141 research outputs found

    Blazar sequence - an artefact of Doppler boosting

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    The blazar sequence is a scenario in which the bolometric luminosity of the blazar governs the appearance of its spectral energy distribution. The most prominent result is the significant negative correlation between the synchrotron peak frequencies and the synchrotron peak luminosities of the blazar population. Observational studies of the blazar sequence have, in general, neglected the effect of Doppler boosting. We study the dependence of both the synchrotron peak frequency and luminosity with Doppler-corrected quantities. We determine the spectral energy distributions of 135 radio-bright AGN and find the best-fit parabolic function for the distribution to quantify their synchrotron emission. The corresponding measurements of synchrotron peak luminosities and frequencies are Doppler-corrected with a new set of Doppler factors calculated from variability data. The relevant correlations for the blazar sequence are determined for these intrinsic quantities. The Doppler factor depends strongly on the synchrotron peak frequency, the lower energy sources being more boosted. Applying the Doppler correction to the peak frequencies and luminosities annuls the negative correlation between the two quantities, which becomes positive. For BL Lacertae objects, the positive correlation is particularly strong. The blazar sequence, when defined as the anticorrelation between the peak frequency and luminosity of the synchrotron component of the spectral energy distribution, disappears when the intrinsic, Doppler-corrected values are used. It is an observational phenomenon created by variable Doppler boosting across the synchrotron peak frequency range.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures + 2 tables. The published version with minor changes, the main conclusions are unchange

    Statistical analyses of long-term variability of AGN at high radio frequencies

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    We present a study of variability time scales in a large sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at several frequencies between 4.8 and 230 GHz. We investigate the differences of various AGN types and frequencies and correlate the measured time scales with physical parameters such as the luminosity and the Lorentz factor. Our sample consists of both high and low polarization quasars, BL Lacertae objects and radio galaxies. The basis of this work is the 22 GHz, 37 GHz and 87 GHz monitoring data from the Metsahovi Radio Observatory spanning over 25 years. In addition,we used higher 90 GHz and 230 GHz frequency data obtained with the SEST-telescope between 1987 and 2003. Further lower frequency data at 4.8 GHz, 8 GHz and 14.5 GHz from the University of Michigan monitoring programme have been used. We have applied three different statistical methods to study the time scales: The structure function, the discrete correlation function and the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. We discuss also the differences and relative merits of these three methods. Our study reveals that smaller flux density variations occur in these sources on short time scales of 1-2 years, but larger outbursts happen quite rarely, on the average only once in every 6 years. We do not find any significant differences in the time scales between the source classes. The time scales are also only weakly related to the luminosity suggesting that the shock formation is caused by jet instabilities rather than the central black hole.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Variability of the Spectral Energy Distribution of the Blazar S5 0716+714

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    The emission from blazars is known to be variable at all wavelengths. The flux variability is often accompanied by spectral changes. Spectral energy distribution (SED) changes must be associated with changes in the spectra of emitting electrons and/or the physical parameters of the jet. Meaningful modeling of blazar broadband spectra is required to understand the extreme conditions within the emission region. Not only is the broadband SED crucial, but also information about its variability is needed to understand how the highest states of emission occur and how they differ from the low states. This may help in discriminating between models. Here we present the results of our SED modeling of the blazar S5 0716+714 during various phases of its activity. The SEDs are classified into different bins depending on the optical brightness state of the source.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, contributed talk presented at the conference Multifrequency Variability of Blazars, Guangzhou, China, September 22-24, 2010. To appear in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (JAA

    Multi-epoch VLBA observations of 3C 66A

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    We present the results of six-epoch Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of 3C~66A. The high-resolution Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) maps obtained at multi-frequency (2.3, 8.4, and 22.2 GHz) simultaneously enabled us to identify the brightest compact component with the core. We find that the spectrum of the core can be reasonably fitted by the synchrotron self-absorption model. Our VLBA maps show that the jet of 3C~66A has two bendings at about 1.2 and 4 mas from the core. We also give possible identifications of our jet components with the components in previous VLBA observations by analysing their proper motions. We find consistent differences of the position from the core in one component between different frequencies at six epochs.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, received 30 January 2007, accepted 22 March 200

    Multifrequency VLBA Monitoring of 3C 273 during the INTEGRAL Campaign in 2003 - I. Kinematics of the Parsec Scale Jet from 43 GHz Data

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    In this first of a series of papers describing polarimetric multifrequency Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) monitoring of 3C 273 during a simultaneous campaign with the INTEGRAL gamma-ray satellite in 2003, we present 5 Stokes I images and source models at 7 mm. We show that a part of the inner jet (1-2 milliarcseconds from the core) is resolved in a direction transverse to the flow, and we analyse the kinematics of the jet within the first 10 mas. Based on the VLBA data and simultaneous single-dish flux density monitoring, we determine an accurate value for the Doppler factor of the parsec scale jet, and using this value with observed proper motions, we calculate the Lorentz factors and the viewing angles for the emission components in the jet. Our data indicates a significant velocity gradient across the jet with the components travelling near the southern edge being faster than the components with more northern path. We discuss our observations in the light of jet precession model and growing plasma instabilities.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 16 pages, 15 figure

    Long-term radio variability of AGN: flare characteristics

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    We have studied the flare characteristics of 55 AGN at 8 different frequency bands between 4.8 and 230 GHz. Our extensive database enables us to study the various observational properties of flares in these sources and compare our results with theoretical models. We visually extracted 159 individual flares from the flux density curves and calculated different parameters, such as the peak flux density and duration, in all the frequency bands. The selection of flares is based on the 22 and 37 GHz data from Mets\"ahovi Radio Observatory and 90 and 230 GHz data from the SEST telescope. Additional lower frequency 4.8, 8, and 14.5 GHz data are from the University of Michigan Radio Observatory. We also calculated variability indices and compared them with earlier studies. The observations seem to adhere well to the shock model, but there is still large scatter in the data. Especially the time delays between different frequency bands are difficult to study due to the incomplete sampling of the higher frequencies. The average duration of the flares is 2.5 years at 22 and 37 GHz, which shows that long-term monitoring is essential for understanding the typical behaviour in these sources. It also seems that the energy release in a flare is independent of the duration of the flare.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    A multifrequency analysis of radio variability of blazars

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    We have carried out a multifrequency analysis of the radio variability of blazars, exploiting the data obtained during the extensive monitoring programs carried out at the University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory (UMRAO, at 4.8, 8, and 14.5 GHz) and at the Metsahovi Radio Observatory (22 and 37 GHz). Two different techniques detect, in the Metsahovi light curves, evidences of periodicity at both frequencies for 5 sources (0224+671, 0945+408, 1226+023, 2200+420, and 2251+158). For the last three sources consistent periods are found also at the three UMRAO frequencies and the Scargle (1982) method yields an extremely low false-alarm probability. On the other hand, the 22 and 37 GHz periodicities of 0224+671 and 0945+408 (which were less extensively monitored at Metsahovi and for which we get a significant false-alarm probability) are not confirmed by the UMRAO database, where some indications of ill-defined periods about a factor of two longer are retrieved. We have also investigated the variability index, the structure function, and the distribution of intensity variations of the most extensively monitored sources. We find a statistically significant difference in the distribution of the variability index for BL Lac objects compared to flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), in the sense that the former objects are more variable. For both populations the variability index steadily increases with increasing frequency. The distribution of intensity variations also broadens with increasing frequency, and approaches a log-normal shape at the highest frequencies. We find that variability enhances by 20-30% the high frequency counts of extragalactic radio-sources at bright flux densities, such as those of the WMAP and Planck surveys.Comment: A&A accepted. 12 pages, 16 figure

    Wavelet analysis of a large sample of AGN at high radio frequencies

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    We have studied the characteristic timescales of 80 AGNs at 22, 37 and 90 GHz examining the properties of the wavelet method and comparing them to traditional Fourier-based methods commonly used in astronomy. We used the continuous wavelet transform with the Morlet wavelet to study the characteristic timescales. We also gain information when the timescale is present in the flux curve and if it is persistent or not. Our results show that the sources are not periodic and changes in the timescales over a long time are common. The property of wavelets to be able to distinguish when the timescale has been present is superior to the Fourier-based methods. Therefore we consider it appropriate to use wavelets when the quasi-periodicities in AGNs are studied.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, A&A in pres

    Relative Timing of Variability of Blazars at X‐Ray and Lower Frequencies

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    The rich X‐ray light curves of blazars obtained with RXTE allow meaningful correlation analyses with longer wavelengths. This reveals strong connections of variations across the electromagnetic spectrum. In 3C 279, PKS 1510‐089, and BL Lac, the characteristics of the X‐ray variability change along with the projected direction of the compact jet. Outbursts in the radio, IR, or optical often precede flares at high energies. A period of pronounced variability in BL Lac in late 2000 occurs at both optical and X‐ray frequencies, with the X‐ray spectral index steepening. A superluminal radio knot is ejected during this event. The implication of our monitoring results is that the IR to X‐ray (as well as γ‐ray) emission is cospatial with the compact radio jet, most likely occurring in the superluminal knots. In the radio galaxy 3C 120, in which the X‐rays probably come mainly from a hot accretion‐disk corona, the appearance of superluminal radio knots follows (by 4 weeks) dips in the X‐ray emission, as in microquasars but on longer timescales. The delay implies that the core of the radio jet, as seen in mm‐wave VLBA images, lies at least 0.4 pc from the central engine, consistent with models in which the jet flow accelerates far from the black hole. The quasar 3C 273 may be an interesting hybrid case in which contributions to the X‐ray emission may come from both the jet and corona. The power spectral density has a low‐frequency break that, in analogy with black‐hole binary systems, implies a mass of the central black hole of 3 – 6 × 108 M☉, similar to that obtained by reverberation mapping of emission‐line variability. © 2004 American Institute of PhysicsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87866/2/167_1.pd

    A possible jet precession in the periodic quasar B0605-085

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    The quasar B0605-085 (OH 010) shows a hint for probable periodical variability in the radio total flux-density light curves. We study the possible periodicity of B0605-085 in the total flux-density, spectra and opacity changes in order to compare it with jet kinematics on parsec scales. We have analyzed archival total flux-density variability at ten frequencies (408 MHz, 4.8 GHz, 6.7 GHz, 8 GHz, 10.7 GHz, 14.5 GHz, 22 GHz, 37 GHz, 90 GHz, and 230 GHz) together with the archival high-resolution very long baseline interferometry data at 15 GHz from the MOJAVE monitoring campaign. Using the Fourier transform and discrete autocorrelation methods we have searched for periods in the total flux-density light curves. In addition, spectral evolution and changes of the opacity have been analyzed. We found a period in multi-frequency total flux-density light curves of 7.9+-0.5 yrs. Moreover, a quasi-stationary jet component C1 follows a prominent helical path on a similar time scale of 8 years. We have also found that the average instantaneous speeds of the jet components show a clear helical pattern along the jet with a characteristic scale of 3 mas. Taking into account average speeds of jet components, this scale corresponds to a time scale of about 7.7 years. Jet precession can explain the helical path of the quasi-stationary jet component C1 and the periodical modulation of the total flux-density light curves. We have fitted a precession model to the trajectory of the jet component C1, with a viewing angle phi=2.6+-2.2 degrees, aperture angle of the precession cone Omega=23.9+-1.9 degrees and fixed precession period (in the observers frame) P = 7.9 yrs.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&
