1,024 research outputs found

    On African Eupsilobiinae (Coleoptera: Endomychidae) with Descriptions of a New Genus and Species

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    Species of the South African genus Microxenus Wollaston are revised. Microxenus laticollis Wollaston is redescribed, and M. muelleri sp. nov. and M. krugeri sp. nov. are described. Natalinus gen. nov. and its single included species, N. klimaszewskii sp. nov. are described. All of these taxa are diagnosed and illustrated, and a key to the species of Microxenus is presented. Female genitalia of newly described species are discussed in terms of monophyly of Eupsilobiinae. Zoogeographical and biological data of African Eupsilobiinae are summarized

    Review of the Natural History of the Handsome Fungus Beetles (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea: Endomychidae)

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    The literature pertaining to natural history of Endomychidae (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) is reviewed. One hundred fungal host records are provided for 32 endomychid species. Twenty-three records of endomychid yeast endosymbionts are compiled. Summaries are also presented for feeding preferences, interactions with natural enemies, non-lethal symbiotic relationships, and pest activity within the family. Unusual endomychid behaviors and habitats are reviewed, with particular attention to gregariousness and defensive strategies within Endomychidae

    Análisis multifactorial de la variable estacional sobre la composición y las propiedades térmicas de la grasa de mantequilla, con énfasis en la evaluación de la autenticidad

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the seasonal variation in the composition and thermal properties of butterfat (BF) in order to evaluate the applicability of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for the authenticity assessment of butter. The composition of fatty acids (FA) and triacylglycerols (TAG) and the thermal properties of genuine BF purchased in the summer and in the winter from six producers were determined. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to recognize variation and as a result, all BF samples were classified into two groups: one composed of mixed samples from the summer and winter and the other comprising only summer BF samples. DSC and GC analysis revealed that the group of only summer BF samples was characterized by lower melting temperatures and peak heights of low- and medium melting fractions and the highest proportions of unsaturated FAs (ΣC18:1, ΣC18:2, ΣC18:3). The results indicated that most of the variation in the composition and thermal properties was affected by summer BF samples, which may result from the alternative animal feeding systems employed in the summer season, i.e., pasture vs. indoor. Therefore, seasonal variation should be taken into consideration during the elaboration of the analytical method of authenticity assessment.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la variable estacional sobre la composición y las propiedades térmicas de grasa de mantequilla (GM) con el fin de evaluar la aplicabilidad de la calorimetría diferencial de barrido (CDB) en la evaluación de la autenticidad de la mantequilla. Se determinó la composición de ácidos grasos (AG) y triglicéridos (TG) y las propiedades térmicas de GM genuina de seis productores en verano e invierno. Se utilizó el análisis de componentes (ACP) principales para reconocer la variación y, como resultado, todas las muestras de GM se clasificaron en dos grupos: uno compuesto de muestras mixtas de verano e invierno y los otro que comprende muestras BF solamente de verano. El análisis mediante CDB y cromatografía gaseosa, mostró que el grupo de la GM de verano se caracteriza por temperaturas de fusión más bajas y alturas de los picos de las fracciones de bajo y medio punto de fusión y mayores proporciones de AG insaturado (ΣC18:1, ΣC18:2, ΣC18:3). Los resultados indicaron que la mayor parte de la variación en la composición y las propiedades térmicas se deben a las muestras de GM de verano, que puede ser debido al sistema de alimentación alternativo utilizado en la temporada de verano: es decir, pasto vs cobertura. Por lo tanto, la variación estacional se debe tomar en cuenta durante la elaboración del método de análisis para la evaluación de la autenticidad

    Promoter methylation of cancer-related genes in gastric carcinoma

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    Genetic changes associated with gastric cancer are not completely known, but epigenetic mechanisms involved in this disease seem to play an important role in its pathophysiology. One of these mechanisms, an aberrant methylation in the promoter regions of genes involved in cancer induction and promotion, may be of particular importance in gastric cancer. Aim: To analyze the methylation status of eight genes: Apaf-1, Casp8, CDH1, MDR1, GSTP1, BRCA1, hMLH1, Fas in gastric cancer patients. Methods: The methylation pattern of the genes was assessed by methylation specific restriction enzyme PCR (MSRE-PCR) in gastric tumors taken during surgery of 27 patients and compared with the methylation pattern in material obtained from biopsy in 25 individuals without cancer and pre-cancerous lesions. Results: We observed a promoter hypermethylation in the Casp8, hMLH1, CDH1 and MDR1 in gastric cancer patients as compared with the controls. Additionally, we investigated the relationship between promoter hypermethylation and age, gender, smoking and gastric cancer family history. The hypermethylation of the hMLH1 gene occurred more frequently in female than in men, and the hypermethylation of the CDH1 gene was observed preferentially in smoking than in non-smoking individuals. Conclusion: The data obtained indicate that changes in DNA methylation may contribute to gastric carcinogenesis.Генетические изменения, ассоциированные с опухолью желудка, изучены не в полной мере. В то же время эпигенетические механизмы скорее всего играют ключевую роль и лежат в основе возникновения этого заболевания. Один из таких механизмов– нарушенияметилирования промоторов генов, которые регулируют злокачественнуютрансформациюи прогрессирование опухолевого процесса, может быть особенно важным в развитии рака желудка. Цель: проанализировать статус метилирования промоторов восьми генов: Apaf-1, Casp8, CDH1, MDR1, GSTP1, BRCA1, hMLH1, Fas у больных раком желудка. Методы: метилирование промоторов генов изучали с помощьюспецифической к сайтамметилирования рестрикцией с ПЦР (MSRE-PCR) на хирургическомматериале (опухоли желудка) 27 пациентов. Вкачестве контроля использовали иопсийныйматериал, полученный от 25 больных, у которых не было выявлено рака или предраковых состояний. Результаты: отмечали гиперметилирование промоторов генов Casp8, hMLH1, CDH1 и MDR1 в опухолевой ткани желудка по сравнению с контрольными образцами. Кроме того, нами была прослежена взаимосвязь между гиперметилированием промоторов генов и возрастом, полом пациентов, курением и семейной историей заболевания раком желудка. Гиперметилирование гена hMLH1 выявляли чаще у женщин, чем у мужчин, а гиперметилирование гена CDH1 — в основном у курильщиков. Выводы: полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что метилирование ДНК может играть важную роль при развитии рака желудка

    Anatomy and clinical significance of the maxillary nerve: a literature review

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    Background: The aim of this paper was to summarise the anatomical knowledge on the subject of the maxillary nerve and its branches, and to show the clinical usefulness of such information in producing anaesthesia in the region of the maxilla. Materials and methods: A literature search was performed in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and Google Scholar databases, including studies published up to June 2014, with no lower data limit. Results: The maxillary nerve (V2) is the middle sized branch of the trigeminal nerve — the largest of the cranial nerves. The V2 is a purely sensory nerve supplying the maxillary teeth and gingiva, the adjoining part of the cheek, hard and soft palate mucosa, pharynx, nose, dura mater, skin of temple, face, lower eyelid and conjunctiva, upper lip, labial glands, oral mucosa, mucosa of the maxillary sinus, as well as the mobile part of the nasal septum. The branches of the maxillary nerve can be divided into four groups depending on the place of origin i.e. in the cranium, in the sphenopalatine fossa, in the infraorbital canal, and on the face. Conclusions: This review summarises the data on the anatomy and variations of the maxillary nerve and its branches. A thorough understanding of the anatomy will allow for careful planning and execution of anaesthesiological and surgical procedures involving the maxillary nerve and its branches

    Wyznaczenie parametrów sprężystych płytkiego ośrodka geologicznego nad wykształcającą się niecką obniżeniową

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    Seismic and geodetic studies were carried out before, during, and after underground exploitation of a coal bed in Katowice – Kleofas Coal Mine, located in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland. Development of a subsidence trough was completed approximately 3 months after passage of a longwall exploitation in the coal seam. This was the time required for the subsidence trough to appear on the surface, which was confirmed by levelling measurements. Sharp changes in the elastic parameters were observed on each profile during subsidence trough development. This observation can result from changing tension and compression forces caused by increase and/or decrease of the elastic parameters of the rock mass. After completion of subsidence trough development, the rock mass appeared to return to its isotropic state and the observed changes ceased. Some minor fluctuations were noted, but they probably resulted from changes in groundwater levels, which might have affected the measured parameters

    Rapid determination of the storage time of cold-pressed berry seed oils using flash gas chromatography E-Nose coupled with chemometrics

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    Since oils containing a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids are susceptible to oxidation, it is necessary to monitor the degree of deterioration during storage, e.g. by measuring the volatile compounds. This study aimed to assess volatile profiles of berry seed oils in terms of the authenticity and the deterioration assessment using flash gas chromatography (FGC E-Nose) combined with chemometrics. Berry seed oils (raspberry, blackcurrant, strawberry, chokeberry), obtained from three different suppliers and stored for a one year in brown bottles at room temperature, were analysed after 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of storage. Principal component analysis enabled separation of oil samples by different berry types, suppliers and storage times. To predict the storage time, partial least square (PLS) models were built for each type of berry oil. Determination coefficients (R2) in cross-validation ranged from 0.842 (RMSECV = 1.69 months) to 0.969 (RMSECV = 0.75 months). Selecting the specific regions of chromatograms improved the residual prediction deviation (RPD) to values between 2.8 and 5.7, which indicated the suitability of the PLS models to predict the storage time in the quality control of berry oils

    The Thebesian valve and its significance for electrophysiologists

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    Background: Invasive cardiac procedures, such as arrhythmia ablation, cardiac resynchronisation therapy, percutaneous mitral annuloplasty and retrograde cardioplegia delivery require cannulation of the coronary sinus (CS). Detailed knowledge of the CS ostium region, including recognition of the presence of the Thebesian valve which sometimes covers the sinus, is a key to successfully carryout such procedures.Materials and methods: In the present study, 160 autopsied human hearts from both sexes were examined for the presence of the Thebesian valve. If identified, the histological structure of the valve was studied.Results: Five types of the CS valve were distinguished; all of them presented with a typical histological structure with the exception of the cord-like type, in which cells were similar to those of the conduction system of the heart.Conclusions: Proper identification of the CS valve and analysis of its size and histological features could have important implications for electrophysiologists