4,367 research outputs found

    Francisco J. Varela Bibliography (1969-2002)

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    Characterization of autoregressive processes using entropic quantifiers

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    The aim of the contribution is to introduce a novel information plane, the causal-amplitude informational plane. As previous works seems to indicate, Bandt and Pompe methodology for estimating entropy does not allow to distinguish between probability distributions which could be fundamental for simulation or for probability analysis purposes. Once a time series is identified as stochastic by the causal complexity-entropy informational plane, the novel causal-amplitude gives a deeper understanding of the time series, quantifying both, the autocorrelation strength and the probability distribution of the data extracted from the generating processes. Two examples are presented, one from climate change model and the other from financial markets.Fil: Traversaro Varela, Francisco. Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Redelico, Francisco Oscar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Hospital Italiano; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentin

    Un proxecto do ILG no abalo da gramática histórica da lingua galega

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    Dirección Xeral de Política Lingüística da Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria da Xunta de Galici

    Achegas recentes á cronoloxía do alomorfo nasal do clítico CD de 3ª persoa

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    Na esfera da cronoloxía dos cambios lingüísticos, o achado de novos textos antigos representa normalmente para a lingua galega unha oportunidade, moi esperada, de descubrir novas voces, novas acepcións, novos rexistros máis recuados delas, mais son contadas as ocasións nas que, na actualidade, saen da escuridade datos que modifican substancialmente o marco cronolóxico xeral do desenvolvemento dunha mudanza lingüística de longo percorrido temporal e de proxección diató- pica complexa. De haber almoedas fi lolóxicas, sería este o tipo de datos polos que se ofrecerían as sumas máis elevadas. Canto non estarían dispostos a ofrecer os historiadores da lingua por evidencias da existencia da gheada no período medieval, por falar dun cambio emblemático

    Przerysować mapę i przestawić czas: fenomenologia i nauki kognitywne

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    We argue that phenomenology can be of central and positive importance to the cognitive sciences, and that it can also learn from the empirical research conducted in those sciences. We discuss the project of naturalizing phenomenology and how this can be best accomplished. We provide several examples of how phenomenology and the cognitive sciences can integrate their research. Specifically, we consider issues related to embodied cognition and intersubjectivity. We provide a detailed analysis of issues related to time-consciousness, with reference to understanding schizophrenia and the loss of the sense of agency. We offer a positive proposal to address these issues based on a neurobiological dynamic-systems model

    The influence of customer integration, integrated information technology, and relationship commitment on performance: a mediating and moderating analysis in supply chain management context

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    Esta investigación amplía el creciente cuerpo de la literatura sobre la integración de la cadena de suministro. A partir de diferentes teorías, desarrollamos hipótesis que proponen relaciones positivas entre la tecnología de información integrada, la integración de clientes, el compromiso relacional y el rendimiento financiero. Además, investigamos los roles complementarios del tamaño del departamento de TI y el apoyo de la alta dirección. Los resultados a partir de una muestra de 205 empresas de Egipto indican que la tecnología de información integrada y la integración de clientes pueden mejorar el rendimiento financiero. Adicionalmente, los resultados muestran un efecto mediador positivo de la integración de clientes en la relación entre tecnología de información integrada y el rendimiento financiero. Además, se confirma que el tamaño del departamento de TI y el apoyo de la alta dirección están relacionados significativamente con la tecnología de información integrada. Finalmente, nuestros resultados también muestran un efecto positivo directo del compromiso relacional en la integración de clientes, así como un efecto moderador positivo del compromiso relacional en la relación entre la tecnología de información integrada y la integración de clientes.This research extends the developing body of literature on supply chain integration. Theorizing from the supply chain integration literatures, we develop hypotheses proposing direct, mediating, and moderating relations between integrated information technology, customer integration, relationship commitment, and financial performance. Also, we investigate the complementary roles of IT department size and top management support. Our findings from a sample of 205 firms in Egypt indicate that integrated information technology and customer integration can improve financial performance. In addition, our results show a mediating and positive effect of customer integration on the relation between integrated information technology and financial performance. Also, information technology department size and top management support are significantly related to integrated information technology. Finally, our results also show a direct and positive effect of relationship commitment on the customer integration, and a moderating and positive effect of relationship commitment on the relationship between integrated information technology and customer integration

    Use of Penalty Formulations in Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Redundantly Constrained Multibody Systems

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    [Abstract] The determination of particular reaction forces in the analysis of redundantly constrained multibody systems requires the consideration of the stiffness distribution in the system. This can be achieved by modelling the components of the mechanical system as flexible bodies. An alternative to this, which we will discuss in this paper, is the use of penalty factors already present in augmented Lagrangian formulations as a way of introducing the structural properties of the physical system into the model. Natural coordinates and the kinematic constraints required to ensure rigid body behaviour are particularly convenient for this. In this paper, scaled penalty factors in an index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation are employed, together with modelling in natural coordinates, to represent the structural properties of redundantly constrained multibody systems. Forward dynamic simulations for two examples are used to illustrate the material. Results showed that scaled penalty factors can be used as a simple and efficient way to accurately determine the constraint forces in the presence of redundant constraints

    Youth itineraries, individuation, and reflexivities: approaches to social participation in low-income metropolitan neighborhoods

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    En este artículo se presenta un análisis de itinerarios de individuación, en atención a las formas de participación y reflexividad de personas jóvenes que viven en barrios populares de tres áreas metropolitanas: Buenos Aires/Argentina, Porto Alegre/Brasil y Santiago/Chile. Para ello, se articulan resultados de diferentes estudios empíricos desarrollados entre 2013 y 2019, con herramientas conceptuales de la sociología del individuo de Danilo Martuccelli, especialmente las nociones de pruebas, soportes y texturas sociales. En primer lugar, se abordan los referentes teóricos utilizados para el despliegue del problema y las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas para la construcción y el análisis de las narrativas juveniles. Posteriormente, se realiza la interpretación del corpus de datos en torno a dos ejes centrales: a) territorios, actores e intermundos populares; b) jóvenes, participación social y reflexividades. Las personas jóvenes enfrentan, en diversos territorios populares, una pluralidad de coerciones materiales y simbólicas. Sin embargo, allí también traman espacios colectivos donde establecen identificaciones personales y grupales, cuando descubren o generan propuestas deportivas, artístico-políticas y educativas. En estas, producen vínculos intergeneracionales, recuperan saberes ancestrales y construyen marcos referenciales y reflexivos, volviendo la territorialidad un soporte y un signo de reconocimiento. En este sentido, el estudio de las narrativas juveniles constituye una herramienta privilegiada para el análisis de las agencias y las individualidades populares latinoamericanas.This study analyzes individuation itineraries by considering the forms of participation and reflexivity of young people who live in low-income neighborhoods in three metropolitan areas: Buenos Aires/Argentina, Porto Alegre/Brazil, and Santiago/Chile. For this, this study articulated the results of several empirical studies conducted from 2013 to 2019 with the conceptual tools in Danilo Martuccelli’s sociology of the individual, especially its notions of tests, supports, and social textures. This research first addresses theoretical frameworks to implement its problem and methodological strategies to build and analyze youth’s narratives. Then, it interpreted its data corpus around two central axes: a) low-income territories, actors, and interworlds and b) young people, social participation, and reflexivities. Young people face a plurality of material and symbolic coercions in several low-income territories. However, these territories also create collective spaces in which youths establish personal and group identifications as they discover or generate sports, artistic-political, and educational proposals, which create intergenerational bonds, recover ancestral knowledge, and build referential and reflective landmarks, transforming territorialities into supports and a sign of recognition. Thus, studying youth narratives offers a privileged tool to analyze Latin American low-income agencies and individualities