232 research outputs found

    Deductive Verification of Parallel Programs Using Why3

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    The Message Passing Interface specification (MPI) defines a portable message-passing API used to program parallel computers. MPI programs manifest a number of challenges on what concerns correctness: sent and expected values in communications may not match, resulting in incorrect computations possibly leading to crashes; and programs may deadlock resulting in wasted resources. Existing tools are not completely satisfactory: model-checking does not scale with the number of processes; testing techniques wastes resources and are highly dependent on the quality of the test set. As an alternative, we present a prototype for a type-based approach to programming and verifying MPI like programs against protocols. Protocols are written in a dependent type language designed so as to capture the most common primitives in MPI, incorporating, in addition, a form of primitive recursion and collective choice. Protocols are then translated into Why3, a deductive software verification tool. Source code, in turn, is written in WhyML, the language of the Why3 platform, and checked against the protocol. Programs that pass verification are guaranteed to be communication safe and free from deadlocks. We verified several parallel programs from textbooks using our approach, and report on the outcome.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459

    Note on Hemin, or So-Called Hydro-Chlorate of Hematin.

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    Design strategies for socio-environmentally adverse territories

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    In an inland southern region of Portugal, pathologies that intersect social and environmental problems have been identified, such as low density, aged and dispersed population, as well as low rainfall and high temperatures. An applied research and development initiative endorsing those problems was carried out by students and staff of the University of Lisbon along two years. This text reflects on this experience and the role of design on such predicaments. The research questions are: how and what kind of innovation can design bring to the community’s quality of life in territories under adverse conditions of that kind? A previous analysis, carried out between local authorities and our design school, allowed us to trace two lines of investigation, one aimed at intensifying the flow of people within the territory, and the other focused on promoting the relationship between Man and his environment. Considering that design can contribute to the process of social change, through design for social innovation and collaborative services, we reflect on the main characteristics that the design projects must contemplate, which are: a usercentered perspective; be a participatory process; to draft with a sustainability perspective; adopt a multilevel perspective; to endorse innovation; and sustain problem solving. The research methodology involves the transversal use of design methods and participatory processes, immersion in the territory, collection of primary and secondary data, definition of the concept, development of proposals, communication, and validation by the municipal authorities. The results are a set of projects with a wide range of solutions in the field of social innovation, with the aim of valuing social interaction, valuing culture and regenerating the local landscape, namely: a cultural caravan service; a Lab-desk service; a cultural project to reactivate community wood-fired bread ovens; a website to publicize local projects focused on agroecological food; a Center for the Intangible Cultural Heritage; a co-working and co-living service; an environmental festival; a research service aimed at better understanding the needs of the “silent population”; a garden at the historic urban center of Mértola town; a public botanical garden; and, the renovation of a public area in a small village. The relevance of this work lies in the assertion of the potential of design strategies for social innovation, particularly in a context of social and environmental adversity, where design can fulfill a key role valuing the daily lives of populations. This article demonstrates that there is an immense space for work involving the public institutions managing this type of territories and the design academia. From our experience, a transversal line stands out: the intersection between local knowledge and the external population. This converges it the idea that the value that design brings to this kind of community is the drafting of arenas of social interaction where the local social fabric is nurtured and, simultaneously, beholding people’s awareness of the surrounding environment’s frailty.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Inferring types for parallel programs

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    The Message Passing Interface (MPI) framework is widely used in implementing imperative pro- grams that exhibit a high degree of parallelism. The PARTYPES approach proposes a behavioural type discipline for MPI-like programs in which a type describes the communication protocol followed by the entire program. Well-typed programs are guaranteed to be exempt from deadlocks. In this paper we describe a type inference algorithm for a subset of the original system; the algorithm allows to statically extract a type for an MPI program from its source code.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2017, arXiv:1704.0241

    Soluções (sedutoras) de Design para uma alimentação sustentável

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    Este artigo desenvolve-se em duas partes: na primeira, discute-se como o Design se cruza com as questões da sustentabilidade e, na segunda parte, apresentam-se exemplos de soluções que contribuem para uma alimentação mais sustentável das comunidades.O Design baseia-se num processo de trabalho, mais recentemente apelidado de Design Thinking, que visa encontrar soluções para as necessidades das pessoas. Os atuais desafios de desenvolvimento sustentável vieram despoletar um novo paradigma, constituído por: um novo objecto de estudo – Design para a Sustentabilidade; um novo modo de atuar – processos colaborativos; novas tipologias – Design Social e Design para a Inovação Social e novas ferramentas - Design de Sistemas e Design de Serviços.Em termos de alimentação, pretendemos responder à questão: como pode o Design ajudar a que toda população se alimente melhor e, simultaneamente, reduza a pegada ecológica? Como forma de ilustrar soluções que contribuem para a alimentação sustentável, apresentamos cinco exemplos, que têm em comum a valorização da cultura alimentar, o emprego no sector e a coesão social das comunidades envolvidas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Procesos de Diseño en Innovación Social: lecciones aprendidas a partir de tres casos portugueses apoyados por instrumentos políticos

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    El Diseño es una de las disciplinas creativas presente en la Innovación Social. La complejidad de los desafíos sociales destaca, no solo en la necesidad de este cambio social, sino también por modificar la manera en la que se desarrolla esta innovación. Dos perspectivas teóricas orientan la investigación sobre el proceso de la Innovación Social. La primera está centrada en el agente, bajo esta perspectiva la Innovación Social es estudiada por las acciones de los individuos y la colectividad, y ésta es difundida por los estudios de Diseño. La segunda es estructuralista, comprende que la Innovación Social está determinada por el concepto estructural externo, y es estudiada por las teorías organizativas. A partir de las dos perspectivas se propone una tercera alternativa, denominada: estructuración, y se enfoca en el estudio de la creación e institucionalización de las prácticas. A partir del surgimiento de la Estrategia Europa 2020, crece el número de instrumentos políticos en Portugal que propician el desarrollo y la institucionalización de la Innovación Social. En esta coyuntura es relevante ampliar los estudios de Diseño e incorporar en las investigaciones el contexto político que favorece la Innovación Social. Para lograrlo, se realizó un estudio que explora las prácticas de Diseño a partir de tres proyectos portugueses con distintos fines — para la investigación, para los emprendedores y para la educación. Las lecciones aprendidas resumen la capacidad del Diseño en generar resultados significativos, a la dificultad de medir el impacto del Diseño, y a la necesidad de preparar mejor a los diseñadores para que actúen en el área de la Innovación Social. Al final de este estudio es posible apuntar las buenas prácticas aprendidas a partir de una estructura política que favorece el florecimiento de la Innovación Social y la experiencia de los diseñadores portugueses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    4ª edição

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    Obra publicada por ocasião da exposição patente na Galeria Cabe 184, de 17 de dezembro de 2022 a 23 de janeiro de 2023. Residência artística decorrida entre 10 a 30 de outubro de 2022. Trata-se da 4ª edição da residência artísticainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio