21 research outputs found

    Український вчений, громадський діяч І. А. Фещенко-Чопівський

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    (uk) Ця публікація розкриває цілісну канву життєдіяльності І.Фещенка-Чопівського, показує його як політика, дипломата, ученого, видатного українця, котрий органічно увібрав українську культуру, національний характер і до останніх днів не втратив почуття національної гідності й віри в державотворчі сили свого народу.(en) The life activity of I. Feshenco-Chopivscogo is considered in the article. The publication shows him as a politician, a diplomat and an outstanding Ukrainian. His personality harmoniously absorbed the Ukrainian culture and national character. He didn’t lose the feeling of national dignity and deep faith in the ability of his nation to build the State

    Non-sensitising air pollution at workplaces and adult-onset asthma in the beginning of this millennium

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    Purpose: This case-control study was undertaken to elucidate the controversy concerning whether low-level, long-term exposure to non-sensitising air pollution at workplaces may cause asthma. Methods: A case-control study of 192 adult-onset asthma cases aged 20-65 years and 323 controls was conducted in the southeast of Sweden. Cases were identified from computerised registers from the region, diagnosed 2000-2004 and diagnoses were confirmed via medical files. Referents were randomised from the population register of the region. Exposure was monitored by a 16-page questionnaire. Special attention was devoted to identifying and in the final analyses excluding subjects exposed to sensitising agents. Results: Three years or more of occupational exposure to air pollution from dust, smoke, fumes or vapours before the year of diagnosis by analyses adjusting for age yielded an increased risk for asthma (OR = 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.2) in men, while in women, no risk was seen. In a multiple logistic regression analysis in men without allergy in childhood, a significant risk was seen (OR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.07-7.4), when subjects exposed to identified allergens were excluded. In women, no excess risk was observed from occupational air pollution. Conclusion: The results of this study support an association between occupational exposure to low level non-sensitising air pollution and adult-onset asthma in men.Funding Agencies|Swedish Cancer and Allergy Foundation||Forss (Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden)|2002-413|</p

    adult-onset asthma in the beginning

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    Non-sensitising air pollution at workplaces an

    Risk factors for neck pain among forklift truck operators : a retrospective cohort study

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    Background No previous research has been performed into neck pain among forklift operators. This is a common complaint among these workers, who number around 150,000 in Sweden and six million in Europe. The aim of the study was to examine long-term exposure to unnatural neck positions among forklift operators as a risk factor for neck pain. Methods A retrospective cohort study was conducted of all eligible employees at a high-level warehouse. Forklift operators and office workers answered an 18-page questionnaire comprising questions about joint pain, work tasks, work postures and year of start for all items. By using person years in the exposed and less-exposed groups before start of neck pain we were able to calculate Incident Rate ratios for various exposures. Results Forty nine percent of the forklift operators reported having experienced neck pain compared to 30 % of office workers. Being a forklift operator was associated with an increased risk of neck pain (OR = 5.1, 95% CI 1.4–18.2). Holding the head in an unnatural position resulted in significantly increased risks for neck pain, irrespective of type of position. The risks for neck pain remained after taking other ergonomic exposures and psychosocial aspects into consideration. Conclusions This is the first published study showing that forklift operators have an increased risk of neck pain. The results are therefore of significance for improving work schedules, the adjustment of work tasks for these workers and the design of the vehicles.Funding Agencies|Medical Research Council of Southeast Sweden</p

    Miljögifter i blod hos högkonsumenter av Vätternfisk

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    Blodprover från kvinnliga "Vätternfiskkonsumenter" har bestämts med avseende på halten av polyklorerade bifenyler (PCB), 1,1-diklor-2,2-bis(4-klordifenyl)etylen (DDE), Hexaklorben-sen (HCB), hexaklor cyklohexan (HCH), Polybromerade difenyletrar (PBDE) och kvicksilver (Hg). Gruppen bestod av 37 kvinnor som var fritidsfiskare eller fruar till fritids- eller yrkes-fiskare. Halterna jämfördes med kontroller och förutom analys av blodets halt av miljögifter kartlades också gruppens dietvanor med hjälp av en kostenkät. Resultaten visar att halterna av samtliga miljögifter med undantag av HCB var högre hos Vät-ternfiskkonsumenter än i kontrollgrupperna. Halten av PCB 153 (en variant av PCB) låg un-gefär i samma nivå (115-625 ng/g fett) som tidigare rapporterats hos fruar till fiskare på ost-kusten (151-463 ng/g fett) då personer i samma åldersgrupp jämförs (37-59 år). Vid jämförel-ser av medelvärden utan hänsyn till ålder, hade kvinnor som konsumerar fisk från Vättern högre halter (354 ng/g fett) än som har rapporterats i en studie av fruar till fiskare på ostkusten (160 ng/g fett). De höga halterna beror på att flertalet av deltagarna i denna studie är äldre och att blodets halt av PCB, DDE och HCB ökar med stigande ålder. Blodets medianhalter av den ingående varianten i flamskyddsmedel, BDE 47 var generellt låg men var något högre bland Vätternfiskkonsumenter jämfört med kontrollen (3,6 respekti-ve 2,9 ng/g fett). Fiskkonsumtion anses enligt tidigare studier vara en viktig orsak till att PBDEs som används som flamskyddsmedel samlas i kroppen. Medelvärdet av halten metylkvicksilver hos Vätternfiskkonsumenter var 9,4 μg/l vilket är 3-5 gånger högre än den hos kontrollgrupperna (2,6 μg/l respektive 1,6 μg/l). Förklaringen är sannolikt Vätternfiskkonsumenternas höga konsumtionen av både mager (abborre, gädda) och fet (lax, röding, öring) rovfisk under flera års tid. Samtliga Vätternfiskkonsumenter med halter över 19 μg/l i blodet åt främst abborre och/eller lax, röding, öring 1-3 gånger vecka. Andra studier har tidigare visat att nervsystemet hos foster kan påverkas om mödrarna har kvicksil-verhalter över 10 μg/l och flera kvinnor i denna studie hade alltså halter som översteg detta värde. Även om halterna av främst PCB och metylkvicksilver i blodet hos Vätternfiskkonsumenter är höga är det inte motiverat att avråda äldre personer eller kvinnor som inte tänker skaffa fler barn att äta fet fisk. Tvärtom, nyttan med sådan fisk överväger. Den feta fisken innehåller Omega-3-fettsyror som minskar risken för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Däremot indikerar fyn-den i denna undersökning att kvinnor i barnafödande ålder ej bör äta stora mängder av framför allt abborre och fet fisk från Vättern

    Airway symptoms and biological markers in nasal lavage fluid in subjects exposed to metalworking fluids

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    BACKGROUNDS: Occurrence of airway irritation among industrial metal workers was investigated. The aims were to study the association between exposures from water-based metal working fluids (MWF) and the health outcome among the personnel, to assess potential effects on the proteome in nasal mucous membranes, and evaluate preventive actions. METHODS: The prevalence of airway symptoms related to work were examined among 271 metalworkers exposed to MWF and 24 metal workers not exposed to MWF at the same factory. At the same time, air levels of potentially harmful substances (oil mist, morpholine, monoethanolamine, formaldehyde) generated from MWF was measured. Nasal lavage fluid was collected from 13 workers and 15 controls and protein profiles were determined by a proteomic approach. RESULTS: Airway symptoms were reported in 39% of the workers exposed to MWF although the measured levels of MWF substances in the work place air were low. Highest prevalence was found among workers handling the MWF machines but also those working in the same hall were affected. Improvement of the ventilation to reduce MWF exposure lowered the prevalence of airway problems. Protein profiling showed significantly higher levels of S100-A9 and lower levels of SPLUNC1, cystatin SN, Ig J and β2-microglobulin among workers with airway symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms that upper airway symptoms among metal workers are a common problem and despite low levels of MWF-generated substances, effects on airway immune proteins are found. Further studies to clarify the role of specific MWF components in connection to airway inflammation and the identified biological markers are warranted