81 research outputs found

    Agro-ecosystems simulation models as web services for using in web applications

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    Agricultural system science includes the agricultural system models, the data needed to use them, and all the results for guiding deci-sions and policies. Modern cloud technologies can play an important role by providing effective interfaces for using these models. There are several websites that offer environmental data in real time. Some of these websites incorporate map-based geographical and environmental information such as weather forecasting and satellite imaginary. We im-plemented a simple environmental simulation model: the Web API-SWB Basic, as an experiment of accessing and executing agro-ecosystems models via a Web API. Our goal is to expand this model to a broader range of models that can be used for more comprehensive agro-ecosystems modeling like nutrient balances and cycling, carbon dynam-ics, rotations. The product would be a set of models, included in a sort of toolbox and used with Web APIs, that can be picked according to specific needs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Dispersal of the pea leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard, 1926) (Diptera: Agromyzidae): a field experiment

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    Movement of herbivore insects within agroecosystems can ultimately determine the level of damage to crops. It was evaluated the dispersal of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard, 1926) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) under field conditions. In addition, it was evaluated if body size was related to dispersal distance. Eight hundred individuals of L. huidobrensis were released in the central point of a series of concentric circles (6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 m in radius), where 117 yellow sticky traps were set to insect recapture. Circular Statistics were used to evaluate flight direction whereas hurdle models were applied to analyze dispersal probability in relation to distance. Five percent of the released individuals were recaptured, being 36 m the median distance of recapture. The distribution of recaptured insects was not random around the circles, but the preferential dispersal direction was not explained by wind direction. The incidence of recaptured L. huidobrensis of both sexes significantly decreased at increasing distances from the release point, but decayed faster for females. No effect was found of body size on the distance of recapture. The results suggest that L. huidobrensis dispersed mainly over short distances with males being capable of performing longer flights than females.Movement of herbivore insects within agroecosystems can ultimately determine the level of damage to crops. It was evaluated the dispersal of Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard, 1926) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) under field conditions. In addition, it was evaluated if body size was related to dispersal distance. Eight hundred individuals of L. huidobrensis were released in the central point of a series of concentric circles (6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 m in radius), where 117 yellow sticky traps were set to insect recapture. Circular Statistics were used to evaluate flight direction whereas hurdle models were applied to analyze dispersal probability in relation to distance. Five percent of the released individuals were recaptured, being 36 m the median distance of recapture. The distribution of recaptured insects was not random around the circles, but the preferential dispersal direction was not explained by wind direction. The incidence of recaptured L. huidobrensis of both sexes significantly decreased at increasing distances from the release point, but decayed faster for females. No effect was found of body size on the distance of recapture. The results suggest that L. huidobrensis dispersed mainly over short distances with males being capable of performing longer flights than females

    La labor del síndico en el proceso de verificación de créditos en el concurso preventivo

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    El presente trabajo trata sobre la labor del síndico en los concursos preventivos, precisamente en el proceso de verificación de créditos. La inquietud se planteó tras haber estudiado en profundidad los concursos preventivos y las quiebras, como también las diferentes situaciones que pueden encontrarse en ellos. Pero no desde el punto de vista del proceso, ni de la letra de la ley, sino que se planteó desde el punto de vista de nuestro campo laboral, investigando acerca de funciones y tareas propias del Contador Público Nacional, al momento de tener que abordar una sindicatura concursal. La propuesta de este trabajo consiste en investigar sobre las distintas formas de verificación de un crédito en el pasivo concursal, la tarea del síndico durante ese proceso y la conclusión sobre ellos en el informe individual. Es por esto que el proceso de verificación de créditos es fundamental para la determinación del pasivo concursal y la emisión del informe individual, que debe ser confeccionado con absoluta objetividad y criterio profesional.Fil: Anzola, Francisco Hipólito. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Morales, Martín Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Sánchez-Morchio, María Valentina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Fil: Videla-Martignoni, María Carolina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Economic groups, corporate networks and think tanks. The case of the Centro de Estudios Públicos in Chile

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    This article examines the deployment of business power in Chile in a specific space such as the think tank Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP). According to data from the year 2021, there are 79 companies, legal entities, and individuals that made an annual donation to the institution. This number of donors motivates the main objective of this article: to analyze the corporate power structure that is interlaced around this think tank and the companies that finance it. Regarding the methodology, social network analysis has been used to identify how corporate networks are organized when companies share directors and advisors (interlocking directorates). Respecting to the results, two fundamental questions are answered: 1) which are the central companies in the corporate network of the CEP's financiers? and 2) who are the closest and intermediate directors and advisors of this net of CEP funders? The leadership of economic groups like Angelini, Matte, and Luksic in the corporate network shows how these relations are intertwined. In addition, it exhibits how 40 directors of the CEP held positions in companies that provide economic stimulus to the think tank. Finally, it is concluded about the reticular structure of the power of productive elites in Chile and their consequences related to the resilience of neoliberalism in this country

    Importancia de las flores en bordes de vegetación espontánea para la comunidad de insectos en huertas agroecológicas de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Field margins are key factors for biodiversity conservation in agroecological farms. Insect communities are involved in crucial services such as pollination and biological control of pests and they can use floral resources in the margins. In this study we examine spatial and temporal variation of floral communities in margins of agroecological farms from Cordoba and insect abundance in function of taxonomic identity, temporal availability, local abundance and origin (native vs. exotic) of floral resources. We carried out two samplings per month during summer season in the field margins in which we identified floral species and insects on flowers. We registered 57 floral species (41 native and 16 exotic). Temporal variations in abundance and richness of flowers were not significant, while the composition varied according to the sites. Insects included 9 orders and their abundance increased with floral period of species and this increment was stronger for exotic plants. These results indicate that the borders of spontaneous vegetation represent habitats with a high conservation value, being key to study aspects such as phenology and functional diversity of flowers and insects to increase the provision of ecosystem services in agroecological farms.Los bordes de vegetación espontánea son considerados claves para sostener la biodiversidad en sistemas agroecológicos. Los insectos, involucrados en servicios ecosistémicos esenciales para la agricultura (polinización, control de plagas), frecuentemente utilizan recursos florales presentes en estos bordes. En este trabajo se evaluó la variación espacial y temporal de las comunidades de plantas con flores en bordes de huertas agroecológicas de Córdoba y la abundancia de insectos en función de la identidad taxonómica, la variación temporal, abundancia y origen (nativo vs exótico) de los recursos florales. Se realizaron muestreos quincenales en bordes de huertas agroecológicas, identificando las especies florales y sus insectos asociados. Se encontraron 57 especies de plantas en flor (41 nativas, 16 exóticas). Las variaciones temporales en abundancia y diversidad de flores no fueron significativas, mientras que la composición varió según los sitios. Se encontraron 9 órdenes de insectos y su abundancia fue mayor en especies florales que estuvieron en más muestreos siendo este incremento más pronunciado en especies exóticas. Estos resultados indican que los bordes de vegetación espontánea representan hábitats con alto valor de conservación siendo clave estudiar aspectos como fenología y diversidad funcional de flores e insectos para incrementar la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos en huertas agroecológicas

    Importance of flowers in field margins for insect communities in agroecological farms from Cordoba, Argentina

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    Los bordes de vegetación espontánea son considerados claves para sostener la biodiversidad en sistemas agroecológicos. Los insectos, involucrados en servicios ecosistémicos esenciales para la agricultura (polinización, control de plagas), frecuentemente utilizan recursos florales presentes en estos bordes. En este trabajo se evaluó la variación espacial y temporal de las comunidades de plantas con flores en bordes de huertas agroecológicas de Córdoba y la abundancia de insectos en función de la identidad taxonómica, la variación temporal, abundancia y origen (nativo vs exótico) de los recursos florales. Se realizaron muestreos quincenales en bordes de huertas agroecológicas, identificando las especies florales y sus insectos asociados. Se encontraron 57 especies de plantas en flor (41 nativas, 16 exóticas). Las variaciones temporales en abundancia y diversidad de flores no fueron significativas, mientras que la composición varió según los sitios. Se encontraron 9 órdenes de insectos y su abundancia fue mayor en especies florales que estuvieron en más muestreos siendo este incremento más pronunciado en especies exóticas. Estos resultados indican que los bordes de vegetación espontánea representan hábitats con alto valor de conservación siendo clave estudiar aspectos como fenología y diversidad funcional de flores e insectos para incrementar la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos en huertas agroecológicas.Field margins are key factors for biodiversity conservation in agroecological farms. Insect communities are involved in crucial services such as pollination and biological control of pests and they can use floral resources in the margins. In this study we examine spatial and temporal variation of floral communities in margins of agroecological farms from Cordoba and insect abundance in function of taxonomic identity, temporal availability, local abundance and origin (native vs. exotic) of floral resources. We carried out two samplings per month during summer season in the field margins in which we identified floral species and insects on flowers. We registered 57 floral species (41 native and 16 exotic). Temporal variations in abundance and richness of flowers were not significant, while the composition varied according to the sites. Insects included 9 orders and their abundance increased with floral period of species and this increment was stronger for exotic plants. These results indicate that the borders of spontaneous vegetation represent habitats with a high conservation value, being key to study aspects such as phenology and functional diversity of flowers and insects to increase the provision of ecosystem services in agroecological farms.Fil: Rojas Rodríguez, Josefina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba.Fil: Rossetti, María Rosa. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba.Fil: Videla, Martín. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Centro de Investigaciones Entomológicas de Córdoba

    Importancia de las flores en bordes de vegetación espontánea para la comunidad de insectos en huertas agroecológicas de Córdoba, Argentina

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    Los bordes de vegetación espontánea son considerados claves para sostener la biodiversidaden sistemas agroecológicos. Los insectos, involucrados en servicios ecosistémicosesenciales para la agricultura (polinización, control de plagas), frecuentemente utilizanrecursos florales presentes en estos bordes. En este trabajo se evaluó la variación espacialy temporal de las comunidades de plantas con flores en bordes de huertas agroecológicasde Córdoba y la abundancia de insectos en función de la identidad taxonómica, la variacióntemporal, abundancia y origen (nativo vs exótico) de los recursos florales. Se realizaronmuestreos quincenales en bordes de huertas agroecológicas, identificando las especiesflorales y sus insectos asociados. Se encontraron 57 especies de plantas en flor (41 nativas,16 exóticas). Las variaciones temporales en abundancia y diversidad de flores no fueronsignificativas, mientras que la composición varió según los sitios. Se encontraron 9 órdenesde insectos y su abundancia fue mayor en especies florales que estuvieron en más muestreossiendo este incremento más pronunciado en especies exóticas. Estos resultados indican quelos bordes de vegetación espontánea representan hábitats con alto valor de conservaciónsiendo clave estudiar aspectos como fenología y diversidad funcional de flores e insectospara incrementar la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos en huertas agroecológicas.Fil: Rojas Rodriguez, Josefina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Rossetti, María Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Videla, Ignacio Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    Agro-ecosystems simulation models as web services for using in web applications

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    Agricultural system science includes the agricultural system models, the data needed to use them, and all the results for guiding deci-sions and policies. Modern cloud technologies can play an important role by providing effective interfaces for using these models. There are several websites that offer environmental data in real time. Some of these websites incorporate map-based geographical and environmental information such as weather forecasting and satellite imaginary. We im-plemented a simple environmental simulation model: the Web API-SWB Basic, as an experiment of accessing and executing agro-ecosystems models via a Web API. Our goal is to expand this model to a broader range of models that can be used for more comprehensive agro-ecosystems modeling like nutrient balances and cycling, carbon dynam-ics, rotations. The product would be a set of models, included in a sort of toolbox and used with Web APIs, that can be picked according to specific needs.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Insect and plant traits drive local and landscape effects on herbivory in grassland fragments

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    Abstract Herbivory is one of the most important antagonistic insect–plant interactions and can be influenced by factors at local and landscape scales. Landscape fragmentation may reduce herbivory directly (i.e., decreasing abundance and species richness of herbivores), but also indirectly increase herbivory (i.e., releasing herbivores from top‐down control). At a local scale, reduced plant diversity may enhance herbivory through lessened associated resistance, while resource availability (i.e., higher vegetation height and cover) may promote herbivory. Few studies have simultaneously considered the influence of local and landscape variables on insect herbivory. We evaluate effects of landscape (fragment size, connectivity, and arable land percentage) and local factors (plant cover and height and plant species richness) on insect herbivory in fragmented calcareous grasslands. Further, we ask whether these effects depend on feeding traits of herbivores (chewers vs. suckers) and habitat specialization of plants (specialists vs. generalists). Results show that herbivory was best explained by models including variables at both local and landscape scales. However, local factors were more important than landscape variables. Herbivory was in all cases positively related to height of herbs (i.e., taller and more heterogeneous food resources), whereas the effect of plant species richness varied with feeding traits of herbivores. Herbivory by chewers, which are commonly more generalist feeders, was negatively affected by plant species richness, supporting the idea of associated plant resistance. In contrast, herbivory by suckers, which tend to be more specialized, increased with plant richness. Although there was little influence of landscape scale, herbivory on specialist plants was significantly higher in smaller grasslands probably as a consequence of herbivore release from natural enemies. Functional redundancy among herbivore species would allow to maintain overall herbivory in fragmented calcareous grasslands. This study highlights the need to consider different herbivore and plant traits for a better understanding of herbivory responses to local and landscape factors

    Delayed gastric emptying after classical Whipple or pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy: a randomized clinical trial (QUANUPAD)

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    Purpose Pylorus-preserving pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPD) has been the gold standard for pancreatic head lesion resection for several years. Some studies have noted that it involves more delayed gastric emptying (DGE) than classical Whipple (i.e., pancreatoduodenectomy with antrectomy). Our working hypothesis was that the classical Whipple has a lower incidence of DGE. We aimed to compare the incidence of DGE among pancreatoduodenectomy techniques. Methods This pragmatic, randomized, open-label, single-center clinical trial involved patients who underwent classical Whipple (study group) or PPPD (control group). Gastric emptying was clinically evaluated using scintigraphy. DGE was defined according to the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) criteria. The secondary endpoints were postoperative morbidity, length of hospital stay, anthropometric measurements, and nutritional status. Results A total of 84 patients were randomized (42 per group). DGE incidence was 50% (20/40, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 35-65%) in the study group and 62% (24/39, 95% CI: 46-75%) in the control group (p = 0.260). No differences were observed between both groups regarding postoperative morbidity or length of hospital stay. Anthropometric measurements at 6 months post-surgery: triceps fold measurements were 12 mm and 16 mm (p = 0.021). At 5 weeks post-surgery, triceps fold measurements were 13 mm and 16 mm (p = 0.020) and upper arm circumferences were 26 cm and 28 cm (p = 0.030). No significant differences were observed in nutritional status. Conclusion DGE incidence and severity did not differ between classical Whipple and PPPD. Some anthropometric measurements may indicate a better recovery with PPPD