1,060 research outputs found

    Memory Vulnerability: A Case for Delaying Error Reporting

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    To face future reliability challenges, it is necessary to quantify the risk of error in any part of a computing system. To this goal, the Architectural Vulnerability Factor (AVF) has long been used for chips. However, this metric is used for offline characterisation, which is inappropriate for memory. We survey the literature and formalise one of the metrics used, the Memory Vulnerability Factor, and extend it to take into account false errors. These are reported errors which would have no impact on the program if they were ignored. We measure the False Error Aware MVF (FEA) and related metrics precisely in a cycle-accurate simulator, and compare them with the effects of injecting faults in a program's data, in native parallel runs. Our findings show that MVF and FEA are the only two metrics that are safe to use at runtime, as they both consistently give an upper bound on the probability of incorrect program outcome. FEA gives a tighter bound than MVF, and is the metric that correlates best with the incorrect outcome probability of all considered metrics

    Access to vectors in multi-module memories

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    The poor bandwidth obtained from memory when conflicts arise in the modules or in the interconnection network degrades the performance of computers. Address transformation schemes, such as interleaving, skewing and linear transformations, have been proposed to achieve conflict-free access for streams with constant stride. However, this is achieved only for some strides. In this paper, we summarize a mechanism to request the elements in an out-of-order way which allows to achieve conflict-free access for a larger number of strides. We study the cases of a single vector processor and of a vector multiprocessor system. For this latter case, we propose a synchronous mode of accessing memory that can be applied in SIMD machines or in MIMD systems with decoupled access and execution.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Software trace cache

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    We explore the use of compiler optimizations, which optimize the layout of instructions in memory. The target is to enable the code to make better use of the underlying hardware resources regardless of the specific details of the processor/architecture in order to increase fetch performance. The Software Trace Cache (STC) is a code layout algorithm with a broader target than previous layout optimizations. We target not only an improvement in the instruction cache hit rate, but also an increase in the effective fetch width of the fetch engine. The STC algorithm organizes basic blocks into chains trying to make sequentially executed basic blocks reside in consecutive memory positions, then maps the basic block chains in memory to minimize conflict misses in the important sections of the program. We evaluate and analyze in detail the impact of the STC, and code layout optimizations in general, on the three main aspects of fetch performance; the instruction cache hit rate, the effective fetch width, and the branch prediction accuracy. Our results show that layout optimized, codes have some special characteristics that make them more amenable for high-performance instruction fetch. They have a very high rate of not-taken branches and execute long chains of sequential instructions; also, they make very effective use of instruction cache lines, mapping only useful instructions which will execute close in time, increasing both spatial and temporal locality.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Advances in the Hierarchical Emergent Behaviors (HEB) approach to autonomous vehicles

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    Widespread deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) presents formidable challenges in terms on handling scalability and complexity, particularly regarding vehicular reaction in the face of unforeseen corner cases. Hierarchical Emergent Behaviors (HEB) is a scalable architecture based on the concepts of emergent behaviors and hierarchical decomposition. It relies on a few simple but powerful rules to govern local vehicular interactions. Rather than requiring prescriptive programming of every possible scenario, HEB’s approach relies on global behaviors induced by the application of these local, well-understood rules. Our first two papers on HEB focused on a primal set of rules applied at the first hierarchical level. On the path to systematize a solid design methodology, this paper proposes additional rules for the second level, studies through simulations the resultant richer set of emergent behaviors, and discusses the communica-tion mechanisms between the different levels.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Instruction fetch architectures and code layout optimizations

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    The design of higher performance processors has been following two major trends: increasing the pipeline depth to allow faster clock rates, and widening the pipeline to allow parallel execution of more instructions. Designing a higher performance processor implies balancing all the pipeline stages to ensure that overall performance is not dominated by any of them. This means that a faster execution engine also requires a faster fetch engine, to ensure that it is possible to read and decode enough instructions to keep the pipeline full and the functional units busy. This paper explores the challenges faced by the instruction fetch stage for a variety of processor designs, from early pipelined processors, to the more aggressive wide issue superscalars. We describe the different fetch engines proposed in the literature, the performance issues involved, and some of the proposed improvements. We also show how compiler techniques that optimize the layout of the code in memory can be used to improve the fetch performance of the different engines described Overall, we show how instruction fetch has evolved from fetching one instruction every few cycles, to fetching one instruction per cycle, to fetching a full basic block per cycle, to several basic blocks per cycle: the evolution of the mechanism surrounding the instruction cache, and the different compiler optimizations used to better employ these mechanisms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Centre de Computació i Comunicacions de Catalunya (C4)

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    Reduction of connections for multibus organization

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    The multibus interconnection network is an attractive solution for connecting processors and memory modules in a multiprocessor with shared memory. It provides a throughput which is intermediate between the single bus and the crossbar, with a corresponding intermediate cost.Postprint (published version

    A case for merging the ILP and DLP paradigms

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    The goal of this paper is to show that instruction level parallelism (ILP) and data-level parallelism (DLP) can be merged in a single architecture to execute vectorizable code at a performance level that can not be achieved using either paradigm on its own. We will show that the combination of the two techniques yields very high performance at a low cost and a low complexity. We will show that this architecture can reach a performance equivalent to a superscalar processor that sustained 10 instructions per cycle. We will see that the machine exploiting both types of parallelism improves upon the ILP-only machine by factors of 1.5-1.8. We also present a study on the scalability of both paradigms and show that, when we increase resources to reach a 16-issue machine, the advantage of the ILP+DLP machine over the ILP-only machine increases up to 2.0-3.45. While the peak achieved IPC for the ILP machine is 4, the ILP+DLP machine exceeds 10 instructions per cycle.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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