426 research outputs found

    Decretum almae vniuersitatis Parisiensis. Anno salutis 1626. die 12. Kal. Maias in maturinensi, scribendo adfuerunt rector, decani, procuratores, magistri \1626?!

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    Decretum almae vniuersitatis Parisiensis. Anno salutis 1626. die 12. Kal. Maias in maturinensi, scribendo adfuerunt rector, decani, procuratores, magistri \1626?! \8! p. ; 8 Il nome del curatore si deduce a fine testo La data probabile di pubblicazione si ricava dall'intitolazione Segn.: A4

    Censura sacrae facultatis theologiae parisiensis, lata in librum qui inscribitur, Antonii Sanctarelli, ex societate Iesu, Tractatus de haeresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in sacramento penitentiae, & de potestate summi pontificis in his delictis puniendis. Ad serenissimum principem Mauritium Cardinalem a Sabaudia A Paris : par Ioseph Bouillerot, rue de la Boucherie, a l'image Saincte Barbe, 1626

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    Censura sacrae facultatis theologiae parisiensis, lata in librum qui inscribitur, Antonii Sanctarelli, ex societate Iesu, Tractatus de haeresi, schismate, apostasia, sollicitatione in sacramento penitentiae, & de potestate summi pontificis in his delictis puniendis. Ad serenissimum principem Mauritium Cardinalem a Sabaudia A Paris : par Ioseph Bouillerot, rue de la Boucherie, a l'image Saincte Barbe, 1626 8 p. ; 8 Backer-Sommervogel v. 7 col. 581 Il nome del curatore dell'atto risulta essere a fine testo Segn.: A4

    Censura et sentenza di damnatione fatte dalla Sorbona facolta della sacra theologia di Parigi, con diuersi atti publici del parlamento, contra il libro del padre Antonio Santarelli gesuita stampato in Roma col titolo De haeresi, schismate, & c. che contiene dottrina noua, scandalosa, tirannica, & heretica In Parigi : per Giovanni Boullerot, all'insegna di S. Barbara, 1626

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    Censura et sentenza di damnatione fatte dalla Sorbona facolta della sacra theologia di Parigi, con diuersi atti publici del parlamento, contra il libro del padre Antonio Santarelli gesuita stampato in Roma col titolo De haeresi, schismate, & c. che contiene dottrina noua, scandalosa, tirannica, & heretica In Parigi : per Giovanni Boullerot, all'insegna di S. Barbara, 1626 [8] c. ; 8º Backer-Sommervogel v. 7 col. 581 Segn.: A⁸

    Complications of Zygomatic Implants: Our Clinical Experience with 4 Cases

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    Zigomatični implantati koriste se već gotovo dvadeset godina kao alternativa presađivanju kosti pri rehabilitaciji bezube i atropične maksile i pritom su postignuti zadovoljavajući klinički rezultati. Ipak, pacijentima liječenima tom tehnikom mogu se razviti ozbiljne komplikacije koje mogu ugroziti protetički rad. Četiri takva slučaja opisana su u ovom izvještaju – prvi s kožnom fistulom u zigomatično-orbitalnom području uzrokovanom aseptičnom nekrozom na apikalnom kraju implantata koja je liječena kirurškim uklanjanjem toga dijela; u drugom slučaju to je bio gubitak implantata zbog neuspjele osteointegracije pa je cijeli usadak uklonjen, a u trećem i četvrtom slučaju riječ je o periimplantitisu i djelomičnom uklanjanju implantata. Sve komplikacije liječene su bez ugrožavanja restauracije koja je ostala funkcionalna nakon odgovarajućih prilagodbi.Zygomatic implants have been used for rehabilitation of the edentulous atrophic maxilla as an alternative to bone grafting for almost two decades resulting in satisfactory clinical outcomes. However, the patients with edentulous atrophic maxilla treated using this technique may present serious complications that could put the prosthetic restoration at risk. Four cases are reported in this paper, one case with a cutaneous fistula in the left zygomatic-orbital area caused by aseptic necrosis at the apical part of the implant, which was treated with the surgical removal of this part, a second case with loss of the right zygomatic implant due to failure of osseointegration and two cases of periimplantitis that resulted in partial and complete removal of the implant, respectively. All patients who had complications were treated without compromising the restoration which remained functional after appropriately modified treatment

    Primary tooth abscess caused by Mycobacterium bovis in an immunocompetent child

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    Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease, and although its incidence has dramatically decreased in developed countries where effective control measures are applied, it still remains a potential health hazard in the developing world. Tuberculosis of the oral cavity is extremely rare and is usually secondary to pulmonary involvement. We present the unusual case of an immunocompetent 6-year-old child residing in an urban area with primary oral tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis, which was confirmed by the application of a molecular genetic approach. M. bovis belongs to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex which comprises species with close genetic relationship, and for this reason, the use of new molecular techniques is a useful tool for the differentiation at species level of the closely related members of this complex

    Education, biological ageing, all-cause and cause-specific mortality and morbidity : UK biobank cohort study

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    Background: Socioeconomic position as measured by education may be embodied and affect the functioning of key physiological systems. Links between social disadvantage, its biological imprint, and cause-specific mortality and morbidity have not been investigated in large populations, and yet may point towards areas for public health interventions beyond targeting individual behaviours. Methods: Using data from 366,748 UK Biobank participants with 13 biomarker measurements, we calculated a Biological Health Score (BHS, ranging from 0 to 1) capturing the level of functioning of five physiological systems. Associations between BHS and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer, and mortality from all, CVD, cancer, and external causes were examined. We explored the role of education in these associations. Mendelian randomisation using genetic evidence was used to triangulate these findings. Findings: An increase in BHS of 0.1 was associated with all-cause (HR = 1.14 [1.12–1.16] and 1.09 [1.07–1.12] in men and women respectively), cancer (HR = 1.11 [1.09–1.14] and 1.07 [1.04–1.10]) and CVD (HR = 1.25 [1.20–1.31] and 1.21 [1.11–1.31]) mortality, CVD incidence (HR = 1.15 [1.13–1.16] and 1.17 [1.15–1.19]). These associations survived adjustment for education, lifestyle-behaviours, body mass index (BMI), co-morbidities and medical treatments. Mendelian randomisation further supported the link between the BHS and CVD incidence (HR = 1.31 [1.21–1.42]). The BHS contributed to CVD incidence prediction (age-adjusted C-statistic = 0.58), other than through education and health behaviours. Interpretation: The BHS captures features of the embodiment of education, health behaviours, and more proximal unknown factors which all complementarily contribute to all-cause, cancer and CVD morbidity and premature death. © 2020 The Author(s)Peer reviewe

    The blood metabolome of incident kidney cancer: A case-control study nested within the MetKid consortium.

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    BackgroundExcess bodyweight and related metabolic perturbations have been implicated in kidney cancer aetiology, but the specific molecular mechanisms underlying these relationships are poorly understood. In this study, we sought to identify circulating metabolites that predispose kidney cancer and to evaluate the extent to which they are influenced by body mass index (BMI).Methods and findingsWe assessed the association between circulating levels of 1,416 metabolites and incident kidney cancer using pre-diagnostic blood samples from up to 1,305 kidney cancer case-control pairs from 5 prospective cohort studies. Cases were diagnosed on average 8 years after blood collection. We found 25 metabolites robustly associated with kidney cancer risk. In particular, 14 glycerophospholipids (GPLs) were inversely associated with risk, including 8 phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and 2 plasmalogens. The PC with the strongest association was PC ae C34:3 with an odds ratio (OR) for 1 standard deviation (SD) increment of 0.75 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.68 to 0.83, p = 2.6 × 10-8). In contrast, 4 amino acids, including glutamate (OR for 1 SD = 1.39, 95% CI: 1.20 to 1.60, p = 1.6 × 10-5), were positively associated with risk. Adjusting for BMI partly attenuated the risk association for some-but not all-metabolites, whereas other known risk factors of kidney cancer, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, had minimal impact on the observed associations. A mendelian randomisation (MR) analysis of the influence of BMI on the blood metabolome highlighted that some metabolites associated with kidney cancer risk are influenced by BMI. Specifically, elevated BMI appeared to decrease levels of several GPLs that were also found inversely associated with kidney cancer risk (e.g., -0.17 SD change [ßBMI] in 1-(1-enyl-palmitoyl)-2-linoleoyl-GPC (P-16:0/18:2) levels per SD change in BMI, p = 3.4 × 10-5). BMI was also associated with increased levels of glutamate (ßBMI: 0.12, p = 1.5 × 10-3). While our results were robust across the participating studies, they were limited to study participants of European descent, and it will, therefore, be important to evaluate if our findings can be generalised to populations with different genetic backgrounds.ConclusionsThis study suggests a potentially important role of the blood metabolome in kidney cancer aetiology by highlighting a wide range of metabolites associated with the risk of developing kidney cancer and the extent to which changes in levels of these metabolites are driven by BMI-the principal modifiable risk factor of kidney cancer

    7. Theologie des Gottesdienstes als trinitarische Theologie

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