23 research outputs found

    Transcending the locality of grassroots initiatives : diffusion of sustainability knowledge and practice through transdisciplinary research

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    Community-based approaches to natural resource management are being discussed and experienced as promising ways for pursuing ecological conservation and socio-economic development simultaneously. However, the multiplicity of levels, scales, objectives and actors that are involved in sustainability transformations tends to be challenging for such bottom-up approaches. Collaborative and polycentric governance schemes are proposed for dealing with those challenges. What has not been fully explored is how knowledge from local contexts of community-based initiatives can be diffused to influence practices on higher levels and/or in other local contexts. This study explores how theoretical advances in the diffusion of grassroots innovation can contribute to understanding and supporting the diffusion of knowledge and practices from community-based initiatives and proposes a transdisciplinary approach to diffusion. For that aim, we develop an analytical perspective on the diffusion of grassroots innovations that takes into consideration the multiplicity of actors, levels and scales, the different qualities/types of knowledge and practices, as well as their respective contributions. We focus on the multiplicity and situatedness of cognitive frames and conceptualize the diffusion of grassroots innovations as a transdisciplinary process. In this way three different diffusion pathways are derived in which the knowledge and practices of grassroots initiatives can be processed in order to promote their (re)interpretation and (re)application in situations and by actors that do not share the cognitive frame and the local context of the originating grassroots initiative. The application of the developed approach is illustrated through transdisciplinary research for the diffusion of sustainable family farming innovations in Colombia. This conceptualization accounts for the emergence of multiplicity as an outcome of diffusion by emphasizing difference as a core resource in building sustainable futures


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    Transdisziplinarität als Bewegungsbegriff und Positionierungsbegriff beschreibt eine Forschungsform, die sich jenseits der Disziplinen bewegt und die Disziplinierung der Wissenschaft verändern will. Die Implementierung transdisziplinärer Fallstudien in die universitäre Lehre ist jedoch abhängig von curricularen Freiräumen und Zielkonflikten mit disziplinären Wissensbeständen. Der Transdisziplinaritätsdiskurs hat seit den 2000er Jahren in verschiedenen Forschungsfeldern eine starke Ausbreitung erfahren. Kritische Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Konzept der Transdisziplinarität durch Forscherinnen aus Afrika, Asien und Lateinamerika bringen Grenzen der Übertragbarkeit eher technokratisch-szientistischer Ansätze zur Geltung. Der Text zeigt, dass die Sprengkraft des Politischen und die Veränderungen in der Wissensgesellschaft den Transdisziplinaritätsdiskurs dynamisieren. (Herausgeber)Transdisciplinarity as a concept of movement and positioning describes a form of research that moves beyond the disciplines and wants to change the disciplining of science. However, the implementation of transdisciplinary case studies in university teaching is dependent on curricular freedom and conflicting goals with disciplinary bodies of knowledge. Since the 2000s, the transdisciplinarity discourse has experienced a strong expansion in various research fields. Critical engagements with the concept of transdisciplinarity by women researchers from Africa, Asia, and Latin America bring to light limits to the transferability of more technocratic scientistic approaches. The text shows that the explosive power of the political and the changes in the knowledge society dynamize the transdisciplinarity discourse. (Editor

    Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México

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    Recriando agricultura: conhecimentos agroecológicos e identidades camponesas em um processo de educação-pesquisa-ação no Chiapas, México O processo transdisciplinar de educação-pesquisa-ação camponesa, analisado neste artigo, tem sido direcionado à construção da agroecologia em teoria e prática pela organização camponesa OCEZ-CNPA em Chiapas, México. Ao aplicar uma metodologia baseada na Educação Popular e na Pesquisa-Ação Participativa, o conhecimento agro-cultural foi regenerado, o que tem o potencial para a transformação agroecológica. Este conhecimento é baseado em identidades camponesas e modos de vida que, apesar de terem sido colonizados e fragmentados, continuam tendo raízes profundas que resistem ao paradigma da modernidade. A partir da análise coletiva das experiências e memórias bioculturais camponesas, a mudança agro-cultural induzida pela ‘revolução verde’ é entendida como uma ruptura ontológica e epistemológica. Com uma praxis de pesquisa camponesa descolonial, os conhecimentos, práticas e valores que caracterizaram a agricultura maia durante milênios foram recuperados. Esta análise levou à concepção de uma agroecologia profunda que reconhece e resgata ontologias e epistemologias camponesas, constitutivas de outros paradigmas, correspondentes a formas de pensar e habitar o mundo, que diferem do paradigma moderno. Palavras-chave: educação popular, pesquisa-ação participativa, epistemologia camponesa, pesquisa transdisciplinar, agroecologia profunda.   Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México RESUMEN. El proceso transdisciplinario de educación-investigación-acción campesina, analizado en el presente artículo, ha tenido por objetivo la construcción de la agroecología en la teoría y la práctica por parte de la organización campesina OCEZ-CNPA en Chiapas, México. Aplicando una metodología basada en la Educación Popular y la Investigación-Acción Participativa, se han regenerado conocimientos agri-culturales, que poseen un potencial de transformación agroecológica. Estos conocimientos se sostienen en identidades y modos de vida campesinos que, a pesar de haber sido colonizados y fragmentados, siguen teniendo raíces profundas que resisten al paradigma de la modernidad. A partir del análisis colectivo de las vivencias y las memorias bioculturales campesinas se comprende el cambio agri-cultural, inducido por la ‘revolución verde’, como una ruptura ontológica y epistemológica. Con una praxis de investigación campesina decolonial se reivindicaron conocimientos, prácticas y valores, que han caracterizado la agricultura maya por milenios. Este análisis condujo a la concepción de una agroecología profunda que reconoce y rescata las ontologías y epistemologías campesinas, constitutivas de paradigmas otros, correspondientes a formas de pensar y habitar el mundo, que difieren del paradigma moderno. Palabras clave: educación popular, investigación-acción participativa, epistemología campesina, investigación transdisciplinaria, agroecología profunda.   Recreating agriculture-agroecological knowledge and peasant’s identities in a process of education-research-action in Chiapas, Mexico                                     ABSTRACT. The transdisciplinary and peasant-based process of education-research-action analysed in this article aims at the construction of agroecology in theory and practice by the peasants’ organization OCEZ-CNPA in Chiapas, Mexico. Conducting a methodology based on Popular Education and Participatory Action Research, agri-cultural knowledge has been regenerated, constituting potential for profound agroecological transformation. This knowledge relies on identities and ways of life that, despite having been colonized, continue to have deep roots that resist the paradigm of modernity. The collective reflection of the peasants’ experiences and biocultural memories have made the agri-cultural change induced by the ‘green revolution’ understood as an ontological and epistemological rupture. With this peasant-based and decolonial research, knowledge, values and practices, that have been characterizing the Mayan agriculture for thousands of years, have been reclaimed. This analysis has led to the conception of a deep agroecology that acknowledges and recovers the peasants’ ontologies and epistemologies, constitutive of other paradigms, corresponding to forms of thinking of and living in the world that differs to those of the modern paradigm. Keywords: popular education, participatory action research, peasants’ epistemology, transdisciplinary research, deep agroecology.Recriando agricultura: conhecimentos agroecológicos e identidades camponesas em um processo de educação-pesquisa-ação no Chiapas, México O processo transdisciplinar de educação-pesquisa-ação camponesa, analisado neste artigo, tem sido direcionado à construção da agroecologia em teoria e prática pela organização camponesa OCEZ-CNPA em Chiapas, México. Ao aplicar uma metodologia baseada na Educação Popular e na Pesquisa-Ação Participativa, o conhecimento agro-cultural foi regenerado, o que tem o potencial para a transformação agroecológica. Este conhecimento é baseado em identidades camponesas e modos de vida que, apesar de terem sido colonizados e fragmentados, continuam tendo raízes profundas que resistem ao paradigma da modernidade. A partir da análise coletiva das experiências e memórias bioculturais camponesas, a mudança agro-cultural induzida pela ‘revolução verde’ é entendida como uma ruptura ontológica e epistemológica. Com uma praxis de pesquisa camponesa descolonial, os conhecimentos, práticas e valores que caracterizaram a agricultura maia durante milênios foram recuperados. Esta análise levou à concepção de uma agroecologia profunda que reconhece e resgata ontologias e epistemologias camponesas, constitutivas de outros paradigmas, correspondentes a formas de pensar e habitar o mundo, que diferem do paradigma moderno. Palavras-chave: educação popular, pesquisa-ação participativa, epistemologia camponesa, pesquisa transdisciplinar, agroecologia profunda.   Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México RESUMEN. El proceso transdisciplinario de educación-investigación-acción campesina, analizado en el presente artículo, ha tenido por objetivo la construcción de la agroecología en la teoría y la práctica por parte de la organización campesina OCEZ-CNPA en Chiapas, México. Aplicando una metodología basada en la Educación Popular y la Investigación-Acción Participativa, se han regenerado conocimientos agri-culturales, que poseen un potencial de transformación agroecológica. Estos conocimientos se sostienen en identidades y modos de vida campesinos que, a pesar de haber sido colonizados y fragmentados, siguen teniendo raíces profundas que resisten al paradigma de la modernidad. A partir del análisis colectivo de las vivencias y las memorias bioculturales campesinas se comprende el cambio agri-cultural, inducido por la ‘revolución verde’, como una ruptura ontológica y epistemológica. Con una praxis de investigación campesina decolonial se reivindicaron conocimientos, prácticas y valores, que han caracterizado la agricultura maya por milenios. Este análisis condujo a la concepción de una agroecología profunda que reconoce y rescata las ontologías y epistemologías campesinas, constitutivas de paradigmas otros, correspondientes a formas de pensar y habitar el mundo, que difieren del paradigma moderno. Palabras clave: educación popular, investigación-acción participativa, epistemología campesina, investigación transdisciplinaria, agroecología profunda.   Recreating agriculture-agroecological knowledge and peasant’s identities in a process of education-research-action in Chiapas, Mexico                                     ABSTRACT. The transdisciplinary and peasant-based process of education-research-action analysed in this article aims at the construction of agroecology in theory and practice by the peasants’ organization OCEZ-CNPA in Chiapas, Mexico. Conducting a methodology based on Popular Education and Participatory Action Research, agri-cultural knowledge has been regenerated, constituting potential for profound agroecological transformation. This knowledge relies on identities and ways of life that, despite having been colonized, continue to have deep roots that resist the paradigm of modernity. The collective reflection of the peasants’ experiences and biocultural memories have made the agri-cultural change induced by the ‘green revolution’ understood as an ontological and epistemological rupture. With this peasant-based and decolonial research, knowledge, values and practices, that have been characterizing the Mayan agriculture for thousands of years, have been reclaimed. This analysis has led to the conception of a deep agroecology that acknowledges and recovers the peasants’ ontologies and epistemologies, constitutive of other paradigms, corresponding to forms of thinking of and living in the world that differs to those of the modern paradigm. Keywords: popular education, participatory action research, peasants’ epistemology, transdisciplinary research, deep agroecology.Recriando agricultura: conhecimentos agroecológicos e identidades camponesas em um processo de educação-pesquisa-ação no Chiapas, México O processo transdisciplinar de educação-pesquisa-ação camponesa, analisado neste artigo, tem sido direcionado à construção da agroecologia em teoria e prática pela organização camponesa OCEZ-CNPA em Chiapas, México. Ao aplicar uma metodologia baseada na Educação Popular e na Pesquisa-Ação Participativa, o conhecimento agro-cultural foi regenerado, o que tem o potencial para a transformação agroecológica. Este conhecimento é baseado em identidades camponesas e modos de vida que, apesar de terem sido colonizados e fragmentados, continuam tendo raízes profundas que resistem ao paradigma da modernidade. A partir da análise coletiva das experiências e memórias bioculturais camponesas, a mudança agro-cultural induzida pela ‘revolução verde’ é entendida como uma ruptura ontológica e epistemológica. Com uma praxis de pesquisa camponesa descolonial, os conhecimentos, práticas e valores que caracterizaram a agricultura maia durante milênios foram recuperados. Esta análise levou à concepção de uma agroecologia profunda que reconhece e resgata ontologias e epistemologias camponesas, constitutivas de outros paradigmas, correspondentes a formas de pensar e habitar o mundo, que diferem do paradigma moderno. Palavras-chave: educação popular, pesquisa-ação participativa, epistemologia camponesa, pesquisa transdisciplinar, agroecologia profunda.   Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México RESUMEN. El proceso transdisciplinario de educación-investigación-acción campesina, analizado en el presente artículo, ha tenido por objetivo la construcción de la agroecología en la teoría y la práctica por parte de la organización campesina OCEZ-CNPA en Chiapas, México. Aplicando una metodología basada en la Educación Popular y la Investigación-Acción Participativa, se han regenerado conocimientos agri-culturales, que poseen un potencial de transformación agroecológica. Estos conocimientos se sostienen en identidades y modos de vida campesinos que, a pesar de haber sido colonizados y fragmentados, siguen teniendo raíces profundas que resisten al paradigma de la modernidad. A partir del análisis colectivo de las vivencias y las memorias bioculturales campesinas se comprende el cambio agri-cultural, inducido por la ‘revolución verde’, como una ruptura ontológica y epistemológica. Con una praxis de investigación campesina decolonial se reivindicaron conocimientos, prácticas y valores, que han caracterizado la agricultura maya por milenios. Este análisis condujo a la concepción de una agroecología profunda que reconoce y rescata las ontologías y epistemologías campesinas, constitutivas de paradigmas otros, correspondientes a formas de pensar y habitar el mundo, que difieren del paradigma moderno. Palabras clave: educación popular, investigación-acción participativa, epistemología campesina, investigación transdisciplinaria, agroecología profunda.   Recreating agriculture-agroecological knowledge and peasant’s identities in a process of education-research-action in Chiapas, Mexico                                     ABSTRACT. The transdisciplinary and peasant-based process of education-research-action analysed in this article aims at the construction of agroecology in theory and practice by the peasants’ organization OCEZ-CNPA in Chiapas, Mexico. Conducting a methodology based on Popular Education and Participatory Action Research, agri-cultural knowledge has been regenerated, constituting potential for profound agroecological transformation. This knowledge relies on identities and ways of life that, despite having been colonized, continue to have deep roots that resist the paradigm of modernity. The collective reflection of the peasants’ experiences and biocultural memories have made the agri-cultural change induced by the ‘green revolution’ understood as an ontological and epistemological rupture. With this peasant-based and decolonial research, knowledge, values and practices, that have been characterizing the Mayan agriculture for thousands of years, have been reclaimed. This analysis has led to the conception of a deep agroecology that acknowledges and recovers the peasants’ ontologies and epistemologies, constitutive of other paradigms, corresponding to forms of thinking of and living in the world that differs to those of the modern paradigm. Keywords: popular education, participatory action research, peasants’ epistemology, transdisciplinary research, deep agroecology.Recriando agricultura: conhecimentos agroecológicos e identidades camponesas em um processo de educação-pesquisa-ação no Chiapas, México O processo transdisciplinar de educação-pesquisa-ação camponesa, analisado neste artigo, tem sido direcionado à construção da agroecologia em teoria e prática pela organização camponesa OCEZ-CNPA em Chiapas, México. Ao aplicar uma metodologia baseada na Educação Popular e na Pesquisa-Ação Participativa, o conhecimento agro-cultural foi regenerado, o que tem o potencial para a transformação agroecológica. Este conhecimento é baseado em identidades camponesas e modos de vida que, apesar de terem sido colonizados e fragmentados, continuam tendo raízes profundas que resistem ao paradigma da modernidade. A partir da análise coletiva das experiências e memórias bioculturais camponesas, a mudança agro-cultural induzida pela ‘revolução verde’ é entendida como uma ruptura ontológica e epistemológica. Com uma praxis de pesquisa camponesa descolonial, os conhecimentos, práticas e valores que caracterizaram a agricultura maia durante milênios foram recuperados. Esta análise levou à concepção de uma agroecologia profunda que reconhece e resgata ontologias e epistemologias camponesas, constitutivas de outros paradigmas, correspondentes a formas de pensar e habitar o mundo, que diferem do paradigma moderno. Palavras-chave: educação popular, pesquisa-ação participativa, epistemologia camponesa, pesquisa transdisciplinar, agroecologia profunda.   Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México RESUMEN. El proceso transdisciplinario de educación-investigación-acción campesina, analizado en el presente artículo, ha tenido por objetivo la construcción de la agroecología en la teoría y la práctica por parte de la organización campesina OCEZ-CNPA en Chiapas, México. Aplicando una metodología basada en la Educación Popular y la Investigación-Acción Participativa, se han regenerado conocimientos agri-culturales, que poseen un potencial de transformación agroecológica. Estos conocimientos se sostienen en identidades y modos de vida campesinos que, a pesar de haber sido colonizados y fragmentados, siguen teniendo raíces profundas que resisten al paradigma de la modernidad. A partir del análisis colectivo de las vivencias y las memorias bioculturales campesinas se comprende el cambio agri-cultural, inducido por la ‘revolución verde’, como una ruptura ontológica y epistemológica. Con una praxis de investigación campesina decolonial se reivindicaron conocimientos, prácticas y valores, que han caracterizado la agricultura maya por milenios. Este análisis condujo a la concepción de una agroecología profunda que reconoce y rescata las ontologías y epistemologías campesinas, constitutivas de paradigmas otros, correspondientes a formas de pensar y habitar el mundo, que difieren del paradigma moderno. Palabras clave: educación popular, investigación-acción participativa, epistemología campesina, investigación transdisciplinaria, agroecología profunda.   Recreating agriculture-agroecological knowledge and peasant’s identities in a process of education-research-action in Chiapas, Mexico                                     ABSTRACT. The transdisciplinary and peasant-based process of education-research-action analysed in this article aims at the construction of agroecology in theory and practice by the peasants’ organization OCEZ-CNPA in Chiapas, Mexico. Conducting a methodology based on Popular Education and Participatory Action Research, agri-cultural knowledge has been regenerated, constituting potential for profound agroecological transformation. This knowledge relies on identities and ways of life that, despite having been colonized, continue to have deep roots that resist the paradigm of modernity. The collective reflection of the peasants’ experiences and biocultural memories have made the agri-cultural change induced by the ‘green revolution’ understood as an ontological and epistemological rupture. With this peasant-based and decolonial research, knowledge, values and practices, that have been characterizing the Mayan agriculture for thousands of years, have been reclaimed. This analysis has led to the conception of a deep agroecology that acknowledges and recovers the peasants’ ontologies and epistemologies, constitutive of other paradigms, corresponding to forms of thinking of and living in the world that differs to those of the modern paradigm. Keywords: popular education, participatory action research, peasants’ epistemology, transdisciplinary research, deep agroecology.Recriando agricultura: conhecimentos agroecológicos e identidades camponesas em um processo de educação-pesquisa-ação no Chiapas, México O processo transdisciplinar de educação-pesquisa-ação camponesa, analisado neste artigo, tem sido direcionado à construção da agroecologia em teoria e prática pela organização camponesa OCEZ-CNPA em Chiapas, México. Ao aplicar uma metodologia baseada na Educação Popular e na Pesquisa-Ação Participativa, o conhecimento agro-cultural foi regenerado, o que tem o potencial para a transformação agroecológica. Este conhecimento é baseado em identidades camponesas e modos de vida que, apesar de terem sido colonizados e fragmentados, continuam tendo raízes profundas que resistem ao paradigma da modernidade. A partir da análise coletiva das experiências e memórias bioculturais camponesas, a mudança agro-cultural induzida pela ‘revolução verde’ é entendida como uma ruptura ontológica e epistemológica. Com uma praxis de pesquisa camponesa descolonial, os conhecimentos, práticas e valores que caracterizaram a agricultura maia durante milênios foram recuperados. Esta análise levou à concepção de uma agroecologia profunda que reconhece e resgata ontologias e epistemologias camponesas, constitutivas de outros paradigmas, correspondentes a formas de pensar e habitar o mundo, que diferem do paradigma moderno. Palavras-chave: educação popular, pesquisa-ação participativa, epistemologia camponesa, pesquisa transdisciplinar, agroecologia profunda.   Recreando agri-cultura: Conocimientos agroecológicos e identidades campesinas en un proceso de educación-investigación-acción en Chiapas, México RESUMEN. El proceso transdisciplinario de educación-investigación-acción campesina, analizado en el presente artículo, ha tenido por objetivo la construcción de la agroecología en la teoría y la práctica por parte de la organización campesina OCEZ-CNPA en Chiapas, México. Aplicando una metodología basada en la Educación Popular y la Investigación-Acción Participativa, se han regenerado conocimientos agri-culturales, que poseen un potencial de transformación agroecológica. Estos conocimientos se sostienen en identidades y modos de vida campesinos que, a pesar de haber sido colonizados y fragmentados, siguen teniendo raíces profundas que resisten al paradigma de la modernidad. A partir del análisis colectivo de las vivencias y las memorias bioculturales campesinas se comprende el cambio

    Expertise in research integration and implementation for tackling complex problems: when is it needed, where can it be found and how can it be strengthened?

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    Expertise in research integration and implementation is an essential but often overlooked component of tackling complex societal and environmental problems. We focus on expertise relevant to any complex problem, especially contributory expertise, divided into ‘knowing-that’ and ‘knowing-how.’ We also deal with interactional expertise and the fact that much expertise is tacit. We explore three questions. First, in examining ‘when is expertise in research integration and implementation required?,’ we review tasks essential (a) to developing more comprehensive understandings of complex problems, plus possible ways to address them, and (b) for supporting implementation of those understandings into government policy, community practice, business and social innovation, or other initiatives. Second, in considering ‘where can expertise in research integration and implementation currently be found?,’ we describe three realms: (a) specific approaches, including interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, systems thinking and sustainability science; (b) case-based experience that is independent of these specific approaches; and (c) research examining elements of integration and implementation, specifically considering unknowns and fostering innovation. We highlight examples of expertise in each realm and demonstrate how fragmentation currently precludes clear identification of research integration and implementation expertise. Third, in exploring ‘what is required to strengthen expertise in research integration and implementation?,’ we propose building a knowledge bank. We delve into three key challenges: compiling existing expertise, indexing and organising the expertise to make it widely accessible, and understanding and overcoming the core reasons for the existing fragmentation. A growing knowledge bank of expertise in research integration and implementation on the one hand, and accumulating success in addressing complex societal and environmental problems on the other, will form a virtuous cycle so that each strengthens the other. Building a coalition of researchers and institutions will ensure this expertise and its application are valued and sustained.This article has its origins in the 2013 First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation (Integration and Implementation Sciences 2019a), which brought together the authors and specifically drew on all three realms of expertise. The conference was supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence on Policing and Security and The Australian National University. Co-conferences in Germany, The Netherlands and Uruguay were, respectively, sponsored by Leuphana University of Lueneburg; the Centre for Innovation at Campus The Hague, Leiden University; and the Espacio Interdisciplinario, Universidad de la República

    Expertise in research integration and implementation for tackling complex problems: when is it needed, where can it be found and how can it be strengthened?

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Expertise in research integration and implementation is an essential but often overlooked component of tackling complex societal and environmental problems. We focus on expertise relevant to any complex problem, especially contributory expertise, divided into ‘knowing-that’ and ‘knowing-how.’ We also deal with interactional expertise and the fact that much expertise is tacit. We explore three questions. First, in examining ‘when is expertise in research integration and implementation required?,’ we review tasks essential (a) to developing more comprehensive understandings of complex problems, plus possible ways to address them, and (b) for supporting implementation of those understandings into government policy, community practice, business and social innovation, or other initiatives. Second, in considering ‘where can expertise in research integration and implementation currently be found?,’ we describe three realms: (a) specific approaches, including interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, systems thinking and sustainability science; (b) case-based experience that is independent of these specific approaches; and (c) research examining elements of integration and implementation, specifically considering unknowns and fostering innovation. We highlight examples of expertise in each realm and demonstrate how fragmentation currently precludes clear identification of research integration and implementation expertise. Third, in exploring ‘what is required to strengthen expertise in research integration and implementation?,’ we propose building a knowledge bank. We delve into three key challenges: compiling existing expertise, indexing and organising the expertise to make it widely accessible, and understanding and overcoming the core reasons for the existing fragmentation. A growing knowledge bank of expertise in research integration and implementation on the one hand, and accumulating success in addressing complex societal and environmental problems on the other, will form a virtuous cycle so that each strengthens the other. Building a coalition of researchers and institutions will ensure this expertise and its application are valued and sustained

    Transdisciplinarity and protected areas: A matter of research horizon

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    Urban planning vs. self-operation: the city of Fortaleza (Brazil) as a playground of different actors

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    Fortaleza es una ciudad relativamente jóven en cuanto a su importancia como metrópoli regional, caracterizándose sobre todo en las últimas décadas por una muy fuerte dinámica demográfica, económica y política. En este contexto el espacio urbano se ha convertido en una mercancía de alto costo, disputada entre los intereses contradictorios de compañías influentes, especuladores inmobiliarios, políticos y el resto de la población. Este conflicto de intereses se plasman en la fisionomía de la ciudad, debido a la falta de planificación urbana. El presente artículo intenta identificar cómo y en qué medida las estructuras de poder local determinan el proceso de desarrollo urbano, minando al mismo tiempo la planificación urbana. Asimismo se analizarán los impactos negativos de la falta de mecanismos reguladores en los cambios recientes de la ciudad.The role of Fortaleza as aregional metropolis is quite young as it is only during the last decades that the urban development got characterized by extremely strong demographic, economic and political dynamics. In this context the urban space has turned intoanexpensive merchandise, which is disputed among contradictory interests of companies, real estate speculators, politicians and the rest of the population. This conflict of interests finds its expression in the city´s physiognomy due to the lack of urban planning. The present article intends to identify how and to what degree local power structures are influencing the process of urban development and undermining the urban planning institution. Moreover it analyses the negative impacts of the lack of regulating mecanisms on the recent changes of the city

    Urban planning vs. self-operation: the city of Fortaleza (Brazil) as a playground of different actors

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    Fortaleza es una ciudad relativamente jóven en cuanto a su importancia como metrópoli regional, caracterizándose sobre todo en las últimas décadas por una muy fuerte dinámica demográfica, económica y política. En este contexto el espacio urbano se ha convertido en una mercancía de alto costo, disputada entre los intereses contradictorios de compañías influentes, especuladores inmobiliarios, políticos y el resto de la población. Este conflicto de intereses se plasman en la fisionomía de la ciudad, debido a la falta de planificación urbana. El presente artículo intenta identificar cómo y en qué medida las estructuras de poder local determinan el proceso de desarrollo urbano, minando al mismo tiempo la planificación urbana. Asimismo se analizarán los impactos negativos de la falta de mecanismos reguladores en los cambios recientes de la ciudad.The role of Fortaleza as aregional metropolis is quite young as it is only during the last decades that the urban development got characterized by extremely strong demographic, economic and political dynamics. In this context the urban space has turned intoanexpensive merchandise, which is disputed among contradictory interests of companies, real estate speculators, politicians and the rest of the population. This conflict of interests finds its expression in the city´s physiognomy due to the lack of urban planning. The present article intends to identify how and to what degree local power structures are influencing the process of urban development and undermining the urban planning institution. Moreover it analyses the negative impacts of the lack of regulating mecanisms on the recent changes of the city

    Researching Collaborative Interdisciplinary Teams: Practices and Principles for Navigating Researcher Positionality

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    Collaborative interdisciplinary research is on the rise but can be difficult and daunting. There is much to learn by studying the inner workings of collaboration, to the potential benefit of both science and technology studies (STS) and those who collaborate. We have been studying the inner workings of a collaborative interdisciplinary team using formative accompanying research (FAR). Assuming multiple insider-outsider vantage points implied adopting dynamic positionality in relation to the team. In this article, we outline an approach to navigating positionality based on these research experiences. Navigation is aided by identifying learning orientations to a collaborative team, to learn about, with or for the team; and by adopting practices and principles to balance i) observation and participation; ii) curiosity and care; and iii) impartiality and investment. We illustrate what we have learned so far, demonstrating how to apply these navigating instruments so that the skilful use of FAR positionality can advance the understanding and practice of collaborative interdisciplinary research

    The diffusion of sustainable family farming practices in Colombia : an emerging sociotechnical niche?

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    There is significant potential for family farming to contribute to several dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. Our research aims to provide insights to help strengthen sustainable family farming. We focus on initiatives that have advanced sustainable family farming innovations in Colombia and analyse the factors and dynamics that have led to the limited penetration of those innovations across the country. To that aim, a transformative methodology is applied involving representatives of farmers' associations, supporting organisations and researchers from various disciplinary fields. We analyse the network of initiatives against the conceptual background of sociotechnical niches and identify a stable niche where generic lessons are being systematically identified and used to establish replication projects. However, this niche is still limited in its breadth, which results in a low capacity for expansion and a strong dependency on international donors for reproducing experiences. Specific recommendations are outlined for broadening the type of actors involved in the interpretation and dissemination of lessons from the niche. Moreover, we outline suggestions for further research and conceptualisation in two directions: for exploring effective ways of broadening the niche and translating niche lessons to state policies and for deepening the understanding of interactions between the niche and other levels