1,097 research outputs found

    Estructuras livianas : como respuesta a programas temporales diseñadas con materiales sustentables

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    Trabajo seleccionado por el Comité de Referato de Publicaciones de CSICIncluye Bibliografía p.7

    Funcionamiento familiar y asertividad en adolescentes varones del tercer grado de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Pública Huancayo 2022

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    El actual estudio planteó la existencia de relación entre el funcionamiento familiar y asertividad en adolescentes varones del 3° grado de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Pública Huancayo 2022, con el propósito de establecer la asociación existente entre ambos constructos, para ello, se consideró el método científico, hipotético-deductivo, de tipo básico, de alcance relacional y diseño no experimental-transversal-correlacional, la muestra se conformó por 120 estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Se administró la Escala de Evaluación de Adaptabilidad y Cohesión Familiar (FACES-III) y la Escala multidimensional de asertividad (EMA), los mismos que se sometieron a criterio de tres expertos, reportaron una fiabilidad de .895 en funcionamiento familiar y .819 en asertividad mediante. Los resultados demostraron que la relación entre funcionamiento familiar y asertividad se manifiesta de forma estadísticamente significativa, con Rho=.405, la misma que se ubica en una correlación positiva moderada. Se concluyó que existe relación positiva moderada entre el funcionamiento familiar y asertividad en adolescentes varones del tercer grado de secundaria de una Institución Educativa Pública Huancayo 2022. Se sugiere desarrollar jornadas de fortalecimiento de la funcionalidad familiar con la participación de especialistas en psicología familiar. Así mismo, se propone que los directivos de la Institución Educativa deben desarrollar talleres de fortalecimiento de la asertividad de los estudiantes, con el propósito de mejorar el desarrollo personal de los estudiantes

    Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta). Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de las sociedades tribales en el área norteafricana del Estrecho de Gibraltar.

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    El estudio de las ocupaciones neolíticas en el área del Estrecho de Gibraltar está alcanzando un renovado interés. Nosotros creemos que había contactos entre las sociedades tribales de ambas orillas. La Cueva de Benzú (Ceuta) está siendo excavada desde el año 2002 por un equipo interdisciplinar de investigadores de la Universidad de Cádiz, y otras universidades y centros. Aportamos en este trabajo novedades al estudio funcional de la tecnología lítica y al análisis de los fi tolitos. Los niveles neolíticos de la Cueva de Benzú se relacionan con los interesantes registros de la zona de Tánger y Tetuán y en el ámbito peninsular con los del área atlántica-mediterránea de las Bahías de Cádiz y Málaga, en contextos del VIº milenio a.n.e.. Recent studies about the Neolithic occupations in the area of the Strait of Gibraltar are having a renewed interest. We believe there were contacts between tribal societies of both borders. The Cave of Benzú (Ceuta) is being excavated from year 2002 by an interdisciplinary group of investigators belonging to the University of Cadiz, and others universities and centers. We contributed in this work new features in the use wear analysis of the líthic technology and in the analysis of the phytoliths. The Neolithic levels of the Cave of Benzú are relationed to the interesting registers from the zone of Tánger and Tetuán and in the South of Iberian Peninsula with other documented in the Atlantic-Mediterranean area of the Bays of Cadiz and Malaga, in contexts of the VIº millennium B.C

    Hacia un sistema nacional de viviendas de emergencia

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    Introducción – Marco Conceptual – Conceptos y definiciones – Gestión de la vivienda de emergencia en situación de catástrofe en Uruguay y la Región – Gestión de la vivienda de emergencia en situaciones de realojo en Uruguay – Sistema Nacional de Viviendas de Emergencia – Misión y Visión – Definición del SNVE, su integración y articulación con las políticas públicas – Componentes arquitectónicos del SNVE – Programa arquitectónico – Criterios de diseño – Proyecto ejecutivo del Módulo Habitacional – Manual de logística e instalación del Hábitat de Emergencia – Estimación de costos de los Módulos Habitacionales – Conclusiones – Bibliografí

    Expression of early growth response gene-2 and regulated cytokines correlate with recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome

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    Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an immune-mediated peripheral neuropathy. The goal of this research was the identification of biomarkers associated with recovery from GBS. In this study, we compared the transcriptome of PBMCs from a GBS patient and her healthy twin to discover possible correlates of disease progression and recovery. The study was then extended using GBS and spinal cord injury unrelated patients with similar medications and healthy individuals. The early growth response gene-2 (EGR2) was upregulated in GBS patients during disease recovery. The results provided evidence for the implication of EGR2 in GBS and suggested a role for EGR2 in the regulation of IL-17, IL-22, IL-28A, and TNF-ß cytokines in GBS patients. These results identified biomarkers associated with GBS recovery and suggested that EGR2 overexpression has a pivotal role in the downregulation of cytokines implicated in the pathophysiology of this acute neuropathy.This work was supported partially by European Union Framework Program 7 Antigone Project 278976. L.M.-H. was supported by a fellowship from the University of Castilla La Mancha (UCLM). M.V. was supported by the research plan of the UCLM.Peer Reviewe

    TLR4-pathway impairs synaptic number and cerebrovascular functions through astrocyte activation following traumatic brain injury

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    Background and purpose: Activation of astrocytes contributes to synaptic remodelling, tissue repair and neuronal survival following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The mechanisms by which these cells interact to resident/infiltrated inflammatory cells to rewire neuronal networks and repair brain functions remain poorly understood. Here, we explored how TLR4-induced astrocyte activation modified synapses and cerebrovascular integrity following TBI. Experimental approach: To determine how functional astrocyte alterations induced by activation of TLR4 pathway in inflammatory cells regulate synapses and neurovascular integrity after TBI, we used pharmacology, genetic approaches, live calcium imaging, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity assessment and molecular and behavioural methods. Key results: Shortly after a TBI, there is a recruitment of excitable and reactive astrocytes mediated by TLR4 pathway activation with detrimental effects on post-synaptic density-95 (PSD-95)/vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) synaptic puncta, BBB integrity and neurological outcome. Pharmacological blockage of the TLR4 pathway with resatorvid (TAK-242) partially reversed many of the observed effects. Synapses and BBB recovery after resatorvid administration were not observed in IP3 R2-/- mice, indicating that effects of TLR4 inhibition depend on the subsequent astrocyte activation. In addition, TBI increased the astrocytic-protein thrombospondin-1 necessary to induce a synaptic recovery in a sub-acute phase. Conclusions and implications: Our data demonstrate that TLR4-mediated signalling, most probably through microglia and/or infiltrated monocyte-astrocyte communication, plays a crucial role in the TBI pathophysiology and that its inhibition prevents synaptic loss and BBB damage accelerating tissue recovery/repair, which might represent a therapeutic potential in CNS injuries and disorders.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Programa Miguel Servet II Grants CPII19/00005;PI16/00735; PI19/00082 to JE; and PI18/00357 to DC, partiallyfunded by FEDER - European Union ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’) and Fundación Mutua Madrileña to JE; European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the H2020 MarieSkłodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement no. 794926 and StopFuga de Cerebros Roche Pharma to JMR; and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-094887-B-I00 and RYC-2016-20414 to MN andRYC2019-026870-I to JMR. DC, MCO, VVS and EFL are hired bySESCAM

    TLR4-pathway impairs synaptic number and cerebrovascular functions through astrocyte activation following traumatic brain injury.

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    Background and purpose: Activation of astrocytes contributes to synaptic remodelling, tissue repair and neuronal survival following traumatic brain injury (TBI). The mechanisms by which these cells interact to resident/infiltrated inflammatory cells to rewire neuronal networks and repair brain functions remain poorly understood. Here, we explored how TLR4-induced astrocyte activation modified synapses and cerebrovascular integrity following TBI. Experimental approach: To determine how functional astrocyte alterations induced by activation of TLR4 pathway in inflammatory cells regulate synapses and neurovascular integrity after TBI, we used pharmacology, genetic approaches, live calcium imaging, immunofluorescence, flow cytometry, blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity assessment and molecular and behavioural methods. Key results: Shortly after a TBI, there is a recruitment of excitable and reactive astrocytes mediated by TLR4 pathway activation with detrimental effects on post-synaptic density-95 (PSD-95)/vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1) synaptic puncta, BBB integrity and neurological outcome. Pharmacological blockage of the TLR4 pathway with resatorvid (TAK-242) partially reversed many of the observed effects. Synapses and BBB recovery after resatorvid administration were not observed in IP3 R2-/- mice, indicating that effects of TLR4 inhibition depend on the subsequent astrocyte activation. In addition, TBI increased the astrocytic-protein thrombospondin-1 necessary to induce a synaptic recovery in a sub-acute phase. Conclusions and implications: Our data demonstrate that TLR4-mediated signalling, most probably through microglia and/or infiltrated monocyte-astrocyte communication, plays a crucial role in the TBI pathophysiology and that its inhibition prevents synaptic loss and BBB damage accelerating tissue recovery/repair, which might represent a therapeutic potential in CNS injuries and disorders.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Programa Miguel Servet II Grants CPII19/00005;PI16/00735; PI19/00082 to JE; and PI18/00357 to DC, partiallyfunded by FEDER - European Union ‘Una manera de hacer Europa’) and Fundación Mutua Madrileña to JE; European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the H2020 MarieSkłodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement no. 794926 and StopFuga de Cerebros Roche Pharma to JMR; and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación RTI2018-094887-B-I00 and RYC-2016-20414 to MN andRYC2019-026870-I to JMR. DC, MCO, VVS and EFL are hired bySESCAM

    Análisis de la situación de partida para la transformación del entorno educativo y familiar mediante la alfabetización digital : prueba piloto en una escuela del sistema educativo andorrano

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    El presente trabajo de investigación analiza la incorporación de ordenadores personales de uso individual de manera permanente en el aula y describe la situación de partida del cuanto al entorno familiar de los niños/as y su competencia TIC (Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación), con el objetivo de construir el marco a partir del cual se puede analizar, en una segunda fase, los cambios que se produzcan como influencia de la introducción de las TIC. El proyecto se desarrolla en dos aulas de primer ciclo de primera enseñanza (primaria) de la Escuela Andorrana (entre 6 y 8 años) y se obtiene una primera aproximación del uso potencial de las TIC en el entorno educativo.The present research analyse the incorporation of personal computers for individual use in the classroom and describe the initial situation in children’s family background and children’s digital skills, to build the framework where we could analyze in a second phase, the changes that occur as influenced by the introduction of ICT. The project is developed in two classrooms of a elementary school from Andorran education system (6 to 8 years old) and gives a first approximation of the potential use of ICT in educational settings

    Rectal Aberrant Crypt Foci in Humans Are Not Surrogate Markers for Colorectal Cancer Risk

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    NTRODUCTION: Over the past 20 years, aberrant crypt foci (ACF) have emerged as potential precursors and biomarkers for colorectal cancer (CRC). However, data regarding their molecular pathogenesis, as well as their endoscopic and histological identification, remain inconsistent. METHODS: A wide cohort of ACF from 100 control subjects and 100 case patients, including patients with adenoma and CRC, were characterized for endoscopic, morphologic, and molecular features. RESULTS: We observed that among all the endoscopic features evaluated, only the number of large ACF correlated with CRC risk (P = 0.003), whereas the histological classification, as assessed by 2 different pathologists, was inconsistent and did not differ between control and case patients. Moreover, only a few APC and BRAF mutations and no microsatellite instability were detected in our samples. KRAS mutations were detected in 16.3% of ACF samples, which also exhibited increased MGMT hypermethylation. However, none of those events were found to be predictive of CRC risk. DISCUSSION: Although ACF might be preneoplastic lesions of the colon, they are not suitable biomarkers for assessing CRC progression