27 research outputs found

    Varhaisen tuen palvelut maahanmuuttajataustaisille perheille: Ammattilaisten ja vanhempien kokemuksia

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    Varhaisen tuen palvelut maahanmuuttajataustaisille perheille –selvitys kartoittaa neuvolatoiminnan, varhaiskasvatuksen ja koulun työmenetelmien toimivuutta ja niiden kehittämistarpeita monikulttuurisessa ympäristössä. Selvityksessä on haastateltu sekä mainittujen alojen ammattilaisia että maahanmuuttajataustaisia vanhempia. Selvitys lisää tietoa maahanmuuttajataustaisten vanhempien tilanteesta kuitenkaan luomatta stereotyyppistä kuvaa tietynlaisesta ’maahanmuuttajasta’. Perheammattilasten rooli saattaa olla yllättävänkin tärkeä monille vanhemmille, sillä he saattavat joissain tapauksissa olla muualta muuttaneiden vanhempien ainoa kontakti vastaanottavaan yhteiskuntaan. Selvitys tuo monin tavoin esiin sitä sitoutuneisuutta, jolla ammattialiset työskentelevät lasten ja perheiden hyväksi. Selvityksessä kiinnitetään kuitenkin huomiota myös työn rakenteisiin, kuten yhteistyön ja työn koordinointiin, työnohjauksen ja konsultaation tarpeeseen. Selvitykseen on myös koottu hyväksi havaittuja konkreettisia käytäntöjä. Selvityksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan soveltaa muun muassa ennaltaehkäisevien työmuotojen kehittämiseen ja luottamuksellisen ja toimivan vuorovaikutuksen rakentamiseen. Selvitys rohkaiseekin lukijaa siirtymään ongelmakeskeisistä tulkinnoista luovaan työotteeseen, joka mahdollistaa muutoksen sekä ammattilaisen että maahanmuuttajataustaisen asiakkaan arjessa

    Varhaisen tuen palvelut maahanmuuttajataustaisille perheille – Ammattilaisten ja perheiden kokemuksia

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    Selvityksessä vastataan kysymykseen, miten peruspalvelut pystyvät vastaamaan Suomeen muuttavien perheiden tarpeisiin. Erityisen tarkastelun kohteeksi on otettu neuvolan, varhaiskasvatuksen sekä koulun tarjoamat palvelut. Nämä palvelut tarjoavat perheille kiinnikepinnan, joka parhaimmillaan voi edesauttaa kiinnittymistä osaksi suomalaista yhteiskuntaa ja sen sosiaalisia verkostoja. Selvityksessä tarkastellaan neuvolan, varhaiskasvatuksen sekä koulun palveluita näiden alojen ammattilaisten sekä palveluita käyttävien vanhempien näkökulmasta

    Feasibility study on the potential of community-based sponsorship in Finland

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    The report examines the development of community-sponsored integration in cooperation with the State, municipalities, organisations and civil society. The aim was to obtain information on how a community sponsorship model of integration would fit into the refugee resettlement programme in Finland. The respondents included municipalities receiving refugees, organisations, representatives of religious communities, researchers and individual volunteers. A possible programme was positively received. In particular, the respondents hoped that the national programme would make it easier for refugees to settle in early, find social networks and plan their future realistically. Support for language learning and improved employment opportunities were also considered important. The report proposes that a national coordinator be named for the programme whose task would be to ensure the programme meets its objectives, for example by training and supporting local operators. Meanwhile, a local coordinator would recruit community sponsors to be matched with the refugees and take responsibility for cooperation between the public sector and civil society. If successful, a community-sponsored programme would support integration and prevent marginalisation. The programme could create permanent cooperation structures between authorities and civil society instead of cooperation based on individual projects. The report has been produced in co-operation between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of the Interior

    Social Workers´ Reflections on Forced Migration and Cultural Diversity - Towards Anti-Oppressive Expertise in Child and Family Social Work

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    Social work in Finland, like in many other countries, has faced various challenges after the large scale of forced migration in 2015. Although working with migrants is not a new area in social work, the exceptionally large amount of asylum seekers in the Finnish society caused a need for improved social work expertise. Our article deals with Finnish social work practitioners’ reflections on multicultural, multilingual and transnational issues with a client group, which is in a vulnerable situation after forced or other forms of migration. The practitioners participating in our study have either attended a specializing education of child, youth and family social work or taken part in peer group discussions in order to develop multicultural expertise. All attendants worked in child and family social work during the study periods in the years 2018–2020. Applying a qualitative methodology by using thematic analysis, we analyze the social workers’ texts and discussions in order to find out the challenges and possibilities as well as needs and tools towards anti-oppressive practice in social work. The identified challenges are connected to differentiated local services, social workers’ uncertainty of their expertise in working with forced migrants, nationally defined welfare services and communication skills in client encounters. Some ways ahead were recognized in structural social work and further education to improve knowledge and skills. Social workers emphasize the need for self-reflection on their prejudices and in developing anti-oppressive practices, which contain human rights aspects and client-oriented practices. Specializing education and reflective group discussion gave a platform to social workers for reflective professional discussions and writings, which seem to have broadened their expertise in multicultural social work.</p

    Aktiivisen kansalaisuuden mahdollisuudet kotouttamistyön ulkoisten ehtojen ja maahanmuuttajien tarpeiden ristipaineissa

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    Nykyisessä poliittisessa keskustelussa aktiivinen kansalaisuus ymmärretään usein kapeasti työkansalaisuutena. Artikkelissa analysoidaan, miten aktiivinen kansalaisuus rakentuu kotouttamistyön rakenteellisten ehtojen ja maahanmuuttajien tarpeiden huomioimisen ristiriidassa. Teoreettisesti nojaudutaan Amartya Senin toimintamahdollisuuksien teoriaan, joka painottaa erilaisten kyvykkyyksien sekä autonomisten toimintamahdollisuuksien merkitystä aktiivisessa kansalaisuudessa. Tuloksena havaitaan, että ammattilaisten näkemyksissä painottuu ristiriita järjestelmän tarpeille rakentuvan työkansalaisuuden ja kotoutujien autonomiaa tukevien toimintamahdollisuuksia vahvistavan työn välille.&nbsp; Myös kotiäitien perheasemaan perustuva kansalaisuus on erityisen vaikeasti saavutettavissa. Lopputuloksena on, että järjestelmän tarpeille rakennettu maahanmuuttajien sopeuttaminen kääntyy itseään vastaan, sillä yksilöiden tarpeet eivät rakennu ulkoisten määrittelyjen varaan. Lopulta yksilöllisten tarpeiden tunnistamattomuus ja huomiotta jättäminen passivoi maahanmuuttajaa

    Nature-based integration of migrants: A cross-national systematic literature review

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    Migration is as old as humankind, and the integration of people with a migration background is a hot topic worldwide. The focus on nature-based integration has increased over the last 20 years. Previous reviews discussing nature-based integration have focused mainly on Europe and the USA; this systematic quantitative review provides a global overview of the nature activity patterns, nature experiences, and possible hindrances migrants face. We reviewed 42 studies focusing on nature activity and the experiences of migrants. Our specific research questions were: (1) In the studies, what type of nature activities can be found in which people with a different migration background have participated or preferred? (2) How do nature activities and experiences affect the integration of people with different migration backgrounds? (3) What kind of negative nature experiences can act as hindrances in the integration of people with a migration background? Walking, sport, and gardening are the most reported physical activities by people with a different migration background, but migrants’ nature activity patterns differ at the levels of ethnicity and the individual. Nature activity patterns cannot be generalised for everyone with a different migration background, and tailored individual nature-based integration measures are needed. Elements that can promote integration are social interaction, emotional attachment, and a sense of belonging, whereas possible hindrances to the migrant’s integration are discrimination, the accessibility of nature, and a lack of information and communication. We conclude that nature activities have positive impacts on the integration of people with a migration background, and the human–nature relationship can be further extended to the human–nature–social relationship, but the empirical evidence is lacking, and nature-based integration effectiveness requires further investigation. We identify the need for a shift from nature-based integration to nature-based inclusion. This shift will require a participatory approach to incorporate the voices and experiences of people with a different migration background

    Recognising forced migrants in transnational social work

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    Nation states’ neoliberal policies do not regard asylum seekers and undocumented migrants as deserving of a good life. Social work in welfare states is highly connected to the policies of nation states. There is a need to address theories in social work that have a transnational focus at the local level. Axel Honneth’s recognition theory enables an approach to forced migration from the direction of personal relations and personhood itself. The core idea is that if people cannot gain recognition, this causes harm to their self-realisation. The purpose of this paper is discuss how the recognition theory overcomes a national focus in social work. Design/methodology/approach This paper is theoretical. The relations of recognition are discussed in the context of transnational social work in welfare states with forced migrants. Findings The theory of recognition in social work practice with people who do not have a residence permit is best articulated by an understanding of rights concerning all the attributes of the person, i.e. as a needy being, autonomous and particular in a community. Originality/value Forced migrants’ backgrounds provide a specific backdrop for misrecognition, which may harm self-relations. The relations of recognition contribute to social work by providing the sensitivity required to evaluate the complexity of views and attitudes that affect the way we encounter service users. The relations of recognition (care, respect and esteem) give normative criteria for communication in order to take another person as a person, which, in turn, contributes to healthy self-relations of forced migrants.peerReviewe