291 research outputs found

    Virus inactivation through cold plasma application: a review

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    One of the main objects of research in the field of the application of ionized gases (plasmas) for therapeutic purposes (plasma medicine) is that of disinfection, mainly obtained by chemical reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, formed by the action of a low temperature plasma. The majority of studies on this subject cover the action of plasma on bacteria and, in a lesser measure, fungi. In the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic, it is of great interest to study the possibilities offered by this technology for what concerns virus inactivation. The purpose of this thesis is to draw up a review of the existent literature on the effect of low temperature plasmas on viruses, dividing the consulted articles on the basis of the technology used to generate the plasma and the resulting physical parameters

    Uso de modelos preditivos na gestão de riscos da Fiscalização Tributária

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2021.Visando verificar de que forma a gestão de riscos da administração tributária do DF pode ser aprimorada por meio do uso de modelos preditivos de mineração de dados, o estudo partiu da caracterização do processo de gestão de riscos dos tributos indiretos pelo Fisco Distrital à luz das boas práticas de gestão de risco aplicáveis à Administração Pública local, envolveu a identificação de modelos preditivos aplicáveis ao processo de seleção de contribuintes a fiscalizar, bem como sua criação e avaliação, que levou em conta o resultado das ações fiscais já realizadas. Nesta pesquisa, exploratória e aplicada, a revisão teórica foi orientada por meio de uma pesquisa bibliométrica a qual resultou na escolha de modelos preditivos baseados em regressão logística e em redes neurais; reuniões foram realizadas para obter informações junto aos auditores responsáveis pela seleção das empresas a fiscalizar e um questionário foi aplicado para colher opiniões dos auditores responsáveis pelas auditorias; os dados armazenados em sistemas corporativos foram estudados e extraídos para obtenção das informações relativas às variáveis de interesse identificadas, as quais foram utilizadas na criação e treinamento dos modelos. Foram criados modelos preditivos capazes de mapear conjuntos de empresas que correspondem a aproximadamente metade das empresas auditadas e mais de 80% do crédito constituído (89% no caso da rede neural modelo). Desta forma, foi possível concluir que a utilização de modelos preditivos tem o potencial de otimizar a aplicação dos recursos disponíveis e maximizar os resultados alcançados.With the objective of verifying how the use of predictive data mining models can improve the risk management of the tax administration of the Federal District, this study started from the characterization of the risk management process used by the District Tax Administration, followed by the identification of the models applicable, of its implementation and finally of its evaluation, which considered the result of the tax actions already carried out. In this exploratory and applied research, the theoretical review was guided by a bibliometric research that resulted in the choice of predictive models based on logistic regression and neural networks; meetings were held to obtain information from the auditors responsible for selecting the companies to be inspected and a questionnaire was applied to collect the opinions of the auditors responsible for the audits; the data stored in corporate systems were studied and extracted to obtain the information related to the identified variables of interest, which were used in the creation and training of the models. Predictive models were created capable of mapping sets of companies that correspond to approximately half of the audited companies and to more than 80 % of the constituted credit (89 % in the case of the neural network model). Thus, it was possible to conclude that the use of predictive models has the potential to optimize the application of available resources and maximize the results achieved

    Assessing speech intelligibility level of children with phonological disorders: implications in social skills

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    OBJETIVO: analisar a relação entre o grau de inteligibilidade de fala e as habilidades sociais de comunicação em crianças com diagnóstico de desvio fonológico. MÉTODO:participaram deste estudo 10 crianças, diagnosticadas com desvio fonológico, com idade cronológica média de 7,28 anos, sendo três do gênero feminino e sete do masculino, que realizavam terapia de linguagem duas vezes por semana em uma clínica escola de uma cidade de médio porte do estado de São Paulo. As crianças foram submetidas à avaliação da fonologia por meio do instrumento ABFW, sendo que a gravidade do desvio fonológico foi baseada no cálculo do Percentual de Consoantes Corretas (PCC). E em seguida foram filmadas em situações estruturas de interação de maneira tal a obter uma amostra de fala espontânea, para caracterizar o grau de inteligibilidade de fala (GIF), além de observar presença ou ausência dos componentes das habilidades sociais de comunicação (HSC). Para analisar a relação entre GIF e HSC foi utilizado o coeficiente de Spearman. RESULTADOS:foi possível caracterizar as classes de HSC que encontram-se deficitárias em crianças diagnosticas com desvio fonológico, além de verificar uma relação significante e positiva entre o GIF e o HSC, mostrando que quanto maior o GIF maior a dificuldades nas HSC. CONCLUSÃO: o estudo verificou a relação entre GIF e HSC, além de identificar as classes de HSC que encontram-se deficitárias em crianças com diagnóstico de desvio fonológico, favorecendo a elaboração de instrumentos para avaliação e intervenção, permitindo assim, um melhor planejamento para cada caso.PURPOSE: to analyze the relationship between the degree of speech intelligibility and social communication skills in children diagnosed with phonological disorders. METHOD: the study included 10 children diagnosed with phonological disorders, with an average chronological age of 7.28 years and three females and seven males, performing speech-language therapy twice a week in a nursing school in a medium-sized town in the state of São Paulo. The children were assessed by the phonology of the ABFW instrument, and the severity of phonological disorder was based on the Percentage of Consonants Correct (PCC). And then they were video-typed in interaction structures situations in such a way as to obtain a sample of spontaneous speech, in order to characterize the degree of speech intelligibility (GIF), in addition to observing the presence or absence of the components of social communication skills (HSC). In order to examine the relationship between GIF and HSC we used the Spearman coefficient. RESULTS: it was possible to characterize HSC classes that are deficient in children with phonological diagnostic, and to check a significant and positive relationship between GIF and HSC, showing that the higher GIF is the greater are the difficulties in HSC. CONCLUSION: this study examined the relationship between GIF and HSC, and identified classes of HSC that are deficient in children diagnosed with phonological disorders, promoting the development of instruments for assessment and intervention, thus allowing better planning for each case

    Desenvolvimento de materiais nanoestruturados com potencial aplicação na terapêutica

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    O primeiro capítulo desta tese teve como objetivo verificar a estabilidade física e química de indometacina em suspensões de nanopartículas. Os resultados mostraram que a quantificação adequada por CLAE pode demonstrar a presença simultânea de nanocápsulas e nanocristais de fármacos nas suspensões. O segundo capítulo teve como objetivo determinar a influencia da concentração de triglicerídeos dos ácidos cáprico e caprílico (TCC), componente do núcleo das nanocápsulas, na cinética de liberação do éster etílico de indometacina. Com este propósito a sonda foi associada às nanocápsulas e sua hidrólise alcalina foi realizada para simular uma condição sink. A velocidade de consumo do éster foi menor com o aumento da concentração do TCC. O tempo de meia-vida do consumo da sonda associada às nanocápsulas foi maior quanto maior a concentração do TCC. O mecanismo de liberação foi determinado como sendo por transporte anômalo. O controle da liberação é decorrente da diminuição da área superficial das nanocápsulas. O terceiro capítulo teve como objetivo verificar se a presença de hidróxipropilmetilcelulose nos microaglomerados preparados por nebulização controlaria a desaglomeração do sistema contendo um fármaco hidrofílico. Com este propósito o diclofenaco foi associado aos microaglomerados e sua liberação a partir dos mesmos foi realizada. A maior concentração da HPMC e o revestimento dos microaglomerados influenciou a liberação do diclofenaco sódico nos microaglomerados, desta forma obtendo-se o controle da desaglomeração do sistema.The objective of the first chapter of this thesis was to verify the physicalchemical stability of indomethacin in nanoparticle suspensions. The results showed that with proper quantification by HPLC can demonstrate the simultaneous presence of both drug nanocrystals and nanocapsule suspensions. The objective of the second chapter was to determine the influence of the concentration of caprylic/capric triglyceride (CCT), the core component of the nanocapsules, in the release kinetics of the ethyl ester of indomethacin. For this purpose the probe was associated with the nanocapsules and its alkaline hydrolysis was carried out to simulate a sink condition. The rate of ester consumption was lower with increasing concentration of CCT. The half-life of probe consumption associated with nanocapsules increased with increased concentrations of CCT. The release mechanism was found to be transport anomalous. The ester release is controlled by the reduction in surface area of the nanocapsules. The objective of the third chapter was to verify the presence of HPMC in the microagglomerate that controls the disagglomeration system containing a hydrophilic drug. For this purpose, diclofenac was associated with the microagglomerates and their release was carried out. The higher concentrations of HPMC in the microagglomerates influenced the DicONa release in microagglomerates, thereby obtaining control of disagglomeration system

    Canine distemper virus, atypical toxoplasma gondii, and neospora caninum co-infection, in a dog with neurological signs from Argentina

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    The occurrence of combined infections by Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Canine distemper virus (CDV) in domestic dogs and wildlife animals has not been frequently reported, and the histopathological findings were not exhaustively described. The objective of this study was to report a co-infection of CDV, T. gondii and N. caninum in a dog with neurological signs, as well as the molecular characterization of the protozoa involved. A young street dog was rescued with neurological clinical signs and died spontaneously. A complete necropsy was performed. Tissues were collected and fixed for histopathological evaluation. Additionally, sections of the central nervous system (CNS) and heart were assayed by immunohistochemistry (IHQ) for T. gondii and N. caninum. Sample of brain tissue was analyzed by PCR and nPCR-RFLP for T. gondii genotyping. Spleen was used for detection of CDV by RT-PCR. Gross lesions were not observed, with the exception of the lung. Microscopically, a severe necrosuppurative meningoencephalitis with vasculitis, tachyzoites and bradyzoites of T. gondii and N. caninum were found. Demyelination was also evident, associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies within astrocytes. CDV was PCR positive while both parasites were presented PCR and IHQ positive results. Molecular characterization of T. gondii was reported as atypical #14 (likely). To our knowledge, this is the first report of genetical identification of T. gondii obtained from the brain of a naturally infected dog in Argentina. The results emphasize the importance of different techniques as diagnostic tools to enhance the detection of causative agents in cases of fatal encephalitis.Fil: Postma, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Dellarupe, Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; ArgentinaFil: Streitenberger, Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Patología. Cátedra de Patología Especial Veterinaria; ArgentinaFil: Bratanich, Ana Cristina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; ArgentinaFil: Venturini, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; ArgentinaFil: Minatel, Leonardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias; Argentin

    Genomic and geographical structure of human cytomegalovirus

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    Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) has infected humans since the origin of our species and currently infects most of the world’s population. Variability between CMV genomes is the highest of any human herpesvirus, yet large portions of the genome are conserved. Here, we show that the genome encodes 74 regions of relatively high variability each with 2 to 8 alleles. We then identified two patterns in the CMV genome. Conserved parts of the genome and a minority (32) of variable regions show geographic population structure with evidence for African or European clustering, although hybrid strains are present. We find no evidence that geographic segregation has been driven by host immune pressure affecting known antigenic sites. Forty-two variable regions show no geographical structure, with similar allele distributions across different continental populations. These “nongeographical” regions are significantly enriched for genes encoding immunomodulatory functions suggesting a core functional importance. We hypothesize that at least two CMV founder populations account for the geographical differences that are largely seen in the conserved portions of the genome, although the timing of separation and direction of spread between the two are not clear. In contrast, the similar allele frequencies among 42 variable regions of the genome, irrespective of geographical origin, are indicative of a second evolutionary process, namely balancing selection that may preserve properties critical to CMV biological function. Given that genetic differences between CMVs are postulated to alter immunogenicity and potentially function, understanding these two evolutionary processes could contribute important information for the development of globally effective vaccines and the identification of novel drug targets

    Congenital toxoplasmosis: Serology, PCR, parasite isolation and molecular characterization of toxoplasma gondii

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    Introducción El diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis congénita (TC) en el recién nacido es muy importante porque debe recibir tratamiento siempre, sintomático o no, para evitar o aminorar las secuelas de la enfermedad. Objetivo Evaluación comparativa de los métodos disponibles en la institución para el diagnóstico de TC. Materiales y Métodos Se evaluaron métodos diagnósticos en 67 niños cuyas madres cursaron toxoplasmosis aguda durante el embarazo. Se utilizó la técnica de Sabin Feldman para IgG al nacimiento y durante el seguimiento serológico hasta el año de vida. Para determinar IgM, IgA e IgE se utilizó la técnica immunosorbent agglutination assay (ISAGA). El diagnóstico directo se realizó por reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC), aislamiento y caracterización molecular del parásito. Resultados La sensibilidad (S) de ISAGA IgM fue 87%, ISAGA IgA 91% y la especificidad (E) fue 100% para ambas; cuando se realizaron en conjunto, la S aumentó a 98%. La detección de IgE contribuyó al diagnóstico cuando se la detectó sólo en la sangre del neonato y no en sangre materna. Se aisló el parásito en cuatro casos de TC, uno fue genotipo II y los otros tres, genotipos “atípicos”. La S del aislamiento fue 80% y la E 100%. Conclusión Los métodos serológicos utilizados mostraron una buena eficacia diagnóstica. Un caso fue detectado sólo por el aislamiento y la caracterización molecular tiene gran valor epidemiológico.Background. Congenital toxoplasmosis diagnosis in the newborn is a very important issue due to the need for early treatment to prevent future sequels. Aim To compare available methods at the institution for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. Material and Methods In this study we have evaluated the different diagnostic tests used in 67 congenital exposed newborns, including serological tests, PCR, parasite isolation and molecular characterization. Results The ISAGA IgM and IgA tests showed sensitivity (Se) of 87 and 91%, respectively, and specificity (Sp) of 100%. When ISAGA IgM and IgA were performed simultaneously, the Se increased to 98% and the Sp was 100%. The presence of IgE contributed to the diagnosis when it was detected in the child's serum but not in maternal blood. In four congenital infected children the parasite was isolated and genotyped: one was genotype II and the other three were “atypical” genotypes. No parasite was isolated in children without congenital toxoplasmosis. Discussion Overall, serological tests showed a good diagnostic performance although in one case they were all negative and isolation was the only tool to identify the infection. We conclude that it is essential to use all diagnostic tests in every single exposed child, including if possible, molecular characterization due to its epidemiological implication.Fil: Carral, Liliana. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Kaufer, Federico. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Pardini, Lais Luján. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Durlach, Ricardo. Hospital Aleman; ArgentinaFil: Moré, Gastón Andrés. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Venturini, María C.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Laboratorio de Inmunoparasitología; ArgentinaFil: Freuler, Cristina. Hospital Aleman; Argentin

    Dynamical structure factor of two-dimensional electrons over a helium film

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    The dynamical structure factor of a two-dimensional electrons trapped to a helium film deposited on a solid substrate is determined through molecular dynamics simulations for different film thicknesses and two substrates. The phases of the system varying from the classical Wigner crystal to strong and intermediate- correlated electron liquid as well the influence of the film thickness and substrate are analyzed in the numerical experiments

    The experience of nurses as an accompanying family member

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    Objective: To describe the experience of nurses in the condition of the hospitalized patient's family companion. Methods: Qualitative study conducted with nine nurses working in a public and teaching hospital, in the South of Brazil. The data was produced by Dynamics of Creativity and Sensitivity and analyzed by the presuppositions of discourse analysis in its French chain. Results: From the analysis of the data produced the following themes emerged: the professional knowledge as intervening factor: from frustration to confrontation; being a nurse, being in the accompanying condition and decision making and; the challenges of nursing in the accompanying condition. Conclusion: The experience as an accompanying family member had repercussions on the "professional self" and the "family self", provoking considerations both in the professional life and in the nurses' personal life, which triggered reflections and modifications in their praxis

    Computação desplugada: atividade lúdica para desenvolver o pensamento computacional / Displaced computing: logical activity to develop computer thinking

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    A ação descrita neste relato foi desenvolvida como parte de um projeto vinculado ao PEIC-2018 da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Teve como objetivo incentivar o Pensamento Computacional de alunos do sétimo, oitavo e nono anos do ensino fundamental II de uma escola particular da cidade de Ituiutaba-MG. Duas abordagens foram adotadas nesta ação: a primeira, denominada computação desplugada, utilizou materiais de uso comum no ambiente escolar, enquanto a segunda utilizou o computador. Verificou-se que, na abordagem desplugada, os alunos mantiveram-se mais focados na ação do que quando utilizaram o computador