27 research outputs found


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    The photocatalytic properties of TiO2 compound in anatase phase can be activated under visible light by nitrogen modification and its ability can be increased by generated porous structure using polietilen glikol (PEG) on TiO2 thin film surface. The porous N/TiO2 thin films were prepared by heating aqueous peroxotitanate thin films by addition of polietilen glikol (PEG) deposited uniformly on superhydrophilic uncoated glass at 500 oC for 1 h. The result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the resence of only anatase phase for all samples. The UV-Vis spectroscopy showed the synthesized porous N/TiO2 thin films exhibit the absorption in the visible range (400-500 nm). Photocatalytic activity of porous N/ TiO2 thin films were evaluated by using fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine the ability of this photocatalyst for stearic acid degradation under visible light irradiation. The result showed that N/TiO2/PEG-2.1 thin film degraded the stearic acid was about 87,86%, which was 1,12 times higher than that of N-doped TiO2 and 9,9 times higher than that of undoped TiO2 thin film

    SK Pengajaran Genap 2017/2018

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    SK Panitia ICBSA 2018

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    Photocatalytic degradation of Direct Yellow-27 by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation Using N-doped TiO2

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    Degradation of Direct Yellow-27 has been investigated using irradiation process of UV light and solar by adding of N-Doped TiO2 catalyst. The aims of this research were to explore the optimum condition of N-Doped TiO2 catalyst, and to test the best process of irradiation that used to degrade of Direct Yellow-27. The absorbances of sample were measured by using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (位=300-800 nm). The conditions of before and after degradation were quantified by using Ion Chromatography. Direct Yellow-27 was successful degradated using the irradiation procces of UV light (10 watt, 位=365 nm) and solar (28.000 lux) with and without using N-Doped TiO2 catalyst. The result of this study showed that solar irradiation was better than UV light in process of degradation. The degradation process of direct Yellow-27 was destitute N-Doped TiO2 catalyst 8,72 %, while by adding of N-Doped TiO2 catalyst 52,86%. The catalyst optimum mass in this study was 10 mg. The liquid Chromatography analysis represented the broadening of peak that notices Diret Yellow-27 was successful degradated.   Keywords: Direct Yellow-27, UV-light, Solar irradiation, N-Doped TiO2 , Photocatalyst, liquid Chromatographic


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    The surface of ultrahydrophobic glass has been successfully prepared using the combination of TiO2 and stearic acid. TiO2 was used to increase the surface roughness, while stearing acid was a surface modifier. The peroxo sol-gel method has been used to synthesize TiO2 precursors on the glass layer followed by modification of stearic acid. The maximal water contact angle of 141o has been obtained for the composition of 0.4 grams of stearic acid and 20 mL of ethanol (NKTS-2%). AFM analysis showed the roughness of NKTS-2% is 4,15 nm, which was greater than the pure glass. FTIR analysis also showed vibration of C=O (carbonyl) at 1697cm-1 indicating the chemical interaction between TiO2 and stearic acid. EDX spectrum analysis of TiO2/stearic acid (TiO2/C18H36O2) showed the existence of titanium, oxygen, and carbon. The optimum sample (NKTS-2%) showed a good transparency and self-cleaning properties compared to pure glas

    Degradasi Pestisida Diazinon dengan Proses Fotokatalisis Sinar Matahari Menggunakan Katalis C,N-CODOPED TiO2

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    Diazinon merupakan salah satu pestisida organofosfat yang sangat luas penggunaannya di bidang pertanian, namun ia bersifat sangat beracun. Pada penelitian ini diazinon didegradasi secara fotokatalisis menggunakakan katalis C,N-codoped TiO2 yang aktif pada sinar matahari. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi proses degradasi dipelajari seperti massa katalis, pengaruh doping pada titania, pH larutan awal, dan waktu irradiasi. Penambahan katalis C,N-codoped TiO2 mampu meningkatkan persen degradasi diazinon secara siginifikan. Diazinon dengan konsentrasi awal 18 mg/l dan volume 20 ml terdegradasi sebesar 90,75% pada kondisi optimum pH 7, 12 mg katalis C,N-codoped TiO2, selama 300 menit fotokatalisis sinar matahari. Data hasil analisis High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) menunjukkan bahwa diazinon telah berhasil didegradasi

    Facile synthesis of lanthanum-doped SrTiO3 nanocubes mediated by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and tert-butylamine under solvothermal condition and their tunable electrical properties

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    The electrical conductivity of low concentrations of lanthanum-doped SrTiO3 nanocube ceramics synthesized using the facile solvothermal method in mixed organic and inorganic solvents with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as a capping agent and tert-butyl amine (TBA) as a mineralizer was investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns confirmed the formation of a high-purity perovskite phase, corresponding to the standard data and the pattern refinement results. The particles of the sample were nanocubes, whereas the La-doped SrTiO3 sample particles were more uniform in size and shape, as shown in TEM images. The FT-IR spectrum confirmed the vibration of the CH3-N+ groups from CTAB and TBA, indicating an electrostatic interaction between their functional groups and the particle surface. Substitution of La3+ ions at low concentrations increased electrical conductivity compared to the undoped SrTiO3 sample. Lanthanum donates excess electrons, thereby increasing the number of electron carriers, which causes a reduction in the band gap energy according to the UV-DRS spectrum analysis using the Tauc equation

    SrTiO3 Nanokubus: Sintesis, Kontrol Morfologi dan Sifat Termoelektrik (Tinjauan)

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    Thermoelectrics (TE), enabling the conversion of heat energy into electricity directly, provide the opportunity as alternative energy for conventional power generator with high efficiency. To date, bulk SrTiO3 nanocubes is the most promising oxide-based TE materials candidate. The nanoarchitecture of 3-dimensional SrTiO3 nanocubes (3D-STO) is the main target in realizing high performance TE materials with high ZT value comparable to commercially available telluride-based compound. The proper synthesis method is needed to form SrTiO3 with uniform nano-sized cubic particles. Liquid synthesis technique namely hydrothermal and solvothermal, succeeded in forming 20 nm of SrTiO3 nanocubes with high crystallinity and homogeneous morpholog

    Degradation of yellow-GCN by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

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    The degradation of textile dye (Yellow-GCN; C28H14N2O2S2) has been done by UV-light and solar irradiation photolysis using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Degradation of yellow-GCN by UV-Light photolysis is conducted using 10 watt UV lamp (位365 nm). The intensity of solar during the degradation of yellow-GCN is 27300 lux. Both of photolysis method has been done without and with C-N-codoped catalyst on varied degradation times. 120 mg/L of yellow-GCN could be degraded by 5,40% after 120 minutes UV-light irradiation without catalyst, and the degradation percentage increase to 23,6% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. While yellow-GCN could be degraded18,7% after 120 minutes solar irradiation and the degradation percentage increase to 38,0% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Keywords: Photolysis, Yellow-GCN, C-N-codoped TiO2, UV-Light, Solar irradiatio

    Degradation of yellow-GCN by photolysis with UV-light and solar irradiation using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst

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    The degradation of textile dye (Yellow-GCN; C28H14N2O2S2) has been done by UV-light and solar irradiation photolysis using C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. Degradation of yellow-GCN by UV-Light photolysis is conducted using 10 watt UV lamp (位365 nm). The intensity of solar during the degradation of yellow-GCN is 27300 lux. Both of photolysis method has been done without and with C-N-codoped catalyst on varied degradation times. 120 mg/L of yellow-GCN could be degraded by 5,40% after 120 minutes UV-light irradiation without catalyst, and the degradation percentage increase to 23,6% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst. While yellow-GCN could be degraded18,7% after 120 minutes solar irradiation and the degradation percentage increase to 38,0% by using 10 mg C-N-codoped TiO2 catalyst