5,291 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Classics to recover the Physical Sense in electrical noise

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    This paper shows a physically cogent model for electrical noise in resistors that has been obtained from Thermodynamical reasons. This new model derived from the works of Johnson and Nyquist also agrees with the Quantum model for noisy systems handled by Callen and Welton in 1951, thus unifying these two Physical viewpoints. This new model is a Complex or 2-D noise model based on an Admittance that considers both Fluctuation and Dissipation of electrical energy to excel the Real or 1-D model in use that only considers Dissipation. By the two orthogonal currents linked with a common voltage noise by an Admittance function, the new model is shown in frequency domain. Its use in time domain allows to see the pitfall behind a paradox of Statistical Mechanics about systems considered as energy-conserving and deterministic on the microscale that are dissipative and unpredictable on the macroscale and also shows how to use properly the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem

    Measuring the Quality of Machine Learning and Optimization Frameworks

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    Software frameworks are daily and extensively used in research, both for fundamental studies and applications. Researchers usually trust in the quality of these frameworks without any evidence that they are correctly build, indeed they could contain some defects that potentially could affect to thousands of already published and future papers. Considering the important role of these frameworks in the current state-of-the-art in research, their quality should be quantified to show the weaknesses and strengths of each software package. In this paper we study the main static quality properties, defined in the product quality model proposed by the ISO 25010 standard, of ten well-known frameworks. We provide a quality rating for each characteristic depending on the severity of the issues detected in the analysis. In addition, we propose an overall quality rating of 12 levels (ranging from A+ to D-) considering the ratings of all characteristics. As a result, we have data evidence to claim that the analysed frameworks are not in a good shape, because the best overall rating is just a C+ for Mahout framework, i.e., all packages need to go for a revision in the analysed features. Focusing on the characteristics individually, maintainability is by far the one which needs the biggest effort to fix the found defects. On the other hand, performance obtains the best average rating, a result which conforms to our expectations because frameworks’ authors used to take care about how fast their software runs.University of Malaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. We would like to say thank you to all authors of these frameworks that make research easier for all of us. This research has been partially funded by CELTIC C2017/2-2 in collaboration with companies EMERGYA and SECMOTIC with contracts #8.06/5.47.4997 and #8.06/5.47.4996. It has also been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and /Junta de Andalucı́a/FEDER under contracts TIN2014-57341-R and TIN2017-88213-R, the network of smart cities CI-RTI (TIN2016-81766-REDT

    Development and calibration of a cost-effective temperature sensor

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    Oceanographic sensors are accurate and reliable but very expensive. We have developed and calibrated a cheap temperature sensor with a good cost/ accuracy ratio.Peer Reviewe

    Cementos fotocataliticos. Reducción de contaminación y preservación de acabado en edificaciones

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    The environmental awareness of the promoters is one of the fundamental pieces to enable the sustainable development of our cities and it is also a vital work of the technicians involved in the building process to encourage and enliven this awareness among our customers. We know the tools needed to provide housing systems to make them more efficient, by involving and implicating the promoter throughout the process. Furtehermore, we are able to design and build homes that contribute to improve the environment in which they are located, not only by reducing our own consumption but also through direct interaction processes on the boundary conditions as environmental decontamination. In this way, we can create homes that become vectors of sustainability which in turn could lead to synergies in their environment. The property shown below has been designed by LAC-architecture and it is located in a peri-urban area of the city of Granada, with a mediterranean-continental climate in which there are alternating periods of temperaturas below zero with others which are above 40 º C. Due to these conditions, the materials and systems that control the inner housing conditions are subjected to a very wide range of actions. Attached to these systems, a photocatalytic cement based coating will be used and will be able to become a degradation source of the harmful organic and inorganic substances coming into contact with it. These substances are the NOX, SOX, NH3, CO, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorinated organic compounds, aldehydes and aromatic polycondensation which are responsible for air pollution in our cities.La concienciación medioambiental de los promotores es una de las piezas fundamentales para hacer posible el desarrollo sostenible de nuestras ciudades y es labor fundamental de los técnicos que intervienen en el proceso edificatorio fomentar y avivar dicha concienciación entre nuestros clientes. Conocemos las herramientas necesarias para dotar a las viviendas de los sistemas que las hagan más eficientes, haciendo partícipe e implicando al promotor en todo el proceso. De esta manera somos capaces de diseñar y construir viviendas que contribuyan a la mejora del entorno en el que se ubican, no sólo mediante la reducción de los consumos propios sino también mediante procesos de interacción directa sobre las condiciones de contorno como la descontaminación medioambiental. Podremos así crear viviendas que se conviertan en vectores de sostenibilidad que a su vez puedan provocar sinergias en su entorno. La vivienda que se ha diseñado y construido desde LACarquitectura y que se expone a continuación se sitúa en una zona periurbana de la ciudad de Granada, con un clima mediterráneo-continental en el que se alternan épocas de temperaturas bajo cero con otras en las que se superan los 40ºC con lo que los materiales y sistemas de control de las condiciones internas de la vivienda se someten a un rango de acción muy amplio. Unido a estos sistemas se utilizará un revestimiento con base de cemento FOTOCATALITICO que será capaz de convertirse en fuente de degradación de las sustancias orgánicas e inorgánicas nocivas con las que entren en contacto, como serán los NOX, SOX, NH3, CO, compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV), compuestos orgánicos clorados, aldehídos y compuestos aromáticos policondensados, que son los responsables de la contaminación atmosférica de nuestras ciudades

    Identificación calificación y solución jurídica de situaciones tributarias

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    El trabajo pretende identificar y calificar diversas situaciones que, en el ámbito tributario, se le plantean a varios sujetos. Determinar las obligaciones fiscales de cada uno de los sujetos mencionados en el supuesto, incluyendo los trabajadores, y con respecto a todos los tributos, para lo cual, utilizando la normativa vigente que se nombra en el siguiente apartado, se analizarán anualmente, las obligaciones tributarias de los distintos sujetos pasivos, así como las distintas cuestiones planteadas para cada ejercicio fiscal.Facultad de Ciencias de la EmpresaUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    La acreditación como modelo de gestión de la calidad: un análisis de su incorporación como tecnología administrativa. El caso de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

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    El Tratado Trilateral de Libre Comercio (TLC), así como los acuerdos establecidos con gran número de naciones, han generado en nuestro país fuertes repercusiones en el ámbito de la educación superior, lo que ha conducido a las instituciones a explorar nuevas estrategias para formar a sus estudiantes y académicos con bases de homologación en el contexto internacional. En este marco, el tema de la acreditación ha adquirido relevancia entre docentes, investigadores y responsables de las decisiones en el campo educativo. La acreditación como modelo de gestión de la calidad es un proceso de evaluación de la calidad de programas de estudio que parte de la premisa, de contribuir favorablemente a la mejora del ejercicio profesional, mediante el aumento de la calidad académica de las instituciones de educación superior y de sus planes y programas. En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de su incorporación como “tecnología administrativa” en la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH). El estudio se abordó desde la perspectiva de la tradición fenomenológica, con instrumentos cualitativos y cuantitativos, a partir del análisis del clima organizacional, mediante la exploración de las dimensiones internas del desempeño laboral de sus miembros e integrando al análisis las dimensiones del contexto de la organización: institución educativa, políticas públicas y modelo de gestión. Los resultados sugieren que la incorporación del modelo de gestión de la calidad (acreditación) como tecnología administrativa, se centra fundamentalmente en los rasgos socioculturales y de personalidad del sujeto y que su diseño y el contexto organizacional desempeñan un papel importante en su implementación.The North American Free Trade Agreement (TLC, Spanish initials; NAFTA, English initials) as well as many established agreements with other countries, have generated strong repercussions in the high superior academic education in Mexico, which makes institutions to explore new strategies in order to give students and academicians endorsements basis in the international context. With this frame, the accreditation subject has become relevant to teachers, researchers and people, who make decisions in the educational field, The accreditation as Quality Management Model is an evaluation process of the study of quality programs, trying to significantly contribute in a better professional exercise, through the increase of the high superior academic education quality, plans, and programs. This report proposes an analysis of incorporating the “administrative technology” in the UNACH Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny Faculty. The study was taken place from the perspective of the Phenomenological Tradition, with quantity-quality instruments, with respect of the analysis of the organizational environment, exploring internal dimensions of members’ working labor performance and integrating the organizational context dimensions to the analysis: educational institution, public politics, and negotiating model. Results suggest that the incorporation of the Quality Management Model (accreditation) as an administrative technology is fundamentally focused on socio-cultural and individual features of a person, and the design and the organizational context get a very significant role in implementation

    1/f Electrical Noise in Planar Resistors: The Joint Effect of a Backgating Noise and an Instrumental Disturbance

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    Any planar resistor (channel) close to a conducting layer left floating (gate) forms a capacitor C whose thermal voltage noise (kT/C noise) has a backgating effect on the sheet resistance of the channel that is a powerful source of 1/f resistance noise in planar resistors and, hence, in planar devices. This 1/f spectrum is created by the bias voltage V DS applied to the resistor, which is a disturbance that takes it out of thermal equilibrium and changes the resistance noise that existed in the unbiased device. This theory, which gives the first electrical explanation for 1/f electrical noise, not only gives a theoretical basis for the Hooge's formula but also allows the design of proper shields to reduce 1/f noise