118 research outputs found

    Aging in the Social Space

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    A publication called Aging in the Social Space is a compilation of studies, which deal with theoretical understanding and empirical solutions, learning about problem spheres, specifying content parallels of social, legal, economic, moral and ethical views on senior issues in society, which are closely related to each other and are interconnected. This publication focus on the case study of Poland. It is supposed to provide a multidimensional view of old age issues and issues related to aging and care for old people in society. We believe that it is natural also to name individual spheres, in which society has some eff ect, either direct or indirect, within issues concerning seniors. Learning about these spheres is the primary prerequisite for successful use of social help to seniors in society

    Digital Transformation and Digital Competences of Urban and Rural Polish Youths

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    This article explores the level of digital competence of young people in Poland, with the indirect aim being to show the differences in the level of digital competence for adolescents living in rural and urban areas. The research covered a sample of 985 respondents, from 11-18 years old, from Poland. The research was carried out within the EU Kids Online network. The survey tool related to the assessment of digital competences covered issues of installation of software on mobile devices, configuration of internet access as pertains to confidential information, information security awareness, management of information downloaded from the internet, configuration of social networks, e-shopping, verification of costs related to the use of additional software, advanced information search, checking the reliability of information, and editing online content. Descriptive statistics, k-means cluster analysis, one-way analysis of variance (non-parametric test), and correlations were used to show the differences between rural and urban adolescents in the indicated areas. The collected data offer several postulates for education and education policy, being not only diagnostic but also implementational. Based on the analysis of the data, it was noted that: (a) Eleven areas related to basic digital competence strongly differentiate between urban and rural young people; (b) rural young people rate their own digital competence lower than urban young people do; (c) a small percentage of young people from both rural and urban areas have low digital competence; (d) one well-developed area of key competence does not always co-occur with another well-developed area; and (e) the style of using new media among rural and urban young people is similar

    What kind of support for digital competence development do pre-service teachers expect?

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    The aim of this article is to answer the question on what kind of support future teachers expect in order to effectively use new media (information and communication technologies, ICT) in their teaching and educational work. The research is part of the current needs for change in education (including higher education), which are determined by the intensive development of the information society. The research was conducted in 2022 in four Polish universities (three state universities, one private university) educating future pedagogical staff. The survey covered 1002 students, analysing the areas of support they expect in order to use ICT effectively. On the basis of the analysis of qualitative data, 7 categories related to the need for support were identified in the following areas: development of basic digital competences, skills in using e-learning platforms, strengthening knowledge on the use of basic equipment such as interactive whiteboards, increasing awareness and skills in the correct use of educational software, information support on educational software, access to OER, strengthening the LLL process, and improving access to IT infrastructure. The research is linked to the project 'Teachers of the future in the information society-between risk and opportunity paradigms' PPN/BEK/2020/1/00176

    Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy

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    This volume-"Selected Contemporary Challenges of Aging Policy"-is the most international of all published monographs from the series "Czech-Polish-Slovak Studies in Andragogy and Social Gerontology." Among the scholars trying to grasp the nuances and trends of social policy, there are diverse perspectives, resulting not only from the extensive knowledge of the authors on the systematic approach to the issue of supporting older people but also from the grounds of the represented social gerontology schools. In the texts of Volume VII interesting are both distinct and coherent elements presenting the role of local, regional and global policies in the prism of the countries from which the authors originate: the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Turkey, and the United States. The chapters show a wealth of methodological approaches to the perception of social policy and its tools. In the texts there are issues related to the idea of active ageing, discrimination against older people in the workplace, comparability of solutions friendly to employment of older adults in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia as well as focused on the importance of educational forms determining an active life in old age. This monograph also attempted to answer the question regarding how to transfer the idea of intergenerational learning into the realm of practice. This issue complements the chapter on the implementation of intergenerational programs in institutions providing long-term care support. The book also outlines a public policy on ageing in the perspective of the changes over the last few decades and the case demonstrating solutions to accelerate self-reliance as a key to active ageing. We hope that seventh volume of our series will be an intellectual stimulus for further international research on change in social policy and will contribute to the dissemination of best practices as well as contribute to positive social change

    Editorial: Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population

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    Gerontology together with its subfields, such as social gerontology (sociology of ageing), geragogy, educational gerontology, political gerontology, environmental gerontology, and financial gerontology, is still a relatively new academic discipline that is currently intensively developing, expanding research fields and combining various theoretical and practical perspectives. The interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and multidisciplinarity of research on ageing and old age, despite its vast thematic, methodological and theoretical diversity, have a common denominator, which is the focus of research work on improving the quality of life of older people (see Fabiś et al., 2015). It is the concern for the components of quality of life such as welfare and well-being as well as focus on learning about phenomena conditioning successful ageing that has become motivators and premises hidden or visible in many texts included in the Research Topic "Perspectives and Theories of Social Innovation for Ageing Population." The Research Topic that we are presenting to our readers is unique not only because of its size but above all because of its novelty and social involvement, visible in the content of individual chapters. The presented collection includes 17 articles prepared in total by 76 authors from the following countries: China, Finland, Germany, Ghana, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Two journals were combined with this Research Topic: "Frontiers in Public Health" and "Frontiers in Sociology." The presented Research Topic contains seven types of articles covering: two community case studies (Brown et al.; Pinzón-Pulido et al.), eight original research articles (Berde; Bjursell; Dovie; Senior; Spinelli et al.; Stypińska et al.; Wanka; Zhang and Yang), two perspective articles (Aoo et al.; Piel and Robra), one hypothesis and theory paper (Toczyski et al.), one policy and practice review (Tziraki-Segal et al.), one methods article (Ramovš et al.), and two book reviews (Cieśla; Leszko)

    Parents’ knowledge and skills about the risks of the digital world

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    In this article we present the level of knowledge and literacy held by the parents  of primary school students regarding internet safety (online safety, digital safety) in the context of digital literacy (DL) in terms of both technical skills and knowledge. The study reported on here was conducted in Poland, and was commissioned by the Ministry of National Education. The research involved measuring the knowledge and skills regarding the prevention of electronic threats (ethreats) which are defined as problematic situations and  behaviour mediated by digital media and the internet. E-threats are related to mental and physical health, social aspects and technical matters related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). In order to narrow down the research area, 6 components related to e-threats were selected, namely: the ergonomics of using digital media; the evaluation of the reliability of online information; the influence of advertising on consumers’ choices; risky online relationships; understanding the mechanisms of secure logging-in; and protection against malware. The DL level was measured using a competence test. An analysis of 514 tests revealed that the most neglected areas were the protection of children against unwanted communication with other users, and secure loggingin.  The strongest component was the ergonomics of using ICT. We also noted that more than one fifth of parents showed a satisfactory level of DL related to online safety. Another observation was that DL is a complex and heterogeneous concept. The DL components are related with one another to different extents. Some DL elements are determined by the level of education, place of living, subjective sense of own well-being or intuitive perception (self-evaluation). Keywords: digital literacy; digital safety; first stage of education; parents; schoo

    Comparison of web applications development using Spring MVC and Vaadin

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    The article presents the results of web application development effectiveness on Java platform in 1.8 version using Spring MVC and Vaadin frameworks. The comparative analysis was conducted with test applications, implementing the same functionalities in both technologies

    Is real screen time a determinant of problematic smartphone and social network use among young people?

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    Smartphone use by adolescents is increasingly attracting the interest of social scientists, parents, and educational stakeholders (teachers, educators, educational policy makers), generally in a negative context. There are, however, many myths surrounding the issue, resulting from the reproduction of stereotypes about the psychosocial functioning of adolescents in cyberspace, as well as inadequately constructed research tools that measure how new media are used. This text is an attempt to show the phenomenon of problematic Internet use through the prism of screen time measured using real data from smartphones. The research was conducted in first half of 2022 among adolescents aged 13–19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina (N = 1185, mean age = 15.47 with standard deviation = 1.84). The research was implemented using a triangulation of tools such as the Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS Scale), Software Installed on the Smartphone (SIS Scale), The Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), and the Screen Time Scale (STS). From the data collected, it was noted that: 1) Screen time correlates weakly with problematic smartphone use and social networking; 2)The average period of smartphone use in the study group is 3 h49 minutes per day, of which 37 min are related to web browsing, while 2 h22 minutes are related to social networking; 3) A quarter of adolescents use a smartphone more than 5.5 h per day, of which more than 2 h15 minutes is screen time related to social media; 4) Approximately half of the respondents use smartphones slightly more than 2 h per day; 5) Girls use smartphones for longer than boys; 6) Place of residence (city or countryside) does not affect screen time; 7) Screen time is related to a medium degree to the type of software installed on the smartphone; 8) There is a need to refine the measurement methodology of screen time and to abandon self-declaration in this area

    FOMO (Fear of Missing out) – wyzwanie diagnostyczne i edukacyjne

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    The aim of the article is to characterize the phenomenon of FOMO in the diagnostic perspective. This special type of Internet addiction has been discussed in the context of the socio-educational challenge included in the paradigm of the risk media pedagogy. The FOMO phenomenon is a relatively new risky behavior that emerged due to the dissemination of new media. The text attempts to analyze FOMO taking into account various diagnostic criteria. The article is divided into two parts. The first one includes basic information about Internet addiction, and the second one is devoted to the FOMO measurement methods.Celem artykułu jest charakterystyka zjawiska FOMO w perspektywie diagnostycznej. Ten rodzaj uzależnienia od Internetu został omówiony w kontekście wyzwania społeczno-wychowawczego, mieszczącego się w paradygmacie ryzyka pedagogiki mediów. Zjawisko FOMO jest relatywnie nowym zachowaniem ryzykownym, które pojawiło się za sprawą upowszechnienia mediów sieciowych. W tekście podjęto próbę spojrzenia na FOMO w perspektywie różnych kryteriów diagnostycznych. W artykule, w części wstępnej, zarysowano zjawisko uzależnienia od Internetu. Następnie dokonano charakterystyki FOMO wraz ze sposobami mierzenia