171 research outputs found

    Affine Sessions

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    Session types describe the structure of communications implemented by channels. In particular, they prescribe the sequence of communications, whether they are input or output actions, and the type of value exchanged. Crucial to any language with session types is the notion of linearity, which is essential to ensure that channels exhibit the behaviour prescribed by their type without interference in the presence of concurrency. In this work we relax the condition of linearity to that of affinity, by which channels exhibit at most the behaviour prescribed by their types. This more liberal setting allows us to incorporate an elegant error handling mechanism which simplifies and improves related works on exceptions. Moreover, our treatment does not affect the progress properties of the language: sessions never get stuck

    Types for X10 Clocks

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    X10 is a modern language built from the ground up to handle future parallel systems, from multicore machines to cluster configurations. We take a closer look at a pair of synchronisation mechanisms: finish and clocks. The former waits for the termination of parallel computations, the latter allow multiple concurrent activities to wait for each other at certain points in time. In order to better understand these concepts we study a type system for a stripped down version of X10. The main result assures that well typed programs do not run into the errors identified in the X10 language reference, namely the ClockUseException. The study will open, we hope, doors to a more flexible utilisation of clocks in the X10 language.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2010, arXiv:1110.385

    Language Primitives and Type Discipline for Structured Communication-Based Programming Revisited: Two Systems for Higher-Order Session Communication

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    AbstractSession primitives and types provide a flexible programming style for structured interaction, and are used to statically check the safe and consistent composition of protocols in communication-centric distributed software. Unfortunately authors working on session types have recently realised that some of the previously published systems fail to satisfy the basic theorems of Subject Reduction and Type Safety.This report discusses the issues involved in higher-order session communication, presents a formulation of the recursive types as well as proofs of the Subject Reduction and Type Safety Theorems of the original session typing system by Honda-Vasconcelos-Kubo in ESOP'98. It also proposes a variant which allows a more liberal higher-order session communication, based on an idea of Gay and Hole

    The computational content of atomic polymorphism

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    We show that the number-theoretic functions de nable in the atomic polymorphic system (Fat) are exactly the extended polynomials. Two proofs of the above result are presented: one reducing the functions' de n- ability problem in Fat to de nability in the simply typed lambda-calculus and other directly adapting Helmut Schwichtenberg's strategy for de nability in the simply typed lambda-calculus to the atomic polymorphic setting. The uniformity granted in the polymorphic system, when compared with the simply typed lambda-calculus, is emphasized.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia [UID/MAT/ 04561/2013, UID/CEC/00408/2013 and grant SFRH/BPD/93278/2013 to G.F.]. The first author is also grateful to Centro de Matemática, Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional and to Large-Scale Informatics Systems Laboratory (Universidade de Lisboa).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modular session types for objects

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    Session types allow communication protocols to be specified type-theoretically so that protocol implementations can be verified by static type checking. We extend previous work on session types for distributed object-oriented languages in three ways. (1) We attach a session type to a class definition, to specify the possible sequences of method calls. (2) We allow a session type (protocol) implementation to be modularized, i.e. partitioned into separately-callable methods. (3) We treat session-typed communication channels as objects, integrating their session types with the session types of classes. The result is an elegant unification of communication channels and their session types, distributed object-oriented programming, and a form of typestate supporting non-uniform objects, i.e. objects that dynamically change the set of available methods. We define syntax, operational se-mantics, a sound type system, and a sound and complete type checking algorithm for a small distributed class-based object-oriented language with structural subtyping. Static typing guarantees that both sequences of messages on channels, and sequences of method calls on objects, conform to type-theoretic specifications, thus ensuring type-safety. The language includes expected features of session types, such as delegation, and expected features of object-oriented programming, such as encapsulation of local state.Comment: Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS), International Federation for Computational Logic, 201

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects

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    We present an imperative object-oriented language featuring a dependent type system designed to support class-based programming and inheritance. Programmers implement classes in the usual imperative style, and may take advantage of a richer dependent type system to express class invariants and restrictions on how objects are allowed to change and be used as arguments to methods. By way of example, we implement insertion and deletion for binary search trees in an imperative style, and come up with types that ensure the binary search tree invariant. This is the first dependently-typed language with mutable objects that we know of to bring classes and index refinements into play, enabling types (classes) to be refined by indices drawn from some constraint domain. We give a declarative type system that supports objects whose types may change, despite being sound. We also give an algorithmic type system that provides a precise account of quantifier instantiation in a bidirectional style, and from which it is straightforward to read off an implementation. Moreover, all the examples in the paper have been run, compiled and executed in a fully functional prototype that includes a plugin for the Eclipse IDE

    Dependent Types for Class-based Mutable Objects (Artifact)

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    This artifact is based on DOL, a Dependent Object-oriented Language featuring dependent types, mutable objects and class-based inheritance with subtyping. The typechecker written in Xtend, a flexible and expressive dialect of Java, is a direct implementation of the algorithmic type system described in the companion paper. It uses a direct interface to Z3 theorem prover via its API for Java. The artifact ships with an IDE developed as an Eclipse plugin based on the Xtext framework

    An instance of the MIKADO migration model

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    In this document, we briefly describe the main contribution to the deliverable on experimenting with the implementation of most of the calculi considered in the project. First, we describe how two well known calculi for mobile processes KLAIM and Dπ have been implemented on the top of IMC. We then describe the implementation of the MiKO programming language, an instance of the parametric calculus introduced in the WP1 with the TyCO calculus as the content of the membrane itself. After this, we outline the description of the implementation of the abstract machine for an instance of the Kell Calculus that dedicates particular attention to the proof of its correctness. Our presentation ends with a discussion of the problem of implementing security membranes on the top of an execution platform

    Core-TyCO: Appendix to the Language Definition, yielding Version 0.2

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    This is the third report on TyCO, a (still) experimental strongly and implicitly typed concurrent object based programming language based on a predicative polymorphic calculus of objects, featuring asynchronous messages, objects, and procedures, together with a predicative polymorphic typing assignment system, assigning monomorphic types to variables and polymorphic types to procedure