236 research outputs found

    The Effect of Magnetic Field Tilt and Divergence on the Mass Flux and Flow Speed in a Line-Driven Stellar Wind

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    We carry out an extended analytic study of how the tilt and faster-than-radial expansion from a magnetic field affect the mass flux and flow speed of a line-driven stellar wind. A key motivation is to reconcile results of numerical MHD simulations with previous analyses that had predicted non-spherical expansion would lead to a strong speed enhancement. By including finite-disk correction effects, a dynamically more consistent form for the non-spherical expansion, and a moderate value of the line-driving power index α\alpha, we infer more modest speed enhancements that are in good quantitative agreement with MHD simulations, and also are more consistent with observational results. Our analysis also explains simulation results that show the latitudinal variation of the surface mass flux scales with the square of the cosine of the local tilt angle between the magnetic field and the radial direction. Finally, we present a perturbation analysis of the effects of a finite gas pressure on the wind mass loss rate and flow speed in both spherical and magnetic wind models, showing that these scale with the ratio of the sound speed to surface escape speed, a/vesca/v_{esc}, and are typically 10-20% compared to an idealized, zero-gas-pressure model.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, for the full version of the paper go to: http://www.bartol.udel.edu/~owocki/preprints/btiltdiv-mdotvinf.pd

    A Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modeling the magnetospheres of massive stars

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    We introduce a new Rigid-Field Hydrodynamics approach to modeling the magnetospheres of massive stars in the limit of very-strong magnetic fields. Treating the field lines as effectively rigid, we develop hydrodynamical equations describing the 1-dimensional flow along each, subject to pressure, radiative, gravitational, and centrifugal forces. We solve these equations numerically for a large ensemble of field lines, to build up a 3-dimensional time-dependent simulation of a model star with parameters similar to the archetypal Bp star sigma Ori E. Since the flow along each field line can be solved for independently of other field lines, the computational cost of this approach is a fraction of an equivalent magnetohydrodynamical treatment. The simulations confirm many of the predictions of previous analytical and numerical studies. Collisions between wind streams from opposing magnetic hemispheres lead to strong shock heating. The post-shock plasma cools initially via X-ray emission, and eventually accumulates into a warped, rigidly rotating disk defined by the locus of minima of the effective (gravitational plus centrifugal) potential. But a number of novel results also emerge. For field lines extending far from the star, the rapid area divergence enhances the radiative acceleration of the wind, resulting in high shock velocities (up to ~3,000 km/s) and hard X-rays. Moreover, the release of centrifugal potential energy continues to heat the wind plasma after the shocks, up to temperatures around twice those achieved at the shocks themselves. Finally, in some circumstances the cool plasma in the accumulating disk can oscillate about its equilibrium position, possibly due to radiative cooling instabilities in the adjacent post-shock regions.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures w/ color, accepted by MNRA

    A dynamical magnetosphere model for periodic Halpha emission from the slowly rotating magnetic O star HD191612

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    The magnetic O-star HD191612 exhibits strongly variable, cyclic Balmer line emission on a 538-day period. We show here that its variable Halpha emission can be well reproduced by the rotational phase variation of synthetic spectra computed directly from full radiation magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of a magnetically confined wind. In slow rotators such as HD191612, wind material on closed magnetic field loops falls back to the star, but the transient suspension of material within the loops leads to a statistically overdense, low velocity region around the magnetic equator, causing the spectral variations. We contrast such "dynamical magnetospheres" (DMs) with the more steady-state "centrifugal magnetospheres" of stars with rapid rotation, and discuss the prospects of using this DM paradigm to explain periodic line emission from also other non-rapidly rotating magnetic massive stars.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Magnetic fields, winds and X-rays of the massive stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster

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    In some massive stars, magnetic fields are thought to confine the outflowing radiatively-driven wind. Although theoretical models and MHD simulations are able to illustrate the dynamics of such a magnetized wind, the impact of this wind-field interaction on the observable properties of a magnetic star - X-ray emission, photometric and spectral variability - is still unclear. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between magnetism, stellar winds and X-ray emission of OB stars, by providing empirical observations and confronting theory. In conjunction with the COUP survey of the Orion Nebula Cluster, we carried out spectropolarimatric ESPaDOnS observations to determine the magnetic properties of massive OB stars of this cluster.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS272: Active OB star

    New findings on the prototypical Of?p stars

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    In recent years several in-depth investigations of the three Galactic Of?p stars were undertaken. These multiwavelength studies revealed the peculiar properties of these objects (in the X-rays as well as in the optical): magnetic fields, periodic line profile variations, recurrent photometric changes. However, many questions remain unsolved. To clarify some of the properties of the Of?p stars, we have continued their monitoring. A new XMM observation and two new optical datasets were obtained. Additional information for the prototypical Of?p trio has been found. HD108 has now reached its quiescent, minimum-emission state, for the first time in 50--60yrs. The echelle spectra of HD148937 confirm the presence of the 7d variations in the Balmer lines and reveal similar periodic variations (though of lower amplitudes) in the HeI5876 and HeII4686 lines, underlining its similarities with the other two prototypical Of?p stars. The new XMM observation of HD191612 was taken at the same phase in the line modulation cycle but at a different orbital phase as previous data. It clearly shows that the X-ray emission of HD191612 is modulated by the 538d period and not the orbital period of 1542d - it is thus not of colliding-wind origin and the phenomenon responsible for the optical changes appears also at work in the high-energy domain. There are however problems: our MHD simulations of the wind magnetic confinement predict both a harder X-ray flux of a much larger strength than what is observed (the modeled DEM peaks at 30-40MK, whereas the observed one peaks at 2MK) and narrow lines (hot gas moving with velocities of 100--200km/s, whereras the observed FWHM is ~2000km/s).Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures (2 in jpg), accepted for publication by A&

    Mass-Loss And Magnetospheres: X-Rays From Hot Stars And Young Stellar Objects

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    High-resolution X-ray spectra of high-mass stars and low-mass T-Tauri stars obtained during the first year of the Chandra mission are providing important clues about the mechanisms which produce X-rays on very young stars. For zeta Puppis (O4 If) and zeta Ori (O9.5 I), the broad, blue-shifted line profiles, line ratios, and derived temperature distribution suggest that the X-rays are produced throughout the wind via instability-driven wind shocks. For some less luminous OB stars, like theta^1 Ori C (O7 V) and tau Sco (B0 V), the line profiles are symmetric and narrower. The presence of time-variable emission and very high-temperature lines in theta^1 Ori C and tau Sco suggest that magnetically confined wind shocks may be at work. The grating spectrum of the classical T-Tauri star TW Hya is remarkable because the forbidden-line emission of He-like Ne IX and O VII is very weak, implying that the X-ray emitting region is very dense, n = 6E+12 cgs, or that the X-rays are produced very close to the ultraviolet hotspot at the base of an accretion funnel. ACIS light curves and spectra of flares and low-mass and high-mass young stellar objects in Orion and rho Ophiuchus further suggest that extreme magnetic activity is a general property of many very young stars
