40 research outputs found

    Kapłańska droga księdza prałata Stanisława Indyka

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    The life of priest Stanisław Indyk is an example of how to fulfill priestly vocation as well as a guidepost showing people the way to God. After he became a priest he worked in the parish as a religion teacher. Then he became a tutor at the Theological Seminary in Tarnów. During the war he took care of his parishioners in Tarnów-Mościce. He organized secret teaching, charity help and he was in charge of building a new church. The hard work has badly affected his health. He lived 80 years serving God and people.Życie ks. Stanisława Indyka stanowi dla kapłanów przykład realizacji powołania, a dla wiernych świeckich jest wyraźnym drogowskazem w drodze do Boga. Po otrzymaniu święceń kapłańskich pracował jako wikariusz i katecheta. Następnie pełnił posługę ojca duchownego i prefekta w Seminarium Duchownym w Tarnowie. W trudnych czasach wojny i okupacji otaczał pasterską troską swoich parafian w Tarnowie-Mościcach. Zorganizował ośrodek tajnego nauczania, rozwijał pomoc charytatywną oraz budował nowy kościół parafialny. Wytężona praca duszpasterska odbiła się na jego zdrowiu. Przeżył 80 lat, służąc z oddaniem Bogu i ludziom

    Ewaluacja jako narzędzie zarządzania w sektorze publicznym

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    Evaluation has accompanied public interventions for almost 100 years. At least since the prevalence of the NPM model evaluation should be regarded as a management tool and its role and effectiveness ought to be analyzed in this context. Meanwhile, the relationship of evaluation and management processes does not seem to be widely discussed in the literature. This article is an attempt to fill this gap. It presents a selection of the literature on management (mainly strategic) and evaluation relating to the place of evaluation in the management cycle of public intervention. Then it proposes a model of evaluation as the process accompanying the management of public intervention, which may be the basis for future analyzes of the use of evaluation.Ewaluacja towarzyszy interwencjom publicznym od prawie 100 lat. Przynajmniej od momentu rozpowszechnienia modelu NPM (new public management) nie powinno ulegać wątpliwości, że ewaluację należy traktować jako narzędzie zarządzania i jej rola oraz efektywność powinny być analizowane w tym kontekście. Tymczasem relacja procesów ewaluacji i zarządzania nie wydaje się być szeroko omawiana w literaturze. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą wypełnienia tej luki. Prezentuje wybór literatury poświęconej zarządzaniu (głównie strategicznemu) i ewaluacji, odnoszącej się do miejsca ewaluacji w cyklu zarządzania interwencją publiczną. Następnie proponuje model ewaluacji jako procesu towarzyszącego zarządzaniu interwencją publiczną, który może stanowić podstawę przyszłych analiz wykorzystania ewaluacji

    Practical aspects of genetic identification of hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms for clinical and forensic purposes

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    Aim To assess the usefulness of a DNA-based method for identifying mushroom species for application in forensic laboratory practice. Methods Two hundred twenty-one samples of clinical forensic material (dried mushrooms, food remains, stomach contents, feces, etc) were analyzed. ITS2 region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced and the sequences were compared with reference sequences collected from the National Center for Biotechnology Information gene bank (GenBank). Sporological identification of mushrooms was also performed for 57 samples of clinical material. Results Of 221 samples, positive sequencing results were obtained for 152 (69%). The highest percentage of positive results was obtained for samples of dried mushrooms (96%) and food remains (91%). Comparison with GenBank sequences enabled identification of all samples at least at the genus level. Most samples (90%) were identified at the level of species or a group of closely related species. Sporological and molecular identification were consistent at the level of species or genus for 30% of analyzed samples. Conclusion Molecular analysis identified a larger number of species than sporological method. It proved to be suitable for analysis of evidential material (dried hallucinogenic mushrooms) in forensic genetic laboratories as well as to complement classical methods in the analysis of clinical materia

    A search for genes modulated by interleukin-6 alone or with interleukin-1β in HepG2 cells using differential display analysis

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    AbstractInterleukin-1 and interleukin-6 are principal cytokines involved in regulation of expression of acute-phase proteins. In the joint action of both cytokines IL-1 can suppress or enhance the IL-6-dependent induction of gene expression. Here, we report changes in the transcriptome profile of HepG2 cells exposed to IL-6 alone, or IL-1 and IL-6. Cytokine-responsive genes were identified by differential display analysis. Validation of observed changes in the transcript level was carried out using the slot blot method. Out of 88 cDNA species modulated by IL-6, only 38 represent different known genes whereas 18 clones match genomic clones in NCBI data with hypothetical cDNA sequences (the remaining 32 clones showed no homology with the database or represented several clones of the same gene). In the experiments with HepG2 cells prestimulated for 3 h with IL-1 and then stimulated with IL-6, 43 cDNA fragments were amplified. Twenty-three of them represent known genes while 10 clones have inserts matching hypothetical cDNA sequences in NCBI data. The identified transcripts modulated by IL-6 or both cytokines in HepG2 cells code for intracellular proteins of various function. The largest groups represent genes engaged in metabolism, protein synthesis and signaling pathways. Among all genes identified as differentially regulated under stimulation by IL-6, or IL-1/IL-6, six were detected in both types of stimulation. None of the typical genes coding for plasma acute phase proteins was identified in our experiments. This indicates that differential display cannot be used to characterize the profile of a given transcriptome. On the other hand, it is a useful technique for detection of new genes responding to IL-6 alone or IL-6 in combination with IL-1

    Confirmation of paternity despite three genetic incompatibilities at chromosome 2

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    DNA testing in cases of disputed paternity is a routine analysis carried out in genetic laboratories. The purpose of the test is to demonstrate similarities and differences in analyzed genetic markers between the alleged father, mother, and a child. The existence of differences in the examined loci between the child and the presumed father may indicate the exclusion of biological parenthood. However, another reason for such differences is genetic mutations, including chromosome aberrations and genome mutations. The presented results relate to genetic analyses carried out on three persons for the purposes of disputed paternity testing. A deviation from inheritance based on Mendel’s Law was found in 7 out of 53 STR-type loci examined. All polymorphic loci that ruled out the paternity of the alleged father were located on chromosome 2. Additional analysis of 32 insertion–deletion markers (DIPplex, Qiagen) and sequencing of 94 polymorphic positions of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) type (Illumina, ForenSeq) did not exclude the defendant’s biological paternity. A sequence analysis of STR alleles and their flanking regions confirmed the hypothesis that the alleles on chromosome 2 of the child may originate only from the mother. The results of the tests did not allow exclusion of the paternity of the alleged father, but are an example of uniparental maternal disomy, which is briefly described in the literature

    The analgesic efficiency of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block after caesarean delivery

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    Objectives: The ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is a supporting method of pain relief after different types of surgical and gynecological procedures. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the analgesic effects of the TAP-block in patients undergoing caesarean section. Material and methods: 88 women undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia were prospectively randomized into two groups. In the first group, an ultrasound-guided bilateral TAP block was performed using 40 mL 0.25% bupivacaine, while the second group was treated without a regional nerve block. Both groups received a standard analgesia protocol with intravenous paracetamol administered every 6 hours and intravenous tramadol on-demand, delivered using the Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) method. Pain intensity was assessed according to the visual analogue scale (VAS) directly after the TAP block and at 3, 6 and 12 hours postoperatively. Any patient complaints and side-effects during the postoperative period were recorded. Results: The TAP block resulted in a significant reduction of pain intensity using the visual analogue scale after 3, 6 and 12 hours (p < 0.05) and a significant decrease in tramadol administration (p < 0.05) during the first 12 hours postoperatively. No significant differences in the heart rate and blood pressure were noted between groups (p > 0.05). There were no complications related to the TAP block. Conclusions: The TAP block is a safe and effective adjunctive method of pain relief after caesarean delivery

    Bona fide colour: DNA prediction of human eye and hair colour from ancient and contemporary skeletal remains

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    Background: DNA analysis of ancient skeletal remains is invaluable in evolutionary biology for exploring the history of species, including humans. Contemporary human bones and teeth, however, are relevant in forensic DNA analyses that deal with the identification of perpetrators, missing persons, disaster victims or family relationships. They may also provide useful information towards unravelling controversies that surround famous historical individuals. Retrieving information about a deceased person's externally visible characteristics can be informative in both types of DNA analyses. Recently, we demonstrated that human eye and hair colour can be reliably predicted from DNA using the HIrisPlex system. Here we test the feasibility of the novel HIrisPlex system at establishing eye and hair colour of deceased individuals from skeletal remains of various post-mortem time ranges and storage conditions.Methods: Twenty-one teeth between 1 and approximately 800 years of age and 5 contemporary bones were subjected to DNA extraction using standard organic protocol followed by analysis using the HIrisPlex system.Results: Twenty-three out of 26 bone DNA extracts yielded the full 24 SNP HIrisPlex profile, therefore successfully allowing model-based eye and hair colour prediction. HIrisPlex analysis of a tooth from the Polish general Władysław Sikorski (1881 to 1943) revealed blue eye colour and blond hair colour, which was positively verified from reliable documentation. The partial profiles collected in the remaining three cases (two contemporary samples and a 14th century sample) were sufficient for eye colour prediction.Conclusions: Overall, we demonstrate that the HIrisPlex system is suitable, sufficiently sensitive and robust to successfully predict eye and hair colour from ancient and contemporary skeletal remains. Our findings, therefore, highlight the HIrisPlex system as a promising tool in future routine forensic casework involving skeletal remains, including ancient DNA studies, for the prediction of eye and hair colour of deceased individuals