851 research outputs found


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    The development and evaluation of the design of a Micro-Ram Air Turbine (µRAT), a device being developed to provide power for an autonomous boundary layer measurement system, has been undertaken. The design tools consist of a rotor model and a generator model. The primary focus was on developing and evaluating the generator model for the prediction of generator brake power and output electrical power with and without rectification as a function of shaft speed and electrical load, with only basic manufacturer specifications given as inputs. A series of motored generator evaluation test were conducted at speeds ranging from 9,000 to 25,000 rpm for loads varying between 1 and 3.02 Ohms with output power of up to 80 Watts. Results demonstrated that predicted generated power was at or below 3% error when compared to measured results with about 1% uncertainty. A rotor model was also developed using basic blade element theory. This model neglected induced flow effects and was therefore expected to over predict rotor torque and power. A second rotor model that includes induced flow effects, the open source program X-Rotor, was also used to predict rotor power and for comparison to the blade element rotor model results. Both rotor models were evaluated through wind tunnel validation tests conducted on a turbine generator with two different 3.25 in diameter rotors, rotor-1 (untwisted blades) and rotor-2 (twisted blades). Wind tunnel validation test airspeeds varied between 71-110 mph with electrical loads ranging from 1-20 ohms. Results indicated power predictions to be 50-75% higher for the blade element model and 20-30% for X-Rotor results. The blade element rotor model was modified by applying the Prandtl tip-loss factor to approximately account for the induced flow effects; this addition brought predictions much closer to X-Rotor results. Based on the motor-driven generator test results, it is believed that most of the discrepancy in baseline rotor/generator validation test between predicted and observed power generated is due to inaccuracy in the rotor performance modelling with likely contributors to error being induced flow effects, crude section lift/drag modelling, and aero-elastic deformation. It is concluded that the proposed generator model is sufficient although direct torque measurements may be desired and further development of the µRAT design tools should focus on an improved rotor performance model

    On the "CRISPR" of the wave: Development of a new CRISPR-Cas9 application.

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    The recent emergence of the prokaryotic CRISPR-Cas9 system provides the opportunity for efficient genome engineering in eukaryotic cells by simply specifying a 20-nt targeting sequence within its guide RNA (1). Apart from its use in genome editing, CRISPR-Cas9 system can be used as a programmable RNA-dependent DNA-binding protein by using a catalytically inactive Cas9 protein (dCas9) (2). Precisely recruiting of dCas9 to desired regions of the genome offers numerous applications such as fusion of dCas9 to transcriptional effector or repressor domains, upregulating or downregulating the transcription of endogenous target genes (3). On the other hand, dCas9 can be fused to a fluorescent protein allowing the visualization of endogenous genomic elements in living cells (4). Recently, this system has been implemented in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, a potent genetic model organism. Genome editing in S. pombe with CRISPR/Cas9 involves the manual identification of unique PAM and spacer sequences (sgRNA) and cloning of these sequences into an expression plasmid (5).This project proposes the validation of a novel idea that can represent a valuable tool in the study of the location and dynamics of genomic regions of interest. To achieve that, the new-fangled system combines the Cas9 nuclease with the bi-molecular fluorescent complementation technique (BiMFC) in the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The catalytically inactive Cas9 nuclease (dCas9 from S. pyogenes harbouring D10A and A840A substitutions; Addgene #46920) is fused to the yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), both the whole protein and the N-terminal and C-terminal ends. The resulting protein is directed to the centromeric regions of S. pombe through the introduction of sgRNAs specific to those regions into plasmids derivate from the S. pombe plasmid pMZ376 (Addgene #74213). On the other hand, the protein Cnp1, a variant of the H3 histone that binds to the centromeres, is fused to the cherry protein and the two halves of the YFP. As a result, we will be able to determine if there is a colocalization between the YFP signal of dCas9 and the red signal of the cherry protein fused to Cnp1. In the case of YFP halves, the colocalization of the dCas9 and Cnp1 will allow to recover the full structure of the yellow fluorescent protein, resulting in the emission of yellow fluorescence. The development of this system allows an accurate study of the DNA-protein interactions at cell level

    Magnetic-field control of near-field radiative heat transfer and the realization of highly tunable hyperbolic thermal emitters

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical study of the magnetic field dependence of the near-field radiative heat transfer (NFRHT) between two parallel plates. We show that when the plates are made of doped semiconductors, the near-field thermal radiation can be severely affected by the application of a static magnetic field. We find that irrespective of its direction, the presence of a magnetic field reduces the radiative heat conductance, and dramatic reductions up to 700% can be found with fields of about 6 T at room temperature. We show that this striking behavior is due to the fact that the magnetic field radically changes the nature of the NFRHT. The field not only affects the electromagnetic surface waves (both plasmons and phonon polaritons) that normally dominate the near-field radiation in doped semiconductors, but it also induces hyperbolic modes that progressively dominate the heat transfer as the field increases. In particular, we show that when the field is perpendicular to the plates, the semiconductors become ideal hyperbolic near-field emitters. More importantly, by changing the magnetic field, the system can be continuously tuned from a situation where the surface waves dominate the heat transfer to a situation where hyperbolic modes completely govern the near-field thermal radiation. We show that this high tunability can be achieved with accessible magnetic fields and very common materials like n-doped InSb or Si. Our study paves the way for an active control of NFRHT and it opens the possibility to study unique hyperbolic thermal emitters without the need to resort to complicated metamaterials.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Transferència d'embrions en èquids

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    Treball presentat a l'assignatura de Deontologia i Veterinària Legal (21223

    Trabajo de titulación previo a la obtención del título de Arquitecto Urbanista

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    El trabajo de investigación y propuesta arquitectónica presenta la problemática existente en la calidad constructiva de la ciudad de Ambato, donde los requerimientos de confort integral del usuario en edificios se han visto desplazados por aspectos económicos que priorizan la maximización de espacios y reducen los costos de construcción. Sin considerar las condiciones climáticas y topográficas específicas del territorio que no solo afectan la salud de los usuarios sino que perjudican el desarrollo sostenible de sus barrios y ciudades. Con el objetivo de mejorar los criterios arquitectónicos existentes en la construcción e incorporar estrategias bioclimáticas acordes al clima de Ambato se realiza primero, una investigación diagnóstica en siete viviendas existentes en diferentes plataformas de la ciudad y se correlacionan las variables de temperatura y humedad medidas durante ocho días seguidos, para demostrar por medio de análisis estadístico cualicuantitativo la necesidad de obtener mejores condiciones térmicas internas y las características físicas de mayor influencia, los cuales determinan la necesidad de mejorar el confort térmico interior, por medio de este análisis se propone finalmente un módulo de vivienda con características bioclimáticas pasivas. Generando así alternativas de actuación que mejoren la calidad constructiva referida al confort térmico en el medio local

    Implementacion del diseño tecnico a traves del manejo y transporte de residuos en minera las bambas

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    El presente Trabajo Monográfico tuvo como propósito generar los recursos móviles y estacionarios necesarios para cumplir con los servicios solicitados para el servicio de Transporte y Manejo Integral de Residuos Sólidos en Minera Las Bambas, el diseño técnico económico está orientado a la asignación de vehículos y equipos capaces de realizar los servicios de recojo, transporte interno, manejo de relleno sanitario , manejo interno de residuos y patio de acopio temporal de residuos, transporte y disposición final de residuos peligrosos y no peligrosos , transporte de agua para consumo humano hacia otras instalaciones, succión de agua residual y de trampas de grasa. Para dimensionar los números de vehículos que se asignaran construimos una metodología medido por tiempos, distancias y volumen, así como la capacidad de carga de los vehículos para estos servicios, este trabajo se llevó a cabo por la invitación de Minera Las Bambas a Gestión de Servicios Ambientales –DISAL bajo la modalidad de Licitación de Servicios Ambientales, el servicio se proyectó para 3 años de operación y nos generara un ingreso en ventas de S/557,033.93 , asimismo recomendamos que todas las Mineras del Perú deben contar con empresas especializadas para el manejo y transportes de residuos sólidos quienes antes de inicio de operaciones deberán dimensionar las distancias , tiempos , temporadas climáticas y tamaño de las unidades para la realización del servicio

    Implementacion del diseño tecnico a traves del manejo y transporte de residuos en minera las bambas

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    El presente Trabajo Monográfico tuvo como propósito generar los recursos móviles y estacionarios necesarios para cumplir con los servicios solicitados para el servicio de Transporte y Manejo Integral de Residuos Sólidos en Minera Las Bambas, el diseño técnico económico está orientado a la asignación de vehículos y equipos capaces de realizar los servicios de recojo, transporte interno, manejo de relleno sanitario , manejo interno de residuos y patio de acopio temporal de residuos, transporte y disposición final de residuos peligrosos y no peligrosos , transporte de agua para consumo humano hacia otras instalaciones, succión de agua residual y de trampas de grasa. Para dimensionar los números de vehículos que se asignaran construimos una metodología medido por tiempos, distancias y volumen, así como la capacidad de carga de los vehículos para estos servicios, este trabajo se llevó a cabo por la invitación de Minera Las Bambas a Gestión de Servicios Ambientales –DISAL bajo la modalidad de Licitación de Servicios Ambientales, el servicio se proyectó para 3 años de operación y nos generara un ingreso en ventas de S/557,033.93 , asimismo recomendamos que todas las Mineras del Perú deben contar con empresas especializadas para el manejo y transportes de residuos sólidos quienes antes de inicio de operaciones deberán dimensionar las distancias , tiempos , temporadas climáticas y tamaño de las unidades para la realización del servicio

    Econometric analysis

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    The Climate Security Observatory (CSO) is an online platform for stakeholder decision-making that provides access to a range of global analyses related to climate and security. The CSO is based on an integrated climate security framework that helps understand the complexity of the climate-security interface. As part of the CSO methods paper series, this report details the method used for the econometric analysis