5,503 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Domestic Abuse Among Mexican American and Anglo American Women

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    This paper examines the role of culture in shaping perceptions, definitions, and interpretations Mexican American and Anglo American women hold of domestic abuse. Two theoretical views concerning perceptions that Mexican Americans may hold of domestic abuse are discussed. The first view suggests that Mexican American women follow a pluralist model and therefore differ significantly in their perceptions of domestic abuse from Anglo American women. The second position holds that Mexican American women are quickly becoming assimilated into the American mainstream and consequently share attitudes toward domestic abuse similar to those of Anglo American women. Interviews were conducted with women living in shelters for battered women in 1986. The findings suggest that for Mexican American women, cultural pluralism, rather than assimilation, may be the norm in understanding their perceptions of domestic abuse

    Organizational change and human resource management : human resources in multinationals

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2013-2014The present study is aimed at finding if there are better ways to act in terms of human resource practices whenever a company decides to become internationalized. With this purpose in mind, I would try to examine the literature, and analyze some previous studies which have key premises to being able to draw some conclusions. In other words, this work attempts to go through the literature which can allow me to conclude on what is the most appropriate internationalization strategy in human resources. On the contrary, if it is not possible to conclude on one single strategy, I would like to find out whether or not a strategy has more followers, or has better outcomes than the others. Therefore, in correlation with the above mentioned, each of the strategies will be firstly analyzed separately, and then I would also include some premises on the support each one has in the field of human resource management

    Paradise Lost: Difference between Adam and Eve’s Lament on Leaving Paradise - A Contrastive Analysis

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    The difference between Adam and Eve’s lament on leaving Paradise in Milton’s Paradise Lost is striking in its contrastive content and depth. This paper analyzes the difference that exists between the feelings and spiritual attitudes that Adam and Eve express on the occasion when they are informed by the angel Michael that they have to abandon the Garden of Eden. It is a comparison of their lament in order to understand the contrast of the two attitudes that Milton wove in the tapestry that Paradise Lost is. The paper also explores male and female roles in Paradise Lost and concludes that Adam and Eve are equal yet different, that difference being the cause of their contrastive ways of expressing their sorrow. Adam and Eve manifest two contrastive worldviews in opposition, one spiritual (heavenly), and the other material (earthly)

    Gentrification, touristification and revitalization of the Monumental Zone of Pontevedra, Spain

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore, through the analysis case, how the revitalization of a historic centre has been carried out and the role of tourism in this process. Design/methodology/approach This case study area is well-documented as there has been extensive fieldwork on the transformation of the commercial sector in the Monumental Zone of Pontevedra in the last three decades. In order to prepare this paper, a bibliographic review, in-depth interviews, premises registration data and population data have been used. Findings The findings show that the processes of change and revitalization do not conform to a single reality common to all historical centres, although similar strategies are developed, the role of the participating actors and, especially, the idiosyncrasy of these spaces change the outcomes. On the one hand, gentrification does not occur and the increase of residential uses is still a goal. On the other hand, the tourism strategy brings more visitors and complements the commerce activity and attraction. Social implications The new challenge of these spaces, and the urban contribution from this research, is that in the appropriation of space by citizens, tourism may be a complement for commerce, and shops and hospitality (facilities) make these spaces more livable. Although tourism does not necessarily increase the number of residents, the revenue from tourism may prevent the reoccurrence of abandonment. Originality/value The paper focusses on both gentrification and touristification; processes that have led to the substitution of residents and activities and the conflict with the local population and the normalization of urban life. This case has been selected because despite a seemingly successful revitalization process, recently some old threats seem to be returning

    Desenvolupament embrionari i fotosíntesi en mans d'un sol gen

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    Un grup d'investigació del CRAG ha descobert que un gen d'Arabidopsis thaliana codifica per a dues proteïnes essencials, una per a la fotosíntesi i una altra per al desenvolupament embrionari. Ara analitzarà si aquest mecanisme es dóna també en altres espècies d'interès agronòmic, perquè podria ajudar a millorar la qualitat de les llavors o el creixement de les plantes.Un grupo de investigación del Centro de Investigación en Agrigenòmica (CRAG) ha descubierto que un gen de Arabidopsis thaliana codifica para dos proteínas esenciales, una para la fotosíntesis y otra para el desarrollo embrionario. Ahora analizará si este mecanismo se da también en otras especies de interés agronómico, porque podría ayudar a mejorar la calidad de las semillas o el crecimiento de las plantas.A research group from CRAG discovers that one gene from Arabidopsis thaliana encodes for two essential proteins, one necessary for photosynthesis and another one necessary for embryo development. The next step for the research team will be to analyze if this mechanism is replicated in species of agronomic interest, which it could have a great impact in improving seed quality and plant growth

    Prednosti i izazovi prava intelektualnog vlasništva u vezi s procesom brodogradnje

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    The shipbuilding sector benefits greatly from the technological advances that engineers and shipyards attempt to introduce in vessels. Innovations normally come from the fields of industrial inventions, improvements in construction techniques and the design given to certain pieces of the ships. These developments may be protected through rights belonging to the intellectual property family. However, this protection may turn into an obstacle to international maritime traffic if patent holders in a port State enforce their rights against a vessel that enters that port. To avoid these barriers, the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property established an exception to the patent right regarding components that are used solely to cover the needs of the vessel (Art. 5ter of the Convention). The exclusion was extended subsequently to industrial designs through European regulation. Moreover, some improvements in vessels do not enter an Intellectual Property (IP) registry (through a patent or a design). Many times, they are kept secret by the shipbuilders. Some of these considerations have been crystallised in the most common international contracting forms regarding the construction of ships that we treat in the second part of this work. Thus, in the paper, we attempt to make a full analysis of the existing legal framework at an international, European and Spanish level, as well as of the most common forms used to shape the shipbuilding contract and process.Sektor brodogradnje ima velike koristi od tehnološkog napretka koji inženjeri i brodogradilišta pokušavaju uvesti kad je riječ o plovnim objektima. Inovacije obično dolaze iz područja industrijskih izuma, poboljšanja tehnika gradnje i dizajna određenih dijelova brodova. Ove inovacije mogu biti zaštićene pravima intelektualnog vlasništva. Međutim, pravna se zaštita može pretvoriti u prepreku međunarodnom pomorskom prometu ako nositelji patenta u državi luke provode svoja prava protiv broda koji ulazi u tu luku. Kako bi se izbjegle ove prepreke, Pariška konvencija za zaštitu industrijskog vlasništva utvrdila je iznimku od patentnog prava kad je riječ o komponentama koje se koriste isključivo za potrebe brodova (čl. 5ter Konvencije). Izuzetak je naknadno proširen na industrijski dizajn putem prava EU-a. Štoviše, neka poboljšanja na brodovima ne ulaze u registar intelektualnog vlasništva (putem patenta ili dizajna). Često ih brodograditelji drže u tajnosti. Neka od ovih razmatranja iskristalizirala su se u najčešćim međunarodnim ugovornim obrascima vezanim uz gradnju brodova koje obrađujemo u drugom dijelu ovog rada. Stoga, u radu nastojimo iznijeti cjelovitu analizu postojećeg pravnog okvira na međunarodnoj i europskoj razini te na razini španjolskog nacionalnog prava, kao i najčešćih ugovornih obrazaca koji se koriste za oblikovanje ugovora u sklopu procesa brodogradnje

    Autocuidado do cuidador informal de idosos em alguns países da América Latina: Revisão descritiva

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    Introduction: The family is responsible for the care of the elderly, giving rise to the informal caregiver. Objective: To describe the self-care of the informal caregiver of the elderly in some Latin American countries. Methodology: Descriptive review, on the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, Web of Science, Redalyc and Dialnet; analyzing full-text scientific articles of the last 13 years (2009-2022) in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Complementary documents related to the subject were searched on Web pages of national institutions of Latin American countries. Results: The analysis of the 25 scientific articles and 4 selected documents allowed to identify 4 axes: concepts of care, caregiver and types of caregivers; health of the informal caregiver of the elderly; theoretical basis of self-care and implementation of programs to care for the caregiver in some Latin American countries. Conclusions: It is evident that the self-care of caregivers of older people is decreased, directly affecting the health of this. Several Latin American countries support the informal caregiver, however, there is still much to be done for caregivers.Introducción: La familia es la responsable del cuidado a la persona mayor, lo que da origen al cuidador informal. Objetivo: Describir el autocuidado del cuidador informal de personas mayores en algunos países de Latinoamérica. Metodología: Revisión descriptiva en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, Web of Science, Redalyc y Dialnet, de artículos científicos a texto completo de los últimos 13 años (2009-2022) en idioma español, inglés y portugués; complementariamente se buscaron documentos referentes al tema en páginas web de instituciones nacionales de países latinoamericanos. Resultados: El análisis de los 25 artículos científicos y 4 documentos seleccionados permitieron identificar 4 ejes: conceptos de cuidado, cuidador y tipos de cuidadores; salud del cuidador informal de la persona mayor; base teórica del autocuidado, e implementación de programas para cuidar al cuidador en algunos países latinoamericanos. Conclusiones: Se evidencia que el autocuidado de los cuidadores de personas mayores está disminuido, lo que afecta directamente la salud de este. Varios países de Latinoamérica apoyan al cuidador informal, sin embargo, todavía hay mucho por hacer por las personas que cumplen la labor del cuidado.  Introdução: A família é responsável por cuidar do idoso, dando origem ao cuidador informal. Objetivo: Descrever o autocuidado do cuidador informal de idosos em alguns países da América Latina. Metodologia: Revisão descritiva nas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, SciELO, Web of Science, Redalyc e Dialnet; artigos científicos em texto completo dos últimos 13 anos (2009-2022) em espanhol, inglês e português; foram pesquisados ​​documentos complementares referentes ao assunto em páginas da Web de instituições nacionais de países da América Latina. Resultados: A análise dos 25 artigos científicos e 4 documentos selecionados permitiu identificar 4 eixos: conceitos de cuidado, cuidador e tipos de cuidadores; saúde do cuidador informal do idoso; base teórica do autocuidado e implementação de programas de cuidado ao cuidador em alguns países da América Latina. Conclusões: É evidente que o autocuidado dos cuidadores de idosos está diminuído, afetando diretamente sua saúde. Vários países da América Latina apoiam o cuidador informal, porém, ainda há muito a ser feito pelas pessoas que realizam o trabalho de cuidar

    Identificación de las competencias asociadas a la resolución de problemas en matemáticas en un grupo de estudiantes sordos

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    Con el objetivo de reconocer las debilidades de estudiantes sordos de algunas instituciones educativas la ciudad de Cali (Colombia) en lo que respecta a la adquisición del conocimiento matemático, planteamos esta investigación la cual se centra en los desempeños propios de la resolución de problemas matemáticos. Estos desempeños son analizados a través de los resultados de una prueba que involucra problemas numéricos, geométricos, algebraicos y aleatorios; con esto pretendemos dar a las instituciones de Educación Superior conclusiones que les permitan crear estrategias pedagógicas para generar una educación inclusiva de calidad a este grupo poblacional