2,511 research outputs found

    Evaluating the role of gamification and flow in e-consumers: millennials versus generation X

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    This research has three main objectives. First, it examines influence of gamification on the behavioral intention to use an e-commerce platform. Second, it analyzes the role of the flow state given its importance in terms of behavior in online environments. Finally, the study aims to detect and analyze differences between Millennials and Generation X.Es la versión enviada del artículo. Se puede consultar la versión final en https://doi.org/10.1108/K-07-2018-035

    Experiencias en entornos de Computación Ubicua mediante Arquitecturas Orientadas a Servicios

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    El desarrollo del proyecto Domoweb, cuyo objetivo principal, es la creación de un entorno domótico gestionado vía Web, nos ha permitido acumular experiencia sobre las arquitecturas orientadas a servicio, concretamente sobre la plataforma basada en la especificación de OSGi e implementada con software de fuentes abiertas. En este artículo, comentamos las decisiones tomadas durante el desarrollo del proyecto y ampliamos la visión inicial hacia ámbitos de computación ubicua más genéricos que el hogar digital. Además, señalamos la necesidad de integrar en la arquitectura propuesta, la gestión de los Servicios Web, ampliando de ese modo las capacidades del entorno y su funcionalidad

    Reference architecture for robot teleoperation: development details and practical use

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    The need to avoid redundant efforts in software development has been recognized for a long time. Currently, work is focused on the generation of products that are designed to be reused. A reference architecture for robot teleoperation systems has been developed using the domain-engineering process and certain architectural patterns. The architecture has been applied successfully to the development of different teleoperation platforms used in the maintenance activities of nuclear power plants. In particular, this paper presents how the reference architecture has been implemented in different systems, such as the Remotely Operated Service Arm (ROSA), the Teleoperated and Robotized System for Maintenance Operation in Nuclear Power Plants Vessels (TRON) and the Inspection Retrieving Vehicle (IRV).This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government Programmes for Research in Electrical Power (project PIE-041049), and for Technological Actuation in Industry (PAUTA projects 753/ 95 y 53/96). TRON is supported inside EUREKA– MAINE program (EU1565)

    Validación de la escala de engagement y efectos de la gamificación en el e-Commerce español

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    En este artículo presentamos la Escala de Engagement de Usuario (UES) como un instrumento válido y fiable para medir el engagement en el e-commerce español. Una vez confirmada su robustez, pretendemos comprobar si los elementos de Gamificación que se incluyen en la actualidad en sitios web de e-commerce influyen en el engagement del usuario. Se desarrollará un marco teórico sobre la escala del engagement y la Gamificación proponiendo un modelo de investigación. La UES será validada mediante el análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio, viéndose reducidos los factores que la componen. La influencia de la Gamificación sobre el engagement será comprobada mediante el empleo de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales.In this paper we present the User Engagement Scale (UES) as a valid and reliable instrument to measure engagement in Spanish e-commerce. Once confirmed its robustness, we try to verify if the elements of Gamification that are currently included in e-commerce websites influence the engagement of the user. A theoretical framework will be developed on the scale of engagement and Gamification proposing a research model. The UES will be validated through the exploratory and confirmatory analysis, reducing the factors that compose it. The influence of Gamification on engagement will be verified by the use of structural equation models

    Analysis of sonification for EEG classification

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    Objetive of the analysis: Analyze whether the implementation of EEG sonification can discriminate or highlight patterns to improve classification of words during unspoken speech.Trabajos libres ISTEC Salud y ACE.Ibero-American Science and Technology Education Consortium (ISTEC

    Grain yield, nutritional, polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in accessions of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)

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    Sorghum is an economically important crop in developing countries. The objective of this study was to compare the agronomic performance, and the chromatic, nutritional and nutraceutical properties of nineteen sorghum accessions cultivated in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Results showed that the grain yield (15.22 to 70.18 g per plant), days to flowering (73 to 92 days), panicle length (16.63 to 27.67 cm), luminosity (27.14 to 57.75), chromaticity (5.65 to 15.33) and hue angle (38.49 to 82.66) varied. The percentage of protein (7.33 to 3.43%), fiber (0.60 to 3.03%) and carbohydrates (70.17 to 78.39%) also varied. Grains had a high concentration of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium; the content of total phenols and total flavonoids (free + bound) was found in a range of 117.61 to 2367.01 mg GAE/100 g and 22.52 to 613.92 mg CE/100 g, respectively. The antioxidant capacities (free + bound) showed ranges from 65.09 to 2,017.58 μmol TE/100 g, 43.13 to 1,907.99 μmol TE/100 g and 107.20 to 3,523.20 μmol TE/100 g using the ABTS, DPPH and FRAP methods, respectively. A negative correlation (-0.36) was observed between grain yield and days to flowering. In addition, a positive correlation between phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity. These results confirm an important genetic diversity among the studied accessions of sorghum

    Adherence to Pro-Vegetarian Food Patterns and Risk of Oesophagus, Stomach, and Pancreas Cancers: A Multi Case–Control Study (The PANESOES Study)

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    We aimed to evaluate the association between three previously defined pro-vegetarian (PVG) food patterns and the cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, and pancreas in a multi case-control study. We analyzed data from a multi-case hospital-based study carried out in two Mediterranean provinces in Spain. A total of 1233 participants were included in the analyses: 778 incident cancer cases, histologically confirmed (199 oesophagus, 414 stomach, and 165 pancreas) and 455 controls. A dietary assessment was performed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Three PVG food patterns (general, healthful, and unhealthful) were estimated using 12 food groups for the general PVG (gPVG), scoring positive plant-based foods and negative animal-based foods, and 18 food groups, for the healthful (hPVG) and unhealthful (uPVG) food patterns. Multinomial logistic regression was used to estimate relative risk ratios (RRR) and confidence intervals (95% CI) for quintiles of adherence to PVG patterns and as a continuous variable. The RRR (95% CI) for the highest vs. the lowest quintile of gPVG were, RRR = 0.37 (0.32, 0.42) for the oesophagus, RRR = 0.34 (0.27, 0.43) for the stomach, and RRR = 0.43 (0.35, 0.52) for pancreas cancer. For the hPVG, the RRR were RRR = 0.72 (0.58, 0.90) for the oesophagus, RRR = 0.42 (0.34, 0.52) for the stomach, and RRR = 0.74 (0.59, 0.92) for pancreas cancer. The uPVG was associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer RRR = 1.76 (1.42, 2.18). Higher adherence to gPVG and hPVG food patterns is associated with a lower risk of oesophageal, stomach, and pancreas cancers, while a higher adherence to a uPVG food pattern is associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer.Funding: This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS 91/0435, RCESP C03/09), the Generalitat Valenciana (EVES 030/2005, CTGCA/2002/06, G03/136), CIBERESP

    Body Adiposity Index Performance in Estimating Body Fat Percentage in Colombian College Students : Findings from the FUPRECOL-Adults Study

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    Abstract: Recently, a body adiposity index (BAI = (hip circumference)/((height)(1.5))−18) was developed and validated in adult populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of BAI in estimating percentage body fat (BF%) in a sample of Colombian collegiate young adults. The participants were comprised of 903 volunteers (52% females, mean age = 21.4 years ± 3.3). We used the Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient, linear regression, Bland–Altman’s agreement analysis, concordance correlation coefficient (ρc) and the coefficient of determination (R 2 ) between BAI, and BF%; by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)). The correlation between the two methods of estimating BF% was R 2 = 0.384, p < 0.001. A paired-sample t-test showed a difference between the methods (BIA BF% = 16.2 ± 3.1, BAI BF% = 30.0 ± 5.4%; p < 0.001). For BIA, bias value was 6.0 ± 6.2 BF% (95% confidence interval (CI) = −6.0 to 18.2), indicating that the BAI method overestimated BF% relative to the reference method. Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient was poor (ρc = 0.014, 95% CI = −0.124 to 0.135; p = 0.414). In Colombian college students, there was poor agreement between BAI- and BIA-based estimates of BF%, and so BAI is not accurate in people with low or high body fat percentage levels

    Effect of cochlear implant in children suffering genetic hypoacusis caused by Waardenburg Syndrome and 35delG mutation

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    Introduction: Sensorineural hypoacusia is the most common form of hearing impairment, it is estimated that over 80% of all congenital hearing losses are from genetic origin, being distinguished in syndromic and non-syndromic; 35delG mutation is the most common cause of the first and Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is one of the most frequent in the last one; in both of them cases are usually identified patients with severe to profound hearing losses (HSP). The cochlear implant is considered an effective solution when the HSP do not get enough benefit through hearing aids. Objective: To analyze the results achieved with the use of cochlear implant in patients with HSP due to WS and 35delGmutation. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Were studied patients with HSP of genetic cause, 27 due to 35delGmutation and 15 by WS. Hearing and logophoniatrics tests were performed. Results: Inner ear lesions happening in the in the studied patients it seems not affect the benefits of cochlear implant if general proper conditions are given. Conclusions: Cochlear Implant is a worthful therapeutic alternative for the hearing impaired due to these two studied illness; however, those with 35delG mutation, achieved best hearing performance categories. Keywords: deafness, hearing loss, genetics, rehabilitation, hearing impairment correction.</p

    Preferencias tróficas de Pterois volitans (Scorpaenidae) en el área costera de Holguín, Cuba

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    El pez león (Pterois volitans) es una especie arrecifal que ha invadido de una manera vertiginosa el Atlántico Occidental. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la dieta del pez león en la zona costera de Holguín, Cuba. Para ello, se realizaron ocho campañas de muestreo durante el período abril-noviembre de 2016 en seis sitios costeros, incluyendo arrecifes frontales, artificiales y bahías, ubicados entre los 14 y 35 m de profundidad. Se analizó un total de 250 ejemplares con tallas entre 8 y 33 cm de longitud estándar. A través del análisis de sus contenidos estomacales se identificaron 27 tipos de presa, las cuales se agruparon en las categorías tróficas de peces, crustáceos y moluscos. Los peces fueron el componente preferencial en la dieta del pez león en base a los métodos numérico, frecuencia de ocurrencia, gravimétrico e índice de importancia relativa. Dentro de las presas, las especies de peces Holocentrus rufus y Monocanthus tuckeri fueron las más representativas. La dieta del pez león en el área de estudio reflejó la disponibilidad de las presas en cada sitio, lo que sugiere que es un predador oportunista (Índice de Levin = 0.91). No se encontró diferencias estadísticas en relación a la similitud entre los sitios de muestreo a partir del aporte del peso de los diferentes componentes consumidos