1,216 research outputs found

    Quality and competition

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá kvalitou a jejím vlivem na konkurenceschopnost. V první části se zabývám systémem jakosti, který využívá především norem ISO. Dále se věnuji důležitým částem, které s jakosti souvisí. V první řadě je to marketing a zjištění požadavků zákazníka, návrh výrobku spojený s konstrukcí, nákupem materiálu a skladováním materiálu. Poté pokračuji výrobní etapou ve které se zaměřuji na strojní zařízení a lidské zdroje. Dále pojednávám o kontrole, jejím rozdělením, možnostmi a řízením neshodného výrobku. Následuje povýrobní etapa skladování, prodej a servis. U všech etap je důležité jejich plánování, měření a monitoring.This bachelor`s thesis is aimed at quality and its influence on competitive strength. In the first part the quality system is described. This uses especially the ISO standards. Then other important parts connected to this topic follow; marketing, customer demands´ assurance, products´ design and construction, material purchase and storage. Then the other part comes with the production stage. Here the machinery and human resources play the most important role. The following part deals with the quality control. That means above all the quality division and possibilities and control of anticoincident product. After that the post-productive stage comes with storage, distribution and servicing. Planning, surveying and monitoring are very important parts of all stages.

    The life and work of Bohumil Trnka

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá životem a prací výnamného lingvisty 20.století Bohumila Trnky. Práce se také snaží podat čtenáři základní informace o lingvistice a Pražském lingvistickém kroužku. Nejvěští část práce se samozřejmě věnuje samotnému Trnkovi, což byl člověk, který ovlivnil nejen českou, ale i světovou lingvistiku.Katedra anglického jazyka a literaturyObhájenoThe Bachelor´s thesis deals with work and life of the important linguist of the 20th century Bohumil Trnka. The thesis seeks to give the reader fundamental information concerns linguistics and the Prague Linguistic School. The biggest part of the thesis is devoted to Trnka himself, who was a person, influenced not only Czech linguistics, but also world linguistics

    Introducing the Department of Anthropology

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    Článek představuje Ústav antropologie Přírodovědecké fakulty Masarykovy univerzity.The article presents the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University

    Performance of distance-based matching algorithms in 3D facial identification

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    AbstractFacial image identification is an area of forensic sciences, where an expert provides an opinion on whether or not two or more images depict the same individual. The primary concern for facial image identification is that it must be based on sound scientific principles. The recent extensive development in 3D recording technology, which is presumed to enhance performances of identification tasks, has made essential to question conditions, under which 3D images can yield accurate and reliable results. The present paper explores the effect of mesh resolution, adequacy of selected measures of dissimilarity and number of variables employed to encode identity-specific facial features on a dataset of 528 3D face models sampled from the Fidentis 3D Face Database (N∼2100). In order to match 3D images two quantitative approaches were tested, the first based on closest point-to-point distances computed from registered surface models and the second grounded on Procrustes distances derived from discrete 3D facial points collected manually on textured 3D facial models. The results expressed in terms of rank-1 identification rates, ROC curves and likelihood ratios show that under optimized conditions the tested algorithms have the capacity to provide very accurate and reliable results. The performance of the tested algorithms is, however, highly dependent on mesh resolution and the number of variables employed in the task. The results also show that in addition to numerical measures of dissimilarity, various 3D visualization tools can be of assistance in the decision-making

    Chasing capital : class struggle, labor conditions, and the politics of individuality in Moby-Dick

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    My thesis examines Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick as an anti-capitalist text. I mainly utilize the theory of capitalism as defined by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the nineteenth century, focusing on class relations and the idea of class struggle; that is, the unrest that results from the inherent inequality of classes under capitalism. The aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the plausibility of an anti-capitalist reading of Moby-Dick and show how such a reading sheds light on the famously enigmatic character of Captain Ahab and on his motivations. To achieve this, I rely on social and historioeconomic analysis of the whaling industry to illustrate the usual working conditions on board whaling ships, and then apply my findings to a close reading of the novel. As Ishmael, the narrator, is generally the reader’s point of access, I first analyze his position vis–à–vis the industry he is about to enter, highlighting his inexperience. Then, I demonstrate how any struggle he may have undergone as a result of that inexperience is suppressed in favor of highlighting Ahab, ostensibly supplanting the struggle of the lower–ranking crewmembers with that of their superior. Ultimately, however, I argue that Moby-Dick illustrates the immutability of class dynamics under capitalism, and that it does so mainly through its portrayal of Ahab who, despite being at the top of the Pequod’s social hierarchy, suffers within the larger system that exploits him just as it does his inferiors. Furthermore, the perpetuity of these dynamics is illustrated by the fact that Ahab, despite becoming aware of his condition under capitalism, is unable to transcend the confines of that condition. Though he wants revenge against the whale, the insular nature of his position that arises from capitalist social hierarchies, combined with his self-involved mental struggle, results in an attempt at resistance that is ineffective precisely because of its solitary nature. In Moby-Dick, we then find just one representation of a ubiquitous capitalist system designed to crush individual resistance

    Selected Manifestations of Social Deviance in Organizational Culture

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    The objective of this paper is to contribute to the discourse about the issues of trust in management, authority and meaningfulness of human labour, which are inseparably connected with effectiveness, productivity, competitiveness of companies, organizations and the whole society as well. The authors want to provide a conceptual theoretical framework for further studies of social deviance in organizational culture and that is why it has a form of a theoretical study providing a platform for future empirical researches. This study is opened with defining the concept of social deviance as a deviation from the normality and by reminding of difficulties related to determination of normality. The organizational culture is defined as a coherent set of values, norms and patterns of behaviour that determine the manners and forms of behaviour of employees, their relationships inside (but also outside) the social system of the organization. Further the paper is focused on selected social deviances, which undermine the effectiveness of organizational structures to fulfil their objectives and missions. Based on the empirical analyses the attention is paid particularly to nepotism, clientelism and cronyism as tools for reaching latent goals of individuals and groups in the organization. The issue is set in the contemporary society and solved from the view of social psychological mechanisms of human behaviour in the group. The authors also remind the issue of responsibility, conscience and the negative effects of conformity, group thinking, obedience and the authoritarian leadership which is even more obvious when the employees are under the pressure (e.g. economic sanctions). In conclusion are outlined the tools of control of clientelism and similar phenomena and possibilities of applications of Weber’s socio-analytical model of bureaucracy in organizations

    Testing various imaging methods in assessment of hyoid bone fractures

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    In the field of forensic anthropology, the hyoid bone provides important evidence on victim’s biological profile (e.g., sex or age at death) and on potential foul play, because in addition to accidental (e.g., traffic accidents, medical-rescue interventions), and self-inflicted traumas (e.g., hanging), hyoid fractures have been vastly documented in assaulted injuries (e.g., manual or ligature strangulations). Still, an unbiased diagnosis of perimortem damage can be problematic as hyoid fractures frequently occur postmortem when a laryngeal region is being harvested and examined at autopsy. The aims of the present study was to explore characteristics of peri- and post-mortem fractures in hyoid bones by a variety of available examination techniques. The studied material consisted of selected fractured hyoid bones with documented demographic profiles and mechanisms of damage. Characteristics of the observed fractures (e.g., hyoid shape, fracture angle and surface characteristics of the fracture line) were assessed on a macroscopic level using traditional and advanced approaches (macro-photography, 3D laser scanning). Furthemore, micro-CT, RTG and SEM imaging methods were employed to examine damaged regions on a microscopic level. Special attention was given to the distinctions between peri- and post-mortem fractures by observing the cortical bone microstructure (as viewed on raw CT images, and generated 3D digital models) as the bone tissue properties are believed to reflect the mechanism of damage substantially. The acquired results provide an important insight into potentials and limitations of currently available imaging techniques employable in the course of assessing hyoid bone fractures in the framework of physical and forensic anthropology

    Problem-Solving or Narrative Approach to Mediation?

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    Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended.Mediation is a one of the well-known forms of alternative dispute resolution and is commonly used for solving conflicts in social work. Following introduction, where the mediation is put in social context, authors introduce readers to different approaches to mediation specifically to narrative mediation in comparison with mediation focused on solving problems. These approaches have different theoretical bases, mediation processes and aims and, therefore, their utilization is appropriate in distinct situations and areas of social work. In the conclusion these different approaches are compared to each other. While the narrative mediation is concerned with relationships and belongs to therapeutic style, the problem-solving approach to mediation falls into negotiating style and is concerned with reaching an agreement between parties of the conflict. If there is a need to solve the actual problem, the mediation focused on solving problems seems more fitting. If there is a need to understand and solve relationships between parties of the conflict, then the narrative mediation may be recommended