85 research outputs found

    Economic diplomacy in Ukraine: state and tasks

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    Economic diplomacy as a specific area of the modern diplomatic activity is connected with the current economic problems of state and is used by means of an object and has some sense according to the problem and strategy contest and cooperation within the international relations. The economic diplomacy presupposes diplomatic actions, oriented to increase export, to involve foreign investments and to participate in the work of the international economic organizations, i.e. actions, concentrated to confirm economic interests of the country at the international level. Economic diplomacy is many sided and includes several types of components, strategies and tools which are different by specialized spheres of application in policy and content of solving nation`s tasks, specific nature of diplomatic impact means and methods, another economic features and peculiarities [1; 2; 3]

    Analysis of Practical Aspects in Implementing Basic Research Projects: International Experience, Ukrainian Realities and Prospects

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    Peculiar features in implementing basic research projects as part of the innovation system and effective ways of strengthening the practical focus of basic research projects in Ukraine are studied. Peculiarities of basic research projects management are highlighted in light of theoretical aspects and global experiences in building up innovation systems. It is emphasized that a serious problem in basic research projects management is choice of effective forms of their financing. Main problems related with market promotion of basic research results in Ukraine are analyzed. Recommendations on development of innovation system and basic research in Ukraine through engaging domestic researchers in the global innovation system and the European Research Area are given.Досліджено особливості реалізації фундаментальних наукових проектів в рамках інноваційної системи, а також перспективні шляхи підвищення рівня практичної спрямованості фундаментальних наукових проектів в Україні. У рамках аналізу теоретичних аспектів та світового досвіду розвитку інноваційних систем розглянуто особливості менеджменту фундаментальних наукових проектів. Показано, що значною проблемою менеджменту фундаментальних наукових проектів є вибір ефективних форм їх фінансування. Проаналізовано основні проблеми, пов’язані з просуванням на ринок результатів фундаментальних досліджень в Україні. Надано рекомендації щодо розвитку інноваційної системи та фундаментальної науки в Україні на основі залучення вітчизняних вчених до глобальної інноваційної системи та європейського інноваційного простору.Исследованы особенности реализации фундаментальных научных проектов в рамках инновационной системы, а также перспективные пути повышения уровня практической направленности фундаментальных научных проектов в Украине. В рамках анализа теоретических аспектов и мирового опыта развития инновационных систем рассмотрены особенности менеджмента фундаментальных научных проектов. Показано, что значительной проблемой менеджмента фундаментальных научных проектов является выбор эффективных форм их финансирования. Проанализированы основные проблемы, связанные с продвижением на рынок результатов фундаментальных исследований в Украине. Представлены рекомендации по развитию инновационной системы и фундаментальной науки в Украине на основе вовлечения отечественных ученых глобальную инновационную систему и европейское научное пространство

    Economic diplomacy in Ukraine: state and tasks

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    Economic diplomacy as a specific area of the modern diplomatic activity is connected with the current economic problems of state and is used by means of an object and has some sense according to the problem and strategy contest and cooperation within the international relations. The economic diplomacy presupposes diplomatic actions, oriented to increase export, to involve foreign investments and to participate in the work of the international economic organizations, i.e. actions, concentrated to confirm economic interests of the country at the international level. Economic diplomacy is many sided and includes several types of components, strategies and tools which are different by specialized spheres of application in policy and content of solving nation`s tasks, specific nature of diplomatic impact means and methods, another economic features and peculiarities [1; 2; 3]


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    The algorithm and the mathematical model of the irregular switching process in electromechanical energy conversion system of the inertial storage device in the electric rolling stock traction drive are given, as well quantification the irregular switching through simulation modeling is performed. References 2, figures 4.Приводятся алгоритм и математическая модель процесса нерегулярной коммутации в системе электромеханического преобразования энергии инерционного накопителя в составе тягового привода электроподвижного состава, а также проводится количественная оценка нерегулярной коммутации путем имитационного моделирования. Библ. 2, рис. 4

    Тяговый электропривод на основе батареи топливных элементов и бортового инерционного накопителя энергии для мотор-вагонного поезда

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    The aim of the work is to study the possibility and features of the use of inertial storage devices in the traction electric drive of multi unit train with a power plant based on fuel cells. Methodology. The principle of power flow control in traction electric drives in the modes of acceleration and braking of rolling stock is proposed. The mathematical model of the traction electric drive in the form of the combination of three components: the train, the traction unit and the battery of fuel cells is developed. It was used to study the operation of a traction electric drive when solving a test traction task for rolling stock. Results. It is established that the use of inertial energy storage reduces hydrogen consumption by at least 25 %, which increases the mileage of rolling stock between equipment by more than 30 %. Originality. The traction electric drive on the basis of fuel elements and the inertial energy storage for the multi unit train is offered. The work of the proposed traction electric drive in solving the test traction problem for rolling stock is investigated. Practical significance. A mathematical model of the traction electric drive has been developed. The test traction problem for rolling stock is solved.В роботі розглянуто тяговий електропривод на основі паливних елементів та інерційного накопичувача енергії для мотор-вагонного рухомого складу. Запропоновано принцип керування потоками потужності у тяговому електроприводі у режимах розгону та гальмування рухомого складу. Розроблено математичну модель тягового електропривода у вигляді сукупності трьох складових: поїзда, тягового блока і батареї паливних елементів. За допомогою неї досліджено роботу запропонованого тягового електроприводу при вирішенні тестової тягової задачі для рухомого складу. Встановлено, що застосування інерційного накопичувача енергії зменшує витрати водню не менш ніж на 25 %, що забезпечує збільшення пробігу рухомого складу між екіпіруванням понад 30 %

    The experience of radiofrequency ablation of atrial tachycardia focus with the use of high-density myocardial mapping

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    The article presents a case of successful treatment of focal atrial tachycardia by radiofrequency ablation using high-density myocardial mapping. The aim of the work was to evaluate the possibilities of high-resolution myocardial mapping by EnsitePrecision® navigation system in the treatment of complex arrhythmias. The analysis of clinical data and results of electrophysiological examination of a 29-year-old patient with continuous recurrent focal atrial tachycardia was carried out. The patient was admitted with complaints of heart rate disorders and frequent short attacks of palpitations. According to electrocardiography, frequent short paroxysms of focal atrial tachycardia were revealed. The patient was taken for electrophysiological examination and radiofrequency ablation of the focus of atrial tachycardia. The focus of atrial tachycardia was located in the anterior septal part of the left atrium, which is a rare localization. After radiofrequency ablation tachycardia was terminated, no complications and recurrences were registered. The patient was discharged with the sinus rhythm. Navigation system EnsitePrecision® enables conducting high-density myocardial mapping, which helps to accurately determine the localization of the source of tachycardia. The radiation load on the patient and ablation time are reduced, which reduces the frequency of complications from the procedure

    University Technology Transfer Network Structure Development: Education and Research Quality Issues

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    The article analyzes the main models of technology transfer in Europe, the USA, Japan and China. The national legislative base in the technology transfer sphere is analyzed. The main reasons for successful (at a systematic level) mechanisms of the technologies transfer are determined. Leading tendencies of technology transfer development in leading countries are presented. The necessity of creating technology transfer centers at universities as a place of the state intellectual potential concentration is substantiated. Authors propose ways for increasing technology transfer efficiency based on the complex approach to promote scientific research results

    Information & Analytical Support of Innovation Processes Management Efficience Estimations at the Regional Level

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    Innovations significantly affect the efficiency of the socio-economic systems of the regions, acting as a system-forming element of their development. Modern models of economic development also consider innovation activity, intellectual potential, knowledge as the basic factors for stimulating the economic growth of the region. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological foundations for evaluating the effectiveness of a regional innovation system based on a multidimensional analysis of its effects. To further study the effectiveness of RIS, we have used one of the methods of multidimensional statistical analysis - canonical analysis. The next approach allows adding another important requirement to the methodological provision of evaluation of the level of innovation development of industries and regions, namely ? the time factor, the formalization of which is realized in autoregressive dynamic economic and mathematical models and can be used in our research. Multidimensional Statistical Analysis for RIS effectiveness estimation was used to model RIS by typological regression. Based on it, multiple regression models were built in groups of regions with low and relatively high innovation potential. To solve the methodological problem of RIS research, we can also use the approach to the system as a ""box"" with inputs and outputs

    Preclinical efficacy studies of a novel nanoparticle-based formulation of paclitaxel that out-performs Abraxane

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    Poly-(γ-l-glutamylglutamine)–paclitaxel (PGG–PTX) is a novel polymer-based formulation of paclitaxel (PTX) in which the PTX is linked to the polymer via ester bonds. PGG–PTX is of interest because it spontaneously forms very small nanoparticles in plasma. In mouse models, PGG–PTX increased tumor exposure to PTX by 7.7-fold relative to that produced by PTX formulated in Cremophor. In this study, the efficacy of PGG–PTX was compared to that of Abraxane, an established nanoparticular formulation of PTX, in three different tumor models. Efficacy was quantified by delay in tumor growth of NCI H460 human lung cancer, 2008 human ovarian cancer and B16 melanoma xenografts growing in athymic mice following administration of equitoxic doses of PGG–PTX and Abraxane administered on either a single dose or every 7 day schedule. Toxicity was assessed by change in total body weight. The efficacy and toxicity of PGG–PTX was shown to increase with dose in the H460 model. PGG–PTX was ~1.5-fold less potent than Abraxane. PGG–PTX produced statistically significantly greater inhibition of tumor growth than Abraxane in all three tumor models when mice were given single equitoxic doses of drug. When given every 7 days for 3 doses, PGG–PTX produced greater inhibition of tumor growth while generating much less weight loss in mice bearing H460 tumors. PGG–PTX has activity that is superior to that of Abraxane in multiple tumor models. PGG–PTX has the potential to out-perform Abraxane in enhancing the delivery of PTX tumors while at the same time further reducing the toxicity of both single dose and weekly treatment regimens