298 research outputs found

    Enhanced modeling features within TREETOPS

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    The original motivation for TREETOPS was to build a generic multi-body simulation and remove the burden of writing multi-body equations from the engineers. The motivation of the enhancement was twofold: (1) to extend the menu of built-in features (sensors, actuators, constraints, etc.) that did not require user code; and (2) to extend the control system design capabilities by linking with other government funded software (NASTRAN and MATLAB). These enhancements also serve to bridge the gap between structures and control groups. It is common on large space programs for the structures groups to build hi-fidelity models of the structure using NASTRAN and for the controls group to build lower order models because they lack the tools to incorporate the former into their analysis. Now the controls engineers can accept the hi-fidelity NASTRAN models into TREETOPS, add sensors and actuators, perform model reduction and couple the result directly into MATLAB to perform their design. The controller can then be imported directly into TREETOPS for non-linear, time-history simulation

    Efficiency and capabilities of multi-body simulations

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    Simulation efficiency and capability go hand in hand. The more capability you have the lower the efficiency will be. The efficiency and capabilities are discussed. The lesson learned about generic simulation is: Don't rule out any capabilities at the beginning, but keep each one on a switch so it can be bypassed when warranted by a specific application

    Notes on implementation of Coulomb friction in coupled dynamical simulations

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    A coupled dynamical system is defined as an assembly of rigid/flexible bodies that may be coupled by kinematic connections. The interfaces between bodies are modeled using hinges having 0 to 6 degrees of freedom. The equations of motion are presented for a mechanical system of n flexible bodies in a topological tree configuration. The Lagrange form of the D'Alembert principle was employed to derive the equations. The equations of motion are augmented by the kinematic constraint equations. This augmentation is accomplished via the method of singular value decomposition

    Exact Quantum Solutions of Extraordinary N-body Problems

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    The wave functions of Boson and Fermion gases are known even when the particles have harmonic interactions. Here we generalise these results by solving exactly the N-body Schrodinger equation for potentials V that can be any function of the sum of the squares of the distances of the particles from one another in 3 dimensions. For the harmonic case that function is linear in r^2. Explicit N-body solutions are given when U(r) = -2M \hbar^{-2} V(r) = \zeta r^{-1} - \zeta_2 r^{-2}. Here M is the sum of the masses and r^2 = 1/2 M^{-2} Sigma Sigma m_I m_J ({\bf x}_I - {\bf x}_J)^2. For general U(r) the solution is given in terms of the one or two body problem with potential U(r) in 3 dimensions. The degeneracies of the levels are derived for distinguishable particles, for Bosons of spin zero and for spin 1/2 Fermions. The latter involve significant combinatorial analysis which may have application to the shell model of atomic nuclei. For large N the Fermionic ground state gives the binding energy of a degenerate white dwarf star treated as a giant atom with an N-body wave function. The N-body forces involved in these extraordinary N-body problems are not the usual sums of two body interactions, but nor are forces between quarks or molecules. Bose-Einstein condensation of particles in 3 dimensions interacting via these strange potentials can be treated by this method.Comment: 24 pages, Latex. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Societ

    Ba 4d core-level spectroscopy in the YBa2Cu3O6.9 high-Tc superconductor: Existence of a surface-shifted component

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    Two sets of spin-orbit split Ba 4d core-level photoemission peaks were observed in a crystal of YBa2Cu3O6.9. From constant final-state measurements taken as a function of kinetic energy, the low-binding-energy doublet is identified as a surface component. Possible origins of the surface shift are discussed

    Scaling of the Equilibrium Magnetization in the Mixed State of Type-II Superconductors

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    We discuss the analysis of mixed-state magnetization data of type-II superconductors using a recently developed scaling procedure. It is based on the fact that, if the Ginzburg-Landau parameter kappa does not depend on temperature, the magnetic susceptibility is a universal function of H/H_c2(T), leading to a simple relation between magnetizations at different temperatures. Although this scaling procedure does not provide absolute values of the upper critical fieldH_c2(T), its temperature variation can be established rather accurately. This provides an opportunity to validate theoretical models that are usually employed for the evaluation of H_c2(T) from equilibrium magnetization data. In the second part of the paper we apply this scaling procedure for a discussion of the notorious first order phase transition in the mixed state of high temperature superconductors. Our analysis, based on experimental magnetization data available in the literature, shows that the shift of the magnetization accross the transition may adopt either sign, depending on the particular chosen sample. We argue that this observation is inconsistent with the interpretation that this transition always represents the melting transition of the vortex lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Analysis of acoustic emission during the melting of embedded indium particles in an aluminum matrix: a study of plastic strain accommodation during phase transformation

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    Acoustic emission is used here to study melting and solidification of embedded indium particles in the size range of 0.2 to 3 um in diameter and to show that dislocation generation occurs in the aluminum matrix to accommodate a 2.5% volume change. The volume averaged acoustic energy produced by indium particle melting is similar to that reported for bainite formation upon continuous cooling. A mechanism of prismatic loop generation is proposed to accommodate the volume change and an upper limit to the geometrically necessary increase in dislocation density is calculated as 4.1 x 10^9 cm^-2 for the Al-17In alloy. Thermomechanical processing is also used to change the size and distribution of the indium particles within the aluminum matrix. Dislocation generation with accompanied acoustic emission occurs when the melting indium particles are associated with grain boundaries or upon solidification where the solid-liquid interfaces act as free surfaces to facilitate dislocation generation. Acoustic emission is not observed for indium particles that require super heating and exhibit elevated melting temperatures. The acoustic emission work corroborates previously proposed relaxation mechanisms from prior internal friction studies and that the superheat observed for melting of these micron-sized particles is a result of matrix constraint.Comment: Presented at "Atomistic Effects in Migrating Interphase Interfaces - Recent Progress and Future Study" TMS 201

    Mapping stationary axisymmetric phase-space distribution functions by orbit libraries

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    This is the first of a series of papers dedicated to unveil the mass composition and dynamical structure of a sample of flattened early type galaxies in the Coma cluster. We describe our modifications to the Schwarzschild code of Richstone et al. (in preparation). Applying a Voronoi tessellation in the surface of section we are able to assign accurate phase-space volumes to individual orbits and to reconstruct the full three-integral phase-space distribution function (DF) of any axisymmetric orbit library. Two types of tests have been performed to check the accuracy with which DFs can be represented by appropriate orbit libraries. First, by mapping DFs of spherical gamma-models and flattened Plummer models on to the library we show that the resulting line-of-sight velocity distributions and internal velocity moments of the library match those directly derived from the DF to a precision better than that of present day observational errors. Second, by fitting libraries to the projected kinematics of the same DFs we show that the distribution function reconstructed from the fitted library matches the input DF to a rms of about 15 per cent over a region in phase-space covering 90 per cent of the mass of the library. The achieved accuracy allows us to implement effective entropy-based regularisation to fit real, noisy and spatially incomplete data.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA