126 research outputs found

    Personality Type and Persuasive Strategies in Writing of Junior High School Students

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    Workplace demands professionals with desirable personalities and influential persuasive ability. This research determined the personality type and persuasive strategies employed by Grade 9 students of San Pedro National High School, Philippines. It aimed to find its implication to the teaching of K to 12 English and persuasive writing. Using descriptive method and utilizing questionnaire as the principal tool for gathering data, the results revealed that majority of the respondents are female, had an Approaching Proficiency General Weighted Average GWA and are in the middle income. Also, both traits of extroversion and introversion are dominant among the respondents with extroversion as the more dominant. It was also revealed that significant difference exists between the persuasive strategies of the respondents when grouped according to their personality type. The study recommends a Personality Inventory Test to be distributed at the beginning of school year. Also, the research calls for inclusion of persuasive writing in K to 12 English instruction and providing students with real-based and consistent activities which can enhance their persuasive skills. Informative colloquiums dealing with personality and persuasive strategies awareness are also encouraged to hone not just personality-oriented students but also persuasive individuals required in the competitive real-life arena

    ComparaciĂłn de la castraciĂłn quirĂșrgica al nacimiento versus inmunocastration sobre las caracterĂ­sticas de la canal y carne en machos Holstein

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    El objetivo fue comparar el efecto de la castraciĂłn quirĂșrgica al nacimiento vs immunocastraciĂłn, sobre las caracterĂ­sticas de la canal y carne en machos Holstein en engorda; se utilizaron 720 machos Holstein aproximadamente de 7 a 8 meses de edad con peso inicial de 240.82 kg. Se formaron 2 tratamientos con 4 corrales de 90 animales en cada uno: toros castrados quirĂșrgicamente que fueron castrados 24 h despuĂ©s del nacimiento y toros inmunocastrados vacunados con Bopriva aplicando cuatro dosis, al dĂ­a 1, 21, 101 y 181 de engorda. Se tomaron pesos individuales en cada vacunaciĂłn. Los animales se sacrificaron a los 242 dĂ­as de engorda. A partir de la segunda vacunaciĂłn se observaron diferencias (P0.05) entre tratamientos mientras que los valores de b*, C* y H* fueron mĂĄs altos (P<0.05) en los animales inmunocastrados. Para fines de producciĂłn, el sacrificar los machos Holstein al nacimiento, se obtienen animales mĂĄs pesados y con mejores caracterĂ­sticas en la canal; sin embargo es importante evaluar el impacto del bienestar animal por la castraciĂłn al nacimiento

    Unraveling the genetic complexities of combined retinal dystrophy and hearing impairment.

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    Usher syndrome, the most prevalent cause of combined hereditary vision and hearing impairment, is clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Moreover, several conditions with phenotypes overlapping Usher syndrome have been described. This makes the molecular diagnosis of hereditary deaf-blindness challenging. Here, we performed exome sequencing and analysis on 7 Mexican and 52 Iranian probands with combined retinal degeneration and hearing impairment (without intellectual disability). Clinical assessment involved ophthalmological examination and hearing loss questionnaire. Usher syndrome, most frequently due to biallelic variants in MYO7A (USH1B in 16 probands), USH2A (17 probands), and ADGRV1 (USH2C in 7 probands), was diagnosed in 44 of 59 (75%) unrelated probands. Almost half of the identified variants were novel. Nine of 59 (15%) probands displayed other genetic entities with dual sensory impairment, including Alström syndrome (3 patients), cone-rod dystrophy and hearing loss 1 (2 probands), and Heimler syndrome (1 patient). Unexpected findings included one proband each with Scheie syndrome, coenzyme Q10 deficiency, and pseudoxanthoma elasticum. In four probands, including three Usher cases, dual sensory impairment was either modified/aggravated or caused by variants in distinct genes associated with retinal degeneration and/or hearing loss. The overall diagnostic yield of whole exome analysis in our deaf-blind cohort was 92%. Two (3%) probands were partially solved and only 3 (5%) remained without any molecular diagnosis. In many cases, the molecular diagnosis is important to guide genetic counseling, to support prognostic outcomes and decisions with currently available and evolving treatment modalities

    Gene expression profile of cervical and skin tissues from human papillomavirus type 16 E6 transgenic mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although K14E6 transgenic mice develop spontaneous tumors of the skin epithelium, no spontaneous reproductive tract malignancies arise, unless the transgenic mice were treated chronically with 17ÎČ-estradiol. These findings suggest that E6 performs critical functions in normal adult cervix and skin, highlighting the need to define E6-controlled transcriptional programs in these tissues.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We evaluated the expression profile of 14,000 genes in skin or cervix from young K14E6 transgenic mice compared with nontransgenic. To identify differentially expressed genes a linear model was implemented using R and the LIMMA package. Two criteria were used to select the set of relevant genes. First a set of genes with a Log-odds ≄ 3 were selected. Then, a hierarchical search of genes was based on Log Fold Changes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray analysis identified a total of 676 and 1154 genes that were significantly up and down-regulated, respectively, in skin from K14E6 transgenic mice. On the other hand, in the cervix from K14E6 transgenic mice we found that only 97 and 252 genes were significantly up and down-regulated, respectively. One of the most affected processes in the skin from K14E6 transgenic mice was the cell cycle. We also found that skin from transgenic mice showed down-regulation of pro-apoptotic genes and genes related to the immune response. In the cervix of K14E6 transgenic mice, we could not find affected any gene related to the cell cycle and apoptosis pathways but did observe alterations in the expression of immune response genes. Pathways such as angiogenesis, cell junction and epidermis development, also were altered in their gene expression profiles in both tissues.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Expression of the HPV16 E6 oncoprotein in our model alters expression of genes that fell into several functional groups providing insights into pathways by which E6 deregulate cell cycle progression, apoptosis, the host resistance to infection and immune function, providing new opportunities for early diagnostic markers and therapeutic drug targets.</p

    Author Correction: Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.

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    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Federated learning enables big data for rare cancer boundary detection.

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    Although machine learning (ML) has shown promise across disciplines, out-of-sample generalizability is concerning. This is currently addressed by sharing multi-site data, but such centralization is challenging/infeasible to scale due to various limitations. Federated ML (FL) provides an alternative paradigm for accurate and generalizable ML, by only sharing numerical model updates. Here we present the largest FL study to-date, involving data from 71 sites across 6 continents, to generate an automatic tumor boundary detector for the rare disease of glioblastoma, reporting the largest such dataset in the literature (n = 6, 314). We demonstrate a 33% delineation improvement for the surgically targetable tumor, and 23% for the complete tumor extent, over a publicly trained model. We anticipate our study to: 1) enable more healthcare studies informed by large diverse data, ensuring meaningful results for rare diseases and underrepresented populations, 2) facilitate further analyses for glioblastoma by releasing our consensus model, and 3) demonstrate the FL effectiveness at such scale and task-complexity as a paradigm shift for multi-site collaborations, alleviating the need for data-sharing
