72 research outputs found

    Assessment of spatio-temporal landscape changes from VHR images in three different permafrost areas in the western Russian Arctic

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    Our study highlights the usefulness of very high resolution (VHR) images to detect various types of disturbances over permafrost areas using three example regions in different permafrost zones. The study focuses on detecting subtle changes in land cover classes, thermokarst water bodies, river dynamics, retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) and infrastructure in the Yamal Peninsula, Urengoy and Pechora regions. Very high-resolution optical imagery (sub-meter) derived from WorldView, QuickBird and GeoEye in conjunction with declassified Corona images were involved in the analyses. The comparison of very high-resolution images acquired in 2003/2004 and 2016/2017 indicates a pronounced increase in the extent of tundra and a slight increase of land covered by water. The number of water bodies increased in all three regions, especially in discontinuous permafrost, where 14.86 of new lakes and ponds were initiated between 2003 and 2017. The analysis of the evolution of two river channels in Yamal and Urengoy indicates the dominance of erosion during the last two decades. An increase of both rivers’ lengths and a significant widening of the river channels were also observed. The number and total surface of RTS in the Yamal Peninsula strongly increased between 2004 and 2016. A mean annual headwall retreat rate of 1.86 m/year was calculated. Extensive networks of infrastructure occurred in the Yamal Peninsula in the last two decades, stimulating the initiation of new thermokarst features. The significant warming and seasonal variations of the hydrologic cycle, in particular, increased snow water equivalent acted in favor of deepening of the active layer; thus, an increasing number of thermokarst lake formations. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Intercomparison of five nets used for mesozooplankton sampling

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    Intercomparison of nets commonly used for mesozooplankton sampling in the Black and Mediterranean seas was attempted within SESAME (Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes) project. Five nets were compared: three Juday nets equipped with 150 μm, 180 μm and 200 μm mesh size, Nansen net (100 μm mesh size) and WP2 (200 μm mesh size). Replicated samples were collected at one station in the western Black Sea offshore waters in April 2009. Collected samples were analyzed at species level (except for meroplankton), stages (for copepods) and size length. A decrease of total abundance values was observed with increasing mesh size, due to the significantly higher numbers of animals smaller than 1 mm in the samples obtained by fine mesh size than with coarser nets. Few comparisons were revealed significant for the abundance of animals with 1-2 mm length, while no significance was detected for specimens larger than 2 mm. The above differences resulted in discripancies between nets regarding species and stages composition. Biomass values did not differ significantly between nets, due to the strong contribution to total biomass of the large animals fraction (Calanus euxinus). The smallest and the largest animals revealed high variability between replicates collected by Nansen, Juday- 200 μm and WP2 nets. Correction factors were calculated for the conversion of abundance values between each couple of nets. The detected differences between nets regarding the abundance and biomass, the community taxonomic composition and size structure, as well as the estimated correction factors, provide useful information for the harmonization of data obtained by the above nets in the Black Sea

    A multinational survey of companion animal veterinary clinicians: How can antimicrobial stewardship guidelines be optimised for the target stakeholder?

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    Antimicrobial stewardship initiatives are widely regarded as a cornerstone for ameliorating the global health impact of antimicrobial resistance. Within companion animal health, such efforts have largely focused on development and dissemination of antimicrobial stewardship guidelines (ASGs). However, there have been few attempts to understand veterinarian attitudes towards and knowledge of ASGs or to determine how awareness regarding ASGs might best be increased. An online survey regarding ASGs was formulated for veterinarians who treat companion animals. The survey was distributed across 46 European and associated countries between 12 January and 30 June, 2022. In total, 2271 surveys were completed, with 64.9% of respondents (n = 1474) reporting awareness and usage of at least one ASG. Respondents from countries with greater awareness of ASGs tended to report more appropriate use of antimicrobials (Spearman's rank coefficient = 0.6084, P ≤ 0.001), with respondents from countries with country-specific ASGs tending to score highest across both awareness and appropriate use domains. Respondents prioritised guidance around antimicrobial choice (82.0%, n = 1863), duration of treatment (66.0%, n = 1499), and dosage (51.9%, n = 1179) for inclusion in future ASGs, with 78.0% (n = 1776) of respondents preferring ASGs to be integrated into their patient management system. Awareness of ASGs and their use in companion animal veterinary practice appears to be greater than previously reported, with respondents tending to report antimicrobial prescription decision making broadly in line with current clinical recommendations. However, further initiatives aimed at maximising accessibility to ASGs both within countries and individual veterinary practices are recommended. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    An environmental assessment of risk in achieving good environmental status to support regional prioritisation of management in Europe

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    The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) aims to achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) in Europe's Seas. The requirement for regional sea authorities to identify and prioritise issues for management has meant that standardized methods to assess the current level of departure from GES are needed. The methodology presented here provides a means by which existing information describing the status of ecosystem components of a regional sea can be used to determine the effort required to achieve GES. A risk assessment framework was developed to score departure from GES for 10 out of the 11 GES descriptors, based on proposed definitions of 'good' status, and current knowledge of environmental status in each of the four regional seas (North-East Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea and Black Sea). This provides an approach for regional evaluation of environmental issues and national prioritisation of conservation objectives. Departure from GES definitions is described as 'high', 'moderate' or low' and the implications for management options and national policy decisions are discussed. While the criteria used in this study were developed specifically for application toward MSFD objectives, with modification the approach could be applied to evaluate other high-level social, economic or environmental objectives. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    An exposure-effect approach for evaluating ecosystem-wide risks from human activities

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    Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is promoted as the solution for sustainable use. An ecosystem-wide assessment methodology is therefore required. In this paper, we present an approach to assess the risk to ecosystem components from human activities common to marine and coastal ecosystems. We build on: (i) a linkage framework that describes how human activities can impact the ecosystem through pressures, and (ii) a qualitative expert judgement assessment of impact chains describing the exposure and sensitivity of ecological components to those activities. Using case study examples applied at European regional sea scale, we evaluate the risk of an adverse ecological impact from current human activities to a suite of ecological components and, once impacted, the time required for recovery to pre-impact conditions should those activities subside. Grouping impact chains by sectors, pressure type, or ecological components enabled impact risks and recovery times to be identified, supporting resource managers in their efforts to prioritize threats for management, identify most at-risk components, and generate time frames for ecosystem recovery

    Illumina short-read and MinION long-read WGS to characterize the molecular epidemiology of an NDM-1 Serratia marcescens outbreak in Romania

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    Background and Objectives: Serratia marcescens is an emerging nosocomial pathogen, and the carbapenemase blaNDM has been reported in several surveys in Romania. We aimed to investigate the molecular epidemiology of S. marcescens in two Romanian hospitals over 2010-2015; including a neonatal NDM-1- S. marcescens outbreak. Methods: Isolates were sequenced using Illumina technology together with carbapenem-non-susceptible NDM-1-positive and NDM-1-negative K. pneumoniae and E. cloacae to provide genomic context. A subset were sequenced with MinION to fully resolve NDM-1 plasmid structures. Resistance genes, plasmid replicons and insertion sequences were identified in silico for all isolates; an annotated phylogeny was reconstructed for S. marcescens. Fully resolved study NDM-1 plasmid sequences were compared with the most closely related publicly available NDM-1 plasmid reference. Results: 44/45 isolates were successfully sequenced (S. marcescens, n=33; K. pneumoniae, n=7; E. cloacae, n=4); ten with MinION. The S. marcescens phylogeny demonstrated several discrete clusters of NDM-1-positive and negative isolates. All NDM-1-positive isolates across species harboured a pKOX-NDM-1-like plasmid; more detailed comparisons of the plasmid structures demonstrated a number of differences, but largely conserved plasmid backbones across species and hospital sites. Conclusions: The molecular epidemiology is most consistent with the importation of a pKOX-NDM1-like plasmid into Romania and its dissemination amongst K. pneumoniae/E. cloacae and subsequently S. marcescens across hospitals. The data suggested multiple acquisitions of this plasmid by S. marcescens in the two hospitals studied; transmission events within centres, including a large outbreak on the Targu-Mures neonatal unit; and sharing of the pKOX-NDM-1-like plasmid between species within outbreaks