156 research outputs found

    On Diluted Cesàro Matrices

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    Bu çalışmada, serilerin üst yakınsaklığı ile bu serilerin kısmi toplamlar dizisinin toplanabilir bir uzanımının varlığı arasında bağlantı kuran bir genel toplanabilme matrisi tanıtıldı. Bu matrislerin bazı özellikleri ve Riesz Matrislerinin hangi koşullar altında bu matris sınıfına girdiği incelendi.In this paper, we introduced some general summability matrices which make contact between the overconvergence of series and the existence of a summable elongation of the sequence of the partial sums of the series. We investigated some properties of them and analysed under what conditions will the Riesz Matrices be in the class of matrices which are defined

    Bilateral arkus aksillaris olgusu

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    Rutin kadavra disseksiyonu esnasında 55 yaşında bir erkek kadavrada bilateral arcus axillaris'e rastlandı. Literatürlerde “Arcus axillaris”, “Aksillopektoral kas” veya “Langers'in aksillar arkı” olarak da bildirilen bu yapı fibröz yada muskuler karakterde olabilmektedir. Bizim olgumuzda m. latissimus dorsi'den ayrılan bir kas demeti aksillar damar sinir paketinin önünden geçip m. pectoralis major'un tendonunda sonlanıyordu. Sol muskuler ark interkostobrakiyal sinir tarafından innerve edilmesine karşın sağ taraftakini innerve eden herhangi bir sinire rastlanmadı. Arkus aksillaris, kol, ön kol ve elde nörovasküler semptomlara yol açabilmektedir.Bilateral arcus axillaris was found on a 55-yearold male cadaver in our laboratory of anatomy during routine dissection. This variation which is also called as axillary arch, axillopectoral muscle or axillary arch of Langer could be fibromuscular or muscular. In our case, a fasciculus separating from latissimus dorsi muscle ended at the tendon of pectoralis major muscle after overlying the neurovascular bundle in the axilla. Althought left muscular arch was innervated by intercostobrachial nerves, right muscular arch's nerve was not identified. It might have caused neurovascular symptoms in the hand, arm and forearm

    Separation Control By Steady And Unsteady Suction

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Bu çalışmada, daimi ve daimi olmayan şekilde hava akımının emilmesinin modife edilmiş NACA0012 profiline olan etkilerinin hesaplamalı analizi yapılmıştır. Kanadın üstünde iki bolgede hava akımı emilmiştir. Akım alanı tahminleri NASA’nın kullandığı, daimi olmayan, iki boyutlu, sıkıştırılabilir Navier-Stokes denklemelrini kullnanan CFL3DV(5) programıyla yapılmıştır. Akım, kanat üzerinden yüzeye belli bir açıyla emimliştir. Çalışmalar 0.3 Mach sayısında 12 ve 15 derece hücum açısında yapılmıştır. Yaptığımız çalışmalar gostermiştirki; daimi olmayan birşekilde kanat üstünden akımın emilmesi, emme oranın, frekansının ve yerinin dikkatli bir şekilde şeçimiyle, kaldırma üzerinde onemli etkileri olmuştur. Daimi olamayan bir şekilde kanat üstünde hava akımının çekilmesi akım ayrılmasının kontrolünde ve profillerde taşımayı arttırmak için kullanilabilir.In this study a numerical study was conducted to investigate effects of fixed unsteady and steady suction on a modified NACA0012 airfoil. The fixed unsteady suction applied on two sections an airfoil. Flow field predictions are made using a modified version of the NASA CFL3DV(5) unsteady, two-dimensional, compressible Navier-Stokes solver. Suction is applied to surface with an angle to surface normal. The effect of suction is investigated. Numerical results are obtained at M=0.3 and 12 and 15 degrees angle of attack. Our numerical solutions have indicated that unsteady suction, with the careful selection of peak amplitude, frequency and location; enhance the lift characteristics of airfoil. The unsteady suction can be used as a mean of separation control to generate lift on airfoils.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Effects of Long Term Volleyball Training on Mineral Metabolism and Hematological Parameters

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    Objective: Following acute exercises, changes in mineral and hematological concentrations are observed in the organism depending on the exercise, but regular and submaximal exercises do not fully reveal the mineral and hematological effects. This study was conducted to determine the effects of volleyball training on mineral metabolism and hematological parameters over a period of three months. Method:The research group included 20 healthy male volunteers in the 13-16 age group. A training program of 80 minutes per day, 4 days per week, for three months was applied to the athletes who participated in the study. Blood samples were taken twice before and at the end of the training sessions from the resting athletes. Sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, PLT, MPV and PDW levels were determined in the blood samples collected. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 22 package program. The Paired Samples t-test was used to compare the research group's pre-final test data. Significance was considered to be p>0.05. Finding: The analysis showed that the research group had statistically significant differences in sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, magnesium, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, MPV and PCT levels (p<0.05) and no statistically significant differences in potassium, calcium, WBC, HGB, PLT, RDW-CV and PDW levels (p>0.05). Conclusion: As a result, volleyball training over a long period of time has been observed to cause changes in mineral metabolism and some hematological parameters. It was found that the regular training schedule caused differences in some mineral and whole blood values. In the light of this information, we believe that long-term adolescent training will have a positive impact on the health of athletes

    Effects of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) powder on broiler performance parameters and histopathology of internal organs

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate whether the addition of tarragon in the diet of broiler chickens affects their performance and histological structures of internal organs. A total of 240 day-old Ross 308 male broiler chickens were used. The experiment included four treatment groups, with six replications per treatment. The experiment lasted 42 days and the chickens were provided with feed and water ad libitum. Experimental groups were given basal diet only (control group), basal diet + 0.1% tarragon powder (T1 group), basal diet + 0.2% tarragon powder (T2 group) and basal diet+ 0.5% tarragon powder (T3 group). The tarragon additive did not affect the values of the daily feed intake (DFI) and feed conversion rate (FCR) during the trial periods, while the highest daily weight gain (DWG) was recorded in the control group (P&lt;0.05) on days 29-35 and 36-42. The longest jejunum villi was observed in the T2 group (P&lt;0.05). The results indicate that different amounts of tarragon powder additive did not affect the DFI and FCR as performance parameters, while they had a negative impact on DWG. In addition, the livers, kidneys and intestinal tissue structures did not change. Therefore, the tarragon powder had no negative effects on the health of chickens

    Cumhuriyet Dönemi dinler tarihi çalışmalarında antropolojik bakış açısı

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    Türkiye’de dinler tarihinin geçmişi oldukça yakın bir zamana tekabül etmektedir. Cumhuriyetin kuruluş yıllarında din, üzerinde en fazla durulan konuların başında gelmektedir. Din üzerine tartışmalar daha çok din-devlet ilişkisi ve bunun toplum üzerindeki etkisi ile alakalı olmuştur. Konuyla ilgili çeşitli görüş ve değerlendirmeler bulunmakla birlikte dinin toplumsal bir gereklilik olduğu düşüncesi kabul görmüş ve bunun yasal zemine oturtulması yönünde bazı çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu kapsamda din eğitimi milliyetçilik ekseninde gelişen bir seyir izlemiştir. Dinler tarihi de bu seyrin bir parçası olarak kendine has bir yol çizmiştir. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de dinler tarihine kaynaklık eden çalışmalar ve dinler tarihi çalışmaları ile antropoloji arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. İlahiyat alanında ön plana çıkan dinler tarihi ile seküler bir bilim olarak bilinen antropoloji ilişkisinin Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında yapılan kültürel ve dinî olguların tespitine yönelik çalışmalara yansıması ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada öncelikle antropolojinin Türkiye’deki görünürlüğü ve ulus devlet inşasındaki rolünün anlaşılması önem arz etmektedir. Din üzerine yapılan tartışma ve araştırmalar ile Anadolu coğrafyasından elde edilen etnografik verilerin dinler tarihi çalışmalarındaki yansımaları ve Türkiye’de dinler tarihçiliğinin başlangıç itibariyle hangi temel ilkelere dayandığını ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu çalışma Cumhuriyet dönemi dinler tarihçiliği ile ilgili sınırlı sayıdaki şahsiyetler ve eserleri özelinde işlenmiştir

    Analysis Of Intramuscular Injectıons Admınıstered In A Family Health Center

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    Objectives: In this study, the objective was to evaluate the intramuscular injections administered to patients admitted to a family health center with sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytical and, retrospective file review study. The sample population was formed by patients who had intramuscular injections administered between the dates of January 01, 2017 - and December 31, 2019. A total of 5648 injections for 2059 adults/children were evaluated. The data set was analyzed using SPSS 17.0 (IBM, USA) statistical package program. Results: An average of 2.74 injections per person was administered. The rate of myorelaxant injection administration was higher among women (p<0.001), and the rate of antibiotic and analgesic + myorelaxant injection administrations was higher among men (p<0.001 for both). With the increase of age, the rate of analgesic injection administrations increases (p<0.001) and the rate of antibiotic injection administrations decreases (p<0.001). The highest analgesic + myorelaxant injection administration rate was during autumn, and the lowest was during winter (p=0.001). Conclusion: The results showed that the frequency of analgesic, myorelaxant, antibiotic, steroid, vitamin/mineral, hormone and combination drugs used for intramuscular injection were affected by demographic variables such as age, gender and season. Identifying family health center dynamics may contribute to creating rational health policies. © Ankara Medical Journal.All rights reserved


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    ÖZET İşyerinde psikolojik şiddet olarak tanımlanan mobbing kavramı, son zamanlarda örgüt psikolojisi alanının üzerinde yoğun olarak çalıştığı bir kavram haline gelmiştir. Örgütün verimini azaltan, motivasyonunu düşüren ve gittikçe çözülmelere neden olan bu davranış halini etkileyen en önemli etkenlerden birisi de bu davranış sonucu mağdur olan ve taciz davranışını gösteren kişiliklerin duygusal zekâ düzeyleridir. Yapılan çalışmanın amacı bir iş yeri sendromu olarak da ifade edilen mobbing davranışının taraflarının duygusal zekâ düzeylerinin yüksek olmasının mobbing davranışının oluşumuna etkisini belirtmek ve aynı zamanda bu davranışın bertaraf edilmesinde de duygusal zekâ boyutlarını bir araç olarak kullanılabileceğini belirtebilmektir. ABSTRACT The mobbing, defined physiologic terror in workplace is a conception which organization physiology study on intensely. One of the most important factors, affecting that behavior which causes increasing effectiveness, motivation and gradually dissolution in organization, is emotional intelligence of victim and harassment owner. Regard of this frame, aim of our study is pointing out effect of emotional intelligence between sides in occurrence of mobbing behavior which define as a workplace syndrome and indicate that the emotional intelligence dimensions can use as armor in cope with mobbing

    Are there fetal stem cells in the maternal brain?

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    GUZEL, Ali irfan/0000-0002-9720-5920; Tunc, Erdal/0000-0003-4964-1004;WOS: 000317029800002PubMed: 25206703Fetal cells can enter maternal blood during pregnancy but whether they can also cross the blood-brain barrier to enter the maternal brain remains poorly understood. Previous results suggest that fetal cells are summoned to repair damage to the mother's brain. If this is confirmed, it would open up new and safer avenues of treatment for brain damage caused by strokes and neural diseases. in this study, we aimed to investigate whether a baby's stem cells can enter the maternal brain during pregnancy. Deceased patients who had at least one male offspring and no history of abortion and blood transfusion were included in this study. DNA was extracted from brain tissue samples of deceased women using standard phenol-chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation methods. Genomic DNA was screened by quantitative fluorescent-polymerase chain reaction amplification together with short tandem repeat markers specific to the Y chromosome, and 13, 18, 21 and X. Any foreign DNA residues that could be used to interpret the presence of fetal stem cells in the maternal brain were monitored. Results indicated that fetal stem cells can not cross the blood-brain barrier to enter the maternal brain.Research Funds of University of Cukurova, TurkeyCukurova UniversityThe study was supported by Research Funds of University of Cukurova, Turkey


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    In recent years, social media has become popular in the virtual world. There are websites on the Internet where members or participants discuss about specific topics, share recent activities or upload photos or videos. Social media such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Myspace are Internet based applications, and individuals use them in order to create and share content about their favorite topics. On the other hand, human beings have social needs and they look for different ways to gratify themselves during life time. Social media with a wide range of facilities have provided a sense of self-esteem which is one of the most important elements of human social needs. Since Facebook was ranked first as the most popular social networking sites in past years, and because of researchers personal experiences of observing the popularity of Facebook among Girne American University students, this study aimed at discovering the motivations behind using Facebook among students, finding out whether there is any significant correlation between a specific motivation and self-esteem or not. In order to do that, 120 undergraduate students participated in a survey study. They were selected by using probable sampling method. Data was collected by means of questionnaire and analyzed by Kendall's tau correlation coefficient. The results expanded previous studies which claim social networking sites may improve self-esteem of their users. The results showed that less self-esteem is related to share more activity, uploading photos and making new friends on Facebook, while no significant correlation was found between lack of self-esteem and discussing about personal problems on Facebook