461 research outputs found

    “Burn it into a reindeer, not into a moose.”:the use of idioms in Remedy’s Control

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    Abstract. Understanding and employing idioms is one of the hardest parts of using any language. That idioms can be very much tied to their originating cultures adds a further level of difficulty. However, idioms and the fact that they are often language- and culture-bound can also be used for various effects on purpose. In the most recent game released by the digital game developer Remedy’s, called Control, a side character in-game uses idioms that, are translated directly from Finnish into English. This thesis aims to study the role and effect that the idioms have on the player and in the game. The research questions addressed in this thesis are: 1) How can the idioms in Control be categorised? and 2) What effect does the use of idioms have on the character that uses them? This is done by categorising the idioms and then comparing them with their correctly translated English equivalents. A brief character analysis is also conducted on the character that uses the idioms since the way in which he uses them forms such a large and integral part of the character.Tiivistelmä. Idiomien käyttäminen ja oppiminen ovat suurimpia haasteita, joita kuka tahansa uutta kieltä opetteleva joutuu kohtaamaan. Idiomien kulttuurisidonnaisuus tekee tästä vain entistä vaikeampaa. Idiomeja sekä niiden kieli- ja kulttuurisidonnaisuutta voidaan kuitenkin hyödyntää eri tarkoituksiin. Pelikehittäjä Remedyn uusimmassa Control-nimisessä pelissä esitellään sivuhahmo, jonka käyttämät idiomit on käännetty tarkoituksella väärin sananmukaisesti suomesta englantiin. Tämä kandtaatintutkielma pyrkii tutkimaan hahmon käyttämien idiomien roolia pelissä sekä niiden vaikutusta, jotka niillä on pelissä ja pelaajaan. Tutkielma vastaa seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: 1) Miten Control-pelissä esiintyvät idiomit voidaan luokitella? ja 2) Mikä vaikutus idiomien käytöllä on hahmoon, joka niitä käyttää? Tutkielmassa idiomit luokitellaan Penttilän ja Muikku-Wernerin mallin mukaisesti neljään eri kategoriaan: täysin läpinäkymättömiin käännösidiomeihin, jälkikäteen läpinäkyviin käännösidiomeihin, kirjaimellisesti tai kuvaannollisesti läpinäkyviin käännösidiomeihin” sekä ”kirjaimellisesti tai kuvaannollisesti läpinäkyviin mukautettuihin käännösidiomeihin”. Pelissä esiintyviä idiomeja myös verrataan niiden oikeaoppisiin englanninkielisiin käännöksiin. Lisäksi tutkielma tarjoaa lyhyen analyysin hahmosta, joka idiomeja käyttää ja jonka piirteisiin niiden käyttäminen olennaisesti kuuluu

    Regional and global patterns of internationalisation of Finnish MNES

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    Much of the recent evidence on the internationalisation patterns of Finnish MNEs has come from analyses of the Top 30 firms. This paper uses newly available data from the Orbis database on the foreign affiliates of Finnish MNEs, and compares this to the existing sources of data from the Bank of Finland and Statistics Finland. By utilising firmlevel that includes smaller internationalising firms, we are able to get a more comprehensive picture of the international activities Finnish firms. We are also able to present an analytically grounded classification of the different types of internationalising firms in terms of the spread or entropy of their international activities. Such a classification will enable a more fine-grained measure of internationalisation in future studies that examine for example the effects of internationalisation on the home country

    Oulun luonnon monimuotoisuus, VILMO - Viheralueverkosto ja luonnon monimuotoisuus

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    Kohti vedenpinnan alaista humanistista maisemaa : moniaistinen sukellus Itämereen

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    Valtaosa vedenpinnan alaisen maiseman tutkimuksesta on tehty tieteellisteknisestä näkökulmasta ja humanistinen näkökulma on jäänyt vähemmälle huomiolle. Humanistiselle tutkimukselle on tarvetta, koska se on useimmille ihmisille luonteva näkökulma maailmaan. Kehon ja ympäristön suhde on tärkeä näkökulma lähestyttäessä vedenpinnan alaista maisemaa ihmistieteiden näkökulmasta. Artikkelimme päätutkimuskysymys on seuraava: mitä kehollisia tuntemuksia, tunteita ja ajatuksia vedenpinnan alainen maisema tarjoaa vapaa-ajan laitesukeltajille Itämeren alueella? Lähestymme teemaamme kokemuksellisen maiseman avulla. Psykologi Lauri Rauhala ymmärtää kehollisuuden yhdeksi olemisen puoleksi, muiden ollessa tajunnallisuus ja paikkasidonnaisuus. Fenomenologi Maurice Merleau-Ponty on korostanut, että keho voi olla aistiva, mutta myös aistittu. Tutkimme siten maisemakokemusta luonnon, kehon ja mielen tilannesidonnaisena ilmentymänä – aistivana ja aistittuna. Tutkimusaineistonamme oli sukeltajista tehdyt puolistrukturoidut haastattelut, joiden avulla tarkastelimme kehoa moniaistisesta näkökulmasta ottaen huomioon niin vedenpinnan alaisen tunto-, maku-, haju- kuin äänimaiseman. Tulostemme mukaan vedenalaista maisemaa voi ajatella sukeltajalähtöisesti kolmena tasona: vedessä ylempänä on elämä, alhaalla pysähtyneisyydessä lähestytään kuolemaa ja vaakatasossa on vierailun hetki. Riskeistään huolimatta vedenpinnan alainen maisema ei ole vierailijalle luotaan työntävä: se on niin erilainen kuin pinnan päällinen, että se halutaan kokea uudelleen. Sukeltaminen tapahtuu niin sisä-, lähi- kuin kaukotuntemusaistien luotaamana. Eri aistien merkitys muuttuu kuitenkin merkittävästi vedenpinnan alla verrattuna pinnan päälliseen koettuun aistimaailmaan.</p

    Does a Mindfulness-, Acceptance-, and Value-Based Intervention for Burnout Have Long-Term Effects on Different Levels of Subjective Well-Being?

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    This study investigated whether beneficial intervention effects on burnout and mindfulness skills diffuse and facilitate the long-term development of different levels of subjective well-being: experiential (perceived stress), eudaimonic (psychological and social well-being), and evaluative (life satisfaction). Participants were Finnish employees with notable burnout (n = 105, 80% women). The study utilized individual profiles of burnout and mindfulness skills identified in a previous study (Kinnunen, Puolakanaho, Tolvanen, Mäkikangas, & Lappalainen, 2019). The profiles were based on levels and changes in burnout and mindfulness skills during an 8-week intervention and 4-month follow-up. In the present study, the same profiles were compared using a χ2 test for changes in the different levels of subjective well-being over 12 months. Although most profiles showed benefits in experiential subjective well-being, achieving a significant increase in eudaimonic or evaluative levels at the 12-month study period required a considerable decrease in burnout and increase in mindfulness skills during the preceding 6 months. Those who initially benefited the most from the intervention, that is, showed a decrease in burnout and increase in mindfulness skills, also showed the most favorable development in all 3 levels of subjective well-being during the 12-month study period. The differences in well-being between those who initially benefited from the intervention and those who did not seemed unlikely to diminish over time. It is thus important to monitor intervention effects on each level of subjective well-being to identify participants who are likely to need additional support to achieve long-term changes in well-being in all levels.peerReviewe

    Developmental profiles of reading fluency and reading comprehension from grades 1 to 9 and their early identification

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    This study examined developmental profiles of reading fluency and reading comprehension in Grades 1 to 9 (ages 7 to 15) in a large Finnish sample (N = 2,518). In addition, early predictors of the profiles were analyzed with respect to kindergarten cognitive skills (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, rapid automized naming [RAN], number counting, word reading, vocabulary, and listening comprehension), parental factors (level of education, reading difficulties), and gender. Four different profiles of reading fluency and reading comprehension development were identified using latent profile analysis. These comprised one profile with persistent reading difficulties across the grades, one with early poor reading skills but with a resolving tendency, one with average reading skills, and one with good readers who started with very high reading fluency but scored average over time. Of the kindergarten measures, parental reading difficulties, being male, low paternal level of education, slow RAN, difficulty in reading easy words, and low scores in phonological skills, letter knowledge, number counting, and vocabulary predicted reading difficulties. The children belonging to the profile with the resolving tendency showed an increased rate of family risk and multiple cognitive deficits but managed to resolve their reading difficulties. Being female, and good number counting and vocabulary skills predicted a tendency to resolve early reading difficulties. The results confirm the previous findings on the early predictors of reading difficulties and add to the literature by identifying skills that predict resolving patterns

    Impacts of drainage, restoration and warming on boreal wetland greenhouse gas fluxes

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    Northern wetlands with organic soil i.e., mires are significant carbon storages. This key ecosystem service may be threatened by anthropogenic activities and climate change, yet we still lack a consensus on how these major changes affects their carbon sink capacities. We studied how forestry drainage and restoration combined with experimental warming, impacts greenhouse gas fluxes of wetlands with peat. We measured CO2 and CH4 during two and N2O fluxes during one growing season using the chamber method. Gas fluxes were primarily controlled by water table, leaf area and temperature. Land use had a clear impact of on CO2 exchange. Forestry drainage increased respiration rates and decreased field layer net ecosystem CO2 uptake (NEE) and leaf area index (LAI), while at restoration sites the flux rates and LAI had recovered to the level of undrained sites. CH4 emissions were exceptionally low at all sites during our study years due to natural drought, but still somewhat lower at drained compared to undrained sites. Moderate warming triggered an increase in LAI across all land use types. This was accompanied by an increase in cumulative seasonal NEE. Restoration appeared to be an effective tool to return the ecosystem functions of these wetlands as we found no differences in LAI or any gas flux components (PMAX, Reco, NEE, CH4 or N2O) between restored and undrained sites. We did not find any signs that moderate warming would compromise the return of the ecosystem functions related to C sequestration. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Translation and validation of the Finnish version of index of dental anxiety and fear (IDAF-4C(+)) among dental students

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    Background: Dental fear accounts for 41% of the non-habitual dental attendance such as visiting only when in pain among adult Finns. Dentists should be able to recognize patients in risk for irregular attendance due to dental fear and measure their fear with valid and reliable instrument that capture the multidimensionality of dental fear. The study's aim was to translate the Index of Dental Anxiety and Fear (IDAF-4C+) into Finnish and test its reliability and validity.Methods: The study population consisted of dental students in a Finnish university (n = 202). The IDAF-4C(+) was back-and forward translated by experts as well as a native English translator, blinded to the original version. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Validity of the IDAF-4C(+) was assessed against the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) using Spearman correlation coefficients and through the use of Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and between genders using Mann-Whitney U tests.Results: The reliability of the IDAF-4C(+) was good, the Cronbach's alpha being 0.88. The IDAF-4C(+) and MDAS and their subscales were correlated, with coefficients varying between 0.34 and 0.85. Correlations were stronger with the emotional and physiological components of the IDAF-4C(+). EFA revealed one factor explaining 51.7% of the common variance (eigenvalue = 4.6). Women tended to have slightly higher mean scores than men (1.49 vs. 1.36, p = 0.247).Conclusions: The translation and localization of the Finnish version of the IDAF-4C(+) can be considered as providing some evidence of the validity and reliability of the scale. It adds to previously used measures as it considers also the behavioral, cognitive and physiological dimension involved in dental fear

    Social gradient in intermediary determinants of oral health at school level in Finland

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    Objective: An adapted framework for oral health inequalities suggests that structural determinants cause oral health inequalities through socio-economic position (SEP) and intermediary determinants. We applied this framework to examine whether there is a social gradient in the intermediary determinants at the school level, even when adjusted for school size, geographical location and teaching language. Basic research design: Cross-sectional survey. Methods: This study combined data from two independent studies focusing on Finnish upper comprehensive schools (N=970): the School Health Promotion study (SHPS) and the School Sweet Selling survey (SSSS). All schools that took part in the SSSS and whose pupils answered the SHPS were included in the analysis (n=360, response rate=37%). From the questions of the SHPS and the SSSS suitable for the theoretical framework, attitudes and access to intoxicants, school health services, school environment, home environment, the school's oral health-related actions and the pupil's own behaviour were selected as the intermediary determinants and as the factors determining the school-level SEP. The social gradient in the intermediary determinants of oral health was investigated with Pearson's and Spearman's correlation coefficients between those and the school-level SEP. In the multivariable analysis, the General Linear Model with manual backward elimination was used. Results: A social gradient was observed in the intermediary determinants 'home environment' and 'the pupils' tooth brushing frequency' and an inverse social gradient in 'attitudes and access to intoxicants' and 'school health services'. Conclusions: Social gradient between schools could increase Finnish adolescents' oral health inequalities.</div