932 research outputs found

    Familienpolitik in den Zwängen konservativer und neoliberaler Logiken: ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich

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    [Die Autorin] analysiert in ihrem Beitrag die jüngsten familienpolitischen Reformen am Beispiel des Ausbaus der Kleinkindbetreuung, der Reform des Elterngeldes in Deutschland und der Neuordnung familienpolitischer Leistungen in der Kleinkindbetreuung für mehr Wahlfreiheit in Frankreich. Durch den Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich beabsichtigt die Autorin, die ökonomische Ausrichtung familienpolitischer Initiativen und die Adressierung der Betriebe als neue familienpolitische Akteure nach ihrem neoliberalen Gehalt zu analysieren und zu zeigen, welchen Beitrag aktuelle Familienpolitik zur Re-Formulierung des Vereinbarkeitsdilemmas leistet bzw. leisten könnte. (DIPF/Orig.

    To Answer, or Not to Answer - That is the Question of the Hour: Image Restoration Strategies and Media Coverage of Past Drug Use Questions in the Presidential Campaigns of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush

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    This study analyzed the relationship between image restoration strategies and media coverage, specifically, the image restoration strategies utilized by Bill Clinton in 1992 and George W. Bush in 1999 in response to questions of past drug use and the ensuing media coverage during the respective campaigns. A literature review of political apologia and image restoration strategies is presented, followed by potential explanations for the extensive media coverage of the drug issue. Articles published in 7 newspapers during the respective political campaigns were retrieved and textually analyzed to determine the candidates’ image restoration strategies. The reported presidential comments were then critically analyzed to demonstrate the potential influence of image restoration strategies on the media coverage of the drug questions

    Neuorientierung der Wohlfahrtsstaaten in Zeiten der Globalisierung: Verluste und Gewinne

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    'In den Ländern der Europäischen Union finden tiefgreifende Veränderungen wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Arrangements statt, die sowohl Ausdruck ökonomischer und demografischer Veränderungen sind, als auch auf mentalen und kulturellen Einstellungsänderungen beruhen. Der ökonomische Druck auf die Wohlfahrtsstaaten transportiert auf der theoretischen Ebene neoliberale Debatten, die die Kategorie 'Geschlecht' de-thematisieren, und Debatten zur Standortfrage, die auf einen Abbau sozialer Standards orientieren - beides soll im ersten Teil dieses Beitrags angesprochen werden. Der zweite Teil des Beitrags arbeitet - exemplarisch skizziert anhand der Rentenreform 2001 in Deutschland (einem Systemwechsel) und an der gegenwärtigen Rentenpolitik in Frankreich (einer Politik der kleinen Schritte) - heraus, dass der Umbau der Wohlfahrtsstaaten, in Abhängigkeit von den jeweiligen Gender-Konzepten und von der jeweiligen strukturellen Konzeption der Alterssicherungssysteme, länderspezifisch unterschiedlich verläuft. Es wird die These vertreten, dass sich in der gegenwärtigen Rentenreform in Deutschland neoliberale Diskurse stärker umsetzen (Einführung einer privaten Kapitalrente) als in Frankreich. Die Autorin führt die größere Resistenz gegenüber einem liberalen Umbau im französischen System auf den ausgeprägten Familiarismus zurück.' (Autorenreferat)'The countries of the European Union undergo profound changes in their welfare state arrangements, which are not only expressions of economic and demographic changes but also due to alternating mental and cultural attitudes. Economic pressure on the welfare states lead to neoliberal debates on a theoretical level, denying the Bender category as a subject of discussion, and to the question of location ('Standortdebatten'), which is orientated towards a decline in social standards (first part). The second part of this contribution will work out the reconstruction of the welfare states taking different courses due to the countries particularities, and dependent on particular gender concepts as well as structural concepts of pension systems. The German pension reform of 2001 (a paradigmatic change) and contemporary pension politics in France (step-by-step-policy) will serve as examples. The author will argue that neoliberal discourses are realized to a larger extent in the contemporary German pension reform (introduction of a private pension) than in France. She explains the stronger resistance towards a liberal reconstruction in the French system by a distinct 'Familiarismus' (family policy). Winners and loosers will be pointed out.' (author's abstract

    The Civil Rights Potential of the Labor Management Relations Act: The Current Approach

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    Identifying Adoption Barriers in Organizational Rhetoric: A Response to the Strategic Plan for the National Animal Identification System

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    This study analyzes an organization’s predisposition to accept or reject an argument for change. Specifically, an analysis of the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s (NDSA) official response to the Strategic Plan for the National Animal Identification System revealed key themes attributing to NDSA’s perceived inadequacy of the plan. This study contends change agents who recognize the role of rhetoric in the diffusion process will be more effective if they are able to identify the discursive justifications needed to rationalize and legitimize the adoption of an innovation. Based on the literature reviewed and the analysis in this study, these justifications can be identified by analyzing organizational rhetoric and determining the influence of organizational leadership as an opinion leader in the diffusion process

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Educational and Testing Requirements Invalid Unless Job-Related

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    The United States Supreme Court has held that an employer\u27s use of educational and testing requirements for screening job applicants violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 when the effect is to disqualify a disproportionate number of Negroes, and where there is no showing that either standard is significantly related to job performance. Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 401 U.S. 424 (1971)

    Sozialreformen in Frankreich und Deutschland : Gleiche Herausforderungen - unterschiedliche Antworten?

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    Solid waste management has been one of the critical issues in Jakarta, Indonesia.With enormous amounts of generated waste per day and limited supportinginfrastructure, the city has faced serious threat of environmental deterioration andhealth hazard. It relies on one sanitary landfill only, whose capacity is currently beingexceeded, leading to excessive amounts of solid wastes left untreated in the city. An assessment with a system perspective was carried out, aiming to examine thecomplexity with regard to substance flows, environmental impacts, and energyturnover associated to solid waste management. Different scenarios were constructedand compared using the ORWARE model as the simulation tool. The modelcomprises a number of processes starting from the generation point, all the waythrough means of collection and transportation, treatments e.g. incineration andbiological processes, before final disposal in the sanitary landfill. In this thesis work,an open dumping submodel for the untreated waste was developed to illustrate thegreat impact of this practice. Furthermore, the model comprises materials recycling ofcertain products, which in Jakarta normally are collected in an informal system,involving thousands of scavengers, collectors, and waste suppliers. Externally relatedsystems, e.g. power generation and fertilizer production were also included in theanalysis, to implement a life cycle analysis concept in the delivery of certainfunctional units. The study focused on four different solid waste management scenarios. The first onewas the current situation, while the other three investigated the future state wherebyincreased amounts of generated solid waste were handled either (i) in a similarmanagement system as today, (ii) by a mixture of landfilling, incineration andbiological treatment, and (iii) phasing out all landfilling for biological treatment andincineration. The simulations showed that landfilling is the least preferable choice from anenvironmental point of view. Phasing it out by introducing incineration and biologicaltreatment would be beneficial in reducing the environmental impacts and recoveringnutrients as well as energy. Untreated waste also plays an important role for the totalimpact, and even dominates eutrophication impacts for all scenarios. Improvementscan be achieved by an effective source separation, and an increased collectionefficiency. A further analysis particularly on the economic aspects of the treatment systemsstudied, coupled with the attempt to minimize the data gap in the submodels isrecommended, aiming to acquire an improved analysis for better decision making.Another study, related to valuation of environmental and resource losses caused byuntreated waste would also be important, seeking to analyze the avoided impacts thatcould be obtained by improving future solid waste management.www.ima.kth.s


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    Balancing Transparency and Privacy in a University Sexual Misconduct Case: A Legal Public Relations Case Study

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    In 2016, the University of Kentucky became embroiled in an open records debate with its student newspaper, The Kentucky Kernel. Following a professor’s resignation amid a sexual misconduct investigation, the Kernel asked for records pertaining to the case. The University refused, claiming the information would violate survivors’ privacy. The decision sparked public backlash, forcing the University to combat accusations that it was prioritizing reputation over student safety. This case study provides insight into the crisis management process by exploring how key actors in the case made decisions. Drawing from theoretical perspectives including stakeholder theory and the ethics of care and justice, this study explores the complexities of addressing incongruent stakeholder perspectives and balancing stakeholder interests, along with offering implications for public relations practitioners
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