8,808 research outputs found

    Integral group ring of the first Mathieu simple group

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    We investigate the classical Zassenhaus conjecture for the normalized unit group of the integral group ring of the simple Mathieu group M11. As a consequence, for this group we confirm the conjecture by Kimmerle about prime graphs

    Integral group ring of the McLaughlin simple group

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    We consider the Zassenhaus conjecture for the normalized unit group of the integral group ring of the McLaughlin sporadic group McL. As a consequence, we confirm for this group the Kimmerle’s conjecture on prime graphs

    Kimmerle conjecture for the Held and O'Nan sporadic simple groups

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    Using the Luthar--Passi method, we investigate the Zassenhaus and Kimmerle conjectures for normalized unit groups of integral group rings of the Held and O'Nan sporadic simple groups. We confirm the Kimmerle conjecture for the Held simple group and also derive for both groups some extra information relevant to the classical Zassenhaus conjecture

    Efficient algorithm for current spectral density calculation in single-electron tunneling and hopping

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    This write-up describes an efficient numerical method for the Monte Carlo calculation of the spectral density of current in the multi-junction single-electron devices and hopping structures. In future we plan to expand this write-up into a full-size paper.Comment: 4 page

    Public works for Poland? Active labour market policies during transition

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    Following the predominance of macroeconomic stabilisation policies and passive income support schemes in the first phase of transition, active labour market policies (ALMPs) have now come to play a more important role in transition economies. This paper looks at the Polish experience and provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of ALMPs. We use the Polish Labour Force Survey of August 1994 in combination with its Supplement on the Evaluation of Labour Market Policies together with data on ALMP expenditure at the regional (voivodship) level. The macroeconometric analysis of the relationship between labour market flows and ALMP expenditure shows no significant effects. The microeconometric analysis reveals that ALMPs are not particularly well targeted at the problem groups in the labour market. That is, women and people with basic vocational education do not receive enough attention, whereas persons formerly employed in the public administration seem to have a privileged status in ALMPs. As to the effectiveness of ALMPs, the paper shows that former participants cannot expect to find employment more easily than their peers who have been unemployed but have not been in a programme. Subjective evaluations of former participants also suggest that ALMPs, but especially works programmes, have not increased their chances to find a job. --unemployment,active labour market policies,Poland

    Hybrid-DFT+Vw_w method for accurate band structure of correlated transition metal compounds: the case of cerium dioxide

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    Hybrid functionals' non-local exchange-correlation potential contains a derivative discontinuity that improves on standard semi-local density functional theory (DFT) band gaps. Moreover, by careful parameterization, hybrid functionals can provide self-interaction reduced description of selected states. On the other hand, the uniform description of all the electronic states of a given system is a know drawback of these functionals that causes varying accuracy in the description of states with different degrees of localization. This limitation can be remedied by the orbital dependent exact exchange extension of hybrid functionals; the hybrid-DFT+Vw_w method [V. Iv{\'a}dy, et al., Phys. Rev. B 90, 035146 (2014)]. Based on the analogy of quasi-particle equations and hybrid-DFT single particle equations, here we demonstrate that parameters of hybrid-DFT+Vw_w functional can be determined from approximate quasi-particle spectra. The proposed technique leads to a reduction of self-interaction and provides improved description for both ss / pp and dd / ff-electrons of the simulated system. The performance of our charge self-consistent method is illustrated on the electronic structure calculation of cerium dioxide where good agreement with both quasi-particle and experimental spectra is achieved

    A Community-Based Parenting Program with Low-Income Mothers of Young Children

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    Research has established a significant relationship between certain parental characteristics. such as income or parenting practices, and the development of child behavior problems. This study evaluated the effectiveness of a parenting program for low-income parents of children one to five years old which was offered through community-based family resource centers. Seventy-one mothers completed the program and showed significant decreases in their use of verbal and corporal punishment and significant increases in nurturing behaviors: their children’s behavior also improved significantly. Forty-five percent of parents also met Jacobson and Truax’s (1991) criteria for clinically significant change. Implications for practitioners working With this challenging population are discussed

    Diffractive optics approach towards subwavelength pixels

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    Pixel size in cameras and other refractive imaging devices is typically limited by the free-space diffraction. However, a vast majority of semiconductor-based detectors are based on materials with substantially high refractive index. We demonstrate that diffractive optics can be used to take advantage of this high refractive index to reduce effective pixel size of the sensors below free-space diffraction limit. At the same time, diffractive systems encode both amplitude and phase information about the incoming beam into multiple pixels, offering the platform for noise-tolerant imaging with dynamical refocusing. We explore the opportunities opened by high index diffractive optics to reduce sensor size and increase signal-to-noise ratio of imaging structures.Comment: submitted to SPIE-DCS 201