18 research outputs found
Predmet istraÅ£ivanja u ovom radu je analiza procesa javne nabave na primjeru poduzeÄa āTrogir Holding d.o.oā. Ciljevi rada se temelje na utvrÄivanju znaÄaja javne nabave, njenih odrednica, odnosno funkcioniranja procesa javne nabave na odabranom primjeru poduzeÄa. TakoÄer je dan uvid u smjernice daljnjeg djelovanja temeljem steÄenih spoznaja. Empirijsko istraÅ£ivanje se provelo primjenom metode intervjua. Rezultati istraÅ£ivanja pokazuju da javna nabava predstavlja vrlo vaÅ£an segment kako gospodarstva tako i istraÅ£ivane tvrtke. Nadalje, rezultati su takoÄer pokazali vaÅ£nost praÄenja Zakona o javnoj nabavi u cijelom procesu javne nabave, Å”to rezultira unapreÄenjem kvalitete rada. Isto tako, uz pojednostavljenje cijelog procesa javne nabave u tvrtki, njegovo koriÅ”tenje donosi nedostatak u vidu plaÄanja odreÄenog iznosa svake objave o javnoj nabavi u elektroniÄkom oglasniku. Na kraju rada daje se uvid u ograniÄenja istraÅ£ivanja kao i smjernice za buduÄa istraÅ£ivanja.The research problem in this paper covers the analysis of the public procurement processes on the example of "Trogir Holding Ltd. Companyā. The objectives of this paper include the identification of the importance of public procurement, its determinants and the functioning of public procurement process with respect to the chosen company. In addition, some future guidelines are offered based on the gained insights. Empirical research was conducted using the interview method. The research results show that public procurement is a very important segment of both the economy and the company itself. Furthermore, the results also stress the importance of monitoring the Public Procurement Act throughout the process and, as a result, the quality of work increases. Also, besides the entire public procurement process simplification, its usage implies disadvantage in terms of paying each public procurement e-notice. At the end of the paper the research limitations and future research directions are provided
Predmet istraÅ£ivanja u ovom radu je analiza procesa javne nabave na primjeru poduzeÄa āTrogir Holding d.o.oā. Ciljevi rada se temelje na utvrÄivanju znaÄaja javne nabave, njenih odrednica, odnosno funkcioniranja procesa javne nabave na odabranom primjeru poduzeÄa. TakoÄer je dan uvid u smjernice daljnjeg djelovanja temeljem steÄenih spoznaja. Empirijsko istraÅ£ivanje se provelo primjenom metode intervjua. Rezultati istraÅ£ivanja pokazuju da javna nabava predstavlja vrlo vaÅ£an segment kako gospodarstva tako i istraÅ£ivane tvrtke. Nadalje, rezultati su takoÄer pokazali vaÅ£nost praÄenja Zakona o javnoj nabavi u cijelom procesu javne nabave, Å”to rezultira unapreÄenjem kvalitete rada. Isto tako, uz pojednostavljenje cijelog procesa javne nabave u tvrtki, njegovo koriÅ”tenje donosi nedostatak u vidu plaÄanja odreÄenog iznosa svake objave o javnoj nabavi u elektroniÄkom oglasniku. Na kraju rada daje se uvid u ograniÄenja istraÅ£ivanja kao i smjernice za buduÄa istraÅ£ivanja.The research problem in this paper covers the analysis of the public procurement processes on the example of "Trogir Holding Ltd. Companyā. The objectives of this paper include the identification of the importance of public procurement, its determinants and the functioning of public procurement process with respect to the chosen company. In addition, some future guidelines are offered based on the gained insights. Empirical research was conducted using the interview method. The research results show that public procurement is a very important segment of both the economy and the company itself. Furthermore, the results also stress the importance of monitoring the Public Procurement Act throughout the process and, as a result, the quality of work increases. Also, besides the entire public procurement process simplification, its usage implies disadvantage in terms of paying each public procurement e-notice. At the end of the paper the research limitations and future research directions are provided
Evaluation of low-cost sorbents as potential materials for in situ remediation of water contaminated with heavy metals
The aim of this paper was to examine the possibilities of using various low-cost sorbents as material for permeable reactive barrier for efficient removing of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc from contaminated water. Natural zeolite (NZ), iron-modified zeolite (IMZ), apatite, concentrated apatite, kaolin and raw bentonite were examined. The batch test evaluation was used to investigate capturing of heavy metals from contaminated water onto sorbents, as well as retention strength of saturated sorbent. The change of pH values during saturation and leaching of heavy metals was performed in a slightly acidic to neutral area, confirming buffering abilities and environmental acceptability of all investigated sorbents as a material in PRB for protection of groundwater as the most valuable natural resources. The highest saturation ability towards all examined heavy metals was detected with raw bentonite and IMZ. Leaching of heavy metals at pH=2.94-2.98 was confirmed in all saturated sorbents, while at pH=6.07-6.46 it was not detected, except of Pb and Cd in raw bentonite. From the obtaned results, the recommendation for selection of sorbent for treatment of water contaminated with lead, cadmium, cooper and zinc is given
The biological performance of flocculent sludge in sequencing batch reactor for the treatment of fish canning wastewater was evaluated in terms of organic matter and nutrient removal by gradual increase of salt concentration in the nitritation-denitritation process. Salinity negatively affected the biological system performance in a way that reduced organic and nutrient removal. The removal efficiency of organic matter and nitrogen showed good performance below 20 g NaCl/L, while phosphate accumulating organisms activity was deteriorated and declined during whole experiment. Nitrogen removal occurred as ammonium oxidation with nitrite accumulation. Nitrite reduction was not affected by salt concentration
RužiÄka days : International conference 16th RužiÄka Days āToday Science ā Tomorrow Industryā : Proceedings
Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)
Denitrification of synthetic wastewater with high nitrate concentration
U ovom radu istražena je denitrifikacija sintetske otpadne vode s visokom koncentracijom nitrata 250Ā±5 mg NOā-N/L pri omjerima C/N 1, 2 i 3 uz natrijev acetat kao izvor ugljika. Omjeri C/N 1 i 2 nisu bili dovoljni za potpunu denitrifikaciju, pri Äemu je postignuto 26,2 % i 78,7 % smanjenje koncentracije NO3-N. TakoÄer, pri omjerima C/N 1 i 2, nakon utroÅ”ka acetata, s unutarstaniÄnim rezervama je postignuta sveukupno 40,9 % i 91,2 % redukcija nitrata. Pri omjeru C/N 3 ostvareno je 99,2 % smanjenje koncentracije nitrata. Ostvarene brzine denitrifikacije su iznosile 33 mg NOā-N/Lh, 32,7 mg NOā-N/Lh i 33,6 mg NOā-N/Lh pri omjerima C/N 1, 2 i 3, a pri omjerima C/N 1 i 2 brzine denitrifikacije s unutstastaniÄnim zalihama su iznosle 6,7 mg NOā-N/Lh i 20,7 mg NOā-N/Lh. Nitrit, iako se nakupljao pri sva tri omjera, nije se pokazao kao limitirajuÄi faktor jer su mikroorganizmi aktivnog mulja bili aklimatizirani na visoke koncentracije nitrita.In this paper the denitrification of synthetic wastewater with high nitrate concentration of 250Ā±5 mg NOā-N/L at C/N ratios of 1, 2 and 3 with sodium acetate as a carbon source was investigated. C/N ratios 1 and 2 were not sufficient for complete denitrification, whereby 26.2 % and 78.7 % reduction in NOā-N concentration was achieved. Also, at C/N ratios 1 and 2, after acetate consumption, a total of 40.9 % and 91.2 % nitrate reduction was achieved with intracellular reserves. At the C/N ratio of 3, a 99.2 % reduction in nitrate concentration was achieved. The achieved denitrification rates were 33 mg NOā-N/Lh, 32.7 mg NOā-N/Lh and 33.6 mg NOā-N/Lh at C/N ratios 1, 2 and 3, and at C/N ratios 1 and 2 denitrification rates with intracellular reserves were 6.7 mg NOā-N/Lh and 20.7 mg NOā-N/Lh. Although nitrite accumulated at all three ratios, it did not prove to be a limiting factor because the microorganisms in the activated sludge were acclimatized to high concentrations of nitrite
Fishcanning wastewater treatment - the effect of salinity on activitiy of adapted activated sludge
UÄinak soli na uÄinkovitost uklanjanja organskih i anorganskih sastojaka iz otpadne vode iz procesa konzerviranja ribe istražen je u SBR-u procesom nitritacije/denitritacije pomoÄu aktivnog mulja adaptiranog na slanost. U pokusu obrade sintetske otpadne vode u kojem nije dodana sol postignuta je uÄinkovitost uklanjanja KPK 96%, NHā-N 99% i POā-P 97%. S poveÄanjem slanosti naruÅ”ava se kakvoÄa obraÄene otpadne vode iz procesa konzerviranja ribe, u smislu uklanjanja C i N, te znaÄajno u smislu uklanjanja P. Slanost se nije odražavala na proces denitritacije. U pokusima obrade otpadne vode iz konzerviranja ribe uz postupno poveÄanje slanosti od 15 g NaCl/L do 30 g NaCl/L uz poveÄanje slanosti od 2,5 g NaCl/L aktivni mulj je održavao stabilno visoku uÄinkovitost uklanjanja KPK> 96% i NHā-N 98% ( 96% COD and 98% NHā-N (< 20 g NaCl/L), and 70% COD and 64% NH4-N removal at 20 g NaCl/L, and a further increase in salinity had the effect of reducing both COD and NHā-N removal efficiency. Results for POā-P removal was 63% PO4-P removal at 15 g NaCl/L, 25% POā-P removal at 20 g NaCl/L, while at a salt concentration of ā„ 22,5 g NaCl/L to 30 g NaCl/L the removal of POā-P is disrupted almost completely
Predmet istraÅ£ivanja u ovom radu je analiza procesa javne nabave na primjeru poduzeÄa āTrogir Holding d.o.oā. Ciljevi rada se temelje na utvrÄivanju znaÄaja javne nabave, njenih odrednica, odnosno funkcioniranja procesa javne nabave na odabranom primjeru poduzeÄa. TakoÄer je dan uvid u smjernice daljnjeg djelovanja temeljem steÄenih spoznaja. Empirijsko istraÅ£ivanje se provelo primjenom metode intervjua. Rezultati istraÅ£ivanja pokazuju da javna nabava predstavlja vrlo vaÅ£an segment kako gospodarstva tako i istraÅ£ivane tvrtke. Nadalje, rezultati su takoÄer pokazali vaÅ£nost praÄenja Zakona o javnoj nabavi u cijelom procesu javne nabave, Å”to rezultira unapreÄenjem kvalitete rada. Isto tako, uz pojednostavljenje cijelog procesa javne nabave u tvrtki, njegovo koriÅ”tenje donosi nedostatak u vidu plaÄanja odreÄenog iznosa svake objave o javnoj nabavi u elektroniÄkom oglasniku. Na kraju rada daje se uvid u ograniÄenja istraÅ£ivanja kao i smjernice za buduÄa istraÅ£ivanja.The research problem in this paper covers the analysis of the public procurement processes on the example of "Trogir Holding Ltd. Companyā. The objectives of this paper include the identification of the importance of public procurement, its determinants and the functioning of public procurement process with respect to the chosen company. In addition, some future guidelines are offered based on the gained insights. Empirical research was conducted using the interview method. The research results show that public procurement is a very important segment of both the economy and the company itself. Furthermore, the results also stress the importance of monitoring the Public Procurement Act throughout the process and, as a result, the quality of work increases. Also, besides the entire public procurement process simplification, its usage implies disadvantage in terms of paying each public procurement e-notice. At the end of the paper the research limitations and future research directions are provided
Fishcanning wastewater treatment - the effect of salinity on activitiy of adapted activated sludge
UÄinak soli na uÄinkovitost uklanjanja organskih i anorganskih sastojaka iz otpadne vode iz procesa konzerviranja ribe istražen je u SBR-u procesom nitritacije/denitritacije pomoÄu aktivnog mulja adaptiranog na slanost. U pokusu obrade sintetske otpadne vode u kojem nije dodana sol postignuta je uÄinkovitost uklanjanja KPK 96%, NHā-N 99% i POā-P 97%. S poveÄanjem slanosti naruÅ”ava se kakvoÄa obraÄene otpadne vode iz procesa konzerviranja ribe, u smislu uklanjanja C i N, te znaÄajno u smislu uklanjanja P. Slanost se nije odražavala na proces denitritacije. U pokusima obrade otpadne vode iz konzerviranja ribe uz postupno poveÄanje slanosti od 15 g NaCl/L do 30 g NaCl/L uz poveÄanje slanosti od 2,5 g NaCl/L aktivni mulj je održavao stabilno visoku uÄinkovitost uklanjanja KPK> 96% i NHā-N 98% ( 96% COD and 98% NHā-N (< 20 g NaCl/L), and 70% COD and 64% NH4-N removal at 20 g NaCl/L, and a further increase in salinity had the effect of reducing both COD and NHā-N removal efficiency. Results for POā-P removal was 63% PO4-P removal at 15 g NaCl/L, 25% POā-P removal at 20 g NaCl/L, while at a salt concentration of ā„ 22,5 g NaCl/L to 30 g NaCl/L the removal of POā-P is disrupted almost completely
Assessment of natural zeolite clinoptilolite for remediation of mercury-contaminated environment
The soil at ancient roasting sites in the surroundings of the Idrija mine (Slovenia) is highly contaminated with mercury. To assess the impact of mercury on groundwater by infiltration and find an eco-friendly remediation method, the leaching of mercury from the soil containing 1347 mg Hg/kg, followed by sorption of the total leached mercury on cost-effective natural zeolite (NZ) clinoptilolite, was performed. The leaching of soil in ultrapure water of pHo = 3.00ā11.46 after 24 h resulted in the total leached mercury concentration in the range 0.33ā17.43 Āµg/L. Much higher concentrations (136.9ā488.0 Āµg/L) were determined after the first few hours of leaching and were high above the maximum permissible level in water for human consumption. The NZ showed very good sorption of the total leached mercury, with a maximum removal efficiency of 94.2%. The leaching of mercury in presence of the NZ resulted in a significant decrease of the total leached mercury (1.9ā20.3 Āµg/L compared to 12.8ā42.2 Āµg/L), with removal efficiencies up to 90.5%, indicating immobilization of mercury species. The NZ has a great potential for economically viable remediation of mercury-contaminated environment. However, efforts should be made in the further study of mercury leachability to reduce the mercury concentration in water to acceptable levels