7 research outputs found
Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vastavalmistuneiden aineenopettajien kohtaamia haasteita ja työstressin syitä heidän uransa alkutaipaleella. Samalla tutkimuksessa selvitettiin millaiseksi aineenopettajat kokevat oman koulutuksensa antamat valmiudet suoriutua opettajantyössä ensimmäisinä työvuosina. Opettajien ensimmäisiä vuosia ammatissa kuvaillaan usein vaikeiksi, selviytymisen vuosiksi, jolloin omaa opettajuutta vasta haetaan. Tutkimuksen vastaajat haettiin aineenopettajille suunnatuista Facebook-ryhmistä ja aineisto kerättiin Webropol-kysely työkalun avulla. Vastaajia oli yhteensä 55, joista 49 oli naisia ja 6 miehiä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että aineenopettajat kokivat kohtalaisen paljon stressiä, ja syyt stressille sekä haasteille olivat moninaiset. Haasteita ja työstressiä aiheuttivat joskus samat tekijät, joita olivat muun muassa oppilaisiin suorasti liittyvät huolet, kuten oppilaiden osaamistaso ja käytös sekä ryhmäkokojen aiheuttamat ongelmat. Näiden lisäksi myös työmäärä sekä epävarmuus omasta työtilanteesta huolestutti ja stressasi osaa aineenopettajista. Opintojen antama valmius ammattiin kuvattiin kohtalaisen heikoksi. Koulutuksen ongelmiksi kuvailtiin muun muassa koulutuksen sisältyvä vähäinen määrä oppilaanhallinnan ja järjestyksenpidon keinoja sekä suppea pedagogiikan opetus aineenopettajan opinnoissa. Haasteena koettiin myös aineenopettajan työhön sisältyvien, mutta opettamisen ulkopuolisten, paperitöiden täyttäminen, kuten erilaisten oppilaita koskevien tukihakemusten hoitaminen, joihin opettajankoulutus ei antanut valmiutta. Lisäksi ongelmina koettiin eriyttäminen ja erityisoppilaiden kanssa toimiminen sekä arviointi ja sen vähäinen toteuttaminen opintojen aikana. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voitaisiinkin pohtia, miten koulutus saataisiin vastaamaan paremmin työelämän vaatimuksia esimerkiksi konkretiaa lisäämällä.
Asiasanat: vastavalmistunut, aineenopettaja, työstress
Experimental and numerical analysis of fine particle and soot formation in a modern 100 MW pulverized biomass heating plant
The formation of soot, organic, and inorganic aerosols has a profound effect on the environmental and technological feasibility of biomass combustion. In this work, the soot and aerosol processes are examined for a modern pulverized wood-burning 100 MWth district heating plant. Experimental data was collected from two locations inside the furnace (30% and 100% thermal loads), including measurements for fine particle (PM1) number size distribution, number concentration, and chemical composition. The experiments were complemented with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations and Plug-Flow Reactor (PFR) modeling. The measurements and modeling are combined in a comprehensive analysis, providing fundamental understanding on the aerosol processes inside the furnace. The wood-powder combustion is efficient under both thermal loads, indicated by the low unburned carbon content in fly-ash, and the low CO, NO and soot emissions (<0.3 mg/Nm3). The fine particles consist mainly of K2SO4, and of lesser amounts of alkali salts (NaCl, KCl), and Ca and Mg compounds (oxides or sulfates). A large concentration of KOH/K2CO3 vapor may exist in the flue gas and play a significant role in the heat exchanger fouling. The applied modeling tools are shown to provide accurate estimations for the composition and formation regions of fine particles inside the industrial biomass furnaces.publishedVersionPeer reviewe
The first SEPServer event catalogue 68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1 AU in 1996-2010
SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s[3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the asso ciated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line
The first SEPServer event catalogue 68-MeV solar proton events observed at 1
ABSTRACT SEPServer is a three-year collaborative project funded by the seventh framework programme (FP7-SPACE) of the European Union. The objective of the project is to provide access to state-of-the-art observations and analysis tools for the scientific community on solar energetic particle (SEP) events and related electromagnetic (EM) emissions. The project will eventually lead to better understanding of the particle acceleration and transport processes at the Sun and in the inner heliosphere. These processes lead to SEP events that form one of the key elements of space weather. In this paper we present the first results from the systematic analysis work performed on the following datasets: SOHO/ERNE, SOHO/EPHIN, ACE/EPAM, Wind/WAVES and GOES X-rays. A catalogue of SEP events at 1 AU, with complete coverage over solar cycle 23, based on high-energy (~68-MeV) protons from SOHO/ERNE and electron recordings of the events by SOHO/EPHIN and ACE/EPAM are presented. A total of 115 energetic particle events have been identified and analysed using velocity dispersion analysis (VDA) for protons and time-shifting analysis (TSA) for electrons and protons in order to infer the SEP release times at the Sun. EM observations during the times of the SEP event onset have been gathered and compared to the release time estimates of particles. Data from those events that occurred during the European day-time, i.e., those that also have observations from ground-based observatories included in SEPServer, are listed and a preliminary analysis of their associations is presented. We find that VDA results for protons can be a useful tool for the analysis of proton release times, but if the derived proton path length is out of a range of 1 AU < s [ 3 AU, the result of the analysis may be compromised, as indicated by the anti-correlation of the derived path length and release time delay from the associated X-ray flare. The average path length derived from VDA is about 1.9 times the nominal length of the spiral magnetic field line. This implies that the path length of first-arriving MeV to deka-MeV protons is affected by interplanetary scattering. TSA of near-relativistic electrons results in a release time that shows significant scatter with respect to the EM emissions but with a trend of being delayed more with increasing distance between the flare and the nominal footpoint of the Earth-connected field line