1,748 research outputs found

    A Synthetic Model of the Putative Fe(II)-Iminobenzosemiquinonate Intermediate in the Catalytic Cycle of \u3cem\u3eo\u3c/em\u3e-Aminophenol Dioxygenases

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    The oxidative ring cleavage of aromatic substrates by nonheme Fe dioxygenases is thought to involve formation of a ferrous–(substrate radical) intermediate. Here we describe the synthesis of the trigonal-bipyramdial complex Fe(Ph2Tp)(ISQtBu) (2), the first synthetic example of an iron(II) center bound to an iminobenzosemiquinonate (ISQ) radical. The unique electronic structure of this S = 3/2 complex and its one-electron oxidized derivative ([3]+) have been established on the basis of crystallographic, spectroscopic, and computational analyses. These findings further demonstrate the viability of Fe2+–ISQ intermediates in the catalytic cycles of o-aminophenol dioxygenases

    Verbal Episodic Memory and Endogenous Estradiol: An Association in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease

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    In the continuum of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and normal controls, a possible association of verbal memory and endogenous estradiol (E2) levels was investigated. Verbal episodic memory was measured with a german version of the California verbal memory test (CVLT). Results were controlled for apolipoprotein E (ApoE) phenotype. We studied 37 controls, 32 MCIs and 117 ADs. Groups differed in all trials of the CVLT (P < 0.001) and in E2 levels (P < 0.001). E2 levels differed significantly between groups only among females (P < 0.001). In females correcting for age and ApoE, there was an overall correlation between CVLT delayed recall and level of E2 (P = 0.025). Stepwise regression analyses found E2 level to be a significant predictor for CVLT delayed recall (P < 0.001). It may be concluded that lower E2 levels occur more in the course of the disease than may be considered as a risk factor per se

    Spin-dependent electron-hole capture kinetics in conjugated polymers

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    The recombination of electron-hole pairs injected in extended conjugated systems is modeled as a multi-pathway vibron-driven relaxation in monoexcited state-space. The computed triplet-to-singlet ratio of exciton formation times r=τT/τSr = \tau_T/\tau_S increases from 0.9 for a model dimer to 2.5 for a 32-unit chain, in excellent agreement with experiments. Therewith we rationalize recombination efficiency in terms of spin-dependent interstate vibronic coupling and spin- and conjugation-length-dependent exciton binding energies.Our model calculations for various length polymers indicate that the ratio of the singlet to triplet formation ratios, r=σS/σTr = \sigma_S/\sigma_T, is inversely related to the ratio of the singlet and triplet binding energies, ϵSb/ϵTb\epsilon^b_S/\epsilon^b_T

    Synthetic, Spectroscopic and DFT Studies of Iron Complexes with Iminobenzo(semi)quinone Ligands: Implications for o-Aminophenol Dioxygenases

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    The oxidative CC bond cleavage of o-aminophenols by nonheme Fe dioxygenases is a critical step in both human metabolism (the kynurenine pathway) and the microbial degradation of nitroaromatic pollutants. The catalytic cycle of o-aminophenol dioxygenases (APDOs) has been proposed to involve formation of an FeII/O2/iminobenzosemiquinone complex, although the presence of a substrate radical has been called into question by studies of related ring-cleaving dioxygenases. Recently, we reported the first synthesis of an iron(II) complex coordinated to an iminobenzosemiquinone (ISQ) ligand, namely, [Fe(Tp)(tBuISQ)] (2 a; where Tp=hydrotris(3,5-diphenylpyrazol-1-yl)borate and tBuISQ is the radical anion derived from 2-amino-4,6-di-tert-butylphenol). In the current manuscript, density functional theory (DFT) calculations and a wide variety of spectroscopic methods (electronic absorption, Mössbauer, magnetic circular dichroism, and resonance Raman) were employed to obtain detailed electronic-structure descriptions of 2 a and its one-electron oxidized derivative [3 a]+. In addition, we describe the synthesis and characterization of a parallel series of complexes featuring the neutral supporting ligand tris(4,5-diphenyl-1-methylimidazol-2-yl)phosphine (TIP). The isomer shifts of about 0.97 mm s−1 obtained through Mössbauer experiments confirm that 2 a (and its TIP-based analogue [2 b]+) contain FeII centers, and the presence of an ISQ radical was verified by analysis of the absorption spectra in light of time-dependent DFT calculations. The collective spectroscopic data indicate that one-electron oxidation of the FeII–ISQ complexes yields complexes ([3 a]+ and [3 b]2+) with electronic configurations between the FeIII–ISQ and FeII–IBQ limits (IBQ=iminobenzoquinone), highlighting the ability of o-amidophenolates to access multiple oxidation states. The implications of these results for the mechanism of APDOs and other ring-cleaving dioxygenases are discussed

    Dioxygen Reactivity of Biomimetic Fe(II) Complexes with Noninnocent Catecholate, \u3cem\u3eo\u3c/em\u3e-Aminophenolate, and \u3cem\u3eo\u3c/em\u3e-Phenylenediamine Ligands

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    This study describes the O2 reactivity of a series of high-spin mononuclear Fe(II) complexes each containing the facially coordinating tris(4,5-diphenyl-1-methylimidazol-2-yl)phosphine (Ph2TIP) ligand and one of the following bidentate, redox-active ligands: 4-tert-butylcatecholate (tBuCatH–), 4,6-di-tert-butyl-2-aminophenolate (tBu2APH–), or 4-tert-butyl-1,2-phenylenediamine (tBuPDA). The preparation and X-ray structural characterization of [Fe2+(Ph2TIP)(tBuCatH)]OTf, [3]OTf and [Fe2+(Ph2TIP)(tBuPDA)](OTf)2, [4](OTf)2 are described here, whereas [Fe2+(Ph2TIP)(tBu2APH)]OTf, [2]OTf was reported in our previous paper [Bittner et al., Chem.—Eur. J. 2013, 19, 9686–9698]. These complexes mimic the substrate-bound active sites of nonheme iron dioxygenases, which catalyze the oxidative ring-cleavage of aromatic substrates like catechols and aminophenols. Each complex is oxidized in the presence of O2, and the geometric and electronic structures of the resulting complexes were examined with spectroscopic (absorption, EPR, Mössbauer, resonance Raman) and density functional theory (DFT) methods. Complex [3]OTf reacts rapidly with O2 to yield the ferric-catecholate species [Fe3+(Ph2TIP)(tBuCat)]+ (3ox), which undergoes further oxidation to generate an extradiol cleavage product. In contrast, complex [4]2+ experiences a two-electron (2e–), ligand-based oxidation to give [Fe2+(Ph2TIP)(tBuDIBQ)]2+ (4ox), where DIBQ is o-diiminobenzoquinone. The reaction of [2]+ with O2 is also a 2e– process, yet in this case both the Fe center and tBu2AP ligand are oxidized; the resulting complex (2ox) is best described as [Fe3+(Ph2TIP)(tBu2ISQ)]+, where ISQ is o-iminobenzosemiquinone. Thus, the oxidized complexes display a remarkable continuum of electronic structures ranging from [Fe3+(L2–)]+ (3ox) to [Fe3+(L•–)]2+ (2ox) to [Fe2+(L0)]2+ (4ox). Notably, the O2 reaction rates vary by a factor of 105 across the series, following the order [3]+ \u3e [2]+ \u3e [4]2+, even though the complexes have similar structures and Fe3+/2+ redox potentials. To account for the kinetic data, we examined the relative abilities of the title complexes to bind O2 and participate in H-atom transfer reactions. We conclude that the trend in O2 reactivity can be rationalized by accounting for the role of proton transfer(s) in the overall reaction

    Mathematical model for determining the viscoelastic properties of soft tissues using indentation tests

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    grants projects TG01010117 – PROSYKO and SGS Technical University of Liberec

    Use of Yeast Lysate in Women with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

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    AbstractVulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) affects a significant number of women, especially in working age. In an estimated 75% of women an episode of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis occurs during lifetime and another 5–10% of women develop recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC). This is mainly characterized by intense burning, itching, pain, abnormal discharge, dyspareunia. Immune response to candidiasis is both cellular (CMI) (natural protection mechanisms) and humoral (antibody production). Understanding the principles of immunity in candidiasis is also important for development of candida vaccines.CANDIVAC contains lyophilized Candida lysate (C. albicans, C. krusei, C. glabrata) together with immunostimulatory bacterial strain of Propionibacterium acnes. The product is taken orally in capsules for 10 days followed by a 20-day pause. It is administered for 3 to 6 months. The product has been tested in a total of 75 women at the age of 18–45 years. In these women at least 4 episodes of vulvovaginal candidiasis have been microscopically or laboratory diagnosed during the last 12 months. Following CANDIVAC administration, statistically significant changes occurred in the evaluation of subjective and some objective criteria. The most important marker of product efficiency is a significant reduction in recurrence compared to the recent state. This criterion has a fundamental importance in patient satisfaction. Before medication the patients suffered from at least 4 attacks, while after medication an attack occurred in only 31% of women and more than 2 attacks in only 3% of treated women.Compromised balance of immune system plays a major role in recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis. Specific oral product CANDIVAC, prepared from the most common strains of yeast infections, supports immune mechanisms, ensuring resistance of the human organism against yeasts. Its administration significantly prolongs remission, leads to a reduction in application of antimycotics and also changes properties of cellular and humoral immunity in medicated patients

    Nanoscale Electrochemistry

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    The lateral extension of electrochemically induced surface modifications is usually determined by the macroscopic size of the electrodes and the diffusion length of the reacting species. To overcome this constraint, we conducted an electrochemical reaction far from equilibrium. We applied short voltage pulses ( ≤100ns, up to ±4V) to a scanning tunneling microscope tip while imaging a Au(111) surface in concentrated electrolytes. They lead either to hole formation by anodic dissolution of the Au or to cathodic deposition of Cu islands (in the Cu2+ containing electrolyte), both of nanometer extension

    Matrix models and QCD with chemical potential

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    The Random Matrix Model approach to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with non-vanishing chemical potential is reviewed. The general concept using global symmetries is introduced, as well as its relation to field theory, the so-called epsilon regime of chiral Perturbation Theory (echPT). Two types of Matrix Model results are distinguished: phenomenological applications leading to phase diagrams, and an exact limit of the QCD Dirac operator spectrum matching with echPT. All known analytic results for the spectrum of complex and symplectic Matrix Models with chemical potential are summarised for the symmetry classes of ordinary and adjoint QCD, respectively. These include correlation functions of Dirac operator eigenvalues in the complex plane for real chemical potential, and in the real plane for imaginary isospin chemical potential. Comparisons of these predictions to recent Lattice simulations are also discussed