42 research outputs found

    Thiphene functional polymers and their application in photovoltaics

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    Recentemente, sempre più attenzione è stata rivolta all' utilizzo di coloranti organici come assorbitori di luce per la preparazione di strati fotoattivi in celle solari organiche (OPV). I coloranti organici presentano un'elevata abilità nella cattura della luce solare grazie all'elevato coefficiente di estinzione molare e buone proprietà fotofisiche. Per questi motivi sono eccellenti candidati per l'incremento della conversione fotoelettrica in OPV. In questa tesi viene descritta una nuova strategia per l'incorporazione di derivati porfirinici in catena laterale a copolimeri tiofenici. Gli studi svolti hanno dimostrato che poli(3-bromoesil)tiofene può essere variamente funzionalizzato con idrossitetrafenilporfirina (TPPOH), per l'ottenimento di copolimeri utilizzabili come materiali p-donatori nella realizzazione di OPV. I copolimeri poli[3-(6-bromoesil)tiofene-co-(3-[5-(4-fenossi)-10,15,20-trifenilporfirinil]esil tiofene] P[T6Br-co-T6TPP] contenenti differenti quantità di porfirina, sono stati sintetizzati sia con metodi non regiospecifici che regiospecifici, con lo scopo di confrontarene le proprietà e di verificare se la strutture macromolecolare che presenta una regiochimica di sostituzione sempre uguale, promuove o meno il trasporto della carica elettrica, migliorando di conseguenza l'efficienza. E' stato inoltre effettuato un ulteriore confronto tra questi derivati e derivati simili P[T6H-co-T6TPP] che non contengono l'atomo di bromo in catena laterale con lo scopo di verificare se l'assenza del gruppo reattivo, migliora o meno la stabilità termica e chimica dei film polimerici, agendo favorevolmete sulle performance dei dispositivi fotovoltaici. Tutti i copolimeri sono stati caratterizzati con differenti tecniche: spettroscopia NMR, FT-IR e UV-Vis, analisi termiche DSC e TGA, e GPC. Le celle solari Bulk Heterojunction, preparate utilizzando PCBM come materiale elettron-accettore e i copolimeri come materilai elettron-donatori, sono state testate utilizzando un multimetro Keithley e il Solar Simulator.Recently, more and more attention has been directed to the application of organic dyes as light absorbers for the preparation of active polymeric layers in organic photovoltaic (OPV) solar cells. Organic dyes usually present a strong light-harvesting ability, thanks to their high extinction coefficient, and useful photophysical properties and are good candidates for the improvement of OPV solar cells photocurrent. In this work is described a new strategy for the incorporation of a porphyrin derivatives in the side chain of a polythiophene copolymers. The studies carried out have shown that poly[3-(6-bromohexyl)thiophene] can be variously functionalized with hydroxytetraphenylporphyrin [TPPOH] to obtain copolymers used as p-donors materials for the realization of the photoactive blend in OPV. The copolymers poly[3-(6-bromohexyl)thiophene-co-(3-[5-(4-phenoxy)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrinyl]hexyl thiophene] P[T6Br-co-T6TPP] prepared at different chromophore contents were obtained through both not-regiospecific and regiospecific methods, with the aim to compare the properties and verify whether the macromolecular structure that presents the same regiochemistry of substitution along the system, promote the transport of electric charge, improving the efficiency. Was also carried out a further comparison between these derivatives and similar compounds P[T6H-co-T6TPP] which doesn’t link the bromine atom in the side chain, with the purpose to verify if the absence of the reactive group may improve the thermal and chemical stability of the polymer films, acting on the performance of photovoltaic devices. All the soluble and easily filmable copolymers, have been deeply characterized using different techniques, such as NMR, FT-IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy, DSC and TGA analyses, and GPC. The bulk heterojunction solar cells prepared using PCBM as electron-acceptor molecule and the copolymers as electron-donor molecules were tested using Keithley multimeter and Solar Simulator

    Visual telerehabilitation in the Covid-19 era: tradition meets innovation

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    [EN] Visual telerehabilitation is crucial to rise to the challenges of Covid-19 in order to advocate impaired individuals’ adaptation and social inclusion. The present research aims at detecting the predictors of the visual telerehabilitation protocol’s best outcome, also exploring variables’ interactions. The protocol by Chiossone Institute (Italy, Genoa) was administered in 2020 (March-May). Patients weekly video-called the orthoptists (by tablet or PC) to follow a personalized program on residual vision and diagnosis. The sample included seventy-five visually impaired individuals, across different age ranges (n=46 children and n=29 adults), who had all begun in person rehabilitation before pandemic. To detect the predictors of visual telerehabilitation effectiveness, orthoptists completed a self-report sheet with evaluation of the reaction time, participants socio-demographical data, diagnosis, residual vision, telematic session time-length, compliance level.  Descriptive, linear regression, and moderation analyses were implemented. Children’s reaction time was predicted by age, sessions’ time-length, and compliance. Adults’ reaction time was predicted by sessions’ time length, without significant moderators. These findings encourage the combination of traditional setting elements and technological innovation.Perasso, G.; Baghino, C.; Capris, E.; Cocchi, E.; Dini, S.; Facchini, V.; Panizzi, A.... (2022). Visual telerehabilitation in the Covid-19 era: tradition meets innovation. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 41-48. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.13321OCS414

    Post-pandemic innovation: a six-session visual telerehabilitation program for children

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    [EN] The Covid-19 pandemic has led orthoptics to the practice of telematic rehabilitation with visually impaired children (VI). Previous research, on protocols developed during the peak of pandemic emergency, highlighted the importance of keeping similar characteristics of the traditional rehabilitation setting in the telematic one. While the world is moving forward from the pandemic, a new awareness about the importance of ICTs in healthcare has spread. Thus, visual telerehabilitation should be improved into a stand-alone method. This paper presents a six-session visual telerehabilitation program with age-specific exercises, developed via Microsoft PowerPoint, training visual attention, visual-spatial motor coordination, visual pursuit, saccadic eye movement, visual search, eye-hand coordination. The sessions are provided via Microsoft Teams where the orthoptist and the child are engaged in a video call (via tablets and personal computers) with the screen-sharing option. Moreover, two tools to monitor the effectiveness of this protocol are presented and discussed: (i) ergo-perimetric evaluation; (ii) ecological evaluation provided by parents.Perasso, G.; Baghino, C.; Cocchi, E.; Dini, S.; Panizzi, A.; Salvagno, V.; Santarello, M. (2023). Post-pandemic innovation: a six-session visual telerehabilitation program for children. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 45-52. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2022.2022.15715455

    The future of European Nephrology 'Guidelines' - a declaration of intent by European Renal Best Practice (ERBP)

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    The disparities of medical practice, together with a growing number of possible interventions, have increased the demand for well-conceived guidance for practitioners [1]. However, this development is hampered by the number and quality of scientific studies that test medical hypotheses, which are often unsatisfactory. This is especially true in nephrology, where well-conducted controlled trials are rare [2]. Because patients with renal failure are generally excluded from controlled studies in the general population [3], the development of sufficiently well-founded guidance in nephrology has always been difficult. With the development of European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG), the European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplantation Association (ERA–EDTA) has created its own guidance-generating process. Similar initiatives have also arisen in the USA (Kidney Disease Outcome Initiative—K/DOQI), Australia (Caring for Australasians with Renal Impairment—CARI), Canada (Canadian Society of Nephrology—CSN), the UK (United Kingdom Renal Association—UKRA), as well as at several other locations around the world. These institutions have generated a plethora of often parallel recommendations on similar topics but sometimes with different messages [4]. The question can be asked: ‘Is there still a place for an institution generating European nephrology guidance?’ If there is, how should such an initiative be managed to conform with current demands? To answer these questions, the Council of ERA–EDTA set up a commission that convened three times in the course of 2008–09. The present text is a distillation of the discussions, reflections and final conclusions of this commission. It is an ad hoc document, reflecting the current status. In the future, concepts and attitudes might change, as medical thinking is influenced by changes in practice, needs, general philosophy, ethics and political/financial conditions

    The emerging role of cancer nanotechnology in the panorama of sarcoma

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    In the field of nanomedicine a multitude of nanovectors have been developed for cancer application. In this regard, a less exploited target is represented by connective tissue. Sarcoma lesions encompass a wide range of rare entities of mesenchymal origin affecting connective tissues. The extraordinary diversity and rarity of these mesenchymal tumors is reflected in their classification, grading and management which are still challenging. Although they include more than 70 histologic subtypes, the first line-treatment for advanced and metastatic sarcoma has remained unchanged in the last fifty years, excluding specific histotypes in which targeted therapy has emerged. The role of chemotherapy has not been completely elucidated and the outcomes are still very limited. At the beginning of the century, nano-sized particles clinically approved for other solid lesions were tested in these neoplasms but the results were anecdotal and the clinical benefit was not substantial. Recently, a new nanosystem formulation NBTXR3 for the treatment of sarcoma has landed in a phase 2-3 trial. The preliminary results are encouraging and could open new avenues for research in nanotechnology. This review provides an update on the recent advancements in the field of nanomedicine for sarcoma. In this regard, preclinical evidence especially focusing on the development of smart materials and drug delivery systems will be summarized. Moreover, the sarcoma patient management exploiting nanotechnology products will be summed up. Finally, an overlook on future perspectives will be provided

    Cell-to-Cell Interactions and Signals Involved in the Reconstitution of Peripheral CD8+ TCM and TEM Cell Pools

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    We here describe novel aspects of CD8+ and CD4+ T cell subset interactions that may be clinically relevant and provide new tools for regulating the reconstitution of the peripheral CD8+ T cell pools in immune-deficient states. We show that the reconstitution capacity of transferred isolated naïve CD8+ T cells and their differentiation of effector functions is limited, but both dramatically increase upon the co-transfer of CD4+ T cells. This helper effect is complex and determined by multiple factors. It was directly correlated to the number of helper cells, required the continuous presence of the CD4+ T cells, dependent on host antigen-presenting cells (APCs) expressing CD40 and on the formation of CD4/CD8/APC cell clusters. By comparing the recovery of (CD44+CD62Lhigh) TCM and (CD44+CD62Llow) TEM CD8+ T cells, we found that the accumulation of TCM and TEM subsets is differentially regulated. TCM-cell accumulation depended mainly on type I interferons, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-15, but was independent of CD4+ T-cell help. In contrast, TEM-cell expansion was mainly determined by CD4+ T-cell help and dependent on the expression of IL-2Rβ by CD8 cells, on IL-2 produced by CD4+ T-cells, on IL-15 and to a minor extent on IL-6

    Electrosynthesis and characterization of a conductive polythiophene deriving from a terthiophene monomer

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    none5The electrochemical polymerization of the monomer 3,3’’-di[(S)-(+)-2-methylbutyl]-2,2’:5’,2’’-terthiophene (DMBTT) was carried out potentiodinamically on indium tin oxide (ITO), Pt or glassy carbon (GC) electrodes in anhydrous CH3CN with TBAPF6 as supporting electrolyte. The films of poly(DMBTT) were characterized by various analytical techniques including UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry (CV), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The most outstanding properties of the polymer electrochemically synthesized were compared with those of the same polymer obtained by a chemical method. The major difference lay in the length of the polymeric chain, which resulted much shorter for the electrochemically generated product. The film obtained on ITO displayed a reversible electrochromic behavior under potential switching between -0.50 and +1.00 V vs. SCE.noneV. Cocchi; L. Guadagnini; A. Mignani; E. Salatelli; D. TonelliV. Cocchi; L. Guadagnini; A. Mignani; E. Salatelli; D. Tonell

    The non-smooth contact dynamics method for the analysis of an ancient masonry tower

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    The dynamics of a medieval tower, inside the Basilica of San Benedetto in Ferrara (Italy), subjected to transversal dynamic loadings has been analyzed by using a distinct element code which implements the Non-Smooth Contact dynamics method. Since the contact between blocks is governed by the Signorini's impenetrability condition and the dry-friction Coulomb's law, the tower exhibits discontinuous dynamics. The sliding motions of blocks are non-smooth functions of time. Numerical simulations are performed with the aim of investigating the influence of the friction coefficient but also of the amplitude and frequency of the excitation at the base

    The Herpes Simplex Virus JMP Mutant Enters Receptor-Negative J Cells through a Novel Pathway Independent of the Known Receptors nectin1, HveA, and nectin2

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    The herpes simplex virus type 1(JMP) [HSV-1(JMP)] mutant was selected for its ability to grow and form plaques in receptor-negative J cells. It enters J cells through a novel gD-dependent pathway, independent of all known HSV receptors, nectin1, nectin2, and HveA. Evidence that the pathway is dependent on a nectin3 binding site on HSV-1(JMP) and requires three mutations in gD rests on the following. We derived monoclonal antibodies to nectin3 and show that J cells express nectin3. HSV-1(JMP) entry and cell-to-cell spread were inhibited by soluble nectin3-Fc, demonstrating that virions carry a binding site for nectin3. The site is either directly involved in HSV-1(JMP) entry, or nectin3 binding to its site affects the gD domains involved in entry (entry site). HSV-1(JMP) entry and cell-to-cell spread in J cells were also inhibited by soluble nectin1-Fc, showing that the nectin1 binding site on gD(JMP) overlaps with the entry site or that nectin1 binding to gD affects the entry site. gD(JMP) carries three mutations, S140N, R340H, and Q344R. The latter two lie in the C tail and are present in the parental HSV-1(MP). HSV-1 strain R5000 carrying the S140N substitution was not infectious in J cells, indicating that this substitution was not sufficient. We constructed two recombinants, one carrying the three substitutions and the other carrying the two C-tail substitutions. Only the first recombinant infected J cells with an efficiency similar to that of HSV-1(JMP), indicating that the three mutations are required for the novel entry pathway. The results highlight plasticity in gD which accounts for changes in receptor usage