232 research outputs found

    Skeletally Dugundji spaces

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    We introduce and investigate the class of skeletally Dugundji spaces as a skeletal analogue of Dugundji space. The main result states that the following conditions are equivalent for a given space XX: (i) XX is skeletally Dugundji; (ii) Every compactification of XX is co-absolute to a Dugundji space; (iii) Every CC^*-embedding of the absolute p(X)p(X) in another space is strongly π\pi-regular; (iv) XX has a multiplicative lattice in the sense of Shchepin \cite{s76} consisting of skeletal maps

    Structure-Dependent Influence of Moisture on Resistive Switching Behavior of ZnO Thin Films

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    Resistive switching mechanisms underlying memristive devices are widely investigated, and the importance as well as influence of ambient conditions on the electrical performances of memristive cells are already recognized. However, detailed understanding of the ambient effect on the switching mechanism still remains a challenge. This work presents an experimental investigation on the effect of moisture on resistive switching performances of ZnO-based electrochemical metallization memory cells. ZnO thin films are grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and radio frequency sputtering. Water molecules are observed to influence electrical resistance of ZnO by affecting the electronic conduction mechanism and by providing additional species for ionic conduction. By influencing dissolution and migration of ionic species underlying resistive switching events, moisture is reported to tune resistive switching parameters. In particular, the presence of H2O is responsible for a decrease of the forming and SET voltages and an increase of the ON/OFF resistance ratio in both CVD and sputtered films. The effect of moisture on resistive switching performance is found to be more pronounced in case of sputtered films where the reduced grain size is responsible for an increased adsorption of water molecules and an increased amount of possible pathways for ion migration


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    This work was supported by the Grant Council of the President of the Russian Federation (МК-2615.2021.1.3)

    Minimising the impact of disturbances in future highly-distributed power systems

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    It is expected that future power systems will require radical distributed control approaches to accommodate the significant expansion of renewable energy sources and other flexible grid devices. It is important to rapidly and efficiently respond to disturbances by, for example: utilising adaptive, wide-area protection schemes; proactive control of available grid resources (such as managing the fault level contribution from converter-interfaced generation) to optimise protection functionality; and taking post-fault action to ensure protection stability and optimal system operation. This paper analyses and highlights the protection functions which will be especially important to minimising the impact of disturbances in future power systems. These functions include: fast-acting wide-area protection methods using Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs); adaptive and “self-organising” protection under varying system conditions; protection with distributed Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs); enhanced fault ride-through; and pattern recognition based schemes. In particular, the paper illustrates how the increased availability of measurements and communications can enable improved protection functionality within distribution systems, which is especially important to accommodate the connection of highly-distributed generation at medium- and low-voltages

    Spontaneous Vibrations and Stochastic Resonance of Short Oligomeric Springs

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    There is growing interest in molecular structures that exhibit dynamics similar to bistable mechanical systems. These structures have the potential to be used as nanodevices with two distinct states. Particularly intriguing are structures that display spontaneous vibrations and stochastic resonance. Previously, through molecular dynamics simulations, it was discovered that short pyridine-furan springs, when subjected to force loading, exhibit the bistable dynamics of a Duffing oscillator. In this study, we extend these simulations to include short pyridine-pyrrole and pyridine-furan springs in a hydrophobic solvent. Our findings demonstrate that these systems also display the bistable dynamics of a Duffing oscillator, accompanied by spontaneous vibrations and stochastic resonance activated by thermal noise.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.0409

    Departure from solid solution behavior in double perovskites

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    Mixed ionic electronic conducting oxides (MIEC) serve a plethora of electrochemical applications such as cathodes for solid oxide electrochemical cells and oxygen evolution reaction catalysts for water splitting. These applications rely to a large extent on the MIEC’s ability for electron and/or ion transfer across the solid/gas or solid/liquid interface. The efficacy of these reactions being governed by the surface defect chemistry and electronic structure, rational design of the (surface) chemistry presents itself as an auspicious path to tune these properties towards optimal device performance. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Quantum Conductance in Memristive Devices: Fundamentals, Developments, and Applications

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    Quantum effects in novel functional materials and new device concepts represent a potential breakthrough for the development of new information processing technologies based on quantum phenomena. Among the emerging technologies, memristive elements that exhibit resistive switching, which relies on the electrochemical formation/rupture of conductive nanofilaments, exhibit quantum conductance effects at room temperature. Despite the underlying resistive switching mechanism having been exploited for the realization of next-generation memories and neuromorphic computing architectures, the potentialities of quantum effects in memristive devices are still rather unexplored. Here, a comprehensive review on memristive quantum devices, where quantum conductance effects can be observed by coupling ionics with electronics, is presented. Fundamental electrochemical and physicochemical phenomena underlying device functionalities are introduced, together with fundamentals of electronic ballistic conduction transport in nanofilaments. Quantum conductance effects including quantum mode splitting, stability, and random telegraph noise are analyzed, reporting experimental techniques and challenges of nanoscale metrology for the characterization of memristive phenomena. Finally, potential applications and future perspectives are envisioned, discussing how memristive devices with controllable atomic-sized conductive filaments can represent not only suitable platforms for the investigation of quantum phenomena but also promising building blocks for the realization of integrated quantum systems working in air at room temperature.status: publishe

    On topological properties of Fréchet locally convex spaces

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    [EN] We describe the topology of any cosmic space and any N-o-space in terms of special bases defined by partially ordered sets. Using this description we show that a Baire cosmic group is metrizable. Next, we study those locally convex spaces (lcs) E which under the weak topology sigma(E, E') are N-o-spaces. For a metrizable and complete lcs E not containing (an isomorphic copy of) l(1) and satisfying the Heinrich density condition we prove that (E, sigma(E,E')) is an N-o-space if and only if the strong dual of E is separable. In particular, if a Banach space E does not contain l(1), then (E, sigma(E, E')) is an N-o-space if and only if E' is separable. The last part of the paper studies the question: Which spaces (E, sigma(E, E')) are N-o-spaces? We extend, among the others, Michael's results by showing: If E is a metrizable lcs or a (DF)-space whose strong dual E' is separable, then (E, sigma(E, E')) is an N-o-space. Supplementing an old result of Corson we show that, for a Cech-complete Lindelof space X the following are equivalent: (a) X is Polish, (b) C-c(X) is cosmic in the weak topology, (c) the weak*-dual of C-c(X) is an N-o-space.The second and fourth named authors were supported by Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport, Spain, Grant PROMETEO/2013/058.Gabriyelyan, S.; Kakol, JM.; Kubzdela, A.; López Pellicer, M. (2015). On topological properties of Fréchet locally convex spaces. Topology and its Applications. 192(1):123-137. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.topol.2015.05.075S123137192

    Standards for the Characterization of Endurance in Resistive Switching Devices

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    Resistive switching (RS) devices are emerging electronic components that could have applications in multiple types of integrated circuits, including electronic memories, true random number generators, radiofrequency switches, neuromorphic vision sensors, and artificial neural networks. The main factor hindering the massive employment of RS devices in commercial circuits is related to variability and reliability issues, which are usually evaluated through switching endurance tests. However, we note that most studies that claimed high endurances >106 cycles were based on resistance versus cycle plots that contain very few data points (in many cases even <20), and which are collected in only one device. We recommend not to use such a characterization method because it is highly inaccurate and unreliable (i.e., it cannot reliably demonstrate that the device effectively switches in every cycle and it ignores cycle-to-cycle and device-to-device variability). This has created a blurry vision of the real performance of RS devices and in many cases has exaggerated their potential. This article proposes and describes a method for the correct characterization of switching endurance in RS devices; this method aims to construct endurance plots showing one data point per cycle and resistive state and combine data from multiple devices. Adopting this recommended method should result in more reliable literature in the field of RS technologies, which should accelerate their integration in commercial products