6,988 research outputs found

    Magnetometer deployment mechanism for Pioneer Venus

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    A three segment, 15-foot boom mechanism was developed to deploy magnetometers from the Pioneer Venus orbiter spinning shelf. The stowage mechanism is designed to contain the magnetometers during launch and to deploy these instruments by centrifugal force upon pyrotechnic release. Unique graphite-epoxy boom segments are used for a lightweight design with sufficient strength to withstand a 7.5 g orbit insertion force while extended. The detailed design is described, along with the test methods developed for qualification in a one-g field

    Ablation effects in oxygen-lead fragmentation at 2.1 GeV/nucleon

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    The mechanism of particle evaporation was used to examine ablation effects in the fragmentation of 2.1 GeV/nucleon oxygen nuclei by lead targets. Following the initial abrasion process, the excited projectile prefragment is assumed to statistically decay in a manner analogous to that of a compound nucleus. The decay probabilities for the various particle emission channels are calculated by using the EVAP-4 Monte Carlo computer program. The input excitation energy spectrum for the prefragment is estimated from the geometric ""clean cut'' abrasion-ablation model. Isotope production cross sections are calculated and compared with experimental data and with the predictions from the standard geometric abrasion-ablation fragmentation model

    Optical-model abrasion cross sections for high-energy heavy ions

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    Within the context of eikonal scattering theory, a generalized optical model potential approximation to the nucleus-nucleus multiple scattering series is used in an abrasion-ablation collision model to predict abrasion cross sections for relativistic projectile heavy ions. Unlike the optical limit of Glauber theory, which cannot be used for very light nuclei, the abrasion formalism is valid for any projectile target combination at any incident kinetic energy for which eikonal scattering theory can be utilized. Results are compared with experimental results and predictions from Glauber theory

    Harmonic well matter densities and Pauli correlation effects in heavy-ion collisions

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    A generalized optical model heavy ion reaction theory is extended to include correlation effects between projectile and target constituents according to the Pauli exclusion principle. These correlation effects are significant for accurately predicting cross sections for projectile nucleus abrasions, but are relatively unimportant for determining total and absorption cross sections for heavy ion collisions. For lighter nuclei, predictive capabilities were also improved by developing an analytic method for extracting their nuclear single particle density distributions from experimentally measured harmonic well charge density distributions. This improved theory is compared with previous theoretical predictions and recent experimental results

    Tables of nuclear cross sections for galactic cosmic rays: Absorption cross sections

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    A simple but comprehensive theory of nuclear reactions is presented. Extensive tables of nucleon, deuteron, and heavy-ion absorption cross sections over a broad range of energies are generated for use in cosmic ray shielding studies. Numerous comparisons of the calculated values with available experimental data show agreement to within 3 percent for energies above 80 MeV/nucleon and within approximately 10 percent for energies as low as 30 MeV/nucleon. These tables represent the culmination of the development of the absorption cross section formalism and supersede the preliminary absorption cross sections published previously in NASA TN D-8107, NASA TP-2138, and NASA TM-84636

    Charge-to-mass dispersion methods for abrasion-ablation fragmentation models

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    Methods to describe the charge-to-mass dispersion distributions of projectile prefragments are presented and used to determine individual isotope cross-sections or various elements produced in the fragmentation of relativistic argon nuclei by carbon targets. Although slight improvements in predicted cross-sections are obtained for the quantum mechanical giant dipole resonance (GDR) distribution when compared qith the predictions of the geometric GDR model, the closest agreement between theory and experiment continues to be obtained with the simple hypergeometric distribution, which treats the nucleons in the nucleus as completely uncorrelated

    Phenomenological optical potential analysis of proton-carbon elastic scattering at 200 MeV

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    Differential cross sections for 200 MeV protons elastically scattered from C-12 were analyzed utilizing a local, complex, spin-dependent optical potential with a harmonic well radial dependence. Analyses were performed using the WKB and eikonal approximations. For the latter, first-order corrections to he phase shifts were incorporated to account for the spin-orbit contribution. Large disagreement between theory and experiment was observed when the usual Thomas form for the spin-orbit potential was utilized. Substantial improvement was obtained by allowing the parameters in the central and spin-orbit potential terms to vary independently

    Analytic determinations of single-folding optical potentials

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    A simple analytic method for calculating nucleon-nucleus optical potentials using a single folding of a Gaussian two body interaction with an arbitrary nuclear distribution is presented. When applied to proton-lead elastic scattering, the predicted real part of the Woods-Saxon potential is in substantial agreement with the experimentally determined phenomenological potential, although there are no adjustable parameters. In addition, the volume integrals of both real potentials are nearly identical

    Improvements to the Langley HZE abrasion model

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    Improvements to a previously developed high charge energy abrasion model are made by incorporating more realistic values for the constituent Fermi momentum and nucleon root-mean-square charge radius. The theoretical predictions for neon projectiles at 2.1 GeV/nucleon colliding with carbon and molybdenum targets are in excellent agreement with recent experiment results

    Transport model of nucleon-nucleus reaction

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    A simplified model of nucleon-nucleus reaction is developed and some of its properties are examined. Comparisons with proton production measured for targets of Al-27, Ni-58, Zr-90, and Bi-209 show some hope for developing an accurate model for these complex reactions. It is suggested that binding effects are the next step required for further development