 163 mm in total length (TL) and weighing 119 gram was collected from the gillnet landings. The specimen was a female with empty stomach

    Overview on commercially important pelagic fishery resources of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    Pelagic fishes are highly migratory and exhibit shoaling nature. They inhabited in the water column (not near the bottom of the shore) of the coast or open oceans. Based on the deepness of the water in which they exist, can be classified into coastal and oceanic fish. The “coastal resources” are called the groups like sardines, anchovies and shads which inhabit above the continental shelf,and oceanic resources are called Tuna, swordfish, and mackerel which inhabited below the continental shelf they are

    Demersal fishes of Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    India has an extensive coastline length of 8,129 km, continental shelf area of about 0.5 million km2 and the area available for fish production in the country is vast with 2.02 million km2of EEZ. Gulf of Mannar (GoM) is situated in the Indian Ocean, between south east of India and West of Sri Lanka from Rameswaram (79° 14' East Longitude and 9°14' North Latitude) and Tuticorin (78° 9' East Longitude 8°48' North Latitude) on the south-eastern coast of the country (Tamil Nadu).The Gulf is 80–170 miles (130–275 km) wide and 100 miles (160 km) long with a chain of 21 islands stretching from Mandapam to Tuticorin

    Taxonomy and Biology of commercially important Species of Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters

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    The crustacean fisheries of India have considerable importance in the economy of the country, earning very valuable foreign exchange. Edible marine crustaceans consisting of prawns, lobsters and crabs form the most important constituents of the commercial fish landings of India. Shrimps and prawns constitute a large group of crustaceans varying in size and are widely distributed in marine, brackish, and freshwater regions from the equator to the Polar Regions. Although the majority of the commercial marine species occupy shallow or moderately deep water areas along the continental shelves at depths of less than 100 m, some are found at depths of nearly 5700 m. Many prawns are pelagic but the majority by far is benthic, living on a large variety of bottoms such as rock, mud, peat, and sand, fragments of shells or mixtures of these materials

    Conversion of mini trawls (Thallumadi) into light fishing craft targeting belonids and hemiramphids along palk bay, southeast coast of India

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    The needlefish both full beak and halfbeaks support a good fishery in Tamil Nadu and exploited by drift gillnet (Mural valai). In this study, we were focused to document the conversion of Mini trawls (Thallumadi) into light fishing craft targeting Belonids and Hemiramphids along Palk Bay. The detailed survey was conducted in the six landing centres along Palk Bay. The fishing was mainly targeted to catch Tylosurus crocodilus from 2000 to 0300 hrs at the distance of 3-4 NM in the depth of 5 m. After reaching the fishing ground, the fishes are usually aggregated using LED lights. The fishermen use the scoop net to collect the fishes. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) ranged from 36 to 40 kg/Unit and the fishery was dominated by T. crocodilus (85%) followed by Hemiramphus far (9%) and Ablennes hians (6%). The net operating income for this fishery is higher than the mini trawl fishery


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    An electricity demand in India is now at an all-time high. Agriculture accounts for 21.5 percent of total electricity use; according to sectoral demand patterns. Technology is becoming increasingly popular. PV cells are utilized to power electrical equipment because of their high energy output. Solar energy is a clean and inexpensive energy source. Solar powered water pumping is an important technology for conserving vital resources such as water and electricity. This experiment is to calculate the efficiency of solar pump and panel. It is evaluated by calculating the input and output energy of the pump and panel. By comparing the efficiencies of pump and panel we can be able to estimate the amount of loss of energy. For conserving the energy, we can also install battery and charge controller for the use of pump in dark without solar energy. It conserves energy even while the pump is working. At the time of 2-3pm the efficiency of solar panel is about 55-60% and for the pump is 50-55%. By installing the storage device, we can save 2-5% of the energy wastage. This proves to be a better implementation for conserving the energy and the use of pump at any time. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i08.00