424 research outputs found

    Analisis Peraturan Daerah Ditinjau dengan Teknik Penyusunan Peraturan Perundang-undangan (Studi di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat)

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    This thesis discusses the analysis of local regulations are reviewed by the engineering drafting legislation "(studies in the province of West Kalimantan). From the results of this thesis can be concluded that the construction of regional regulations in West Kalimantan Province as opposed to the technique of preparation of legislation occurs in the system preparation and formulation of words / phrases, sentences in the title, opening, position forming local regulations, the preamble, by law, the dictum, torso, general provisions, the material is set, the formulation of the criminal provisions, the transitional provisions, and provisions cover, as well as disagreement on the cover, even in substance the regional regulation in the Articles of certain problematic of the substance of legislation higher.That regional regulations exist in West Kalimantan Province as opposed to the technique of preparation of legislation remain in place for formal legally Regional Regulation remains valid because it is formed, defined by regulatory authorities and has been promulgated in the Regional Gazette, but in substance the provisions contrary with legislation of higher void. Still the implementation of the Regional Regulation is problematic due to several factors, among others, Human Resources (HR) personnel who spearhead / leading sector forming regional regulations mastered design techniques Regional Regulation / legal drafter is still low, the level of awareness and attention of observers and investigators problem Regulations undangandalam establishment of Regional Regulation is still low and the lack of budget allocated in the formation of regional regulation.This thesis discusses the analysis of local regulations are reviewed by the engineering drafting legislation "(studies in the province of West Kalimantan). From the results of this thesis can be concluded that the construction of regional regulations in West Kalimantan Province as opposed to the technique of preparation of legislation occurs in the system preparation and formulation of words / phrases, sentences in the title, opening, position forming local regulations, the preamble, by law, the dictum, torso, general provisions, the material is set, the formulation of the criminal provisions, the transitional provisions, and provisions cover, as well as disagreement on the cover, even in substance the regional regulation in the Articles of certain problematic of the substance of legislation higher. That regional regulations exist in West Kalimantan Province as opposed to the technique of preparation of legislation remain in place for formal legally Regional Regulation remains valid because it is formed, defined by regulatory authorities and has been promulgated in the Regional Gazette, but in substance the provisions contrary with legislation of higher void. Still the implementation of the Regional Regulation is problematic due to several factors, among others, Human Resources (HR) personnel who spearhead / leading sector forming regional regulations mastered design techniques Regional Regulation / legal drafter is still low, the level of awareness and attention of observers and investigators problem Regulations undangandalam establishment of Regional Regulation is still low and the lack of budget allocated in the formation of regional regulation. Recommendation: The need assessment / further analysis of the regional regulations in West Kalimantan province, both from the juridical aspect, sociological, philosophical, and technical drafting process and substance of the material muatanperaturan area, so after being a Regional Regulation, becoming Regional Regulation effective, not cause contradictions and problems of both aspects of Mechanical Drafting, formal and material as well as meet the needs and demands for social justice. Because the purpose of the establishment of Regional Regulation not only to the rule of law / rechmatigheid alone but also so that people know and should be implemented in order to benefit / dooelmatigheid for the community. In The Local Regulation in the province of West Kalimantan involve the participation of the wider community, especially students of law,Researcher law, legal experts from academics and designers Laws Invitation / legal drafter, because the public has the right to provide input verbal and / or written the establishment of regulatory legislation, as stipulated in Article 96, Article 98 and Article 99 of Law Number 12 Year 2011 on the establishment Regulation legislation that regional regulations have been enacted that will not be problematic

    L’Implémentation des 5S à l’Hôpital de Ségou au Mali, un Projet à Achever

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    Introduction  Les 5S en milieu hospitalier sont une approche simple, peu couteuse, mais très efficace pour améliorer la qualité des soins de santé par un meilleur environnement de travail. Le présent article a pour objectif de déterminer le niveau d’adhésion aux exigences des 5S à l’hôpital de Ségou mais aussi d’identifier les facteurs expliquant les écarts. Méthodologie Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive, transversale qui a porté sur le leadership, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu et Shitsuke. L’appréciation a consisté à déterminer le niveau de satisfaction des exigences de chaque composante. Pour cela la grille développée pour l’évaluation interne a été utilisée. Les techniques de collecte de données étaient l’observation, l’exploitation documentaire, l’entretien individuel. Résultats  Le niveau d’adhésion global aux exigences des 5S a été estimé à 52%, donc insuffisant. Hormis la composante leadership, jugé acceptable avec 70% de conformité, toutes les autres composantes étaient insuffisantes. Ce faible niveau de performance contraste avec celui de la réalisation des objectifs des 5S qui a été jugé bon avec un score de 82%. Conclusion L’adhésion des trois services pilotes aux exigences des 5S a été jugée faible selon nos critères. Ce faible niveau de performance n’était pas favorable à l’extension à d’autres services, voire d’étendre à d’autres hôpitaux du Mali. Introduction 5S in hospitals is a simple, low-cost but highly effective approach to improving the quality of healthcare by improving the working environment. The aim of this article is to determine the level of adherence to 5S requirements at Ségou Hospital, and also to identify the factors explaining the gaps. Methodology This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study that looked at leadership, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. The assessment consisted of determining the level of satisfaction of the requirements of each component. The grid developed for the internal assessment was used. Data collection techniques included observation, documentary analysis and individual interviews. Results The overall level of adherence to the 5S requirements was estimated at 52%, which is insufficient. Apart from the leadership component, which was deemed acceptable with 70% compliance, all the other components were inadequate. This low level of performance contrasts with the achievement of the 5S objectives, which was judged to be good with a score of 82%. Conclusion The adherence of the three pilot departments to the 5S requirements was judged to be low according to our criteria. This low level of performance was not conducive to extension to other departments, or even to other hospitals in Mali

    L’Implémentation des 5S à l’Hôpital de Ségou au Mali, un Projet à Achever

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    Introduction  Les 5S en milieu hospitalier sont une approche simple, peu couteuse, mais très efficace pour améliorer la qualité des soins de santé par un meilleur environnement de travail. Le présent article a pour objectif de déterminer le niveau d’adhésion aux exigences des 5S à l’hôpital de Ségou mais aussi d’identifier les facteurs expliquant les écarts. Méthodologie Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive, transversale qui a porté sur le leadership, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu et Shitsuke. L’appréciation a consisté à déterminer le niveau de satisfaction des exigences de chaque composante. Pour cela la grille développée pour l’évaluation interne a été utilisée. Les techniques de collecte de données étaient l’observation, l’exploitation documentaire, l’entretien individuel. Résultats  Le niveau d’adhésion global aux exigences des 5S a été estimé à 52%, donc insuffisant. Hormis la composante leadership, jugé acceptable avec 70% de conformité, toutes les autres composantes étaient insuffisantes. Ce faible niveau de performance contraste avec celui de la réalisation des objectifs des 5S qui a été jugé bon avec un score de 82%. Conclusion L’adhésion des trois services pilotes aux exigences des 5S a été jugée faible selon nos critères. Ce faible niveau de performance n’était pas favorable à l’extension à d’autres services, voire d’étendre à d’autres hôpitaux du Mali. Introduction 5S in hospitals is a simple, low-cost but highly effective approach to improving the quality of healthcare by improving the working environment. The aim of this article is to determine the level of adherence to 5S requirements at Ségou Hospital, and also to identify the factors explaining the gaps. Methodology This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study that looked at leadership, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. The assessment consisted of determining the level of satisfaction of the requirements of each component. The grid developed for the internal assessment was used. Data collection techniques included observation, documentary analysis and individual interviews. Results The overall level of adherence to the 5S requirements was estimated at 52%, which is insufficient. Apart from the leadership component, which was deemed acceptable with 70% compliance, all the other components were inadequate. This low level of performance contrasts with the achievement of the 5S objectives, which was judged to be good with a score of 82%. Conclusion The adherence of the three pilot departments to the 5S requirements was judged to be low according to our criteria. This low level of performance was not conducive to extension to other departments, or even to other hospitals in Mali

    Graphene-based textured surface by pulsed laser deposition as a robust platform for surface enhanced Raman scattering applications

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    International audienceWe have developed a surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active substrate based on gold nanoparticles-decorated few-layer (fl) graphene grown by pulsed laser deposition. Diamond-Like Carbon film has been converted to fl-graphene after thermal annealing at low temperature. The formation of fl-graphene was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy, and surface morphology was highlighted by scanning electron microscopy. We found that textured fl-graphene film with nanoscale roughness was highly beneficial for SERS detection. Rhodamine 6G and p-aminothiophenol proposed as test molecules were detected with high sensitivity. The detection at low concentration of deltamethrin, an active molecule of a commercial pesticide was further demonstrated

    Management de la Qualité à l’Hôpital de Ségou en 2018 (Mali)

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    Introduction : Les ‘‘5S-Kaizen-TQM’’ sont une démarche d’Assurance Qualité simple, peu onéreuse, innovante. Cette démarche initiée dans les services de Pédiatrie, de Gynéco-Obstétrique et Accueil des Urgences à l’Hôpital de Ségou en 2009, a ciblé à l’aide des 5S l’environnement de travail, le comportement du personnel, la satisfaction des clients, les indicateurs de soins. Le présent article vise à évaluer l’efficacité du management à travers la planification, l’organisation des ressources, la direction, le contrôle de la qualité. Méthodologie : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale, descriptive. Les techniques de collecte de données ont été l’entretien individuel, l’observation et l’exploitation documentaire. Résultats : Les fonctions évaluées du Management ont été jugée satisfaisante avec 94% pour la planification, l’organisation des ressources (81%), la direction (88%), le contrôle (82%). Ces différentes composantes ont permis d’apprécier l’efficacité du Management à l’hôpital de Ségou, qui avec un score de 86,25% a été jugé efficace selon nos critères. Cependant, quelques insuffisances dont l’absence d’engagement formel, de document de politique de qualité, de mécanisme formel d’écoute du client, la faible fonctionnalité des organes consultatifs, la longue file d’attente au bureau des entrées ont été notées.  Conclusion : Face aux insuffisances constatées et en vue de pérenniser les acquis, il a été suggéré de renforcer l’effectif du personnel, élaborer une politique qualité, réduire le temps d’attente, instituer des mécanismes d’écoute des clients, renforcer les mesures de contrôle de la qualité à l’Hôpital de Ségou.   Introduction: "5S-Kaizen-TQM" is a simple, inexpensive and innovative Quality Assurance approach. Initiated in the Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Emergency Departments at Ségou’s Hospital in 2009, this approach uses 5S to target the working environment, staff behaviour, customer satisfaction and care indicators. The aim of this article is to assess the effectiveness of management through planning, resource organisation, leadership and quality control. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study. Data collection techniques included individual interviews, observation and documentary analysis. Results: The management functions assessed were judged to be satisfactory, with 94% for planning, organisation of resources (81%), direction (88%) and control (82%). These different components made it possible to assess the effectiveness of management at Ségou Hospital, which, with a score of 86.25%, was judged to be effective according to our criteria. However, a number of shortcomings were noted, including the absence of a formal commitment, a quality policy document, a formal mechanism for listening to customers, the poor functioning of consultative bodies, and long queues at the admissions office.  Conclusion: In view of the shortcomings identified, and with a view to sustaining the gains made, it was suggested that the number of staff should be increased, a quality policy should be developed, waiting times should be reduced, mechanisms for listening to customers should be introduced, and quality control measures at Ségou Hospital should be strengthened

    Management de la Qualité à l’Hôpital de Ségou en 2018 (Mali)

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    Introduction : Les ‘‘5S-Kaizen-TQM’’ sont une démarche d’Assurance Qualité simple, peu onéreuse, innovante. Cette démarche initiée dans les services de Pédiatrie, de Gynéco-Obstétrique et Accueil des Urgences à l’Hôpital de Ségou en 2009, a ciblé à l’aide des 5S l’environnement de travail, le comportement du personnel, la satisfaction des clients, les indicateurs de soins. Le présent article vise à évaluer l’efficacité du management à travers la planification, l’organisation des ressources, la direction, le contrôle de la qualité. Méthodologie : Il s’agissait d’une étude transversale, descriptive. Les techniques de collecte de données ont été l’entretien individuel, l’observation et l’exploitation documentaire. Résultats : Les fonctions évaluées du Management ont été jugée satisfaisante avec 94% pour la planification, l’organisation des ressources (81%), la direction (88%), le contrôle (82%). Ces différentes composantes ont permis d’apprécier l’efficacité du Management à l’hôpital de Ségou, qui avec un score de 86,25% a été jugé efficace selon nos critères. Cependant, quelques insuffisances dont l’absence d’engagement formel, de document de politique de qualité, de mécanisme formel d’écoute du client, la faible fonctionnalité des organes consultatifs, la longue file d’attente au bureau des entrées ont été notées.  Conclusion : Face aux insuffisances constatées et en vue de pérenniser les acquis, il a été suggéré de renforcer l’effectif du personnel, élaborer une politique qualité, réduire le temps d’attente, instituer des mécanismes d’écoute des clients, renforcer les mesures de contrôle de la qualité à l’Hôpital de Ségou.   Introduction: "5S-Kaizen-TQM" is a simple, inexpensive and innovative Quality Assurance approach. Initiated in the Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics and Emergency Departments at Ségou’s Hospital in 2009, this approach uses 5S to target the working environment, staff behaviour, customer satisfaction and care indicators. The aim of this article is to assess the effectiveness of management through planning, resource organisation, leadership and quality control. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive study. Data collection techniques included individual interviews, observation and documentary analysis. Results: The management functions assessed were judged to be satisfactory, with 94% for planning, organisation of resources (81%), direction (88%) and control (82%). These different components made it possible to assess the effectiveness of management at Ségou Hospital, which, with a score of 86.25%, was judged to be effective according to our criteria. However, a number of shortcomings were noted, including the absence of a formal commitment, a quality policy document, a formal mechanism for listening to customers, the poor functioning of consultative bodies, and long queues at the admissions office.  Conclusion: In view of the shortcomings identified, and with a view to sustaining the gains made, it was suggested that the number of staff should be increased, a quality policy should be developed, waiting times should be reduced, mechanisms for listening to customers should be introduced, and quality control measures at Ségou Hospital should be strengthened

    Safe and stable generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using doggybone DNA vectors

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    The application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in advanced therapies is increasing at pace, but concerns remain over their clinical safety profile. We report the first-ever application of doggybone DNA (dbDNA) vectors to generate human iPSCs. dbDNA vectors are closed-capped linear double-stranded DNA gene expression cassettes that contain no bacterial DNA and are amplified by a chemically defined, current good manufacturing practice (cGMP)-compliant methodology. We achieved comparable iPSC reprogramming efficiencies using transiently expressing dbDNA vectors with the same iPSC reprogramming coding sequences as the state-of-the-art OriP/EBNA1 episomal vectors but, crucially, in the absence of p53 shRNA repression. Moreover, persistent expression of EBNA1 from bacterially derived episomes resulted in stimulation of the interferon response, elevated DNA damage, and increased spontaneous differentiation. These cellular activities were diminished or absent in dbDNA-iPSCs, resulting in lines with a greater stability and safety potential for cell therapy
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