551 research outputs found

    The Evolution of the Free Movement of Capital

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    After considering the evolution and scope of the capital movement rules, this Article will examine two distinct themes: 1) the treatment of discriminatory taxation under the capital movement rules, looking in particular at whether there is a coherent approach to this issue across the Treaty “freedoms,” and 2) the reaction of the European Court to the extension of the capital movement rules to third countries

    Use of NIRS to explore skeletal muscle oxygenation during different training sessions in professional boxing

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    Purpose: The physiological examination of boxing has been limited to systemic response in amateur athletes. The demands of professional boxing have been overlooked, despite the different competition format. We sought to determine the physiological demands placed on skeletal muscle in professional boxing. Methods: Ten male professional boxers (age 26 ± 5 years, height 177 ± 4 cm, weight 71 ± 6 kg) were recruited for this observational study. On different days, the athletes completed 6 × 3 min rounds of pad, bag or spar-based training with 1 min recovery between each round. Prior to each session, participants put on a heart rate monitor and near-infrared spectroscopy attached to the belly of the rectus femoris muscle to record heart rate and muscle oxygenation. Results: There were significantly less punches thrown in sparring compared to other training modalities (p &lt; 0.001). Skeletal muscle oxygenation across training modalities consisted of a delay, fast desaturation and steady state. Across rounds there was a significant increase in time delay for desaturation (p = 0.016), rate of fast desaturation (p &lt; 0.001) and duration of fast desaturation (p = 0.019). There was a significant difference in sparring for the heart rate where skeletal muscle oxygenation changes occurred compared to pads or bag sessions (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusion: The findings highlight differences in the skeletal muscle response to the different training modalities. Practitioners need to be aware of the muscular demands of each session to allow optimal adaptation across a training camp. Training needs to allow the skeletal muscle to achieve a new oxygenation steady state rapidly to promote efficient performance across rounds.</p

    Gunther Abrahamson (1926–2016)

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    Budgetary allocation and organizational characteristics of higher education institutions: a review of existing studies and a framework for future research

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    Budgeting—i.e. the decision on the level of expenditures and on the repartition of resources among organizational subunits—can be conceived as a critical organizational process, which is closely related to key choices concerning strategic priorities and to resources acquisition strategies. Overall, it is increasingly being recognized as one of the central places where steering and governance take place, and where higher education institutions are supposed to take initiative. Accordingly, this paper pursues two aims: first, it provides a review of existing studies about budgeting in higher education, according to the literature on changes in its organizational characteristics, and with a focus on approaches from Organizational Theory and Sociology. Second, it identifies some future directions of research, thus easing the integration of these two bodies of literature. This integration may help in providing researchers with a deeper understanding of the current functioning of budgeting processes, their variations across higher education institutions and countries, as well as their implications for organizational behavio

    An Unseen Friend

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    Institutional aspects of the Constitutional Treaty - which way does it go?

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    Following the presentation of the draft Constitutional Treaty by the convention chaired by Giscard d’Estaing, in September 2003 the United Kingdom government published a White Paper on the British Approach to the Intergovernmental Conference. The overall approach of the UK government to the draft Treaty was clearly summarised by the Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, when he introduced the White Paper to the House of Commons on 9 September 2003. He there stated that “the proposals in the current draft Treaty do not change the fundamental relationship between the EU and its Member States; and on any analysis it involves less change than that in Maastricht and the Single European Act”. With the benefit of hindsight, it is interesting to observe that on that basis he suggested that there was no need for a referendum, and that the outcome of the IGC should be decided upon by Parliament. Whatever the vagaries of domestic politics which have led to the 2004 Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe which resulted from the Intergovernmental Conference being subject to a referendum in the UK, that Treaty does in fact effect a number of institutional changes which taken together may be regarded as of some importance

    Anne-Sophie GERMAIN-DE FRANCESCHI, D’Encre et de poussière. L’écriture du pèlerinage à l’épreuve de l’intimité du manuscrit

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    Le présent volume confirme, dans le sillage des travaux inter alia de Marie-Christine Gomez-Géraud et de Wes Williams, l’importance du pèlerinage pour comprendre la religion au xvie siècle. L’on sait désormais que, malgré les attaques contre le pèlerinage (Érasme, Rabelais, etc.), l’histoire de la religion à cette époque doit tenir compte d’une pratique longtemps considérée comme « médiévale ». L’excellente étude d’Anne-Sophie Germain-De Franceschi jette une lumière nouvelle sur le corpus des..
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