28 research outputs found

    El lleure

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    Les imatges d'un món desaparegut

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    TGV, la connexió catalana a Europa

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    La febre dels ports esportius

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    Lipid droplet biogenesis induced by stress involves triacylglycerol synthesis that depends on group VIA phospholipase A2

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    This work investigates the metabolic origin of triacylglycerol (TAG) formed during lipid droplet (LD) biogenesis induced by stress. Cytotoxic inhibitors of fatty acid synthase induced TAG synthesis and LD biogenesis in CHO-K1 cells, in the absence of external sources of fatty acids. TAG synthesis was required for LD biogenesis and was sensitive to inhibition and down-regulation of the expression of group VIA phospholipase A2 (iPLA2-VIA). Induction of stress with acidic pH, C2-ceramide, tunicamycin, or deprivation of glucose also stimulated TAG synthesis and LD formation in a manner dependent on iPLA2-VIA. Overexpression of the enzyme enhanced TAG synthesis from endogenous fatty acids and LD occurrence. During stress, LD biogenesis but not TAG synthesis required phosphorylation and activation of group IVA PLA2 (cPLA2α). The results demonstrate that iPLA2-VIA provides fatty acids for TAG synthesis while cPLA2α allows LD biogenesis. LD biogenesis during stress may be a survival strategy, recycling structural phospholipids into energy-generating substrates