33 research outputs found

    Las reflexiones culturales de la estructura estudiantil multicultural: el caso de Near East University

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    In this research, is based on the common or at least great similarities between the problems of large- and small-scale habitats in the geographies where cultural interactions are experienced, the cultural structure of the Near East University, which is blended with more than 100 countries and thus culture, in the multicultural living area has been examined. Higher education in North Cyprus, which carries the mission of an educational island, is in an important process of development. North Cyprus, where almost one-third of the official population comes from, carries the impact of multicultural life. In this study, the interview method was used in Qualitative Research Methods. Stewart and Cash (1985) defined the interview as a serious process of mutual and interactive communication based on the way of asking and answering questions for a predetermined and serious purpose Stew. Student at the Near East University, who is from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, attended by 20 students from different countries such as Iran. The students were asked open-ended questions and analyzed in terms of their ability to express themselves freely and analyzed by qualitative research method.En esta investigación, está basada en las similitudes comunes o al menos grandes entre los problemas de los hábitats a gran y pequeña escala en las geografías donde se experimentan las interacciones culturales, la estructura cultural de la Near East University, que se combina con más de 100 países y, por lo tanto, se ha examinado la cultura en el área de vida multicultural. La educación superior en el norte de Chipre, que lleva la misión de una isla educativa, se encuentra en un importante proceso de desarrollo. El norte de Chipre, de donde proviene casi un tercio de la población oficial, tiene el impacto de la vida multicultural. En este estudio, el método de la entrevista se utilizó en los métodos de investigación cualitativa. Stewart y Cash (1985) definieron la entrevista como un proceso serio de comunicación mutua e interactiva basado en la forma de hacer y responder preguntas con un propósito predeterminado y serio. Estudiante de la Near East University, que es de Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turquía, Jordania, Egipto, Iraq, al que asistieron 20 estudiantes de diferentes países, como Irán. A los estudiantes se les hicieron preguntas abiertas y se analizaron en términos de su capacidad de expresarse libremente y se analizaron mediante un método de investigación cualitativa

    Comparación del modelo de educación tradicional y el modelo de educación digital en aulas invertidas

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    The human being, since the existence, continues its generation by educated and willing to educate itself constantly renewing, developing and evolving as an entity continues. When the traditional education models are examined, it can be seen that it evolved in a strict but slow order starting from the late 18th century until the early 2000s. But technology, and therefore education, met the dazzling world with the digitalizing world since the 2000s. In these times when we observe the reflections of developments in the digital world on higher education area, the need for timeless placeless learning/teaching with student-centered education is also in demand. We will be able to access our machines remotely (Jones and Dewing, 2011: 37). The concept of “distant within the Earth has never been so” close una to human beings. Comparison of traditional education model in higher education with digital education model: Flipped classroom model; In this study named NEU example, a quantitative study was conducted with 102 students who applied the flipped classroom model for more than two years. The data obtained as a result of the survey conducted within the scope of the research was analyzed with SPSS 23.0 package program and the findings were explained with tables. Most of the participants stated that they learned the lesson better, more detailed and more permanently by using the reverse side education method and stated that participation in the classroom was increased.El ser humano, desde su existencia, continúa su generación educado y dispuesto a educarse constantemente renovando, desarrollando y evolucionando a medida que una entidad continúa. Cuando se examinan los modelos de educación tradicionales, se puede ver que evolucionó en un orden estricto pero lento desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta principios de la década de 2000. Pero la tecnología, y por lo tanto la educación, se encontraron con el mundo deslumbrante con el mundo de la digitalización desde la década de 2000. En estos tiempos en que observamos los reflejos de los desarrollos en el mundo digital en el área de educación superior, también se demanda la necesidad de aprendizaje/enseñanza atemporal y sin lugar con educación centrada en el estudiante. Podremos acceder a nuestras máquinas de forma remota (Jones y Dewing, 2011: 37). El concepto de “distante dentro de la Tierra nunca ha sido tan” cercano a los seres humanos. Comparación del modelo de educación tradicional en educación superior con el modelo de educación digital: modelo de aula invertida; En este estudio llamado ejemplo de NEU, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo con 102 estudiantes que aplicaron el modelo de aula invertida durante más de dos años. Los datos obtenidos como resultado de la encuesta realizada dentro del alcance de la investigación se analizaron con el paquete de programas SPSS 23.0 y los resultados se explicaron con tablas. La mayoría de los participantes declararon que aprendieron la lección mejor, más detalladamente y de manera más permanente al usar el método de educación del reverso y declararon que se aumentó la participación en el aula

    Access To Informatıon And Use Of Dıgıtal Instruments In Educatıon And Student Opinions

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    It would not be wrong to say that a transformation has started in education as in all fields since the 2000s when the Internet began to spread. In the traditional education model, the student-centered learning models take the place of the teacher understanding that stores the information in itself, directing the student to different sources and competing with each student. According to Prensky, the generation of the so-called digital natives, who was born after 1980, has its own characteristics, its propensity to technology and digital media, contrasts with the teacher from the traditional education model. It would not be wrong to say that traditional educators, whose learning processes take place in the library environment, are replaced by educators who direct the students to digital environments where millions of information can be accessed with a single click and who design their courses accordingly. From this point of view, the situation of students' use of digital tools in educational processes constitutes the problem sentence of the research. The aim of the study was to determine the awareness level of students about the use of digital tools in education, to view the digital educational tools, to determine their feelings and thoughts against the course processes carried out with interactive course applications. The questions sought in the interviews are:1) Do you use digital education elements in the course? (Do you use interactive methods when processing your lessons).2) What is the use of digital elements in your teachers' course processing and homework project preparation process?3) Do your teachers use traditional education methods or digital education practices?4) Can you evaluate the lessons you perform in interactive environments? (learning gains, contributions to you)5) Do you prefer traditional educational models and interactive teaching practices? Why is that?5) What do you understand about digital education?6) How long have you been using digital education in your education?In this study, which was conducted in order to determine the students' opinions about access to information and the use of digital tools in education, it was conducted by using ‘’qualitative research’’ method with 10 university students. As it is known, qualitative research can be defined as qualitative data collection methods such as observation, interview and document analysis, and a qualitative process in which the perceptions and events are presented in a realistic and holistic way in the natural environment. (Yıldırım, 1999) The most frequently used qualitative method is interview. Interviewing is a powerful method used to reveal people's perspectives, experiences, emotions and perceptions. (Cited by Yıldırım; A Bogdan and Biklen, 1992). Standardized Open-ended Interview: This approach consists of a series of carefully written and ordered questions, which are asked to each interviewee in the same manner and order. (Cited in Yıldırım; A Patton1987, p.112) In this study which was conducted by using interview method which is one of the qualitative research methods, standardized open ended questions were asked to the participants and their answers were recorded and analyzed. In this research, the students' level of awareness about the use of digital tools in education, their perspectives on digital education tools, their feelings and thoughts about the course processes carried out with interactive course applications were examined. According to the results of the study, it is seen that the student profile, which meets the digital world at the time of birth, e-mails, chats, uses social media, and access to research resources in new media where information is used freely, is also prone to the use of digital tools in education. It has been observed that students prefer online, online and interactive applications instead of traditional education models

    Comparação do novo conceito de mídia com mídia tradicional; percepção dos estudantes de comunicação

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    The rapid spread of the Internet and having a great deal of power in the living spaces of individuals have also caused some common practices in the world of communication to change. Although this change seems to have diminished the importance of the classical media, it is seen that the developments in the new media need to be confirmed in the traditional media. In this article, which aims to compare the new media with the traditional media understanding and examine the perception of communication faculty students, new media and traditional (classical) media understanding are defined and the importance given to both concepts is revealed. In this context, it has been observed that when the main criteria and perceptions of classical media and of the new media which have just started to be recognized are defined, the fundamental differences that separate them from each other and some similarities are starting to be clearly determined. In this study, "Focus Group Interview Method" was used as part of Qualitative Research Methods. According to Powel et al., Focus Group Interview is defined as: “A group of people selected by the researcher and brought together to debate and discuss about the problem that is being investigated, based on their own experiences.” (Gibbs, 1997). Within this context, a group interview was held with the students of the communication faculty, especially senior students who were interested in social and new media. Open-ended questions were asked by the researchers to the group members. The study took place in a social environment where the participants could freely express their opinions. As a result; the views of YDU Communication Faculty students can be summarized as follows. Considering the common, asynchronous and non-massifying features, it is not surprising that the short-lived, sudden but quickly consumed news and messages of new media platforms are spreading at a rapid pace. On the contrary, classical media where the criteria of cogency, efficacy and factuality are at a higher level and where the verification of all news pieces requiring confirmation is performed still maintains its weight and presence today.La rápida difusión de Internet y el gran poder en los espacios de vida de las personas también han provocado el cambio de algunas prácticas comunes en el mundo de la comunicación. Aunque este cambio parece haber disminuido la importancia de los medios clásicos, se ve que los desarrollos en los nuevos medios necesitan ser confirmados en los medios tradicionales. En este artículo, cuyo objetivo es comparar los nuevos medios con la comprensión de los medios tradicionales y examinar la percepción de los estudiantes de la facultad de comunicación, se definen la comprensión de los nuevos medios y los medios tradicionales (clásicos) y se revela la importancia que se da a ambos conceptos. En este contexto, se ha observado que cuando se definen los principales criterios y percepciones de los medios clásicos y de los nuevos medios que acaban de ser reconocidos, las diferencias fundamentales que los separan entre sí y algunas similitudes comienzan a ser claramente evidentes. determinado. En este estudio, se utilizó el "Método de entrevista de grupo focal" como parte de los Métodos de investigación cualitativos. Según Powel et al., La entrevista del grupo focal se define como: "Un grupo de personas seleccionadas por el investigador y reunidas para debatir y debatir sobre el problema que se está investigando, en función de sus propias experiencias". (Gibbs, 1997) . En este contexto, se realizó una entrevista grupal con los estudiantes de la facultad de comunicación, especialmente los estudiantes senior que estaban interesados en los medios sociales y los nuevos medios. Los investigadores hicieron preguntas abiertas a los miembros del grupo. El estudio se realizó en un entorno social donde los participantes podían expresar libremente sus opiniones. Como resultado; Las opiniones de los estudiantes de la Facultad de comunicación de YDU se pueden resumir de la siguiente manera. Teniendo en cuenta las características comunes, asíncronas y no masificantes, no es sorprendente que las noticias y mensajes de corta duración, repentinos pero rápidamente consumidos, de las nuevas plataformas de medios se difundan a un ritmo rápido. Por el contrario, los medios clásicos donde los criterios de coherencia, eficacia y factualidad se encuentran en un nivel más alto y donde la verificación de todos los artículos de noticias que requieren confirmación todavía se mantienen, siguen teniendo su peso y presencia en la actualidad.A rápida disseminação da Internet e ter um grande poder nos espaços de vida dos indivíduos também fizeram com que algumas práticas comuns no mundo da comunicação mudassem. Embora essa mudança pareça ter diminuído a importância da mídia clássica, vê-se que os desenvolvimentos na nova mídia precisam ser confirmados na mídia tradicional. Neste artigo, que visa comparar os novos meios de comunicação com a compreensão da mídia tradicional e examinar a percepção dos alunos de comunicação, novas mídias e compreensão da mídia tradicional (clássica) são definidos e a importância dada a ambos os conceitos é revelada. Nesse contexto, observou-se que, quando se definem os principais critérios e percepções da mídia clássica e das novas mídias que acabaram de ser reconhecidas, as diferenças fundamentais que as separam e algumas semelhanças começam a ser claras. determinado. Neste estudo, o "Método de Entrevista do Grupo Focal" foi utilizado como parte dos Métodos de Pesquisa Qualitativa. Segundo Powel et al., O Focus Group Interview é definido como: “Um grupo de pessoas selecionadas pelo pesquisador e reunidas para debater e discutir sobre o problema que está sendo investigado, com base em suas próprias experiências.” (Gibbs, 1997). Dentro deste contexto, uma entrevista em grupo foi realizada com os alunos da faculdade de comunicação, especialmente os estudantes seniores que estavam interessados em mídias sociais e novas mídias. Perguntas abertas foram feitas pelos pesquisadores aos membros do grupo. O estudo ocorreu em um ambiente social onde os participantes puderam expressar livremente suas opiniões. Como um resultado; os pontos de vista dos alunos do YDU Communication Faculty podem ser resumidos da seguinte forma. Considerando os recursos comuns, assíncronos e nãomassificadores, não é de surpreender que as notícias e mensagens de plataformas de novas mídias repentinas, mas rapidamente consumidas, estejam se espalhando em ritmo acelerado. Pelo contrário, a mídia clássica onde os critérios de coerência, eficácia e factualidade estão em um nível superior e onde a verificação de todas as notícias que exigem confirmação é realizada ainda mantém seu peso e presença hoje

    Representation of Teachers in Turkish Cinema Between 1940 and 1980

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    The film of the destruction of the Russian monument in 1914 is not only the history of Turkish cinema, but also of a country. The aim of this study is to reveal the representation of teachers in Turkish cinema, which is one of the professions that shape a nation, in films that reflect the effects of the periods spent in all its positive and negative aspects. The reflections of the political and social changes experienced in the historical process on the cinema, the emphasis in the representation of the teacher and the quality of the added value created in the society were analyzed in comparison with the periodical conjuncture. With the purposeful sampling management, the films in which the teacher was represented from 1940 to 1980 were compared with the conditions of the period in which they were shot, and their reflections on the society and the teacher were examined

    Hepatic encephalopathy and atypical cortical involvement in cranial MRI: Case report

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    Hepatik ensefalopati karaciğer fonksiyon bozukluğuna bağlı olarak hastalarda nöropsikiyatrik belirtilerin gelişimi ile karakterizedir. Siroz, portal hipertansiyon veya porto-sistemik şantlar ve akut karaciğer yetmezliği durumlarında gelişebilir. Hafif mental durum bozukluklarından derin komaya kadar değişen geniş bir klinik tablo ile ortaya çıkabilir. Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) başta olmak üzere nöro-görüntüleme teknikleri hepatik ensefalopati tanısında kullanılabilir. Sağlıklı bireylerde kolayca metabolize edilebilen maddelerin birikimine bağlı olarak özellikle T1 ağırlıklı MRG'de iki yanlı globus pallidus yapılarında sinyal artışı izlenir. Hepatik ensefalopatide kortikal tutulum oldukça nadir bildirilmiştir. Bu yazıda kortikal ve subkortikal yapıların tutulumu ile seyreden bir hepatik ensefalopati olgusu sunulmuştur.Hepatic encephalopathy is characterized by neuropsychiatric abnormalities occurring in patients with liver dysfunction. It most commonly occurs in association with cirrhosis, portal hypertension, portal-systemic shunts and acute liver failure. Clinical features of hepatic encephalopathy varies between mild cognitive impairment to deep coma. Several neuroimaging techniques, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may eventually be useful for the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy. Cranial MRI may demonstrate high signal intensity in the bilateral globus pallidum on T1-weighted images. Cortical involvement due to hepatic encephalopathy is rarely reported in the literature. We presented here a case of hepatic encephalopathy with cortical and subcortical involvement

    Las reflexiones culturales de la estructura estudiantil multicultural: el caso de Near East University

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    In this research, is based on the common or at least great similarities between the problems of large- and small-scale habitats in the geographies where cultural interactions are experienced, the cultural structure of the Near East University, which is blended with more than 100 countries and thus culture, in the multicultural living area has been examined. Higher education in North Cyprus, which carries the mission of an educational island, is in an important process of development. North Cyprus, where almost one-third of the official population comes from, carries the impact of multicultural life. In this study, the interview method was used in Qualitative Research Methods. Stewart and Cash (1985) defined the interview as a serious process of mutual and interactive communication based on the way of asking and answering questions for a predetermined and serious purpose Stew. Student at the Near East University, who is from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, attended by 20 students from different countries such as Iran. The students were asked open-ended questions and analyzed in terms of their ability to express themselves freely and analyzed by qualitative research method.En esta investigación, está basada en las similitudes comunes o al menos grandes entre los problemas de los hábitats a gran y pequeña escala en las geografías donde se experimentan las interacciones culturales, la estructura cultural de la Near East University, que se combina con más de 100 países y, por lo tanto, se ha examinado la cultura en el área de vida multicultural. La educación superior en el norte de Chipre, que lleva la misión de una isla educativa, se encuentra en un importante proceso de desarrollo. El norte de Chipre, de donde proviene casi un tercio de la población oficial, tiene el impacto de la vida multicultural. En este estudio, el método de la entrevista se utilizó en los métodos de investigación cualitativa. Stewart y Cash (1985) definieron la entrevista como un proceso serio de comunicación mutua e interactiva basado en la forma de hacer y responder preguntas con un propósito predeterminado y serio. Estudiante de la Near East University, que es de Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turquía, Jordania, Egipto, Iraq, al que asistieron 20 estudiantes de diferentes países, como Irán. A los estudiantes se les hicieron preguntas abiertas y se analizaron en términos de su capacidad de expresarse libremente y se analizaron mediante un método de investigación cualitativa

    The cultural reflections of multicultural student structure: the case of the Near East University

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    In this research, is based on the common or at least great similarities between the problems of large- and small-scale habitats in the geographies where cultural interactions are experienced, the cultural structure of the Near East University, which is blended with more than 100 countries and thus culture, in the multicultural living area has been examined. Higher education in North Cyprus, which carries the mission of an educational island, is in an important process of development. North Cyprus, where almost one-third of the official population comes from, carries the impact of multicultural life. In this study, the interview method was used in Qualitative Research Methods. Stewart and Cash (1985) defined the interview as a serious process of mutual and interactive communication based on the way of asking and answering questions for a predetermined and serious purpose Stew. Student at the Near East University, who is from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, attended by 20 students from different countries such as Iran. The students were asked open-ended questions and analyzed in terms of their ability to express themselves freely and analyzed by qualitative research method.En esta investigación, está basada en las similitudes comunes o al menos grandes entre los problemas de los hábitats a gran y pequeña escala en las geografías donde se experimentan las interacciones culturales, la estructura cultural de la Near East University, que se combina con más de 100 países y, por lo tanto, se ha examinado la cultura en el área de vida multicultural. La educación superior en el norte de Chipre, que lleva la misión de una isla educativa, se encuentra en un importante proceso de desarrollo. El norte de Chipre, de donde proviene casi un tercio de la población oficial, tiene el impacto de la vida multicultural. En este estudio, el método de la entrevista se utilizó en los métodos de investigación cualitativa. Stewart y Cash (1985) definieron la entrevista como un proceso serio de comunicación mutua e interactiva basado en la forma de hacer y responder preguntas con un propósito predeterminado y serio. Estudiante de la Near East University, que es de Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Turquía, Jordania, Egipto, Iraq, al que asistieron 20 estudiantes de diferentes países, como Irán. A los estudiantes se les hicieron preguntas abiertas y se analizaron en términos de su capacidad de expresarse libremente y se analizaron mediante un método de investigación cualitativa

    Comparación del modelo de educación tradicional y el modelo de educación digital en aulas invertidas

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    The human being, since the existence, continues its generation by educated and willing to educate itself constantly renewing, developing and evolving as an entity continues. When the traditional education models are examined, it can be seen that it evolved in a strict but slow order starting from the late 18th century until the early 2000s. But technology, and therefore education, met the dazzling world with the digitalizing world since the 2000s. In these times when we observe the reflections of developments in the digital world on higher education area, the need for timeless placeless learning/teaching with student-centered education is also in demand. We will be able to access our machines remotely (Jones and Dewing, 2011: 37). The concept of “distant within the Earth has never been so” close una to human beings. Comparison of traditional education model in higher education with digital education model: Flipped classroom model; In this study named NEU example, a quantitative study was conducted with 102 students who applied the flipped classroom model for more than two years. The data obtained as a result of the survey conducted within the scope of the research was analyzed with SPSS 23.0 package program and the findings were explained with tables. Most of the participants stated that they learned the lesson better, more detailed and more permanently by using the reverse side education method and stated that participation in the classroom was increased.El ser humano, desde su existencia, continúa su generación educado y dispuesto a educarse constantemente renovando, desarrollando y evolucionando a medida que una entidad continúa. Cuando se examinan los modelos de educación tradicionales, se puede ver que evolucionó en un orden estricto pero lento desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta principios de la década de 2000. Pero la tecnología, y por lo tanto la educación, se encontraron con el mundo deslumbrante con el mundo de la digitalización desde la década de 2000. En estos tiempos en que observamos los reflejos de los desarrollos en el mundo digital en el área de educación superior, también se demanda la necesidad de aprendizaje/enseñanza atemporal y sin lugar con educación centrada en el estudiante. Podremos acceder a nuestras máquinas de forma remota (Jones y Dewing, 2011: 37). El concepto de “distante dentro de la Tierra nunca ha sido tan” cercano a los seres humanos. Comparación del modelo de educación tradicional en educación superior con el modelo de educación digital: modelo de aula invertida; En este estudio llamado ejemplo de NEU, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo con 102 estudiantes que aplicaron el modelo de aula invertida durante más de dos años. Los datos obtenidos como resultado de la encuesta realizada dentro del alcance de la investigación se analizaron con el paquete de programas SPSS 23.0 y los resultados se explicaron con tablas. La mayoría de los participantes declararon que aprendieron la lección mejor, más detalladamente y de manera más permanente al usar el método de educación del reverso y declararon que se aumentó la participación en el aula